937 resultados para Einhorn, Stefan


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With progressing CMOS technology miniaturization, the leakage power consumption starts to dominate the dynamic power consumption. The recent technology trends have equipped the modern embedded processors with the several sleep states and reduced their overhead (energy/time) of the sleep transition. The dynamic voltage frequency scaling (DVFS) potential to save energy is diminishing due to efficient (low overhead) sleep states and increased static (leakage) power consumption. The state-of-the-art research on static power reduction at system level is based on assumptions that cannot easily be integrated into practical systems. We propose a novel enhanced race-to-halt approach (ERTH) to reduce the overall system energy consumption. The exhaustive simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach showing an improvement of up to 8 % over an existing work.


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We have developed SPARTS, a simulator of a generic embedded real-time device. It is designed to be extensible to accommodate different task properties, scheduling algorithms and/or hardware models for the wide variety of applications. SPARTS was developed to help the community investigate the behaviour of the real-time embedded systems and to quantify the associated constraints/overheads.


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Sleep-states are emerging as a first-class design choice in energy minimization. A side effect of this is that the release behavior of the system is affected and subsequently the preemption relations between tasks. In a first step we have investigated how the behavior in terms of number of preemptions of tasks in the system is changed at runtime, using an existing procrastination approach, which utilizes sleepstates for energy savings purposes. Our solution resulted in substantial savings of preemptions and we expect from even higher yields for alternative energy saving algorithms. This work is intended to form the base of future research, which aims to bound the number of preemptions at analysis time and subsequently how this may be employed in the analysis to reduced the amount of system utilization, which is reserved to account for the preemption delay.


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Embedded real-time systems often have to support the embedding system in very different and changing application scenarios. An aircraft taxiing, taking off and in cruise flight is one example. The different application scenarios are reflected in the software structure with a changing task set and thus different operational modes. At the same time there is a strong push for integrating previously isolated functionalities in single-chip multicore processors. On such multicores the behavior of the system during a mode change, when the systems transitions from one mode to another, is complex but crucial to get right. In the past we have investigated mode change in multiprocessor systems where a mode change requires a complete change of task set. Now, we present the first analysis which considers mode changes in multicore systems, which use global EDF to schedule a set of mode independent (MI) and mode specific (MS) tasks. In such systems, only the set of MS tasks has to be replaced during mode changes, without jeopardizing the schedulability of the MI tasks. Of prime concern is that the mode change is safe and efficient: i.e. the mode change needs to be performed in a predefined time window and no deadlines may be missed as a function of the mode change.


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"Many-core” systems based on the Network-on- Chip (NoC) architecture have brought into the fore-front various opportunities and challenges for the deployment of real-time systems. Such real-time systems need timing guarantees to be fulfilled. Therefore, calculating upper-bounds on the end-to-end communication delay between system components is of primary interest. In this work, we identify the limitations of an existing approach proposed by [1] and propose different techniques to overcome these limitations.


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Componentised systems, in particular those with fault confinement through address spaces, are currently emerging as a hot topic in embedded systems research. This paper extends the unified rate-based scheduling framework RBED in several dimensions to fit the requirements of such systems: we have removed the requirement that the deadline of a task is equal to its period. The introduction of inter-process communication reflects the need to communicate. Additionally we also discuss server tasks, budget replenishment and the low level details needed to deal with the physical reality of systems. While a number of these issues have been studied in previous work in isolation, we focus on the problems discovered and lessons learned when integrating solutions. We report on our experiences implementing the proposed mechanisms in a commercial grade OKL4 microkernel as well as an application with soft real-time and best-effort tasks on top of it.


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Temporal isolation is an increasingly relevant con- cern in particular for ARINC-351 and virtualisation- based systems. Traditional approaches like the rate- based scheduling framework RBED do not take into account the impact of preemptions in terms of loss of working set in the acceleration hardware (e.g. caches). While some improvements have been suggested in the literature, they are overly heavy in the presence of small high-priority tasks such as interrupt service routines. Within this paper we propose an approach enabling adaptive assessment of this preemption delay in a tem- poral isolation framework with special consideration of capabilities and limitations of the approach.


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Existing work in the context of energy management for real-time systems often ignores the substantial cost of making DVFS and sleep state decisions in terms of time and energy and/or assume very simple models. Within this paper we attempt to explore the parameter space for such decisions and possible constraints faced.


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This paper describes the application of Design State Exploration techniques in the development of a remote lab for projectile motion experiments. The application was enabled by the existence of two independent teams: one composed of a series of internships that started first and another with two grantees that started a few months later. The paper presents evidence on how this approach provided gains in the development process conducted by the second team that benefited from design state exploration studies performed by the first team. This particular aspect is highlighted in relation to the work already presented in the 10th Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV) conference.


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The participation of the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA (Stuttgart, Germany) and the companies User Interface Design GmbH (Ludwigsburg, Germany) plus MLR System GmbH (Ludwigsburg, Germany) enabled the research and findings presented in this paper; we would like to namely mention Birgit Graf and Theo Jacobs (Fraunhofer IPA) furthermore Peter Klein and Christiane Hartmann (User Interface Design GmbH).


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Energy consumption is one of the major issues for modern embedded systems. Early, power saving approaches mainly focused on dynamic power dissipation, while neglecting the static (leakage) energy consumption. However, technology improvements resulted in a case where static power dissipation increasingly dominates. Addressing this issue, hardware vendors have equipped modern processors with several sleep states. We propose a set of leakage-aware energy management approaches that reduce the energy consumption of embedded real-time systems while respecting the real-time constraints. Our algorithms are based on the race-to-halt strategy that tends to run the system at top speed with an aim to create long idle intervals, which are used to deploy a sleep state. The effectiveness of our algorithms is illustrated with an extensive set of simulations that show an improvement of up to 8% reduction in energy consumption over existing work at high utilization. The complexity of our algorithms is smaller when compared to state-of-the-art algorithms. We also eliminate assumptions made in the related work that restrict the practical application of the respective algorithms. Moreover, a novel study about the relation between the use of sleep intervals and the number of pre-emptions is also presented utilizing a large set of simulation results, where our algorithms reduce the experienced number of pre-emptions in all cases. Our results show that sleep states in general can save up to 30% of the overall number of pre-emptions when compared to the sleep-agnostic earliest-deadline-first algorithm.


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“Many-core” systems based on a Network-on-Chip (NoC) architecture offer various opportunities in terms of performance and computing capabilities, but at the same time they pose many challenges for the deployment of real-time systems, which must fulfill specific timing requirements at runtime. It is therefore essential to identify, at design time, the parameters that have an impact on the execution time of the tasks deployed on these systems and the upper bounds on the other key parameters. The focus of this work is to determine an upper bound on the traversal time of a packet when it is transmitted over the NoC infrastructure. Towards this aim, we first identify and explore some limitations in the existing recursive-calculus-based approaches to compute the Worst-Case Traversal Time (WCTT) of a packet. Then, we extend the existing model by integrating the characteristics of the tasks that generate the packets. For this extended model, we propose an algorithm called “Branch and Prune” (BP). Our proposed method provides tighter and safe estimates than the existing recursive-calculus-based approaches. Finally, we introduce a more general approach, namely “Branch, Prune and Collapse” (BPC) which offers a configurable parameter that provides a flexible trade-off between the computational complexity and the tightness of the computed estimate. The recursive-calculus methods and BP present two special cases of BPC when a trade-off parameter is 1 or ∞, respectively. Through simulations, we analyze this trade-off, reason about the implications of certain choices, and also provide some case studies to observe the impact of task parameters on the WCTT estimates.


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Based on the report for Project III of the PhD programme on Technology Assessment and prepared for the Winter School that took place at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Caparica Campus on the 6th and 7th of December 2010.


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This master’s thesis addresses the maintenance of pre-computed structures, which store a frequent or expensive query, for the nested bag data type in the high level work-flow language Pig Latin. This thesis defines a model suitable to accommodate incremental expressions over nested bags on Pig Latin. Afterwards, the partitioned normal form for sets is extended with further restrictions, in order to accommodate the nested bag model, allow the Pig Latin nest and unnest operators revert each other, and create a suitable environment to the incremental computations. Subsequently, the extended operators – extended union and extended difference – are defined for the nested bag data model with the partitioned normal form for bags (PNF Bag) restriction, and semantics for the extended operators are given. Finally, incremental data propagation expressions are proposed for the nest and unnest operators on the data model proposed with the PNF Bag restriction, and the proof of correctness is given.


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Heterogeneous multicore platforms are becoming an interesting alternative for embedded computing systems with limited power supply as they can execute specific tasks in an efficient manner. Nonetheless, one of the main challenges of such platforms consists of optimising the energy consumption in the presence of temporal constraints. This paper addresses the problem of task-to-core allocation onto heterogeneous multicore platforms such that the overall energy consumption of the system is minimised. To this end, we propose a two-phase approach that considers both dynamic and leakage energy consumption: (i) the first phase allocates tasks to the cores such that the dynamic energy consumption is reduced; (ii) the second phase refines the allocation performed in the first phase in order to achieve better sleep states by trading off the dynamic energy consumption with the reduction in leakage energy consumption. This hybrid approach considers core frequency set-points, tasks energy consumption and sleep states of the cores to reduce the energy consumption of the system. Major value has been placed on a realistic power model which increases the practical relevance of the proposed approach. Finally, extensive simulations have been carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. In the best-case, savings up to 18% of energy are reached over the first fit algorithm, which has shown, in previous works, to perform better than other bin-packing heuristics for the target heterogeneous multicore platform.