976 resultados para ELECTRON BEAM
Radiotherapy is a field of medical physics, which has been going through a scientific and technological advancement, it is extreme important the professionals that work in this area continuous their study to improve the quality of service provided. For it, they should know the physical principles related as well their employment in radiotherapy. The electrons have been using in therapy of superficial tumors, because they show rapid decrease of dose in depth, they don’t expose the deeper tissues to radiation. The electron therapy has replaced the surface therapy with x-ray and mold brachytherapy, and nowadays, it represents 10 to 15% of radiotherapy treatments. This study brings the definition of physical parameters used in the dosimetry of electron beam, describes the tests for quality control of linear accelerator with a electrons beam, as well the activities realized in the Radiotherapy Division, of Hospital de Clinicas, in the Universidade Estadual of Campinas, in the Clinac 2100C machine
In radiation theraphy with electron beam, the electrons are produced in linear accelerators, and energy the most used have between 4MeV and 20MeV. Generally, the treatments are done for superficial injuries, because the low penetration of these particles. In this work a system for calculation of monitor units (U.M.) for cases of treatments with electron beam was developed. The Excel program of Microsoft was used and is easily found in the operational system of the personal microcomputers. In the Excel has been inserted the pertinent data of the linear accelerator of Varian, model 2100C, used in the Service of radiation theraphy of the Hospital of the Clinics of the College of Medicine of the UNESP of Botucatu. For some values of the physical parameters, such as: factors field and factors calibration, not supplied in the tests of acceptance of the machine, still proceeded calculations from interpolation and extrapolation. The mathematical formulas for automatic search of these and others factors used in the calculations of the determination of the U.M had been developed in agreement available routines in Excel. For this the functions had been used the function IF (that it imposes search condition) and the PROCH (that looks a value in a column from determined line), beyond the basic functions of addition, multiplication and division. It is intended to optimize the routine of the Services of radiation theraphy that perform through eletrontheraphy procedures, speeding the calculations and minimizing the occurrence of errors and uncertainties deriving of the maken a mistake manipulation of the parameters gotten in tables of data of electron beams
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Spatially, temporally, and angularly resolved collinear collective Thomson scattering was used to diagnose the excitation and damping of a relativistic-phase-velocity self-modulated laser wakefield. The excitation of the electron plasma wave was observed to be driven by Raman-type instabilities. The damping is believed to originate from both electron beam loading and modulational instability. The collective Thomson scattering of a probe pulse from the ion acoustic waves, resulting from modulational instability, allows us to measure the temporal evolution of the plasma temperature. The latter was found to be consistent with the damping of the electron plasma wave.
We have explored the effects of atmospheric environment on Kelvin force microscopy (KFM) measurements of potential difference between different regions of test polycrystalline diamond surfaces. The diamond films were deposited by microwave plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition, which naturally produces hydrogen terminations on the surface of the films formed. Selected regions were patterned by electron-beam lithography and chemical terminations of oxygen or fluorine were created by exposure to an oxygen or fluorine plasma source. For KFM imaging, the samples were mounted in a hood with a constant flow of helium gas. Successive images were taken over a 5-h period showing the effect of the environment on KFM imaging. We conclude that the helium flow removes water molecules adsorbed on the surface of the samples, resulting in differences in surface potential between adjacent regions. The degree of water removal is different for surfaces with different terminations. The results highlight the importance of taking into account the atmospheric environment when carrying out KFM analysis. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Experimental investigations of visible Smith-Purcell-radiation with a micro-focused high relativistic electron beam (E=855 MeV) are presented in the near region, in which the electron beam grazes the surface of the grating. The radiation intensity was measured as a function of the angle of observation and of the distance between electron beam axis and the surface of the grating simultaneously for two different wavelengths (360 nm, 546 nm).In the experiments Smith-Purcell-radiation was identified by the measured angular distribution fulfilling the characteristic coherence condition. By the observed distance dependence of the intensity two components of Smith-Purcell-radiation could be separated: one component with the theoretical predicted interaction length hint, which is produced by electrons passing over the surface of the grating, and an additional component in the near region leading to a strong enhancement of the intensity, which is produced by electrons hitting the surface. To describe the intensity of the observed additional radiation component a simple model for optical grating transition radiation, caused by the electrons passing through the grating structure, is presented. Taking into account the simple scalar model, the results of a Monte-Carlo calculation show that the additional radiation component could be explained by optical grating transition radiation.
Time-of-flight photoemission spectromicroscopy was used to measure and compare the two-photon photoemission (2PPE) spectra of Cu and Ag nanoparticles with linear dimensions ranging between 40 nm and several 100 nm, with those of the corresponding homogeneous surfaces. 2PPE was induced employing femtosecond laser radiation from a frequency-doubled Ti:sapphire laser in the spectral range between 375 nm and 425 nm with a pulse width of 200 fs and a repetition rate of 80 MHz. The use of a pulsed radiation source allowed us to use a high-resolution photoemission electron microscope as imaging time-of-flight spectrometer, and thus to obtain spectroscopic information about the laterally resolved electron signal. Ag nanoparticle films have been deposited on Si(111) by electron-beam evaporation, a technique leading to hemispherically-shaped Ag clusters. Isolated Cu nanoparticles have been generated by prolonged heating of a polycrystalline Cu sample. If compared to the spectra of the corresponding homogeneous surfaces, the Cu and Ag nanoparticle spectra are characterized by a strongly enhanced total 2PPE yield (enhancement factor up to 70), by a shift (about 0.1 eV) of the Fermi level onset towards lower final state energies, by a reduction of the work function (typically by 0.2 eV) and by a much steeper increase of the 2PPE yield towards lower final state energies. The shift of the Fermi level onset in the nanoparticle spectra has been explained by a positive unit charge (localized photohole) residing on the particle during the time-scale relevant for the 2PPE process (few femtoseconds). The total 2PPE yield enhancement and the different overall shape of the spectra have been explained by considering that the laser frequency was close to the localized surface plasmon resonance of the Cu and Ag nanoparticles. The synchronous oscillations induced by the laser in the metal electrons enhance the near-zone (NZ) field, defined as the linear superposition of the laser field and the field produced in the vicinity of the particles by the forced charge oscillations. From the present measurements it is clear that the NZ field behavior is responsible for the 2PPE enhancement and affects the 2PPE spatial and energy distribution and its dynamics. In particular, its strong spatial dependence allows indirect transitions through real intermediate states to take place in the metal clusters. Such transitions are forbidden by momentum conservation arguments and are thus experimentally much less probable on homogeneous surfaces. Further, we investigated specially tailored moon-shaped small metal nanostructures, whose NZ field was theoretically predicted, and compared the calculation with the laterally resolved 2PPE signal. We could show that the 2PPE signal gives a clear fingerprint of the theoretically predicted spatial dependence of the NZ field. This potential of our method is highly attractive in the novel field of plasmonics.
Due to its high Curie temperature of 420K and band structure calculations predicting 100% spin polarisation, Sr2FeMoO6 is a potential candidate for spintronic devices. However, the preparation of good quality thin films has proven to be a non-trivial task. Epitaxial Sr2FeMoO6 thin films were prepared by pulsed laser deposition on different substrates. Differing from previous reports a post-deposition annealing step at low oxygen partial pressure (10-5 mbar) was introduced and enabled the fabrication of reproducible, high quality samples. According to the structural properties of the substrates the crystal structure and morphology of the thin films are modified. The close interrelation between the structural, magnetic and electronic properties of Sr2FeMoO6 was studied. A detailed evaluation of the results allowed to extract valuable information on the microscopic nature of magnetism and charge transport. Smooth films with a mean roughness of about 2 nm have been achieved, which is a pre-requisite for a possible inclusion of this material in future devices. In order to establish device-oriented sub-micron patterning as a standard technique, electron beam lithography and focussed ion beam etching facilities have been put into operation. A detailed characterisation of these systems has been performed. To determine the technological prospects of new spintronics materials, the verification of a high spin polarisation is of vital interest. A popular technique for this task is point contact Andreev reflection (PCAR). Commonly, the charge transport in a transparent metal-superconductor contact of nanometer dimensions is attributed solely to coherent transport. If this condition is not fulfilled, inelastic processes in the constriction have to be considered. PCAR has been applied to Sr2FeMoO6 and the Heusler compound Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al. Systematic deviations between measured spectra and the standard models of PCAR have been observed. Therefore existing approaches have been generalised, in order to include the influence of heating. With the extended model the measured data was successfully reproduced but the analysis has revealed grave implications for the determination of spin polarisation, which was found to break down completely in certain cases.
Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung von Photokathoden mit negativer Elektronenaffinität (NEA) mittels zeitlich hochauflösender Vermessung der emittierten Ladungs- und Spinpolarisationsverteilungen nach Anregung mit einem ultrakurzen Laserpuls.
Untersucht wurden uniaxial deformierte GaAsP-Photokathoden mit dünnen emittierenden Schichten (≤150nm), sowie undeformierte GaAs-Photokathoden mit unterschiedlichen Schichtdicken.
Die Untersuchungen wurden an einer 100keV-Elektronenquelle durchgeführt, wie sie am Mainzer Mikrotron (MAMI) zur Erzeugung eines Spinpolarisierten Elektronenstrahls verwendet wird. Mit der Apparatur konnte eine Zeitauflösung von 2,5ps erreicht werden.
Es zeigte sich, dass die tatsächliche Antwortzeit der Photokathoden die erreichte Zeitauflösung noch unterschreitet. Eine Depolarisation in den kurzen, wegen der Zeitauflösung auf 2,5ps begrenzten, Elektronenpulsen konnte aber nachgewiesen werden. Weiterhin wurde gezeigt, dass der Polarisationsverlust der emittierten Elektronen bei dünnen Schichten im Wesentlichen auf eine energiekorrelierte Depolarisation beim Durchqueren der Bandbiegungszone zurückzuführen ist. Als weiteres Resultat wird, für die GaAsP-Photokathoden mit einer Schichtdicke von 150nm, eine Obergrenze für die mittlere Emissionszeit von
Die Produktion eines spinpolarisierten Strahls mit hohem mittleren Strom ist sowohl für den Betrieb von existierenden polarisierten Quellen als auch in noch stärkerem Maße für geplante zukünftige Projekte wichtig. Die Betriebszeit solcher Quellen wird durch die Abnahme der Quantenausbeute der Photokathode mit der Zeit begrenzt. Die Problematik der Abnahme der Quantenausbeute konnte durch die Reaktion der Kathodenoberfläche mit sauerstoffhaltigen Molekülen sowie durch Ionenbombardement geklärt werden. Im Laufe dieser Arbeit wurden, teilweise zum ersten Mal, Mechanismen untersucht, die zur Entstehung der chemisch aktiven Moleküle und der Ionen beitragen und weitere Effekte, die die Betriebszeit der polarisierten Quellen reduzieren. Die Experimente wurden an einer genauen Kopie der an MAMI vorhandenen polarisierten Quelle durchgeführt. Es wurde demonstriert, dass Erwärmung der Photokathode, Ioneneinfang und Strahlverlust aufgrund der Raumladungskräfte die Kathodenlebensdauer begrenzen können. Der erste Effekt ist Erwärmung der Photokathode. Die Laserleistung wird fast vollständig in Wärmeleistung umgesetzt, was zur Absenkung der Verfügbarkeit der polarisierten Quellen führen kann, und zwar unabhängig davon, ob der Photostrom produziert wird oder nicht. Der zweite Effekt ist Ionenbombardement mit den sowohl in der Beschleunigungsstrecke als auch in der Strahlführung entstehenden Ionen. Es wurde demonstriert, dass der in der Strahlführung entstehende Ionenstrom sogar größer ist als der in der Kanone. Unter bestimmten Bedingungen können die gebildeten Ionen durch das Potenzial des Elektronenstrahls eingefangen werden und die Kanone erreichen und damit zusätzlich zur Zerstörung der negativen Elektronenaffinität beitragen. Der dritte Effekt ist Strahlverlust. Es wurde demonstriert, dass die relativen Strahlverluste kleiner als 1*10-6 sein sollten, um eine Lebensdauer von mehr als 1000 Stunden beim Strom von 100 A zu erreichen, was für die vorhandene Apparatur möglich ist. Zur Erzeugung extrem hoher Ströme wurde zum ersten Mal im Bereich der spinpolarisierten Quellen das Prinzip der „Energierückgewinnung“ eingesetzt. Experimente bei einer mittleren Stromstärke von 11.4 mA und einer Spitzenstromstärke von 57 mA bei 1% Tastverhältnis wurden bereits durchgeführt.
III-nitrides are wide-band gap materials that have applications in both electronics and optoelectronic devices. Because to their inherent strong polarization properties, thermal stability and higher breakdown voltage in Al(Ga,In)N/GaN heterostructures, they have emerged as strong candidates for high power high frequency transistors. Nonetheless, the use of (Al,In)GaN/GaN in solid state lighting has already proved its success by the commercialization of light-emitting diodes and lasers in blue to UV-range. However, devices based on these heterostructures suffer problems associated to structural defects. This thesis primarily focuses on the nanoscale electrical characterization and the identification of these defects, their physical origin and their effect on the electrical and optical properties of the material. Since, these defects are nano-sized, the thesis deals with the understanding of the results obtained by nano and micro-characterization techniques such as atomic force microscopy(AFM), current-AFM, scanning kelvin probe microscopy (SKPM), electron beam induced current (EBIC) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). This allowed us to probe individual defects (dislocations and cracks) and unveil their electrical properties. Taking further advantage of these techniques,conduction mechanism in two-dimensional electron gas heterostructures was well understood and modeled. Secondarily, origin of photoluminescence was deeply investigated. Radiative transition related to confined electrons and photoexcited holes in 2DEG heterostructures was identified and many body effects in nitrides under strong optical excitations were comprehended.
The main concern of the A4 parity violation experiment at the Mainzer Microtron accelerator facility is to study the electric and magnetic contributions of strange quarks to the charge and magnetism of the nucleons at the low momentum transfer region. More precisely, the A4 collaboration investigates the strange quarks' contribution to the electric and magnetic vector form factors of the nucleons. Thus, it is important that the A4 experiment uses an adequate and precise non-destructive online monitoring tool for the electron beam polarization when measuring single spin asymmetries in elastic scattering of polarized electrons from unpolarized nucleons. As a consequence, the A4 Compton backscattering polarimeter was designed and installed such that we can take the absolute measurement of the electron beam polarization without interruption to the parity violation experiment. The present study shows the development of an electron beam line that is called the chicane for the A4 Compton backscattering polarimeter. The chicane is an electron beam transport line and provides an interaction region where the electron beam and the laser beam overlap. After studying the properties of beam line components carefully, we developed an electron beam control system that makes a beam overlap between the electron beam and the laser beam. Using the system, we can easily achieve the beam overlap in a short time. The electron control system, of which the performance is outstanding, is being used in production beam times. And the study presents the development of a scintillating fiber electron detector that reduces the statistical error in the electron polarization measurement. We totally redesigned the scintillating fiber detector. The data that were taken during a 2008 beam time shows a huge background suppression, approximately 80 percent, while leaving the Compton spectra almost unchanged when a coincidence between the fiber detector and the photon detector is used. Thus, the statistical error of the polarization measurement is reduced by about 40 percent in the preliminary result. They are the significant progress in measuring a degree of polarization of the electron beam.