996 resultados para Electrical simulation
Spectral changes of Na(2) in liquid helium were studied using the sequential Monte Carlo-quantum mechanics method. Configurations composed by Na(2) surrounded by explicit helium atoms sampled from the Monte Carlo simulation were submitted to time-dependent density-functional theory calculations of the electronic absorption spectrum using different functionals. Attention is given to both line shift and line broadening. The Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof (PBE1PBE, also known as PBE0) functional, with the PBE1PBE/6-311++G(2d,2p) basis set, gives the spectral shift, compared to gas phase, of 500 cm(-1) for the allowed X (1)Sigma(+)(g) -> B (1)Pi(u) transition, in very good agreement with the experimental value (700 cm(-1)). For comparison, cluster calculations were also performed and the first X (1)Sigma(+)(g) -> A (1)Sigma(+)(u) transition was also considered.
A systematic study of magnetoresistance and dc magnetization was conducted in polycrystalline (Ru(1-x)Ir(x))Sr(2)GdCu(2)O(8) [(Ru,Ir)-1212] compounds, for 0 <= x <= 0.15. We found that a deviation from linearity in the normal-state electrical resistivity (rho) curves for temperatures below the magnetic transition temperature T(M) < 130 K can be properly described by a logarithmic term. The prefactor C(x, H) of this anomalous ln T contribution to rho(T) increases linearly with the Ir concentration, and diminishes rapidly with increasing applied magnetic field up to H approximate to 4 T, merging with the C(0,H) curve at higher magnetic fields. Correlation with magnetic susceptibility measurements supports a scenario of local perturbations in the orientation of Ru moments induced in the neighborhood of the Ir ions, therefore acting as scattering centers. The linear dependence of the prefactor C(x,H=0) and the superconducting transition temperature T(SC) on x points to a common source for the resistivity anomaly and the reduction in T(SC), suggesting that the CuO(2) and RuO(2) layers are not decoupled.
Lead fluoroborate glasses were prepared by the melt-quenching technique and characterized in terms of (micro)structural and electrical properties. The study was conducted on as prepared as well as temperature- and/or electric field-treated glass samples. The results show that, in the as-prepared glassy-state materials, electrical conductivity improved with increasing the PbF(2) glass content. This result involves both an increase of the fluoride charge carrier density and, especially, a decrease of the activation energy from a glass structure expansion improving charge carrier mobility. Moreover, for the electric field-treated glass samples, surface crystallization was observed even below the glass transition temperature. As previously proposed in literature, and shown here, the occurrence of this phenomenon arose from an electrochemically induced redox reaction at the electrodes, followed by crystallite nucleation. Once nucleated, growth of beta-PbF(2) crystallites, with the indication of incorporating reduced lead ions (Pb(+)), was both (micro)structurally and electrically detectable and analyzed. The overall crystallization-associated features observed here adapt well with the floppy-rigid model that has been proposed to further complete the original continuous-random-network model by Zachariasen for closely addressing not only glasses' structure but also crystallization mechanism. Finally, the crystallization-modified kinetic picture of the glasses' electrical properties, through application of polarization/depolarization measurements originally combined with impedance spectroscopy, was extensively explored. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
Structural and dynamical properties of liquid trimethylphosphine (TMP), (CH(3))(3)P, as a function of temperature is investigated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The force field used in the MD simulations, which has been proposed from molecular mechanics and quantum chemistry calculations, is able to reproduce the experimental density of liquid TMP at room temperature. Equilibrium structure is investigated by the usual radial distribution function, g(r), and also in the reciprocal space by the static structure factor, S(k). On the basis of center of mass distances, liquid TMP behaves like a simple liquid of almost spherical particles, but orientational correlation due to dipole-dipole interactions is revealed at short-range distances. Single particle and collective dynamics are investigated by several time correlation functions. At high temperatures, diffusion and reorientation occur at the same time range as relaxation of the liquid structure. Decoupling of these dynamic properties starts below ca. 220 K, when rattling dynamics of a given TMP molecules due to the cage effect of neighbouring molecules becomes important. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3624408]
Due to the worldwide increase in demand for biofuels, the area cultivated with sugarcane is expected to increase. For environmental and economic reasons, an increasing proportion of the areas are being harvested without burning, leaving the residues on the soil surface. This periodical input of residues affects soil physical, chemical and biological properties, as well as plant growth and nutrition. Modeling can be a useful tool in the study of the complex interactions between the climate, residue quality, and the biological factors controlling plant growth and residue decomposition. The approach taken in this work was to parameterize the CENTURY model for the sugarcane crop, to simulate the temporal dynamics of aboveground phytomass and litter decomposition, and to validate the model through field experiment data. When studying aboveground growth, burned and unburned harvest systems were compared, as well as the effect of mineral fertilizer and organic residue applications. The simulations were performed with data from experiments with different durations, from 12 months to 60 years, in Goiana, TimbaA(0)ba and Pradpolis, Brazil; Harwood, Mackay and Tully, Australia; and Mount Edgecombe, South Africa. The differentiation of two pools in the litter, with different decomposition rates, was found to be a relevant factor in the simulations made. Originally, the model had a basically unlimited layer of mulch directly available for decomposition, 5,000 g m(-2). Through a parameter optimization process, the thickness of the mulch layer closer to the soil, more vulnerable to decomposition, was set as 110 g m(-2). By changing the layer of mulch at any given time available for decomposition, the sugarcane residues decomposition simulations where close to measured values (R (2) = 0.93), contributing to making the CENTURY model a tool for the study of sugarcane litter decomposition patterns. The CENTURY model accurately simulated aboveground carbon stalk values (R (2) = 0.76), considering burned and unburned harvest systems, plots with and without nitrogen fertilizer and organic amendment applications, in different climates and soil conditions.
Currently there is a trend for the expansion of the area cropped with sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.), driven by an increase in the world demand for biofuels, due to economical, environmental, and geopolitical issues. Although sugarcane is traditionally harvested by burning dried leaves and tops, the unburned, mechanized harvest has been progressively adopted. The use of process based models is useful in understanding the effects of plant litter in soil C dynamics. The objective of this work was to use the CENTURY model in evaluating the effect of sugarcane residue management in the temporal dynamics of soil C. The approach taken in this work was to parameterize the CENTURY model for the sugarcane crop, to simulate the temporal dynamics of soil C, validating the model through field experiment data, and finally to make predictions in the long term regarding soil C. The main focus of this work was the comparison of soil C stocks between the burned and unburned litter management systems, but the effect of mineral fertilizer and organic residue applications were also evaluated. The simulations were performed with data from experiments with different durations, from 1 to 60 yr, in Goiana and Timbauba, Pernambuco, and Pradopolis, Sao Paulo, all in Brazil; and Mount Edgecombe, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. It was possible to simulate the temporal dynamics of soil C (R(2) = 0.89). The predictions made with the model revealed that there is, in the long term, a trend for higher soil C stocks with the unburned management. This increase is conditioned by factors such as climate, soil texture, time of adoption of the unburned system, and N fertilizer management.
The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) on myoelectrical activity and on joint torque during isometric plantar flexion contraction. Ten healthy young adult subjects participate in this study. The electrodes for NMES are placed along posterior thigh along ciatic nerve trajectory. It is measured the myoelectrical activity and the isometric torque generated by ankle plantar flexion with an isokinetic dynamometer. The conditions of isometric contractions are maximum isometric voluntary contraction (MIVC), NMES, and association of both (MIVC+NMES). The results show lower torque during NMES and larger SOL activity compare to the others. Besides, in order to keep the same objective task (to produce the same level of torque), neuromuscular adaptations are necessary on the common drive.
This study investigated the energy system contributions of rowers in three different conditions: rowing on an ergometer without and with the slide and rowing in the water. For this purpose, eight rowers were submitted to 2,000 m race simulations in each of the situations defined above. The fractions of the aerobic (W(AER)), anaerobic alactic (W(PCR)) and anaerobic lactic (W([La-])) systems were calculated based on the oxygen uptake, the fast component of excess post-exercise oxygen uptake and changes in net blood lactate, respectively. In the water, the metabolic work was significantly higher [(851 (82) kJ] than during both ergometer [674 (60) kJ] and ergometer with slide [663 (65) kJ] (P <= 0.05). The time in the water [515 (11) s] was higher (P < 0.001) than in the ergometers with [398 (10) s] and without the slide [402 (15) s], resulting in no difference when relative energy expenditure was considered: in the water [99 (9) kJ min(-1)], ergometer without the slide [99.6 (9) kJ min(-1)] and ergometer with the slide [100.2 (9.6) kJ min(-1)]. The respective contributions of the WAER, WPCR and W[La-] systems were water = 87 (2), 7 (2) and 6 (2)%, ergometer = 84 (2), 7 (2) and 9 (2)%, and ergometer with the slide = 84 (2), 7 (2) and 9 (1)%. (V) over dotO(2), HR and lactate were not different among conditions. These results seem to indicate that the ergometer braking system simulates conditions of a bigger and faster boat and not a single scull. Probably, a 2,500 m test should be used to properly simulate in the water single-scull race.
Several high temperature superconductor (HTS) tapes have been developed since the late eighties. Due to the new techniques applied for their production, HTS tapes are becoming feasible and practical for many applications. In this work, we present the test results of five commercial HTS tapes from the BSCCO and YBCO families (short samples of 200 mm). We have measured and analyzed their intrinsic and extrinsic properties and compared their behaviors for fault current limiter (FCL) applications. Electrical measurements were performed to determine the critical current and the n value through the V-I relationship under DC and AC magnetic fields. The resistance per unit length was determined as a function of temperature. The magnetic characteristics were analyzed through susceptibility curves as a function of temperature. As transport current generates a magnetic field surrounding the HTS material, the magnetic measurements indicate the magnetic field supported by the tapes under a peak current 1.5 times higher than the critical current, I(c). By pulsed current tests the recovery time and the energy/volume during a current fault were also analyzed. These results are in agreement with the data found in the literature giving the most appropriate performance conductor for a FCL device (I(peak) = 4 kA) to be used in a 220 V-60 Hz grid.
The joint process between tapes of coated conductors is a critical issue for the most of the applications of high temperature superconductors (HTS). Using different fabrication techniques joints of YBCO coated superconductors were prepared and characterized through electrical measurements. For soldering material low melting point eutectic alloys, such as In-Sn (m.p. 116 degrees C) and Sn-Pb (m. p. 189 degrees C) were selected to prepare lap joints with effective length between 1 to 20 cm. The splice resistance and the critical current of the joints were evaluated by I-V curve measurements with the maximum current strength above the critical current, in order to evaluate the degree of degradation for each joint method. Pressed lap joints prepared with tapes without external reinforcement presented low resistance lap joint nevertheless some critical current degradation occurs when strong pressing is applied. When mechanical pressure is applied during the soldering process we can reduce the thickness of the solder alloy and a residual resistance arises from contributions of high resistivity matrix and external reinforcement. The lap joints for reinforced tape were prepared using two methods: the first, using ""as-supplied"" tape and the other after reinforcement-removal; in the latter case, the tapes were resoldered using Sn-Pb alloy. The results using several joint geometries, distinct surface preparation processes and different soldering materials are presented and analysed. The solder alloy with lower melting point and the longer joint length presented the smallest joint resistance.
This paper proposes a three-stage offline approach to detect, identify, and correct series and shunt branch parameter errors. In Stage 1 the branches suspected of having parameter errors are identified through an Identification Index (II). The II of a branch is the ratio between the number of measurements adjacent to that branch, whose normalized residuals are higher than a specified threshold value, and the total number of measurements adjacent to that branch. Using several measurement snapshots, in Stage 2 the suspicious parameters are estimated, in a simultaneous multiple-state-and-parameter estimation, via an augmented state and parameter estimator which increases the V - theta state vector for the inclusion of suspicious parameters. Stage 3 enables the validation of the estimation obtained in Stage 2, and is performed via a conventional weighted least squares estimator. Several simulation results (with IEEE bus systems) have demonstrated the reliability of the proposed approach to deal with single and multiple parameter errors in adjacent and non-adjacent branches, as well as in parallel transmission lines with series compensation. Finally the proposed approach is confirmed on tests performed on the Hydro-Quebec TransEnergie network.
Study design: Controlled clinical test. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of quadriceps and anterior tibial muscles electrical stimulation on the feet and ankles of patients with spinal cord injuries and to compare them with able-bodied individuals and a group of patients who did not undergo neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES). Setting: This study was conducted at the Hospital das Clinicas of Unicamp, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: Between January and April 2008, 30 patients at the spinal cord injury ambulatory clinic who underwent NMES (group A) were submitted to a clinical and radiographic assessment of their feet and ankles and compared with a spinal cord injury group (group B) who did not undergo NMES and a group of able-bodied individuals (group C). The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare all the three groups, and between-group differences (P < 0.05) were investigated with the Mann-Whitney test. Results: The mean mobility of the midfoot and ankle subtalar joint was significantly higher in group C than in groups A and B. Differences in the mean measurements of the profiles of the talocalcaneal and the talus-first metatarsal angles were statistically significant for group A vs the other groups (P = 0.0020, 0.0024, respectively). Foot deformities were found in groups including claw toes and flat feet (group A) and grade I ulcers on the lateral malleolus and calcaneus (group B). Conclusion: Partial-load NMES maintains the feet and ankles in a planted and adequate walking position in patients with spinal cord injuries, a favorable result of new technologies that allows these patients to reacquire independent walking capacity. Spinal Cord (2010) 48, 881-885; doi:10.1038/sc.2010.50; published online 18 May 2010
The power loss reduction in distribution systems (DSs) is a nonlinear and multiobjective problem. Service restoration in DSs is even computationally hard since it additionally requires a solution in real-time. Both DS problems are computationally complex. For large-scale networks, the usual problem formulation has thousands of constraint equations. The node-depth encoding (NDE) enables a modeling of DSs problems that eliminates several constraint equations from the usual formulation, making the problem solution simpler. On the other hand, a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm (EA) based on subpopulation tables adequately models several objectives and constraints, enabling a better exploration of the search space. The combination of the multiobjective EA with NDE (MEAN) results in the proposed approach for solving DSs problems for large-scale networks. Simulation results have shown the MEAN is able to find adequate restoration plans for a real DS with 3860 buses and 632 switches in a running time of 0.68 s. Moreover, the MEAN has shown a sublinear running time in function of the system size. Tests with networks ranging from 632 to 5166 switches indicate that the MEAN can find network configurations corresponding to a power loss reduction of 27.64% for very large networks requiring relatively low running time.
Study design: Radiographic analysis of sagittal spinal alignment of paraplegics in a standing position under surface neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES). Objectives: Describing the radiographic parameters of the sagittal spinal alignment of paraplegics going through a rehabilitation program with NMES. Setting: The University Hospital`s Ambulatory (UNICAMP), Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: Panoramic X-ray images in profile were taken for 10 paraplegics. All patients participated in the rehabilitation program and were able to perform gait through NMES of the femoral quadriceps muscles. The radiographic parameters used for the analysis were the same as those described in the literature for healthy people. The results were didactically organized into three groups: anatomical shape of the spine, morphology and kinetics of the pelvis and spinopelvic alignment. Results: The physiological curvature of the spine in paraplegics showed average values similar to those described in the literature for healthy patients. The inversion of the pelvic tilt and the increase in the sacral slope were defined by the anterior backward rotation of the pelvis. The existing theoretical mathematical formulas that define lumbar lordosis, pelvic incidence and pelvic tilt showed normal values, despite the anterior intense sagittal imbalance. Conclusions: The adaptive posture of the spine in paraplegics standing through the stimulation of the femoral quadriceps does not allow for a neutral sagittal alignment. This novel radiographic detailed description of the various segments of the spine can be of assistance toward the understanding of the global postural control for such subjects. Spinal Cord (2010) 48, 251-256; doi: 10.1038/sc.2009.123; published online 29 September 2009
This research presents a method for frequency estimation in power systems using an adaptive filter based on the Least Mean Square Algorithm (LMS). In order to analyze a power system, three-phase voltages were converted into a complex signal applying the alpha beta-transform and the results were used in an adaptive filtering algorithm. Although the use of the complex LMS algorithm is described in the literature, this paper deals with some practical aspects of the algorithm implementation. In order to reduce computing time, a coefficient generator was implemented. For the algorithm validation, a computing simulation of a power system was carried Out using the ATP software. Many different situations were Simulated for the performance analysis of the proposed methodology. The results were compared to a commercial relay for validation, showing the advantages of the new method. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.