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Being basic ingredients of numerous daily-life products with significant industrial importance as well as basic building blocks for biomaterials, charged hydrogels continue to pose a series of unanswered challenges for scientists even after decades of practical applications and intensive research efforts. Despite a rather simple internal structure it is mainly the unique combination of short- and long-range forces which render scientific investigations of their characteristic properties to be quite difficult. Hence early on computer simulations were used to link analytical theory and empirical experiments, bridging the gap between the simplifying assumptions of the models and the complexity of real world measurements. Due to the immense numerical effort, even for high performance supercomputers, system sizes and time scales were rather restricted until recently, whereas it only now has become possible to also simulate a network of charged macromolecules. This is the topic of the presented thesis which investigates one of the fundamental and at the same time highly fascinating phenomenon of polymer research: The swelling behaviour of polyelectrolyte networks. For this an extensible simulation package for the research on soft matter systems, ESPResSo for short, was created which puts a particular emphasis on mesoscopic bead-spring-models of complex systems. Highly efficient algorithms and a consistent parallelization reduced the necessary computation time for solving equations of motion even in case of long-ranged electrostatics and large number of particles, allowing to tackle even expensive calculations and applications. Nevertheless, the program has a modular and simple structure, enabling a continuous process of adding new potentials, interactions, degrees of freedom, ensembles, and integrators, while staying easily accessible for newcomers due to a Tcl-script steering level controlling the C-implemented simulation core. Numerous analysis routines provide means to investigate system properties and observables on-the-fly. Even though analytical theories agreed on the modeling of networks in the past years, our numerical MD-simulations show that even in case of simple model systems fundamental theoretical assumptions no longer apply except for a small parameter regime, prohibiting correct predictions of observables. Applying a "microscopic" analysis of the isolated contributions of individual system components, one of the particular strengths of computer simulations, it was then possible to describe the behaviour of charged polymer networks at swelling equilibrium in good solvent and close to the Theta-point by introducing appropriate model modifications. This became possible by enhancing known simple scaling arguments with components deemed crucial in our detailed study, through which a generalized model could be constructed. Herewith an agreement of the final system volume of swollen polyelectrolyte gels with results of computer simulations could be shown successfully over the entire investigated range of parameters, for different network sizes, charge fractions, and interaction strengths. In addition, the "cell under tension" was presented as a self-regulating approach for predicting the amount of swelling based on the used system parameters only. Without the need for measured observables as input, minimizing the free energy alone already allows to determine the the equilibrium behaviour. In poor solvent the shape of the network chains changes considerably, as now their hydrophobicity counteracts the repulsion of like-wise charged monomers and pursues collapsing the polyelectrolytes. Depending on the chosen parameters a fragile balance emerges, giving rise to fascinating geometrical structures such as the so-called pear-necklaces. This behaviour, known from single chain polyelectrolytes under similar environmental conditions and also theoretically predicted, could be detected for the first time for networks as well. An analysis of the total structure factors confirmed first evidences for the existence of such structures found in experimental results.


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For an infinite field F, we study the integral relationship between the Bloch group B_2(F) and the higher Chow group CH^2(F,3) by proving some relations corresponding to the functional equations of the dilogarithm. As a second result, the groups involved in Suslin’s exact sequence 0 → Tor^1(F^× ,F^×)∼ → CH^2(F,3) → B_2(F) → 0 are identified with homology groups of the cycle complex Z^2(F,•) computing Bloch’s higher Chow groups. Using these results, we give explicit cycles in motivic cohomology generating the integral motivic cohomology groups of some specific number fields and determine whether a given cycle in the Chow group already lives in one of the other groups of Suslin’s sequence. In principle, this enables us to find a presentation of the codimension two Chow group of an arbitrary number field. Finally, we also prove some relations in the higher Chow groups of codimension three modulo 2-torsion coming from relations in the higher Bloch group B_3(F) modulo 2-torsion. Further, we can prove a series of relations in CH^ 3(Q(zeta_p),5) for a primitive pth root of unity zeta_p.


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Aim of this research is the development and validation of a comprehensive multibody motorcycle model featuring rigid-ring tires, taking into account both slope and roughness of road surfaces. A novel parametrization for the general kinematics of the motorcycle is proposed, using a mixed reference-point and relative-coordinates approach. The resulting description, developed in terms of dependent coordinates, makes it possible to efficiently include rigid-ring kinematics as well as road elevation and slope. The equations of motion for the multibody system are derived symbolically and the constraint equations arising from the dependent-coordinate formulation are handled using a projection technique. Therefore the resulting system of equations can be integrated in time domain using a standard ODE algorithm. The model is validated with respect to maneuvers experimentally measured on the race track, showing consistent results and excellent computational efficiency. More in detail, it is also capable of reproducing the chatter vibration of racing motorcycles. The chatter phenomenon, appearing during high speed cornering maneuvers, consists of a self-excited vertical oscillation of both the front and rear unsprung masses in the range of frequency between 17 and 22 Hz. A critical maneuver is numerically simulated, and a self-excited vibration appears, consistent with the experimentally measured chatter vibration. Finally, the driving mechanism for the self-excitation is highlighted and a physical interpretation is proposed.


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This thesis deals with the analytic study of dynamics of Multi--Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. It is conceived to give a set of mathematical instruments apt to the theoretical study and design of these flying machines. The entire work is organized in analogy with classical academic texts about airplane flight dynamics. First, the non--linear equations of motion are defined and all the external actions are modeled, with particular attention to rotors aerodynamics. All the equations are provided in a form, and with personal expedients, to be directly exploitable in a simulation environment. This has requited an answer to questions like the trim of such mathematical systems. All the treatment is developed aiming at the description of different multi--rotor configurations. Then, the linearized equations of motion are derived. The computation of the stability and control derivatives of the linear model is carried out. The study of static and dynamic stability characteristics is, thus, addressed, showing the influence of the various geometric and aerodynamic parameters of the machine and in particular of the rotors. All the theoretic results are finally utilized in two interesting cases. One concerns the design of control systems for attitude stabilization. The linear model permits the tuning of linear controllers gains and the non--linear model allows the numerical testing. The other case is the study of the performances of an innovative configuration of quad--rotor aircraft. With the non--linear model the feasibility of maneuvers impossible for a traditional quad--rotor is assessed. The linear model is applied to the controllability analysis of such an aircraft in case of actuator block.


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Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit besch¨aftige ich mich mit Differentialgleichungen von Feynman– Integralen. Ein Feynman–Integral h¨angt von einem Dimensionsparameter D ab und kann f¨ur ganzzahlige Dimension als projektives Integral dargestellt werden. Dies ist die sogenannte Feynman–Parameter Darstellung. In Abh¨angigkeit der Dimension kann ein solches Integral divergieren. Als Funktion in D erh¨alt man eine meromorphe Funktion auf ganz C. Ein divergentes Integral kann also durch eine Laurent–Reihe ersetzt werden und dessen Koeffizienten r¨ucken in das Zentrum des Interesses. Diese Vorgehensweise wird als dimensionale Regularisierung bezeichnet. Alle Terme einer solchen Laurent–Reihe eines Feynman–Integrals sind Perioden im Sinne von Kontsevich und Zagier. Ich beschreibe eine neue Methode zur Berechnung von Differentialgleichungen von Feynman– Integralen. ¨ Ublicherweise verwendet man hierzu die sogenannten ”integration by parts” (IBP)– Identit¨aten. Die neue Methode verwendet die Theorie der Picard–Fuchs–Differentialgleichungen. Im Falle projektiver oder quasi–projektiver Variet¨aten basiert die Berechnung einer solchen Differentialgleichung auf der sogenannten Griffiths–Dwork–Reduktion. Zun¨achst beschreibe ich die Methode f¨ur feste, ganzzahlige Dimension. Nach geeigneter Verschiebung der Dimension erh¨alt man direkt eine Periode und somit eine Picard–Fuchs–Differentialgleichung. Diese ist inhomogen, da das Integrationsgebiet einen Rand besitzt und daher nur einen relativen Zykel darstellt. Mit Hilfe von dimensionalen Rekurrenzrelationen, die auf Tarasov zur¨uckgehen, kann in einem zweiten Schritt die L¨osung in der urspr¨unglichen Dimension bestimmt werden. Ich beschreibe außerdem eine Methode, die auf der Griffiths–Dwork–Reduktion basiert, um die Differentialgleichung direkt f¨ur beliebige Dimension zu berechnen. Diese Methode ist allgemein g¨ultig und erspart Dimensionswechsel. Ein Erfolg der Methode h¨angt von der M¨oglichkeit ab, große Systeme von linearen Gleichungen zu l¨osen. Ich gebe Beispiele von Integralen von Graphen mit zwei und drei Schleifen. Tarasov gibt eine Basis von Integralen an, die Graphen mit zwei Schleifen und zwei externen Kanten bestimmen. Ich bestimme Differentialgleichungen der Integrale dieser Basis. Als wichtigstes Beispiel berechne ich die Differentialgleichung des sogenannten Sunrise–Graphen mit zwei Schleifen im allgemeinen Fall beliebiger Massen. Diese ist f¨ur spezielle Werte von D eine inhomogene Picard–Fuchs–Gleichung einer Familie elliptischer Kurven. Der Sunrise–Graph ist besonders interessant, weil eine analytische L¨osung erst mit dieser Methode gefunden werden konnte, und weil dies der einfachste Graph ist, dessen Master–Integrale nicht durch Polylogarithmen gegeben sind. Ich gebe außerdem ein Beispiel eines Graphen mit drei Schleifen. Hier taucht die Picard–Fuchs–Gleichung einer Familie von K3–Fl¨achen auf.


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The Scilla rock avalanche occurred on 6 February 1783 along the coast of the Calabria region (southern Italy), close to the Messina Strait. It was triggered by a mainshock of the Terremoto delle Calabrie seismic sequence, and it induced a tsunami wave responsible for more than 1500 casualties along the neighboring Marina Grande beach. The main goal of this work is the application of semi-analtycal and numerical models to simulate this event. The first one is a MATLAB code expressly created for this work that solves the equations of motion for sliding particles on a two-dimensional surface through a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. The second one is a code developed by the Tsunami Research Team of the Department of Physics and Astronomy (DIFA) of the Bologna University that describes a slide as a chain of blocks able to interact while sliding down over a slope and adopts a Lagrangian point of view. A wide description of landslide phenomena and in particular of landslides induced by earthquakes and with tsunamigenic potential is proposed in the first part of the work. Subsequently, the physical and mathematical background is presented; in particular, a detailed study on derivatives discratization is provided. Later on, a description of the dynamics of a point-mass sliding on a surface is proposed together with several applications of numerical and analytical models over ideal topographies. In the last part, the dynamics of points sliding on a surface and interacting with each other is proposed. Similarly, different application on an ideal topography are shown. Finally, the applications on the 1783 Scilla event are shown and discussed.


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To compare ECG-gated and non-gated CT angiography of the aorta at the same radiation dose, with regard to motion artifacts (MA), diagnostic confidence (DC) and signal-to-noise-ratios (SNRs).


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Patients after Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (LCPD) often develop pain, impaired ROM, abductor weakness, and progression of osteoarthritis (OA) in early adulthood. Based on intraoperative observations during surgical hip dislocation, we established an algorithm for more detailed characterization of the underlying pathomorphologies with a proposed joint-preserving surgical treatment.


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Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (LCPD) often results in a deformity that can be considered as a complex form of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). Improved preoperative characterization of the FAI problem based on a noninvasive three-dimensional computer analysis may help to plan the appropriate operative treatment.


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The range of motion of normal hips and hips with femoroacetabular impingement relative to some specific anatomic reference landmarks is unknown. We therefore described: (1) the range of motion pattern relative to landmarks; (2) the location of the impingement zones in normal and impinging hips; and (3) the influence of surgical débridement on the range of motion. We used a previously developed and validated noninvasive 3-D CT-based method for kinematic hip analysis to compare the range of motion pattern, the location of impingement, and the effect of virtual surgical reconstruction in 28 hips with anterior femoroacetabular impingement and a control group of 33 normal hips. Hips with femoroacetabular impingement had decreased flexion, internal rotation, and abduction. Internal rotation decreased with increasing flexion and adduction. The calculated impingement zones were localized in the anterosuperior quadrant of the acetabulum and were similar in the two groups and in impingement subgroups. The average improvement of internal rotation was 5.4 degrees for pincer hips, 8.5 degrees for cam hips, and 15.7 degrees for mixed impingement. This method helps the surgeon quantify the severity of impingement and choose the appropriate treatment option; it provides a basis for future image-guided surgical reconstruction in femoroacetabular impingement with less invasive techniques.


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The Modeling method of teaching has demonstrated well--‐documented success in the improvement of student learning. The teacher/researcher in this study was introduced to Modeling through the use of a technique called White Boarding. Without formal training, the researcher began using the White Boarding technique for a limited number of laboratory experiences with his high school physics classes. The question that arose and was investigated in this study is “What specific aspects of the White Boarding process support student understanding?” For the purposes of this study, the White Boarding process was broken down into three aspects – the Analysis of data through the use of Logger Pro software, the Preparation of White Boards, and the Presentations each group gave about their specific lab data. The lab used in this study, an Acceleration of Gravity Lab, was chosen because of the documented difficulties students experience in the graphing of motion. In the lab, students filmed a given motion, utilized Logger Pro software to analyze the motion, prepared a White Board that described the motion with position--‐time and velocity--‐time graphs, and then presented their findings to the rest of the class. The Presentation included a class discussion with minimal contribution from the teacher. The three different aspects of the White Boarding experience – Analysis, Preparation, and Presentation – were compared through the use of student learning logs, video analysis of the Presentations, and follow--‐up interviews with participants. The information and observations gathered were used to determine the level of understanding of each participant during each phase of the lab. The researcher then looked for improvement in the level of student understanding, the number of “aha” moments students had, and the students’ perceptions about which phase was most important to their learning. The results suggest that while all three phases of the White Boarding experience play a part in the learning process for students, the Presentations provided the most significant changes. The implications for instruction are discussed.


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Water-saturated debris flows are among some of the most destructive mass movements. Their complex nature presents a challenge for quantitative description and modeling. In order to improve understanding of the dynamics of these flows, it is important to seek a simplified dynamic system underlying their behavior. Models currently in use to describe the motion of debris flows employ depth-averaged equations of motion, typically assuming negligible effects from vertical acceleration. However, in many cases debris flows experience significant vertical acceleration as they move across irregular surfaces, and it has been proposed that friction associated with vertical forces and liquefaction merit inclusion in any comprehensive mechanical model. The intent of this work is to determine the effect of vertical acceleration through a series of laboratory experiments designed to simulate debris flows, testing a recent model for debris flows experimentally. In the experiments, a mass of water-saturated sediment is released suddenly from a holding container, and parameters including rate of collapse, pore-fluid pressure, and bed load are monitored. Experiments are simplified to axial geometry so that variables act solely in the vertical dimension. Steady state equations to infer motion of the moving sediment mass are not sufficient to model accurately the independent solid and fluid constituents in these experiments. The model developed in this work more accurately predicts the bed-normal stress of a saturated sediment mass in motion and illustrates the importance of acceleration and deceleration.


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BACKGROUND: Various osteotomy techniques have been developed to correct the deformity caused by slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) and compared by their clinical outcomes. The aim of the presented study was to compare an intertrochanteric uniplanar flexion osteotomy with a multiplanar osteotomy by their ability to improve postoperative range of motion as measured by simulation of computed tomographic data in patients with SCFE. METHODS: We examined 19 patients with moderate or severe SCFE as classified based on slippage angle. A computer program for the simulation of movement and osteotomy developed in our laboratory was used for study execution. According to a 3-dimensional reconstruction of the computed tomographic data, the physiological range was determined by flexion, abduction, and internal rotation. The multiplanar osteotomy was compared with the uniplanar flexion osteotomy. Both intertrochanteric osteotomy techniques were simulated, and the improvements of the movement range were assessed and compared. RESULTS: The mean slipping and thus correction angles measured were 25 degrees (range, 8-46 degrees) inferior and 54 degrees (range, 32-78 degrees) posterior. After the simulation of multiplanar osteotomy, the virtually measured ranges of motion as determined by bone-to-bone contact were 61 degrees for flexion, 57 degrees for abduction, and 66 degrees for internal rotation. The simulation of the uniplanar flexion osteotomy achieved a flexion of 63 degrees, an abduction of 36 degrees, and an internal rotation of 54 degrees. CONCLUSIONS: Apart from abduction, the improvement in the range of motion by a uniplanar flexion osteotomy is comparable with that of the multiplanar osteotomy. However, the improvement in flexion for the simulation of both techniques is not satisfactory with regard to the requirements of normal everyday life, in contrast to abduction and internal rotation. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level III, Retrospective comparative study.


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Femoroacetabular impingement due to metaphyseal prominence is associated with the slippage in patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE), but it is unclear whether the changes in femoral metaphysis morphology are associated with range of motion (ROM) changes or type of impingement. We asked whether the femoral head-neck junction morphology influences ROM analysis and type of impingement in addition to the slip angle and the acetabular version. We analyzed in 31 patients with SCFE the relationship between the proximal femoral morphology and limitation in ROM due to impingement based on simulated ROM of preoperative CT data. The ROM was analyzed in relation to degree of slippage, femoral metaphysis morphology, acetabular version, and pathomechanical terms of "impaction" and "inclusion." The ROM in the affected hips was comparable to that in the unaffected hips for mild slippage and decreased for slippage of more than 30 degrees. The limitation correlated with changes in the metaphysic morphology and changed acetabular version. Decreased head-neck offset in hips with slip angles between 30 degrees and 50 degrees had restricted ROM to nearly the same degree as in severe SCFE. Therefore, in addition to the slip angle, the femoral metaphysis morphology should be used as criteria for reconstructive surgery.