994 resultados para Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli


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The chb operon of Escherichia coli is involved in the utilization of the beta-glucosides chitobiose and cellobiose. The function of chbG (ydjC), the sixth open reading frame of the operon that codes for an evolutionarily conserved protein is unknown. We show that chbG encodes a monodeacetylase that is essential for growth on the acetylated chitooligosaccharides chitobiose and chitotriose but is dispensable for growth on cellobiose and chitosan dimer, the deacetylated form of chitobiose. The predicted active site of the enzyme was validated by demonstrating loss of function upon substitution of its putative metal-binding residues that are conserved across the YdjC family of proteins. We show that activation of the chb promoter by the regulatory protein ChbR is dependent on ChbG, suggesting that deacetylation of chitobiose-6-P and chitotriose-6-P is necessary for their recognition by ChbR as inducers. Strains carrying mutations in chbR conferring the ability to grow on both cellobiose and chitobiose are independent of chbG function for induction, suggesting that gain of function mutations in ChbR allow it to recognize the acetylated form of the oligosaccharides. ChbR-independent expression of the permease and phospho-beta-glucosidase from a heterologous promoter did not support growth on both chitobiose and chitotriose in the absence of chbG, suggesting an additional role of chbG in the hydrolysis of chitooligosaccharides. The homologs of chbG in metazoans have been implicated in development and inflammatory diseases of the intestine, indicating that understanding the function of E. coli chbG has a broader significance.


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Diaminopropionate ammonia lyase (DAPAL) is a pyridoxal-5'phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of diaminopropionate (DAP) to pyruvate and ammonia and plays an important role in cell metabolism. We have investigated the role of the ygeX gene of Escherichia coli K-12 and its ortholog, STM1002, in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium LT2, presumed to encode DAPAL, in the growth kinetics of the bacteria. While Salmonella Typhimurium LT2 could grow on DL-DAP as a sole carbon source, the wild-type E. coli K-12 strain exhibited only marginal growth on DL-DAP, suggesting that DAPAL is functional in S. Typhimurium. The expression of ygeX in E. coli was low as detected by reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR), consistent with the poor growth of E. coli on DL-DAP. Strains of S. Typhimurium and E. coli with STM1002 and ygeX, respectively, deleted showed loss of growth on DL-DAP, confirming that STM1002 (ygeX) is the locus encoding DAPAL. Interestingly, the presence of DL-DAP caused a growth inhibition of the wild-type E. coli strain as well as the knockout strains of S. Typhimurium and E. coli in minimal glucose/glycerol medium. Inhibition by DL-DAP was rescued by transforming the strains with plasmids containing the STM1002 (ygeX) gene encoding DAPAL or supplementing the medium with Casamino Acids. Growth restoration studies using media lacking specific amino acid supplements suggested that growth inhibition by DL-DAP in the absence of DAPAL is associated with auxotrophy related to the inhibition of the enzymes involved in the biosynthetic pathways of pyruvate and aspartate and the amino acids derived from them.


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The solution structure of IlvN, the regulatory subunit of Escherichia coil acetohydroxyacid synthase I, in the valine-bound form has been determined using high-resolution multidimensional, multinuclear nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods. IlvN in the presence or absence of the effector molecule is present as a 22.5 kDa dimeric molecule. The ensemble of 20 low-energy structures shows a backbone root-mean-square deviation of 0.73 +/- 0.13 angstrom and a root-mean-square deviation of 1.16 +/- 0.13 angstrom for all heavy atoms. Furthermore, more than 98% of the backbone phi and psi dihedral angles occupy the allowed and additionally allowed regions of the Ramachandran map, which is indicative of the fact that the structures are of high stereochemical quality. Each protomer exhibits a beta alpha beta beta alpha beta alpha topology that is a characteristic feature of the ACT domain seen in metabolic enzymes. In the valine-bound form, IlvN exists apparently as a single conformer. In the free form, IlvN exists as a mixture of conformational states that are in intermediate exchange on the NMR time scale. Thus, a large shift in the conformational equilibrium is observed upon going from the free form to the bound form. The structure of the valine-bound form of IlvN was found to be similar to that of the ACT domain of the unliganded form of IlvH. Comparisons of the structures of the unliganded forms of these proteins suggest significant differences. The structural and conformational properties of IlvN determined here have allowed a better understanding of the mechanism of regulation of branched chain amino acid biosynthesis.


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Peptidase N (PepN), the sole M1 family member in Escherichia coli, displays broad substrate specificity and modulates stress responses: it lowers resistance to sodium salicylate (NaSal)-induced stress but is required during nutritional downshift and high temperature (NDHT) stress. The expression of PepN does not significantly change during different growth phases in LB or NaSal-induced stress; however, PepN amounts are lower during NDHT stress. To gain mechanistic insights on the roles of catalytic activity of PepN in modulating these two stress responses, alanine mutants of PepN replacing E264 (GAMEN motif) and E298 (HEXXH motif) were generated. There are no major structural changes between purified wild type (WT) and mutant proteins, which are catalytically inactive. Importantly, growth profiles of Delta pepN upon expression of WT or mutant proteins demonstrated the importance of catalytic activity during NDHT but not NaSal-induced stress. Further fluorescamine reactivity studies demonstrated that the catalytic activity of PepN is required to generate higher intracellular amounts of free N-terminal amino acids; consequently, the lower growth of Delta pepN during NDHT stress increases with high amounts of casamino acids. Together, this study sheds insights on the expression and functional roles of the catalytic activity of PepN during adaptation to NDHT stress. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Attaching and effacing Escherichia coli (AEEC) employ type III secretion system (T3SS) to secrete effector proteins into host cells and regulate their function. Here we have investigated T3SS genes of AEEC for non-neutral evolution. Our analysis revealed non-neutral evolution in three genes (nleE1, nleB2 and nleD) which encode effector proteins. These genes are located outside the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE). In general, non-LEE effector genes show greater deviation from neutral evolution than LEE effector genes. These results suggest that effector genes located outside LEE are under greater selection pressure than those present in LEE. (C) 2012 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, is at increased risk of accumulating damaged guanine nucleotides such as 8-oxo-dGTP and 8-oxo-GTP because of its residency in the oxidative environment of the host macrophages. By hydrolyzing the oxidized guanine nucleotides before their incorporation into nucleic acids, MutT proteins play a critical role in allowing organisms to avoid their deleterious effects. Mycobacteria possess several MutT proteins. Here, we purified recombinant M. tuberculosis MutT2 (MtuMutT2) and M. smegmatis MutT2 (MsmMutT2) proteins from M. tuberculosis (a slow grower) and M. smegmatis (fast growing model mycobacteria), respectively, for their biochemical characterization. Distinct from the Escherichia coli MutT, which hydrolyzes 8-oxo-dGTP and 8-oxo-GTP, the mycobacterial proteins hydrolyze not only 8-oxo-dGTP and 8-oxo-GTP but also dCTP and 5-methyl-dCTP. Determination of kinetic parameters (K-m and V-max) revealed that while MtuMutT2 hydrolyzes dCTP nearly four times better than it does 8-oxo-dGTP, MsmMutT2 hydrolyzes them nearly equally. Also, MsmMutT2 is about 14 times more efficient than MtuMutT2 in its catalytic activity of hydrolyzing 8-oxo-dGTP. Consistent with these observations, MsmMutT2 but not MtuMutT2 rescues E. coli for MutT deficiency by decreasing both the mutation frequency and A-to-C mutations (a hallmark of MutT deficiency). We discuss these findings in the context of the physiological significance of MutT proteins.


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b12, one of the few broadly neutralizing antibodies against HIV-1, binds to the CD4 binding site (CD4bs) on the gp120 subunit of HIV-1 Env. Two small fragments of HIV-1 gp120, b121a and b122a, which display about 70% of the b12 epitope and include solubility-enhancing mutations, were designed. Bacterially expressed b121a/b122a were partially folded and could bind b12 but not the CD4bs-directed non-neutralizing antibody b6. Sera from rabbits primed with b121a or b122a protein fragments and boosted with full-length gp120 showed broad neutralizing activity in a TZM-bl assay against a 16-virus panel that included nine Tier 2 and 3 viruses as well as in a five-virus panel previously designed to screen for broad neutralization. Using a mean IC50 cut-off of 50, sera from control rabbits immunized with gp120 alone neutralized only one virus of the 14 non-Tier 1 viruses tested (7%), whereas sera from b121a- and b122a-immunized rabbits neutralized seven (50%) and twelve (86%) viruses, respectively. Serum depletion studies confirmed that neutralization was gp120-directed and that sera from animals immunized with gp120 contained lower amounts of CD4bs-directed antibodies than corresponding sera from animals immunized with b121a/b122a. Competition binding assays with b12 also showed that b121a/2a sera contained significantly higher amounts of antibodies directed toward the CD4 binding site than the gp120 sera. The data demonstrate that it is possible to elicit broadly neutralizing sera against HIV-1 in small animals.


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The accuracy of pairing of the anticodon of the initiator tRNA (tRNA(fMet)) and the initiation codon of an mRNA, in the ribosomal P-site, is crucial for determining the translational reading frame. However, a direct role of any ribosomal element(s) in scrutinizing this pairing is unknown. The P-site elements, m(2)G966 (methylated by RsmD), m(5)C967 (methylated by RsmB) and the C-terminal tail of the protein S9 lie in the vicinity of tRNA(fMet). We investigated the role of these elements in initiation from various codons, namely, AUG, GUG, UUG, CUG, AUA, AUU, AUC and ACG with tRNA(CAU)(fmet) (tRNA(fMet) with CAU anticodon); CAC and CAU with tRNA(GUG)(fme); UAG with tRNA(GAU)(fMet) using in vivo and computational methods. Although RsmB deficiency did not impact initiation from most codons, RsmD deficiency increased initiation from AUA, CAC and CAU (2- to 3.6-fold). Deletion of the S9 C-terminal tail resulted in poorer initiation from UUG, GUG and CUG, but in increased initiation from CAC, CAU and UAC codons (up to 4-fold). Also, the S9 tail suppressed initiation with tRNA(CAU)(fMet)lacking the 3GC base pairs in the anticodon stem. These observations suggest distinctive roles of 966/967 methylations and the S9 tail in initiation.


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The signal peptide plays a key role in targeting and membrane insertion of secretory and membrane proteins in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In E. coli, recombinant proteins can be targeted to the periplasmic space by fusing naturally occurring signal sequences to their N-terminus. The model protein thioredoxin was fused at its N-terminus with malE and pelB signal sequences. While WT and the pelB fusion are soluble when expressed, the malE fusion was targeted to inclusion bodies and was refolded in vitro to yield a monomeric product with identical secondary structure to WT thioredoxin. The purified recombinant proteins were studied with respect to their thermodynamic stability, aggregation propensity and activity, and compared with wild type thioredoxin, without a signal sequence. The presence of signal sequences leads to thermodynamic destabilization, reduces the activity and increases the aggregation propensity, with malE having much larger effects than pelB. These studies show that besides acting as address labels, signal sequences can modulate protein stability and aggregation in a sequence dependent manner.


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The ribosomal P-site hosts the peptidyl-tRNAs during translation elongation. Which P-site elements support these tRNA species to maintain codon-anticodon interactions has remained unclear. We investigated the effects of P-site features of methylations of G966, C967, and the conserved C-terminal tail sequence of Ser, Lys, and Arg (SKR) of the S9 ribosomal protein in maintenance of the translational reading frame of an mRNA. We generated Escherichia coli strains deleted for the SKR sequence in S9 ribosomal protein, RsmB (which methylates C967), and RsmD (which methylates G966) and used them to translate LacZ from its +1 and -1 out-of-frame constructs. We show that the S9 SKR tail prevents both the +1 and -1 frameshifts and plays a general role in holding the P-site tRNA/peptidyl-tRNA in place. In contrast, the G966 and C967 methylations did not make a direct contribution to the maintenance of the translational frame of an mRNA. However, deletion of rsmB in the S9 Delta 3 background caused significantly increased -1 frameshifting at 37 degrees C. Interestingly, the effects of the deficiency of C967 methylation were annulled when the E. coli strain was grown at 30 degrees C, supporting its context-dependent role.


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Background: MazEF is a chromosomally encoded bacterial toxin-antitoxin system whose cellular role is controversial. Results: Expression of chromosomal MazF inhibits cell killing by multiple antibiotics in a Lon and ClpP dependent manner. Conclusion: MazF is involved in reversible growth inhibition and bacterial drug tolerance. Significance: Inactive, active-site toxin mutants yield functional insights by selectively activating the corresponding WT toxin in vivo. Toxin-antitoxin systems are ubiquitous in nature and present on the chromosomes of both bacteria and archaea. MazEF is a type II toxin-antitoxin system present on the chromosome of Escherichia coli and other bacteria. Whether MazEF is involved in programmed cell death or reversible growth inhibition and bacterial persistence is a matter of debate. In the present work the role of MazF in bacterial physiology was studied by using an inactive, active-site mutant of MazF, E24A, to activate WT MazF expression from its own promoter. The ectopic expression of E24A MazF in a strain containing WT mazEF resulted in reversible growth arrest. Normal growth resumed on inhibiting the expression of E24A MazF. MazF-mediated growth arrest resulted in an increase in survival of bacterial cells during antibiotic stress. This was studied by activation of mazEF either by overexpression of an inactive, active-site mutant or pre-exposure to a sublethal dose of antibiotic. The MazF-mediated persistence phenotype was found to be independent of RecA and dependent on the presence of the ClpP and Lon proteases. This study confirms the role of MazEF in reversible growth inhibition and persistence.


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Multiple copies of a gene require enhanced investment on the part of the cell and, as such, call for an explanation. The observation that Escherichia coli has four copies of initiator tRNA (tRNA(i)) genes, encoding a special tRNA (tRNA(fMet)) required to start protein synthesis, is puzzling particularly because the cell appears to be unaffected by the removal of one copy. However, the fitness of an organism has both absolute and relative connotations. Thus, we carried out growth competition experiments between E. coli strains that differ in the number of tRNA(i) genes they contain. This has enabled us to uncover an unexpected link between the number of tRNA(i) genes and protein synthesis, nutritional status, and fitness. Wild-type strains with the canonical four tRNA(i) genes are favored in nutrient-rich environments, and those carrying fewer are favored in nutrient-poor environments. Auxotrophs behave as if they have a nutritionally poor internal environment. A heuristic model that links tRNA(i) gene copy number, genetic stress, and growth rate accounts for the findings. Our observations provide strong evidence that natural selection can work through seemingly minor quantitative variations in gene copy number and thereby impact organismal fitness.


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The bglA gene of Escherichia coli encodes phospho-beta-glucosidase A capable of hydrolyzing the plant-derived aromatic beta-glucoside arbutin. We report that the sequential accumulation of mutations in bglA can confer the ability to hydrolyze the related aromatic beta-glucosides esculin and salicin in two steps. In the first step, esculin hydrolysis is achieved through the acquisition of a four-nucleotide insertion within the promoter of the bglA gene, resulting in enhanced steady-state levels of the bglA transcript. In the second step, hydrolysis of salicin is achieved through the acquisition of a point mutation within the bglA structural gene close to the active site without the loss of the original catabolic activity against arbutin. These studies underscore the ability of microorganisms to evolve additional metabolic capabilities by mutational modification of preexisting genetic systems under selection pressure, thereby expanding their repertoire of utilizable substrates.


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In cells, N-10-formyltetrahydrofolate (N-10-fTHF) is required for formylation of eubacterial/organellar initiator tRNA and purine nucleotide biosynthesis. Biosynthesis of N-10-fTHF is catalyzed by 5,10-methylene-tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase/cyclohydrolase (FolD) and/or 10-formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase (Fhs). All eubacteria possess FolD, but some possess both FolD and Fhs. However, the reasons for possessing Fhs in addition to FolD have remained unclear. We used Escherichia coli, which naturally lacks fhs, as our model. We show that in E. coli, the essential function of folD could be replaced by Clostridium perfringens fhs when it was provided on a medium-copy-number plasmid or integrated as a single-copy gene in the chromosome. The fhs-supported folD deletion (Delta folD) strains grow well in a complex medium. However, these strains require purines and glycine as supplements for growth in M9 minimal medium. The in vivo levels of N-10-fTHF in the Delta folD strain (supported by plasmid-borne fhs) were limiting despite the high capacity of the available Fhs to synthesize N-10-fTHF in vitro. Auxotrophy for purines could be alleviated by supplementing formate to the medium, and that for glycine was alleviated by engineering THF import into the cells. The Delta folD strain (harboring fhs on the chromosome) showed a high NADP(+)-to-NADPH ratio and hypersensitivity to trimethoprim. The presence of fhs in E. coli was disadvantageous for its aerobic growth. However, under hypoxia, E. coli strains harboring fhs outcompeted those lacking it. The computational analysis revealed a predominant natural occurrence of fhs in anaerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria.


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Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase-cyclohydrolase (FolD) catalyzes interconversion of 5,10-methylene-tetrahydrofolate and 10-formyl-tetrahydrofolate in the one-carbon metabolic pathway. In some organisms, the essential requirement of 10-formyl-tetrahydrofolate may also be fulfilled by formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase (Fhs). Recently, we developed an Escherichia coli strain in which the folD gene was deleted in the presence of Clostridium perfringens fhs (E. coli Delta folD/p-fhs) and used it to purify FolD mutants (free from the host-encoded FolD) and determine their biological activities. Mutations in the key residues of E. coli FolD, as identified from three-dimensional structures (D121A, Q98K, K54S, Y50S, and R191E), and a genetic screen (G122D and C58Y) were generated, and the mutant proteins were purified to determine their kinetic constants. Except for the R191E and K54S mutants, others were highly compromised in terms of both dehydrogenase and cyclohydrolase activities. While the R191E mutant showed high cyclohydrolase activity, it retained only a residual dehydrogenase activity. On the other hand, the K54S mutant lacked the cyclohydrolase activity but possessed high dehydrogenase activity. The D121A and G122D (in a loop between two helices) mutants were highly compromised in terms of both dehydrogenase and cyclohydrolase activities. In vivo and in vitro characterization of wild-type and mutant (R191E, G122D, D121A, Q98K, C58Y, K54S, and Y50S) FolD together with three-dimensional modeling has allowed us to develop a better understanding of the mechanism for substrate binding and catalysis by E. coli FolD.