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We have compared the use of bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) with anthropometry for the prediction of changes in total body potassium (TBK) in a group (n = 31) of children with cystic fibrosis. Linear regression analysis showed that TBK was highly correlated (r > 0.93) with height(2)/impedance, weight, height, and fat-free mass (FFM) estimated from skin-fold measurements. Changes in TBK were also correlated, but less well, with changes in height(2)/impedance, weight, height, and FFM (r = 0.69, 0.59, 0.44, and 0.40, respectively). The children were divided into two groups: those who had normal accretion of TBK (> 5%/y) and those who had suboptimal accretion of TBK (< 5%/y). Analysis of variance showed that the significant difference in the change in TBK between the groups was detectable by concomitant changes in impedance and weight but not by changes in height, FFM, or weight and height Z scores. The results of this study suggest that serial BIA measures may be useful as a predictor of progressive undernutrition and poor growth in children with cystic fibrosis. (C) Elsevier Science Inc. 1997.
In spite of considerable technical advance in MRI techniques, the optical resolution of these methods are still limited. Consequently, the delineation of cytoarchitectonic fields based on probabilistic maps and brain volume changes, as well as small-scale changes seen in MRI scans need to be verified by neuronanatomical/neuropathological diagnostic tools. To attend the current interdisciplinary needs of the scientific community, brain banks have to broaden their scope in order to provide high quality tissue suitable for neuroimaging- neuropathology/anatomy correlation studies. The Brain Bank of the Brazilian Aging Brain Research Group (BBBABSG) of the University of Sao Paulo Medical School (USPMS) collaborates with researchers interested in neuroimaging-neuropathological correlation studies providing brains submitted to postmortem MRI in-situ. In this paper we describe and discuss the parameters established by the BBBABSG to select and to handle brains for fine-scale neuroimaging-neuropathological correlation studies, and to exclude inappropriate/unsuitable autopsy brains. We tried to assess the impact of the postmortem time and storage of the corpse on the quality of the MRI scans and to establish fixation protocols that are the most appropriate to these correlation studies. After investigation of a total of 36 brains, postmortem interval and low body temperature proved to be the main factors determining the quality of routine MRI protocols. Perfusion fixation of the brains after autopsy by mannitol 20% followed by formalin 20% was the best method for preserving the original brain shape and volume, and for allowing further routine and immunohistochemical staining. Taken to together, these parameters offer a methodological progress in screening and processing of human postmortem tissue in order to guarantee high quality material for unbiased correlation studies and to avoid expenditures by post-imaging analyses and histological processing of brain tissue.
This study vas aimed to validate the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Functional Assessment Of Communication Skills (ASHA FACS) for a Brazilian population. The scale was translated and adapted into Portuguese. Thirty-two patients with mild Alzheimer disease (AD). 25 patients with moderate AD. and 51 elderly without dementia were examined with Mini Mental State Examination, Geriatric Depression Scale. and Alzheimer Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive subscale (ADAS-cog). The ASHA FACS was answered by their relative/caregiver. The scale`s internal consistency. its inter-examiner and intra-examiner`s reproducibility. and scale`s criterion validity were researched by correlation with ADAS-cog,. The sensitivity and specificity Were also researched. Statistical analyses indicated that the ASHA FACS has excellent internal consistency (Cronbach alpha = 0.955), test-retest reliability (interclass correlation coefficient = 0.995; P < 0.001). and inter-examiners (interclass correlation coefficient = 0.998: P < 0.001). It showed excellent criterion validity when correlated with ADAS-cog,. The ASHA FACS scale showed good sensitivity (75.0%) and specificity (82.4%) values once it is an ecologic and broad evaluation. The ASHA FACS Portuguese version is a valid and reliable instrument to verify communication alterations in AD patients and fills an important gap of efficiency indicators for speech language therapy in our country.
Background: Parenteral nutrition (PN) is used to control the nutritional state after severe intestinal resections. Whenever possible, enteral nutrition (EN) is used to promote intestinal rehabilitation and reduce PN dependency. Our aim is to verify whether EN + oral intake (01) in severe short bowel syndrome (SBS) surgical adult patients can maintain adequate nutritional status in the long term. Methods: This longitudinal retrospective study included 10 patients followed for 7 post-operative years. Body mass index (BMI), percentage of involuntary loss of usual body weight (UWL), free fat mass (FFM), and fat mass (FM) composition assessed by bioelectric impedance, and laboratory tests were evaluated at 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, and 84 months after surgery. Energy and protein offered in HPN and at long term by HEN+ oral intake (01), was evaluated at the same periods. The statistical model of generalized estimating equations with p <0,05 was used. Results: With long term EN + 01 there was a progressive increase in the UWL, a decrease in BMI, FFM, and FM (p < 0,05). PN weaning was possible in eight patients. Infection due to central venous catheter (CVC) contamination was the most common complication (1.2 episodes CVC/patient/year). There was an increase in energy and protein intake supply provided by HEN+OI (p <0.05). All patients survived for at least 2 years, seven for 5 years and six for 7 years of follow-up. Conclusions: In the long term SBS surgical adult patients fed with HEN+OI couldn`t maintain adequate nutritional status with loss of FM and FFM. (Nutr Hosp. 2011;26:834-842) DOI:10.3305/nh.2011.26.4.5153
Hip fracture prognosis: could bioimpedance be an alternative to conventional nutritional assessment?
Background: Risk-factors for mortality in hip fractures encompass nutritional status, nominally body mass index, but not body composition. Given the difficulty of anthropometric assessment in bedridden patients a prospective study with bioimpedance analysis was designed. Methods: Elderly patients with hip fracture were consecutively recruited. Biochemical tests, primitive bioimpedance measurements (resistance, reactance and phase angle) and follow-up till one year were targeted. Results: Patients (N = 69, 81.2 +/- 8.1 years old, 72.5% females) stayed in the hospital for 15.5 +/- 17.1 days, and 18.8 %(13/69) required further hospitalization during the ensuing months. Mortality was 11.6% within 30 days, coinciding with hospital mortality, and an additional 11.6% till one year, thus reaching 23.2%. Anemia, hypoalbuminemia and low transferrin, along with elevated glucose and urea were frequent, suggesting undernutrition with metabolic derangements. Reactance, urea and creatinine were different in patients suffering both early and late demise. Resistance, white blood cell count and osteoporosis were risk factors for early mortality only, and anemia exclusively for late mortality. Conclusions: Primitive bioimpedance measurements, which had not been hitherto investigated, were prognostically related to early and late mortality. These markers of disease-related malnutrition and especially reactance should be further studied in patients unfit for anthropometric evaluation due to fracture and immobility.
Objectives: To evaluate the genotoxic risk to hairdressers exposed daily to chemical substances such as hair dyes, waving and straightening preparations and manicurists` products by the Comet assay test (single-cell gel electrophoresis). Methods: The Comet assay was performed on blood samples from 69 female hairdressers (36.4 +/- 10.7 years old) currently employed in 21 different beauty institutes in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and on 55 female control blood donors (32.6 +/- 10.0 years old) from the Sao Paulo University Clinical Hospital blood bank. All the control subjects had occupations other than hairdresser. Comet assays were performed by evaluating 100 blood lymphocytes per individual and graded by visual score according to comet tail length. Results: The hairdressers showed a higher frequency of DNA damage revealed by Comet Score (159.8 +/- 71) when compared to the control group (125.4 +/- 64.1), and the difference was statistically significant by the Student`s t-test (P = 0.005). Multiple regression analysis showed that in addition to the hairdressers` profession, tobacco use contributed to the higher frequency of cells with comets (P < 0.05). Conclusions: The observed DNA damage could be associated with the hairdressers` occupational environment, where different chemicals are chronically manipulated and inhaled. Considering that this profession in many countries, including Brazil, is not officially regulated, more attention should focus on these professionals not only by legislative bodies but also by multidisciplinary teams able to develop and implement risk prevention and control strategies for chemical, physical and biological agents to which hairdressers are exposed.
The objective of this prospective study was to perform a cross-cultural adaptation of the Functional Assessment Measure (FAM) into Brazilian Portuguese, and to assess the test-retest reliability. The instrument was translated, back-translated, pretested, and reviewed by a committee. The Brazilian version was assessed in 61 brain-injury patients. Intrarater and interrater reliability was verified by a test-retest procedure (intraclass correlation). Intrarater reliability was moderate-to-excellent; interrater reliability was moderate-to-excellent, with the exception of one item. The Brazilian version of the FAM has acceptable test-retest reliability. Results suggest the use of the Brazilian version of the FAM in the Brazilian population, for disability evaluation and outcome assessment. Further research is required to evaluate the psychometric properties of the scale. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 34:89-91 (C) 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
OBJECTIVE: Perforating arteries are commonly involved during the surgical dissection and clipping of intracranial aneurysms. Occlusion of perforating arteries is responsible for ischemic infarction and poor outcome. The goal of this study is to describe the usefulness of near-infrared indocyanine green videoangiography (ICGA) for the intraoperative assessment of blood flow in perforating arteries that are visible in the surgical field during clipping of intracranial aneurysms. In addition, we analyzed the incidence of perforating vessels involved during the aneurysm surgery and the incidence of ischemic infarct caused by compromised small arteries. METHODS: Sixty patients with 64 aneurysms were surgically treated and prospectively included in this study. Intraoperative ICGA was performed using a surgical microscope (Carl Zeiss Co., Oberkochen, Germany) with integrated ICGA technology. The presence and involvement of perforating arteries were analyzed in the microsurgical field during surgical dissection and clip application. Assessment of vascular patency after clipping was also investigated. Only those small arteries that were not visible on preoperative digital subtraction angiography were considered for analysis. RESULTS: The ICGA was able to visualize flow in all patients in whom perforating vessels were found in the microscope field. Among 36 patients whose perforating vessels were visible on ICGA, 11 (30%) presented a close relation between the aneurysm and perforating arteries. In one (9%) of these 11 patients, ICGA showed occlusion of a P1 perforating artery after clip application, which led to immediate correction of the clip confirmed by immediate reestablishment of flow visible with ICGA without clinical consequences. Four patients (6.7%) presented with postoperative perforating artery infarct, three of whom had perforating arteries that were not visible or distant from the aneurysm. CONCLUSION: The involvement of perforating arteries during clip application for aneurysm occlusion is a usual finding. Intraoperative ICGA may provide visual information with regard to the patency of these small vessels.
Purpose: To compare the ability of Subjective assessment of optic nerve head (ONH) and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) by general ophthalmologists and by a glaucoma expert with objective measurements by optical coherence tomography (Stratus OCT, Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc), confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope (HRT III; Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg. Germany), and scanning laser polarimetry (GDx enhanced corneal compensation; Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc, Dublin, CA) in discriminating glaucomatous and normal eyes. Methods: Sixty-one glaucomatous and 57 normal eyes or 118 subjects Were included in the study. Three independent general ophthalmologists and I glaucoma expert evaluated ONH stereo-photographs. Receiver operating characteristic curves were constructed for each imaging technique and sensitivity at fixed specificity was estimated. Comparisons or areas under these curves (aROCs) and agreement (k) were determined between stereophoto grading and best parameter from each technique. Results: Best parameter from each technique showed larger aROC (Stratus OCT RNFL 0.92; Stratus OCT ONH vertical integrated area = 0.86; Stratus OCT macular thickness = 0.82; GDx enhanced corneal compensation = 0.91, HRT3 global cup-to-disc ratio = 0.83; HRT3 glaucoma probability score numeric area score 0.83) compared with stereophotograph grading by general ophthalmologists (0.80) in separating glaucomatous and normal eyes. Glaucoma expert stereophoto grading provided equal or larger aROC (0.92) than best parameter of each computerized imaging device. Stereophoto evaluated by a glaucoma expert showed better agreement with best parameter of each quantitative imaging technique in classifying eyes either as glaucomatous or normal compared with stereophoto grading by general ophthalmologists, The combination Of Subjective assessment of the optic disc by general ophthalmologists with RNFL objective parameters improved identification of glaucoma patients in a larger proportion than the combination of these objective parameters with Subjective assessment of the optic disc by a glaucoma expert (29.5% vs. 19.7%, respectively). Conclusions: Diagnostic ability of all imaging techniques showed better performance than subjective assessment of the ONH by general ophthalmologists, but not by It glaucoma expert, Objective RNFL measurements may provide improvement in glaucoma detection when combined with subjective assessment of the optic disc by general ophthalmologists or by a glaucoma expert.
Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings relative to surgical presence of deeply infiltrating endometriosis (DIE). Methods: This prospective study included 92 women with clinical suspicion of DIE. The MR images were compared with laparoscopy and pathology findings. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy of MRI for diagnosis of DIE were assessed. Results: DIE was confirmed at histopathology in 77 of the 92 patients (83.7%). Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy of MRI to diagnose DIE at each of the specific sites evaluated were as follows: retrocervical space (89.4%, 92.3%, 96.7%, 77.4%, 90.2%); rectosigmoid (86.0%, 92.9%, 93.5%, 84.8%, 89.1%); bladder (23.1%, 100%,100%, 88.8%, 89.1%); ureters (50.0%, 100%, 95.5%, 95.7%); and vagina (72.7%, 100%, 100%, 96.4%, 96.7%). Conclusion: MRI demonstrates high accuracy in diagnosing DIE in the retrocervical region, rectosigmoid. bladder, ureters, and vagina. (C) 2009 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Lid. All rights reserved.
To investigate the luteal phase endometrial expression of leukemia inhibitor factor (LIF), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), progesterone receptor (PR), claudin 4 (CLDN4), vascular-endothelial growth factor receptor 3 (VEGFR-3), bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP-4) and citokeratin 7 (CK-7), we obtained luteal phase endometrial samples from 52 women. Samples were dated and integrated using a tissue microarray (TMA). Samples were immunostained for LIF, IGF-1, PR, CLDN4, VEGFR-3, BMP-4 and CK-7. Frequencies of positive expressions at the early, mid and late luteal phases were compared by two proportions test. Concomitant expression of these proteins was assessed with Chi-square or Fischer`s test. The frequency of LIF was positively correlated to the frequency of IGF-1 (r = 0.99; p < 0.05) and PR (r = 0.99; p < 0.05), and the correlation between IGF-1 and PR tended to be significant (r = 0.98; p < 0.1). The expression of PR was associated with the absence of CLDN4 (p < 0.001). Thus, expression of LIF, IGF-1 and PR are correlated during the luteal phase, and immunohistochemistry for these proteins might be used to assist in the assessment of endometrial maturation. In addition, the expression of CLDN4 and PR was not concomitant, warranting further investigation on the relationship of their endometrial expression.
Background: Although various techniques have been used for breast conservation surgery reconstruction, there are few studies describing a logical approach to reconstruction of these defects. The objectives of this study were to establish a classification system for partial breast defects and to develop a reconstructive algorithm. Methods: The authors reviewed a 7-year experience with 209 immediate breast conservation surgery reconstructions. Mean follow-up was 31 months. Type I defects include tissue resection in smaller breasts (bra size A/B), including type IA, which involves minimal defects that do not cause distortion; type III, which involves moderate defects that cause moderate distortion; and type IC, which involves large defects that cause significant deformities. Type II includes tissue resection in medium-sized breasts with or without ptosis (bra size C), and type III includes tissue resection in large breasts with ptosis (bra size D). Results: Eighteen percent of patients presented type I, where a lateral thoracodorsal flap and a latissimus dorsi flap were performed in 68 percent. Forty-five percent presented type II defects, where bilateral mastopexy was performed in 52 percent. Thirty-seven percent of patients presented type III distortion, where bilateral reduction mammaplasty was performed in 67 percent. Thirty-five percent of patients presented complications, and most were minor. Conclusions: An algorithm based on breast size in relation to tumor location and extension of resection can be followed to determine the best approach to reconstruction. The authors` results have demonstrated that the complications were similar to those in other clinical series. Success depends on patient selection, coordinated planning with the oncologic surgeon, and careful intraoperative management.
Because of the advent of a new influenza A H1N1. strain, many countries have begun mass immunisation programmes. Awareness of the background rates of possible adverse events will be a crucial part of assessment of possible vaccine safety concerns and will help to separate legitimate safety concerns from events that are temporally associated with but not caused by vaccination. We identified background rates of selected medical events for several countries. Rates of disease events varied by age, sex, method of ascertainment, and geography. Highly visible health conditions, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome, spontaneous abortion, or even death, will occur in coincident temporal association with novel influenza vaccination. On the basis of the reviewed data, if a cohort of 10 million individuals was vaccinated in the UK, 21.5 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome and 5.75 cases of sudden death would be expected to occur within 6 weeks of vaccination as coincident background cases. In female vaccinees in the USA, 86.3 cases of optic neuritis per 10 million population would be expected within 6 weeks of vaccination. 397 per 1 million vaccinated pregnant women would be predicted to have a spontaneous abortion within 1 day of vaccination.
Substance-dependence is highly associated with executive cognitive function (ECF) impairments. However. considering that it is difficult to assess ECF clinically, the aim of the present study was to examine the feasibility of a brief neuropsychological tool (the Frontal Assessment Battery FAB) to detect specific ECF impairments in a sample of substance-dependent individuals (SDI). Sixty-two subjects participated in this study. Thirty DSM-IV-diagnosed SDI, after 2 weeks of abstinence, and 32 healthy individuals (control group) were evaluated with FAD and other ECF-related tasks: digits forward (DF), digits backward (DB), Stroop Color Word Test (SCWT), and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). SDI did not differ from the control group on sociodemographic variables or IQ. However, SDI performed below the controls in OF, DB, and FAB. The SDI were cognitively impaired in 3 of the 6 cognitive domains assessed by the FAB: abstract reasoning, motor programming, and cognitive flexibility. The FAB correlated with DF, SCWT, and WCST. In addition, some neuropsychological measures were correlated with the amount of alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine use. In conclusion, SDI performed more poorly than the comparison group on the FAB and the FAB`s results were associated with other ECF-related tasks. The results suggested a negative impact of alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine use on the ECF. The FAB may be useful in assisting professionals as an instrument to screen for ECF-related deficits in SDI. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.