988 resultados para Environmental Constraints


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The generation expansion planning (GEP) problem consists in determining the type of technology, size, location and time at which new generation units must be integrated to the system, over a given planning horizon, to satisfy the forecasted energy demand. Over the past few years, due to an increasing awareness of environmental issues, different approaches to solve the GEP problem have included some sort of environmental policy, typically based on emission constraints. This paper presents a linear model in a dynamic version to solve the GEP problem. The main difference between the proposed model and most of the works presented in the specialized literature is the way the environmental policy is envisaged. Such policy includes: i) the taxation of CO(2) emissions, ii) an annual Emissions Reduction Rate (ERR) in the overall system, and iii) the gradual retirement of old inefficient generation plants. The proposed model is applied in an 11-region to design the most cost-effective and sustainable 10-technology US energy portfolio for the next 20 years.


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This paper presents a power system capacity expansion planning modelconsidering carbon emissions constraints. In addition to the traditionaltechnical and economical issues usually considered in the planning process, two environmental policies that consist on the taxation and the annual limitsof carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions are considered. Furthermore, the gradualretirement of old inefficient generation plants has been included. The approachguarantees a cleaner electricity production in the expanded power system ata relatively low cost. The proposed model considers the transmission systemand is applied to a 4-region and 11-region power systems over a 20-yearplanning horizon. Results show practical investment decisions in terms of sustainability and costs.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Die im Süden der Türkei gelegen, antiken Städte Aspendos und Patara, waren in der Römerzeit zwei bedeutende Handelszentren mit hoher Bevölkerungsdichte. Aquädukte versorgten beide Städte mit carbonathaltigem Wasser, wobei sich Kalksinter (Calciumcarbonat) in der Kanalrinne ablagerte. Dabei lagern sich im Wechsel eine hellere und dunklere Kalksinterlage ab, die als Sinterpaar bezeichnet wird. Um die Entstehung dieser Sinterpaare besser zu verstehen, und die beteiligten Prozesse mit saisonalen Veränderungen der Umwelt zu korrelieren, werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit laminierten Sinterablagerungen mit geochemischen und petrographischen Methoden untersucht.rnEntlang der Kanalrinne beider Aquädukte wurden an mehreren Stellen Proben entnommen. Es wurde untersucht in wieweit sich die Sinterstruktur aufgrund von Änderungen in der Neigung des Wasserkanals oder des Kanaltyps ändert. Um die Kristallform und die kristallografische Orientierung der Kristalle innerhalb der verschiedenen Sinterpaare zu untersuchen, wurden die entnommenen laminierten Kalksinterablagerungen mit Hilfe optischer Mikroskopie und EBSD (Electron Backscatter Diffraction) analysiert. Der Electron Probe Micro-Analyzer (EPMA) wurde verwendet, um saisonale Schwankungen der Hauptelementverteilung und den Anteil der stabilen Isotope im Wasser zu bestimmen. Die LA-ICP-MS (Laser Ablation-induktiv gekoppeltem Plasma-Massenspektrometrie) Spurenelementanalyse wurde durchgeführt, um kleinste Schwankungen der Spurenelemente zu finden. Basierend auf diesen Analysen wurde festgestellt, dass laminierten Kalksinterablagerungen laterale Änderungen in der Aquäduktstruktur und -neigung, jahreszeitliche Änderungen der Wasserchemie, der Temperatur sowie der Entgasungsrate während eines Jahres widerspiegeln. Die Kalksinterablagerungen zeigen eine deutliche Laminierung in Form von feinkörnig-porösen und grobkörnig-dichten Schichten, die trockene und nasse Jahreszeiten anzeigen. Feinkörnige Schichten zeigen eine hohe Epifluoreszenz aufgrund reichhaltiger organischer Inhalte, die vermutlich eine Folge der bakteriellen Aktivität während der warmen und trockenen Jahreszeit sind. Stabile Sauerstoff und Kohlenstoff-Isotop-Kurven entsprechen auch den jahreszeitlichen Schwankungen der verschiedenen Schichtenpaare. Vor allem δ 18O spiegelt jährliche Veränderungen in der Temperatur und jahreszeitliche Veränderungen des Abflusses wieder. Das wichtigste Ergebnis ist, dass die Periodizität von δ 18O durch Erwärmen des Wassers im Wasserkanal und nicht durch die Verdunstung oder der Brunnenwasser-Charakteristik verursacht wird. Die Periodizität von δ 13C ist komplexer Natur, vor allem zeigen δ 18O und δ 13C eine Antikorrelation entlang der Lamellenpaare. Dies wird wohl vor allem durch Entgasungsprozesse im Aquädukt verursacht. Die Ergebnisse der Spurenelemente sind meist inkonsistent und zeigen keine signifikanten Veränderungen in den verschiedenen Lamellenpaaren. Die Isotope Mg, Sr und Ba zeigen hingegen bei einigen Proben eine positive Korrelation und erreichen Höchstwerte innerhalb feinkörnig-poröser Schichten. Auch sind die Hauptelementwerte von Fe, K, Si und anderer detritischer Elemente innerhalb der feinkörnige-porösen Schichten maximal. Eine genaue Datierung der Kalksinterablagerungen ist wünschenswert, da der Zeitraum, in dem die Aquädukte aktiv waren, bereits archäologisch auf 200-300 Jahre festgelegt wurde. Paläomagnetische und 14C-Datierung geben keine brauchbare Ergebnisse. Die U/Th Isotopie wird durch eine hohe Anfangskonzentration von Th in den Proben behindert. Trotz dieser Schwierigkeiten war eine U/Th Datierung an einem Testbeispiel des Béziers Aquädukt erfolgreich. Mit Hilfe von analogen Untersuchungen an aktiven Wasserkanälen der heutigen Zeit, werden die Ablagerungsmechanismen und die geochemische Entwicklung der laminierten Sinterschichten besser verstanden. Ein weiteres laufendes Projekt dieser Doktorarbeit ist die Überwachung von Sinterabscheidungen und der saisonale Zusammensetzung des Wassers an einigen heute noch aktiven Aquädukten. Das Ziel ist die Untersuchung der jetzigen Calciumcarbonatabscheidungen in Aquäduktkanälen unter den heutigen Umgebungsbedingungen. Erste Ergebnisse zeigen, dass kleine regelmäßige jahreszeitliche Veränderungen in der Isotopenzusammensetzung des Wassers vorliegen, und dass die beobachtete Periodizität der stabilen Isotope aufgrund von Änderungen im eigentlichen Kanal entstanden ist. Die Untersuchung von Kalksinterablagerungen in römischen Aquädukten liefern vielversprechende Ergebnisse, für die Untersuchung des Paläöklimas, der Archaeoseismologie und anderer Umweltbedingungen in der Römerzeit. Diese Studie beschränkt sich auf zwei Aquädukte. Die Untersuchungen weiterer Aquädukte und einer Überwachung, der noch in Betrieb stehenden Aquädukte werden genauere Ergebnisse liefern.


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Numerous environmental chemicals, both long-known toxicants such as persistent organic pollutants as well as emerging contaminants such as pharmaceuticals, are known to modulate immune parameters of wildlife species, what can have adverse consequences for the fitness of individuals including their capability to resist pathogen infections. Despite frequent field observations of impaired immunocompetence and increased disease incidence in contaminant-exposed wildlife populations, the potential relevance of immunotoxic effects for the ecological impact of chemicals is rarely considered in ecotoxicological risk assessment. A limiting factor in the assessment of immunotoxic effects might be the complexity of the immune system what makes it difficult (1) to select appropriate exposure and effect parameters out of the many immune parameters which could be measured, and (2) to evaluate the significance of the selected parameters for the overall fitness and immunocompetence of the organism. Here, we present - on the example of teleost fishes - a brief discussion of how to assess chemical impact on the immune system using parameters at different levels of complexity and integration: immune mediators, humoral immune effectors, cellular immune defenses, macroscopical and microscopical responses of lymphoid tissues and organs, and host resistance to pathogens. Importantly, adverse effects of chemicals on immunocompetence may be detectable only after immune system activation, e.g., after pathogen challenge, but not in the resting immune system of non-infected fish. Current limitations to further development and implementation of immunotoxicity assays and parameters in ecotoxicological risk assessment are not primarily due to technological constraints, but are related from insufficient knowledge of (1) possible modes of action in the immune system, (2) the importance of intra- and inter-species immune system variability for the response against chemical stressors, and (3) deficits in conceptual and mechanistic assessment of combination effects of chemicals and pathogens.


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The paper analyzes how to comply with an emission constraint, which restricts the use of an established energy technique, given the two options to save energy and to invest in two alternative energy techniques. These techniques differ in their deterioration rates and the investment lags of the corresponding capital stocks. Thus, the paper takes a medium-term perspective on climate change mitigation, where the time horizon is too short for technological change to occur, but long enough for capital stocks to accumulate and deteriorate. It is shown that, in general, only one of the two alternative techniques prevails in the stationary state, although, both techniques might be utilized during the transition phase. Hence, while in a static economy only one technique is efficient, this is not necessarily true in a dynamic economy.


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Nitrous oxide (N2O) is an important greenhouse gas and ozone-depleting substance that has anthropogenic as well as natural marine and terrestrial sources. The tropospheric N2O concentrations have varied substantially in the past in concert with changing climate on glacial–interglacial and millennial timescales. It is not well understood, however, how N2O emissions from marine and terrestrial sources change in response to varying environmental conditions. The distinct isotopic compositions of marine and terrestrial N2O sources can help disentangle the relative changes in marine and terrestrial N2O emissions during past climate variations. Here we present N2O concentration and isotopic data for the last deglaciation, from 16,000 to 10,000 years before present, retrieved from air bubbles trapped in polar ice at Taylor Glacier, Antarctica. With the help of our data and a box model of the N2O cycle, we find a 30 per cent increase in total N2O emissions from the late glacial to the interglacial, with terrestrial and marine emissions contributing equally to the overall increase and generally evolving in parallel over the last deglaciation, even though there is no a priori connection between the drivers of the two sources. However, we find that terrestrial emissions dominated on centennial timescales, consistent with a state-of-the-art dynamic global vegetation and land surface process model that suggests that during the last deglaciation emission changes were strongly influenced by temperature and precipitation patterns over land surfaces. The results improve our understanding of the drivers of natural N2O emissions and are consistent with the idea that natural N2O emissions will probably increase in response to anthropogenic warming.


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It has been widely accepted for some time that species-appropriate environmental enrichment is important for the welfare of research animals, but its impact on research data initially received little attention. This has now changed, as the use of enrichment as one element of routine husbandry has expanded. In addition to its use in the care of larger research animals, such as nonhuman primates, it is now being used to improve the environments of small research animals, such as rodents, which are used in significantly greater numbers and in a wide variety of studies. Concern has been expressed that enrichment negatively affects both experimental validity and reproducibility. However, when a concise definition of enrichment is used, with a sound understanding of the biology and behaviour of the animal as well as the research constraints, it becomes clear that the welfare of research animals can be enhanced through environmental enrichment without compromising their purpose. Indeed, it is shown that the converse is true: the provision of suitable enrichment enhances the well-being of the animal, thereby refining the animal model and improving the research data. Thus, the argument is made that both the validity and reproducibility of the research are enhanced when proper consideration is given to the research animal's living environment and the animal's opportunities to express species-typical behaviours.


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This dissertation focuses on Project HOPE, an American medical aid agency, and its work in Tunisia. More specifically this is a study of the implementation strategies of those HOPE sponsored projects and programs designed to solve the problems of high morbidity and infant mortality rates due to environmentally related diarrheal and enteric diseases. Several environmental health programs and projects developed in cooperation with Tunisian counterparts are described and analyzed. These include (1) a paramedical manpower training program; (2) a national hospital sanitation and infection control program; (3) a community sewage disposal project; (4) a well reconstruction project; and (5) a solid-waste disposal project for a hospital.^ After independence, Tunisia, like many developing countries, encountered several difficulties which hindered progress toward solving basic environmental health problems and prompted a request for aid. This study discusses the need for all who work in development programs to recognize and assess those difficulties or constraints which affect the program planning process, including those latent cultural and political constraints which not only exist within the host country but within the aid agency as well. For example, failure to recognize cultural differences may adversely affect the attitudes of the host staff towards their work and towards the aid agency and its task. These factors, therefore, play a significant role in influencing program development decisions and must be taken into account in order to maximize the probability of successful outcomes.^ In 1969 Project HOPE was asked by the Tunisian government to assist the Ministry of Health in solving its health manpower problems. HOPE responded with several programs, one of which concerned the training of public health nurses, sanitary technicians, and aids at Tunisia's school of public health in Nabeul. The outcome of that program as well as the strategies used in its development are analyzed. Also, certain questions are addressed such as, what should the indicators of success be, and when is the time right to phase out?^ Another HOPE program analyzed involved hospital sanitation and infection control. Certain generic aspects of basic hospital sanitation procedures were documented and presented in the form of a process model which was later used as a "microplan" in setting up similar programs in other Tunisian hospitals. In this study the details of the "microplan" are discussed. The development of a nation-wide program without any further need of external assistance illustrated the success of HOPE's implementation strategies.^ Finally, although it is known that the high incidence of enteric disease in developing countries is due to poor environmental sanitation and poor hygiene practices, efforts by aid agencies to correct these conditions have often resulted in failure. Project HOPE's strategy was to maximize limited resources by using a systems approach to program development and by becoming actively involved in the design and implementation of environmental health projects utilizing "appropriate" technology. Three innovative projects and their implementation strategies (including technical specifications) are described.^ It is advocated that if aid agencies are to make any progress in helping developing countries basic sanitation problems, they must take an interdisciplinary approach to progrm development and play an active role in helping counterparts seek and identify appropriate technologies which are socially and economically acceptable. ^


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Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the oceans constitutes a major carbon pool involved in global biogeochemical cycles. More than 96% of the marine DOM resists microbial degradation for thousands of years. The composition of this refractory DOM (RDOM) exhibits a molecular signature which is ubiquitously detected in the deep oceans. Surprisingly efficient microbial transformation of labile into RDOM was shown experimentally, implying that microorganisms produce far more RDOM than needed to sustain the global pool. By assessing the microbial formation and transformation of DOM in unprecedented molecular detail for 3 years, we show that most of the newly formed RDOM is molecularly different from deep sea RDOM. Only <0.4% of the net community production was channeled into RDOM molecularly undistinguishable from deep sea DOM. Our study provides novel experimentally derived molecular evidence and data for global models on the production, turnover and accumulation of marine DOM.


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The Black Sea is the unique ecosystem with lots of geological, ecological and biological features. For full understanding of these systems it is very important to investigate and indentify the microbial communities, including how the environment shapes its genome. Despite the data obtained by different investigations about the certain groups of microorganisms, isolated as pure cultures on nutritive mediums the total microbial metagenome hasn't been analysed. During July 2014 the 9 sites along the coast in Odessa region were selected for sampling of surface marine water, isolation of total DNA and further sequence 16S rRNA analysis. The water sampling and filtration were accompanied by measurement of metadata for evaluation of how the environment influences the present microbial biodiversity.


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Coral reefs persist in an accretion-erosion balance and ocean acidification resulting from anthropogenic CO2 emissions threatens to shift this balance in favor of net reef erosion. Corals and calcifying algae, largely responsible for reef accretion, are vulnerable to environmental changes associated with ocean acidification, but the direct effects of lower pH on reef erosion has received less attention, particularly in the context of known drivers of bioerosion and natural variability. This study examines the balance between reef accretion and erosion along a well-characterized natural environmental gradient in Kane'ohe Bay, Hawai'i using experimental blocks of coral skeleton. Comparing before and after micro-computed tomography (µCT) scans to quantify net accretion and erosion, we show that, at the small spatial scale of this study (tens of meters), pH was a better predictor of the accretion-erosion balance than environmental drivers suggested by prior studies, including resource availability, temperature, distance from shore, or depth. In addition, this study highlights the fine-scale variation of pH in coastal systems and the importance of microhabitat variation for reef accretion and erosion processes. We demonstrate significant changes in both the mean and variance of pH on the order of meters, providing a local perspective on global increases in pCO2. Our findings suggest that increases in reef erosion, combined with expected decreases in calcification, will accelerate the shift of coral reefs to an erosion-dominated system in a high-CO2 world. This shift will make reefs increasingly susceptible to storm damage and sea-level rise, threatening the maintenance of the ecosystem services that coral reefs provide.