989 resultados para ER-YAG LASERS


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In this study we compared the microleakage of conventional glass ionomer cement (GIC) restorations following the use of different methods of root caries removal. In vitro root caries were induced in 75 human root dentin samples that were divided in five groups of 15 each according to the method used for caries removal: in group 1 spherical carbide burs at low speed were used, in group 2 a hand-held excavator was used, and in groups 3 to 5 an Er,Cr:YSGG laser was used at 2.25 W, 40.18 J/cm(2) (group 3), 2.50 W, 44.64 J/cm(2) (group 4) and 2.75 W, 49.11 J/cm(2) (group 5). The air/water cooling during irradiation was set to 55%/65% respectively. All cavities were filled with GIC. Five samples from each group were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the other ten samples were thermocycled and submitted to a microleakage test. The data obtained were compared by ANOVA followed by Fisher's test (pa parts per thousand currency sign0.05). Group 4 showed the lowest microleakage index (56.65 6.30; p < 0.05). There were no significant differences among the other groups. On SEM images samples of groups 1 and 2 showed a more regular interface than the irradiated samples. Demineralized dentin below the restoration was observed, that was probably affected dentin. Group 4 showed the lowest microleakage values compared to the other experimental groups, so under the conditions of the present study the method that provided the lowest microleakage was the Er,Cr:YSGG laser with a power output of 2.5 W yielding an energy density of 44.64 J/cm(2).


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Laser irradiation has numerous favorable characteristics, such as ablation or vaporization, hemostasis, biostimulation (photobiomodulation) and microbial inhibition and destruction, which induce various beneficial therapeutic effects and biological responses. Therefore, the use of lasers is considered effective and suitable for treating a variety of inflammatory and infectious oral conditions. The CO2 , neodymium-doped yttrium-aluminium-garnet (Nd:YAG) and diode lasers have mainly been used for periodontal soft-tissue management. With development of the erbium-doped yttrium-aluminium-garnet (Er:YAG) and erbium, chromium-doped yttrium-scandium-gallium-garnet (Er,Cr:YSGG) lasers, which can be applied not only on soft tissues but also on dental hard tissues, the application of lasers dramatically expanded from periodontal soft-tissue management to hard-tissue treatment. Currently, various periodontal tissues (such as gingiva, tooth roots and bone tissue), as well as titanium implant surfaces, can be treated with lasers, and a variety of dental laser systems are being employed for the management of periodontal and peri-implant diseases. In periodontics, mechanical therapy has conventionally been the mainstream of treatment; however, complete bacterial eradication and/or optimal wound healing may not be necessarily achieved with conventional mechanical therapy alone. Consequently, in addition to chemotherapy consisting of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents, phototherapy using lasers and light-emitting diodes has been gradually integrated with mechanical therapy to enhance subsequent wound healing by achieving thorough debridement, decontamination and tissue stimulation. With increasing evidence of benefits, therapies with low- and high-level lasers play an important role in wound healing/tissue regeneration in the treatment of periodontal and peri-implant diseases. This article discusses the outcomes of laser therapy in soft-tissue management, periodontal nonsurgical and surgical treatment, osseous surgery and peri-implant treatment, focusing on postoperative wound healing of periodontal and peri-implant tissues, based on scientific evidence from currently available basic and clinical studies, as well as on case reports.


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The aim of the study was to compare fissure sealant quality after mechanical conditioning of erbium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet (Er:YAG) laser or air abrasion prior to chemical conditioning of phosphoric acid etching or of a self-etch adhesive. Twenty-five permanent molars were initially divided into three groups: control group (n = 5), phosphoric acid etching; test group 1 (n = 10), air abrasion; and test group 2, (n = 10) Er:YAG laser. After mechanical conditioning, the test group teeth were sectioned buccolingually and the occlusal surface of one half tooth (equal to one sample) was acid etched, while a self-etch adhesive was applied on the other half. The fissure system of each sample was sealed, thermo-cycled and immersed in 5% methylene dye for 24 h. Each sample was sectioned buccolingually, and one slice was analysed microscopically. Using specialized software microleakage, unfilled margin, sealant failure and unfilled area proportions were calculated. A nonparametric ANOVA model was applied to compare the Er:YAG treatment with that of air abrasion and the self-etch adhesive with phosphoric acid (α = 0.05). Test groups were compared to the control group using Wilcoxon rank sum tests (α = 0.05). The control group displayed significantly lower microleakage but higher unfilled area proportions than the Er:YAG laser + self-etch adhesive group and displayed significantly higher unfilled margin and unfilled area proportions than the air-abrasion + self-etch adhesive group. There was no statistically significant difference in the quality of sealants applied in fissures treated with either Er:YAG laser or air abrasion prior to phosphoric acid etching, nor in the quality of sealants applied in fissures treated with either self-etch adhesive or phosphoric acid following Er:YAG or air-abrasion treatment.


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El proceso de soldadura por láser desarrollado en los últimos años ha puesto de manifiesto las posibilidades de aplicación de esta tecnología en diferentes sectores productivos, principalmente en la industria automovilística, en la cual se han demostrado sus ventajas en términos de productividad, eficiencia y calidad. El uso de la tecnología láser, ya sea híbrida o pura, reduce el input térmico al limitar la zona afectada por el calor, sin crear deformaciones y, por tanto, disminuye los re-trabajos post-soldadura necesarios para eliminarlas. Asimismo, se aumenta la velocidad de soldadura, incrementando la productividad y calidad de las uniones. En la última década, el uso de láseres híbridos, (láser + arco) de gran potencia de Neodimio YAG, (Nd: YAG) ha sido cada vez más importante. La instalación de este tipo de fuentes de láser sólido de gran potencia ha sido posible en construcción naval debido a sus ventajas con respecto a las instalaciones de láser de C02 existentes en los astilleros que actualmente utilizan esta tecnología. Los láseres de C02 están caracterizados por su gran potencia y la transmisión del haz a través de espejos. En el caso de las fuentes de Nd:YAG, debido a la longitud de onda a la cual se genera el haz láser, su transmisión pueden ser realizada a través de fibra óptica , haciendo posible la utilización del cabezal láser a gran distancia de la fuente, aparte de la alternativa de integrar el cabezal en unidades robotizadas. El proceso láser distribuye el calor aportado de manera uniforme. Las características mecánicas de dichas uniones ponen de manifiesto la adecuación de la soldadura por láser para su uso en construcción naval, cumpliendo los requerimientos exigidos por las Sociedades de Clasificación. La eficiencia energética de los láseres de C02, con porcentajes superiores al 20%, aparte de las ya estudiadas técnicas de su instalación constituyen las razones por las cuales este tipo de láser es el más usado en el ámbito industrial. El láser de gran potencia de Nd: YAG está presente en el mercado desde hace poco tiempo, y por tanto, su precio es relativamente mayor que el de C02, siendo sus costes de mantenimiento, tanto de lámparas como de diodos necesarios para el bombeo del sólido, igualmente mayores que en el caso del C02. En cambio, el efecto de absorción de parte de la energía en el plasma generado durante el proceso no se produce en el caso del láser de Nd: YAG, utilizando parte de esa energía en estabilizar el arco, siendo necesaria menos potencia de la fuente, reduciendo el coste de la inversión. En función de la aplicación industrial, se deberá realizar el análisis de viabilidad económica correspondiente. Dependiendo de la potencia de la fuente y del tipo de láser utilizado, y por tanto de la longitud de onda a la que se propaga la radiación electromagnética, pueden existen riesgos para la salud. El láser de neodimio se propaga en una longitud de onda, relativamente cercana al rango visible, en la cual se pueden producir daños en los ojos de los operadores. Se deberán establecer las medidas preventivas para evitar los riesgos a los que están expuestos dichos operadores en la utilización de este tipo de energía. La utilización del láser de neodimio: YAG ofrece posibilidades de utilización en construcción naval económicamente rentables, debido su productividad y las buenas características mecánicas de las uniones. Abstract The laser welding process development of the last years shows broad application possibilities in many sectors of industry, mostly in automobile production. The advantages of the laser beam process produce higher productivity, increasing the quality and thermal efficiency. Laser technology, arc-hybrid or pure laser welding, reduces thermal input and thus a smaller heat-affected zone at the work piece. This means less weldment distortion which reduces the amount of subsequent post-weld straightening work that needs to be done. A higher welding speed is achieved by use of the arc and the laser beam, increasing productivity and quality of the joining process. In the last decade use of hybrid technology (laser-GMA hybrid method) with high power sources Nd:YAG lasers, gained in importance. The installation of this type of higher power solid state laser is possible in shipbuilding industrial applications due to its advantages compare with the C02 laser sources installed in the shipyards which use this technology. C02 lasers are characterised by high power output and its beam guidance is via inelastic system of mirrors. In the case of Nd:YAG laser, due to its wavelength, the laser beam can be led by means of a flexible optical fibre even across large distances, which allows three dimensional welding jobs by using of robots. Laser beam welding is a process during which the heat is transferred to the welded material uniformly and the features of the process fulfilled the requirements by Classification Societies. So that, its application to the shipbuilding industry should be possible. The high quantum efficiency of C02 laser, which enabled efficiency factors up to 20%, and relative simple technical possibilities of implementation are the reasons for the fact that it is the most important laser in industrial material machining. High power Nd: YAG laser is established on the market since short time, so that its price is relatively high compared with the C02 laser source and its maintenance cost, lamp or diode pumped solid state laser, is also higher than in the case of C02 lasers. Nevertheless effect of plasma shielding does not exist with Nd:YAG lasers, so that for the gas-shielding welding process the optimal gases can be used regarding arc stability, thus power source are saved and the costs can be optimised. Each industrial application carried out needs its cost efficiency analysis. Depending on the power output and laser type, the dangerousness of reflected irradiation, which even in some meters distance, affects for the healthy operators. For the YAG laser process safety arrangements must be set up in order to avoid the laser radiation being absorbed by the human eye. Due to its wavelength of radiation, being relatively close to the visible range, severe damage to the retina of the eye is possible if sufficient precautions are not taken. Safety aspects are of vital importance to be able to shield the operator as well as other personal. The use of Nd:YAG lasers offers interesting and economically attractive applications in shipbuilding industry. Higher joining rates are possible, and very good mechanical/technological parameters can be achieved.


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The second harmonic generation (SHG) intensity spectrum of SiC, ZnO, GaN two-dimensional hexagonal crystals is calculated by using a real-time first-principles approach based on Green's function theory [Attaccalite et al., Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter Mater. Phys. 2013 88, 235113]. This approach allows one to go beyond the independent particle description used in standard first-principles nonlinear optics calculations by including quasiparticle corrections (by means of the GW approximation), crystal local field effects and excitonic effects. Our results show that the SHG spectra obtained using the latter approach differ significantly from their independent particle counterparts. In particular they show strong excitonic resonances at which the SHG intensity is about two times stronger than within the independent particle approximation. All the systems studied (whose stabilities have been predicted theoretically) are transparent and at the same time exhibit a remarkable SHG intensity in the range of frequencies at which Ti:sapphire and Nd:YAG lasers operate; thus they can be of interest for nanoscale nonlinear frequency conversion devices. Specifically the SHG intensity at 800 nm (1.55 eV) ranges from about 40-80 pm V(-1) in ZnO and GaN to 0.6 nm V(-1) in SiC. The latter value in particular is 1 order of magnitude larger than values in standard nonlinear crystals.


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An investigation on the panchromaticity of a silver-doped poly(vinyl alcohol)/acrylamide photopolymer system is presented in this paper. Frequency-doubled Nd:YAG (532 nm) and Arþ (488 nm) lasers were used for the characterization of the films. Previous studies using an He–Ne laser (632:8 nm) showed that plane-wave transmission grating with a high diffraction efficiency of 75% could be stored in the optimized film. From the present study, it was noted that transmission gratings with 70% diffraction efficiency could be recorded using Arþ and Nd:YAG lasers, thereby elucidating the possibility of using the developed photopolymer system as a competent panchromatic recording medium


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The aim of this in vivo study was to evaluate the thermal effects caused by 810 nm 1.2 W diode laser irradiation of periodontal tissues. Despite all data available concerning the laser application for periodontal treatment, one of the most relevant challenges is to prevent the harmful tissue heating induced by different clinical protocols. Periodontal pockets were induced at molars in 96 rats. Several irradiation powers under CW mode were investigated: 0, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200 mW. The pockets were irradiated using a 300 A mu m frontal illumination fiber. The animals were killed at 4 or 10 days after irradiation. The mandible was surgically removed and histologically processed. The histological sections stained with H/E demonstrated that irradiation parameters up to 1000 mW were thermally safe for the periodontal tissues. The sections stained with Brown & Brenn technique evidenced bacteria in the periodontal tissues. Consequently, the diode laser irradiation as a unique treatment was not capable to eliminate bacteria of the biofilm present in the pockets. According to the methodology used here, it was concluded that the thermal variation promoted by a diode laser can cause damage to periodontal tissues depending on the energy density used. The 1.2 W diode laser irradiation itself does not control the bacteria present in the biofilm of the periodontal pockets without mechanical action. The knowledge of proper high intensity laser parameters and methods of irradiation for periodontal protocols may prevent any undesirable thermal damage to the tissues.


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We have investigated if a new LEDs system has enough efficient energy to promote efficient shear and tensile bonding strength resistance under standardized tests. LEDs 470 +/- 10 nm can be used to photocure composite during bracket fixation. Advantages considering resistance to tensile and shear bonding strength when these systems were used are necessary to justify their clinical use. Forty eight human extracted premolars teeth and two light sources were selected, one halogen lamp and a LEDs system. Brackets for premolar were bonded through composite resin. Samples were submitted to standardized tests. A comparison between used sources under shear bonding strength test, obtained similar results; however, tensile bonding test showed distinct results: a statistical difference at a level of 1% between exposure times (40 and 60 seconds) and even to an interaction between light source and exposure time. The best result was obtained with halogen lamp use by 60 seconds, even during re-bonding; however LEDs system can be used for bonding and re-bonding brackets if power density could be increased.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of different light-curing units on the bond strength (push-out) of glass fiber posts in the different thirds of the root (cervical, middle and apical) with different adhesive luting resin systems (dual-cure total-etch; dual-cured and self-etch bonding system; and dual-cure self-adhesive cements), Disks of the samples (n = 144) were used, with approximately 1 mm of thickness of 48 bovine roots restored with glass fiber posts, that were luted with resin cements photo-activated by halogen LCU (QTH, Optilux 501) and blue LED (Ultraled), with power densities of 600 and 550 mW/cm(2), respectively. A universal testing machine (MTS 810 Material Test System) was used with a 1 mm diameter steel rod at cross-head speed of 0.5 mm/min until post extrusion, with load cell of 50 kg, for evaluation of the push-out strength in the different thirds of each sample. The push-out strength values in kgf were converted to MPa and analyzed through Analysis of Variance and Tukey`s test, at significance level of 5%. The results showed that there were no statistical differences between the QTH and LED LCUs. The self-adhesive resin cement had lower values of retention. The total-etch and self-adhesive system resin cements seem to be a possible alternative for glass fiber posts cementation into the radicular canal and the LED LCU can be applied as an alternative to halogen light on photo-activation of dual-cured resin cements.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the hypothesis that low-level laser therapy (LLLT) 688 nm and 785 nm accelerate dentin barrier formation and repair process after traumatic pulp exposure. The sample consisted of 45 premolars of capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) with pulp exposure Class V cavities. All premolars were treated with calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)(2)), divided in groups of 15 teeth each, and analyzed on 7(th), 25(th), and 60(th) day. Group GI - only Ca(OH)(2), GIF- laser 688 nm, and GIII - laser 785 nm. Laser beam was used in single and punctual dose with the parameters: continuous, 688 nm and 785 nm wavelength, tip`s area of 0.00785 cm(2), power 50 mW, application time 20 s, dose 255 J/cm(2), energy 2 J. Teeth were capped with Ca(OH)(2), Ca(OH)(2) cement and restored with amalgam. All groups presented pulp repair. On 25(th) day the thickness of the formed dentin barrier was different between the groups GI and GII (p < 0.05) and between groups GI and GIII (p < 0.01). On 60(th) day there was difference between GI and GIII (p < 0.01). It may be concluded that, LLLT 688 nm and 785 nm accelerated dentin barrier formation and consequently pulp repair process, with best results using infrared laser 785 nm. (c) 2009 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WLLEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA


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Objective: the purpose of this study was to verify if the application of the Nd:YAG laser following pretreatment of dentin with adhesive systems that were not light cured in class V cavities and were prepared with Er:YAG laser would promote better sealing of the gingival margins when compared to cavities prepared the conventional way. Background Data: Previous studies had shown that the pretreatment of dentin with laser irradiation after the application of an adhesive system is efficient in achieving higher shear bond and tensile bond strength. Materials and Methods: Er:YAG laser (Kavo-Key, Germany) with 350 mJ, 4 Hz, and 116.7 J/cm(2) was used for cavity preparation. The conventional preparation was made with diamond bur mounted in high-speed turbine. Dentin treatment was accomplished using an Nd:YAG laser (Pulse Master 1000, ADT. USA) at 60 mJ, 10 Hz, and 74.65/cm(2) following application of the adhesive system. The cavities were stored with Single Bond/Z100 and Prime & Bond NT/TPH. Eighty bovine incisors were used, and class V preparations were done at buccal and lingual surfaces divided into eight groups: (1) Er:YAG preparation + Prime & Bond NT + TPH; (2) Er:YAG preparation + Single Bond + Z100; (3) Er:YAG preparation + Single Bond + Nd:YAG + Z100; (4) Er:YAG preparation + Prime & Bond NT + Nd:YAG + TPH; (5) conventional preparation + Prime & Bond NT + TPH; (6) conventional preparation + Single Bond + Z100; (7) conventional preparation + Single Bond + Nd:YAG + Z100; (8) conventional preparation + Prime & Bond NT + Nd:YAG + TPH. All specimens were thermocycled for 300 full cycles between 5 degreesC +/- 2 degreesC and 55 degreesC +/- 2 degreesC (dwell time of 30 sec), and stored in 50% silver nitrate solution for 24 h soaked in photodeveloping solution and exposed to fluorescent light for 6 h. After this procedure, the specimens were sectioned longitudinally in 3 portions and the extension of microleakage at the gingival wall was determined following a criteria ranging from 0 to 4 using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The medium portion sectioned of each specimen was polished and prepared for nanoleakage avaliation by SEM. Results: Kruskall-Wallis and Miller statistical tests determined that group 3 presented less microleakage and nanoleakage. Conclusion: Application of the Nd:YAG laser following pretreatment of dentin with adhesive Single Bond non-photocured Single Bond adhesive in cavities prepared with Er:YAG promote better sealing of the gingival margins.


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Objectives: To evaluate the effects of surface treatment, surface hydration (SH) and application method (AM) on the tensile bond strength of the Silorane Adhesive System (SAS) to dentine. Methods: Ninety bovine teeth were used. For the control group (n = 10), each dentine surface was treated according to the manufacturer's instructions of the SAS. The remaining teeth were randomly distributed into two groups (n = 40), according to the type of dentine surface treatment (ST) - 37% phosphoric acid or Er:YAG Laser prior to the application of the SAS. Each group was further divided into 2 subgroups (n = 20), according to the SH status: dry (D) or wet (W). Each subgroup was further divided into 2 subgroups (n = 10), according to the application method [AM: Active (AC) mode or Passive (PA) mode]. A coat of resin composite (Filtek P90) was applied on the surface. Artificial ageing was performed with a thermo-mechanical cycling machine. The specimens were sectioned into 1 mm × 1 mm × 10 mm sticks and stressed to failure using a universal testing machine. The remaining teeth in each group were used for Scanning Electron Microscopy to examine the fractured area. Data were subjected to a three-way ANOVA, Tukey's test and Dunnet's test (α = 0.05). Results: The ANOVA showed significant differences for SH and AM, but not for ST. For SH, the results of Tukey's test were (in MPa): D-14.9(±3.8)a, W-17.1(±4.3)b; and for AM: PA-14. 9(±4.2)a, AC-17.1(±3.9) b. Conclusions: Acid etching, when combined with a moist dentine surface and the use of primer agitation, improves the bond strength of the SAS to dentine. Clinical Significance: According to the results of the present in vitro study, modification of the application protocols for the silorane-based adhesive system may improve its clinical performance. © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O objetivo desra pesquisa foi avaliar a microinfiltração através da microscopia óptica e a nanoinfiltração, através da Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MRV), em cavidades classe V, preparadas por dois métodos: 1) irradiação à laser Er:UAG mais condicionamento ácido e 2) turbinas de alta-rotação. Foi observado também a influência da irradiação do laser Nd;YAG em dois sistemas de adesivo dentinários: Single Bond (3M) e Prime & Bond NT (Dentsply). As cavidades foram restauradas com a resina composta Z100 quando foi utilizado o adesivo...


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Objectives: This study investigated the repairs of resin composite restorations after using different surface treatments.Design: Eighty four truncated cones of Filtek Z350 were prepared and thermo-cycled (20,000 cycles). Surfaces were roughened with diamond bur and etched with 37% phosphoric acid. Those cones were divided into 7 groups (N=12): 1) Prime&Bond 2.1; 2) aluminum oxide sandblasting+Prime&Bond 2.1; 3) Er:YAG laser treatment+Prime&Bond 2.1; 4) 9.6% hydrofluoric acid for 2 min-Fsilane coupling agent.; 5) silane coupling agent; 6) auto-polymerized acrylic monomer+Prime&Bond 2.1; 7) Adper Scothbond SE. Teflon device was used to fabricate inverted truncated cones of repair composite over the surface-treated. The bonded specimens were stressed to failure under tension. The data were analyzed with oneway ANOVA and Tukey tests.Results: Mean repair strengths (SD, in MPa) were, Group-2: 18.8a; Group-1: 18.7a; Group-6: 13.4ab; Group-7: 9.5bc; Group-3: 7.5bcd; Group-4: 5.2cd; Group-5: 2.6d.Conclusions: The use of diamond bur and a conventional adhesive and the use of aluminum oxide sandblasting prior to adhesive provided a simple and cost-effective solutions to composite repair. Er:YAG laser, silane alone, 9.6% hydrofluoric acid plus silane or a self-etching adhesive results in inferior composite repair strengths. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.