545 resultados para Electromyography.


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Cuando alguna de las estructuras que componen el hombro se ve alterada, se presentan múltiples patologías que alteran las actividades de la vida diaria debido a su importante acción dentro de la funcionalidad de los miembros superiores, en las cuales resulta difícil identificar la causa exacta, debido a la gran cantidad de estructuras involucradas en esta región y a la vecindad de las mismas. Es entonces, como a través de este proyecto de aplicación se hará una descripción del proceso de evaluación y tratamiento desarrollado desde la Terapia Manual en una patología específica de hombro, dando a conocer los resultados de esta forma especializada de tratamiento fisioterapéutico. Así mismo, se hará una pequeña recopilación teórica en cuanto a la anatomía, biomecánica y patología de hombro así como a los conceptos básicos de la Terapia Manual, necesarios para comprender el proceso desarrollado con el proyecto.


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Analizar comparativamente las características morfo-funcionales de las Unidades motoras reclutadas durante la realización de una RM en el músculo recto anterior (cuadriceps bilateral) en futbolistas entre 15 a 20 años del equipo de fútbol de la división sub-21 de Santa fe por medio de la electromiografia. La medición electromiográfica ha demostrado que el reclutamiento de fibras es mayor, en deportistas en comparación con personas sedentarias debido a que tienen un manejo diferente de la potencia, entendiendo esta como la integración de la velocidad con fuerza máxima, una cualidad determinante en cualquier tipo de salto, o cambios rápidos de dirección, como en la potencia de despegue, arranque, aceleración y/o desaceleración.


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El movimiento en el complejo articular de hombro, al igual que en las demás partes del cuerpo se realiza gracias a los sistemas óseo, articular y muscular. Cuando se presentan movimientos repetitivos, posturas y fuerzas en el lugar de trabajo al desarrollar las tareas, se pueden originar una serie de patologías profesionales en los trabajadores ocupacionalmente expuestos. Estas patologías no solamente se asocian a estos factores de riesgo, sino también, a una concepción inadecuada del diseño del puesto de trabajo en dónde los trabajadores desarrollan su actividad laboral. se pretende a través de este proyecto de investigación dar a conocer una herramienta de observación, detección de éstos, y medición tridimensional de los movimientos que puedan llegar a representar un riesgo, facilitando la recolección de datos de forma precisa y rápida, así como la apreciación de las condiciones de trabajo, por parte de los profesionales interesados en Salud Ocupacional.


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Resumen Objetivo: Determinar los factores socio-demográficos, laborales y los factores de riesgo ergonómico, relacionados con la aparición de síntomas osteomusculares de la actividad del Bicitaxismo en el barrio Toberín de la Localidad de Usaquén de la Ciudad Bogotá, para recomendar estrategias de prevención. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal en 150 personas que trabajan en el Bicitaxismo. Se realizó un muestreo simple y aleatorio. La identificación de los factores asociados con síntomas osteomusculares se hizo mediante la aplicación de la metodología Ergopar (Ergonomía Participativa para la prevención de trastornos musculoesqueléticos de origen laboral), en el grupo de personas que trabajan en el Bicitaxismo. Se estimó la proporción de personas con trastornos músculo esqueléticos en este grupo de trabajadores y se exploró asociación mediante la prueba Chi cuadrado de Pearson o prueba exacta de Fisher, usando nivel de significación del 5%, con el programa SPSS 20. Resultados: Los resultados sugirieron que en el bicitaxismo hay asociación estadísticamente significativa con los factores de edad y aparición de dolor en espalda lumbar valor p (0,009), manos/muñecas valor p (0,001), piernas con un valor p (0,022), rodillas valor p (0,001), tiempo de trabajo con la aparición de dolor en codos valor p (0,013), horas de trabajo con la aparición de molestias en codos valor p (0,000), y en piernas valor p (0,002), Días de trabajo, con la aparición de molestias en manos/muñecas valor p (0,003), dolor en piernas valor p (0), y dolor en rodillas valor p (0,014), e igualmente exigencias físicas con la aparición de molestias en manos/muñecas valor p (0,002) y dolor en piernas con un valor p (0,044) Conclusión: Se evidenció asociación entre la actividad del bicitaxismo y la aparición de síntomas osteomusculares de molestia/dolor en los diferentes segmentos musculares, tales como espalda lumbar, codos, manos/muñecas, piernas y rodillas


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La enfermedad de disco lumbar de origen laboral se presenta como una patología frecuente a nivel mundial en la masa trabajadora de diferentes sectores económicos expuesta a factores de riesgo biomecánico, afectando negativamente a la persona como ser individual y social, y repercutiendo en las economías en diferentes niveles. Objetivo Establecer la prevalencia de los factores de riesgo biomecánico en los casos con diagnóstico de enfermedad de disco lumbar calificados como enfermedad de origen laboral por la Junta Regional de Calificación de Invalidez del Meta, en el período comprendido entre 2011 a 2014, explorando la asociación entre los factores sociodemográficos y laborales. Metodología: Estudio de corte transversal con información retrospectiva de historias clínicas de pacientes con enfermedad de disco lumbar calificados de origen laboral, entre el 2011 – 2014. Resultados: La prevalencia de los factores de riesgo biomecánico fue: flexión columna con 94.1%, caminando durante la mayor parte de la jornada laboral 51.7%, levantar y/o depositar manualmente objetos 53.4%, manipulación de carga mayor a 25 kg, 49.2% y vibración cuerpo entero más de 4 horas 16.9%. Estos factores fueron mayores en trabajadores de obras civiles y manipuladores de materiales con 20.3%, en actividades económicas de servicios con 33.1% y construcción 21.2%. Se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa de la enfermedad de disco lumbar con el género y la exposición a vibración/impacto cuerpo entero. Conclusión: Los factores de riesgo biomecánico como la posición de la columna vertebral en flexión, el levantamiento y depósito de carga, la manipulación de peso mayor a 15 kgs, la postura de cuerpo caminando, la exposición a vibración a cuerpo entero, y el tiempo de exposición, son elementos fundamentales a tener en cuenta en el proceso de calificación de origen de la enfermedad discal lumbar.


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RESUMEN INTRODUCCION Los desórdenes musculoesqueléticos constituyen uno de los más comunes y costosos problemas de salud en el trabajo en todo el mundo. La detección a tiempo de síntomas iniciales debe ser una prioridad de los sistemas de vigilancia epidemiológica. El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación fue determinar la prevalencia de los desórdenes musculoesqueléticos (DME) en la población de funcionarios del cuerpo de policía judicial de Bogotá en el año 2014. MATERIALES Y METODOS Estudio de corte transversal con una muestra de 300 trabajadores a los que se les aplico el cuestionario Nórdico de Síntomas musculoesqueléticos. RESULTADOS Se encuesto al 33,9% de los trabajadores pertenecientes al cuerpo técnico de Policía Judicial de la Fiscalía General de la Nación en la ciudad de Bogotá. Los trabajadores evaluados tienen una edad promedio de 41,9 años, con un predominio del género femenino (54%), encontrándose que la mayoría de los que respondieron al cuestionario 87,66% (n=263) habían presentado algún síntoma musculoesqueléticos en los últimos 12 meses. Un hallazgo significativo fue la afectación cervical en el 53% (n=159) de los que reportaron sintomatología musculo esquelética. CONCLUSIONES La población perteneciente a la Policía Técnica Judicial en la ciudad de Bogotá presenta una alta prevalencia (87,66%) de síntomas que afectan al sistema musculoesquelético, principalmente comprometiendo las regiones de columna cervical, parte baja de la espalda y parte alta de la espalda, con una mayor afectación a las personas de género femenino.


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Although the co-occurrence of negative affect and pain is well recognized, the mechanism underlying their association is unclear. To examine whether a common self-regulatory ability impacts the experience of both emotion and pain, we integrated neuroimaging, behavioral, and physiological measures obtained from three assessments separated by substantial temporal intervals. Out results demonstrated that individual differences in emotion regulation ability, as indexed by an objective measure of emotional state, corrugator electromyography, predicted self-reported success while regulating pain. In both emotion and pain paradigms, the amygdala reflected regulatory success. Notably, we found that greater emotion regulation success was associated with greater change of amygdalar activity following pain regulation. Furthermore, individual differences in degree of amygdalar change following emotion regulation were a strong predictor of pain regulation success, as well as of the degree of amygdalar engagement following pain regulation. These findings suggest that common individual differences in emotion and pain regulatory success are reflected in a neural structure known to contribute to appraisal processes.


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Despite growing evidence on the neural bases of emotion regulation, little is known about the mechanisms underlying individual differences in cognitive regulation of negative emotion, and few studies have used objective measures to quantify regulatory success. Using a trait-like psychophysiological measure of emotion regulation, corrugator electromyography, we obtained an objective index of the ability to cognitively reappraise negative emotion in 56 healthy men (session 1), who returned 1.3 years later to perform the same regulation task using fMRI (session 2). Results indicated that the corrugator measure of regulatory skill predicted amygdala-prefrontal functional connectivity. Individuals with greater ability to down-regulate negative emotion as indexed by corrugator at session 1 showed not only greater amygdala attenuation but also greater inverse connectivity between the amygdala and several sectors of the prefrontal cortex while down-regulating negative emotion at session 2. Our results demonstrate that individual differences in emotion regulation are stable over time and underscore the important role of amygdala-prefrontal coupling for successful regulation of negative emotion.


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Recent evidence suggests that the mirror neuron system responds to the goals of actions, even when the end of the movement is hidden from view. To investigate whether this predictive ability might be based on the detection of early differences between actions with different outcomes, we used electromyography (EMG) and motion tracking to assess whether two actions with different goals (grasp to eat and grasp to place) differed from each other in their initial reaching phases. In a second experiment, we then tested whether observers could detect early differences and predict the outcome of these movements, based on seeing only part of the actions. Experiment 1 revealed early kinematic differences between the two movements, with grasp-to-eat movements characterised by an earlier peak acceleration, and different grasp position, compared to grasp-to-place movements. There were also significant differences in forearm muscle activity in the reaching phase of the two actions. The behavioural data arising from Experiments 2a and 2b indicated that observers are not able to predict whether an object is going to be brought to the mouth or placed until after the grasp has been completed. This suggests that the early kinematic differences are either not visible to observers, or that they are not used to predict the end-goals of actions. These data are discussed in the context of the mirror neuron system


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Perception and action are tightly linked: objects may be perceived not only in terms of visual features, but also in terms of possibilities for action. Previous studies showed that when a centrally located object has a salient graspable feature (e.g., a handle), it facilitates motor responses corresponding with the feature's position. However, such so-called affordance effects have been criticized as resulting from spatial compatibility effects, due to the visual asymmetry created by the graspable feature, irrespective of any affordances. In order to dissociate between affordance and spatial compatibility effects, we asked participants to perform a simple reaction-time task to typically graspable and non-graspable objects with similar visual features (e.g., lollipop and stop sign). Responses were measured using either electromyography (EMG) on proximal arm muscles during reaching-like movements, or with finger key-presses. In both EMG and button press measurements, participants responded faster when the object was either presented in the same location as the responding hand, or was affordable, resulting in significant and independent spatial compatibility and affordance effects, but no interaction. Furthermore, while the spatial compatibility effect was present from the earliest stages of movement preparation and throughout the different stages of movement execution, the affordance effect was restricted to the early stages of movement execution. Finally, we tested a small group of unilateral arm amputees using EMG, and found residual spatial compatibility but no affordance, suggesting that spatial compatibility effects do not necessarily rely on individuals’ available affordances. Our results show dissociation between affordance and spatial compatibility effects, and suggest that rather than evoking the specific motor action most suitable for interaction with the viewed object, graspable objects prompt the motor system in a general, body-part independent fashion


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Joint attention (JA) and spontaneous facial mimicry (SFM) are fundamental processes in social interactions, and they are closely related to empathic abilities. When tested independently, both of these processes have been usually observed to be atypical in individuals with autism spectrum conditions (ASC). However, it is not known how these processes interact with each other in relation to autistic traits. This study addresses this question by testing the impact of JA on SFM of happy faces using a truly interactive paradigm. Sixty-two neurotypical participants engaged in gaze-based social interaction with an anthropomorphic, gaze-contingent virtual agent. The agent either established JA by initiating eye contact or looked away, before looking at an object and expressing happiness or disgust. Eye tracking was used to make the agent's gaze behavior and facial actions contingent to the participants' gaze. SFM of happy expressions was measured by Electromyography (EMG) recording over the Zygomaticus Major muscle. Results showed that JA augments SFM in individuals with low compared with high autistic traits. These findings are in line with reports of reduced impact of JA on action imitation in individuals with ASC. Moreover, they suggest that investigating atypical interactions between empathic processes, instead of testing these processes individually, might be crucial to understanding the nature of social deficits in autism


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Parkinson is a neurodegenerative disease, in which tremor is the main symptom. This paper investigates the use of different classification methods to identify tremors experienced by Parkinsonian patients.Some previous research has focussed tremor analysis on external body signals (e.g., electromyography, accelerometer signals, etc.). Our advantage is that we have access to sub-cortical data, which facilitates the applicability of the obtained results into real medical devices since we are dealing with brain signals directly. Local field potentials (LFP) were recorded in the subthalamic nucleus of 7 Parkinsonian patients through the implanted electrodes of a deep brain stimulation (DBS) device prior to its internalization. Measured LFP signals were preprocessed by means of splinting, down sampling, filtering, normalization and rec-tification. Then, feature extraction was conducted through a multi-level decomposition via a wavelettrans form. Finally, artificial intelligence techniques were applied to feature selection, clustering of tremor types, and tremor detection.The key contribution of this paper is to present initial results which indicate, to a high degree of certainty, that there appear to be two distinct subgroups of patients within the group-1 of patients according to the Consensus Statement of the Movement Disorder Society on Tremor. Such results may well lead to different resultant treatments for the patients involved, depending on how their tremor has been classified. Moreover, we propose a new approach for demand driven stimulation, in which tremor detection is also based on the subtype of tremor the patient has. Applying this knowledge to the tremor detection problem, it can be concluded that the results improve when patient clustering is applied prior to detection.


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The aim of this work was to investigate the neuromuscular changes associated with the orthodontic post-treatment using surface electromyography. One hundred (100) young, healthy adults without signs and symptoms of temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) were divided into two groups: 60 subjects who were undergoing orthodontic intervention (Ortho Group) and 40 subjects who had no orthodontic intervention (Control Group), aged 18-25 years. EMG activity of masseter and temporalis anterior muscle was recorded during two different tests: 1. maximum voluntary clench (MVC) with cotton rolls; and 2. MVC in intercuspal position. In all subjects, both tests were performed with symmetric muscular patterns (more than 85%) and with insignificant latero-deviating of the mandible (lower than 10%). There are no statistically significant differences between the subjects of both groups evaluated. Both groups showed medium index values calculated according to the normal standards established previously.


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Background. Impaired hand function is common in patients with arthritis and it affects performance of daily activities; thus, hand exercises are recommended. There is little information on the extent to which the disease affects activation of the flexor and extensor muscles during these hand-dexterity tasks. The purpose of this study was to compare muscle activation during such tasks in subjects with arthritis and in a healthy reference group. Methods. Muscle activation was measured in m. extensor digitorium communis (EDC) and in m. flexor carpi radialis (FCR) with surface electromyography (EMG) in women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA, n = 20), hand osteoarthritis (HOA, n = 16) and in a healthy reference group (n = 20) during the performance of four daily activity tasks and four hand exercises. Maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) was measured to enable intermuscular comparisons, and muscle activation is presented as %MVIC. Results. The arthritis group used a higher %MVIC than the reference group in both FCR and EDC when cutting with a pair of scissors, pulling up a zipper and—for the EDC—also when writing with a pen and using a key (p < 0.02). The exercise “rolling dough with flat hands” required the lowest %MVIC and may be less effective in improving muscle strength. Conclusions. Women with arthritis tend to use higher levels of muscle activation in daily tasks than healthy women, and wrist extensors and flexors appear to be equally affected. It is important that hand training programs reflect real-life situations and focus also on extensor strength.


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The study of human gait has expanded and diversified to the extent that it is now possible to identify a substantive literature concerning a variety of gait tasks, such as gait initiation [Halliday SE, Winter DA, Frank JS, Patla AE, Prince F. The initiation of gait in young, elderly, and Parkinson's disease subjects. Gait Posture 1998;8:8–14; Mickelborough J, van der Linden ML, Tallis RC, Ennos AR. Muscle activity during gait initiation in normal elderly people. Gait Posture 2004;19:50–57], stepping over and across obstacles [Patla AE, Prentice SD, Robinson C, Newfold J. Visual control of locomotion: strategies for changing direction and for going over obstacles. J Exp Psych 1991;17:603–34; Chen, HC, Ashton-Miller JA, Alexander NB, Schultz AB. Effect of age and available response time on ability to step over an obstacle. J Gerontol 1994;49:227–33; Sparrow WA, Shinkfield AJ, Chow S, Begg RK. Gait characteristics in stepping over obstacles. Hum Mov Sci 1996;15:605–22; Begg RK, Sparrow WA, Lythgo ND. Time-domain analysis of foot–ground reaction forces in negotiating obstacles. Gait Posture 1998;7:99–109; Patla AE, Rietdyk S. Visual control of limb trajectory over obstacles during locomotion: effect of obstacle height and width. Gait Posture 1993;1:45–60] negotiating raised surfaces such as curbs and stairs [Begg RK, Sparrow WA. Gait characteristics of young and older individuals negotiating a raised surface: implications for the prevention of falls. J Gerontol Med Sci 2000;55A:147–54; Mcfayden BJ, Winter DA. An integrated biomechanical analysis of normal stair ascent and descent. J Biomech 1988;21:733–44]. In addition, increasing research interest in age-related declines in gait that might predispose individuals to falls has engendered a very extensive literature concerning ageing effects on gait. While rapid locomotor adjustments are common in the course of daily activities there has been no previous review of the findings concerning gait adaptations when walking is terminated both rapidly and unexpectedly. The aims of this review were first, to summarise the key research findings and methodological considerations from studies of termination. The second aim was to demonstrate the effects of ageing and gait pathologies on termination with respect to the regulation of step characteristics, lower-limb muscle activation patterns and foot–ground reaction forces.