889 resultados para Driving Forces


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The thesis analyses relationships between ecological and social systems in the context of coastal ecosystems. It examines human impacts from resource extraction and addresses management and governance behind resource exploitation. The main premises are that a lack of ecological knowledge leads to poor ecosystem management and that the dichotomy between social and natural systems is an artificial one. The thesis illustrates the importance of basing resource management on the ecological conditions of the resource and its ecosystem. It also demonstrates the necessity of accounting for the human dimension in ecosystem management and the challenges of organising human actions for sustainable use of ecosystem services in the face of economic incentives that push users towards short-term extraction. Many Caribbean coral reefs have undergone a shift from coral to macroalgal domination. An experiment on Glovers Reef Atoll in Belize manually cleared patch reefs in a no-take zone and a fished zone (Papers I and II). The study hypothesised that overfishing has reduced herbivorous fish populations that control macroalgae growth. Overall, management had no significant effect on fish abundance and the impacts of the algal reduction were short-lived. This illustrated that the benefits of setting aside marine reserves in impacted environments should not be taken for granted. Papers III and IV studied the development of the lobster and conch fisheries in Belize, and the shrimp farming industry in Thailand respectively. These studies found that environmental feedback can be masked to give the impression of resource abundance through sequential exploitation. In both cases inadequate property rights contributed to this unsustainable resource use. The final paper (V) compared the responses to changes in the resource by the lobster fisheries in Belize and Maine in terms of institutions, organisations and their role in management. In contrast to Maine’s, the Belize system seems to lack social mechanisms for responding effectively to environmental feedback. The results illustrate the importance of organisational and institutional diversity that incorporate ecological knowledge, respond to ecosystem feedback and provide a social context for learning from and adapting to change.


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Oggetto di studio del dottorato sono stati i suoli forestali in ambiente litoraneo della Regione Emilia-Romagna. In particolare sono state considerate quattro zone di studio in Provincia di Ravenna: Pineta di San Vitale, aree boscate di Bellocchio, Pineta di Classe e Pineta di Pinarella di Cervia. Lo studio in una prima fase si è articolato nella definizione dello stato del sistema suolo, mediante la caratterizzazione pedologica delle zone di studio. A tale scopo è stata messa a punto un’adeguata metodologia d’indagine costituita da un’indagine ambientale e successivamente da un’indagine pedologica. L’indagine ambientale, mediante fotointerpretazione ed elaborazione di livelli informativi in ambito GIS, ha permesso di individuare ambiti pedogenetici omogenei. L’indagine pedologica in campo ha messo in luce l’elevata variabilità spaziale di alcuni fattori della pedogenesi, in particolar modo l’andamento microtopografico tipico dei sistemi dunali costieri e la profondità della falda freatica del piano campagna. Complessivamente sono stati aperti descritti e campionati 40 profili pedologici. Sugli orizzonti diagnostici di questi sono state eseguite le seguenti analisi: tessitura, pH, calcare totale, carbonio organico, azoto kjeldahl, conduttività elettrica (CE), capacità di scambio cationico (CSC) e calcare attivo. I suoli presentano, ad eccezione della tessitura (generalmente grossolana), un’elevata variabilità delle proprietà chimico fisiche in funzione della morfologia, della profondità e della vicinanza della falda freatica. Sono state riscontrate diverse correlazioni, tra le più significative quelle tra carbonio organico e calcare totale (coeff. di correlazione R = -0.805 per Pineta di Classe) e tra calcare totale e pH (R = 0.736), dalle quali si è compreso in che misura l’effetto della decarbonatazione agisce nei diversi ambiti pedogenetici e tra suoli con diversa età di formazione. Il calcare totale varia da 0 a oltre 400 g.kg-1 e aumenta dalla superficie in profondità, dall’entroterra verso la costa e da nord verso sud. Il carbonio organico, estremamente variabile (0.1 - 107 g.kg-1), è concentrato soprattutto nel primo orizzonte superficiale. Il rapporto C/N (>10 in superficie e molto variabile in profondità) evidenzia una efficienza di umificazione non sempre ottimale specialmente negli orizzonti prossimi alla falda freatica. I tipi di suoli presenti, classificati secondo la Soil Taxonomy, sono risultati essere Mollic/Sodic/Typic Psammaquents nelle zone interdunali, Typic Ustipsamments sulle sommità dunali e Oxiaquic/Aquic Ustipsamments negli ambienti morfologici intermedi. Come sintesi della caratterizzazione pedologica sono state prodotte due carte dei suoli, rispettivamente per Pineta di San Vitale (scala 1:20000) e per le aree boscate di Bellocchio (scala 1:10000), rappresentanti la distribuzione dei pedotipi osservati. In una seconda fase si è focalizzata l’attenzione sugli impatti che le principali pressioni naturali ed antropiche, possono esercitare sul suolo, condizionandone la qualità in virtù delle esigenze del soprasuolo forestale. Si è scelta la zona sud di Pineta San Vitale come area campione per monitorarne mensilmente, su quattro siti rappresentativi, le principali caratteristiche chimico-fisiche dei suoli e delle acque di falda, onde evidenziare possibili correlazioni. Le principali determinazioni svolte sia nel suolo in pasta satura che nelle acque di falda hanno riguardato CE, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, Cl-, SO4 2-, HCO3 - e SAR (Sodium Adsorption Ratio). Per ogni sito indagato sono emersi andamenti diversi dei vari parametri lungo i profili, correlabili in diversa misura tra di loro. Si sono osservati forti trend di aumento di CE e degli ioni solubili verso gli orizzonti profondi in profili con acqua di falda più salina (19 – 28 dS.m-1) e profonda (1 – 1.6 m dalla superficie), mentre molto significativi sono apparsi gli accumuli di sali in superficie nei mesi estivi (CE in pasta satura da 17.6 a 28.2 dS.m-1) nei profili con falda a meno di 50 cm dalla superficie. Si è messo successivamente in relazione la CE nel suolo con diversi parametri ambientali più facilmente monitorabili quali profondità e CE di falda, temperatura e precipitazioni, onde trovarne una relazione statistica. Dai dati di tre dei quattro siti monitorati è stato possibile definire tali relazioni con equazioni di regressione lineare a più variabili. Si è cercato poi di estendere l’estrapolabilità della CE del suolo per tutte le altre casistiche possibili di Pineta San Vitale mediante la formulazione di un modello empirico. I dati relativi alla CE nel suolo sia reali che estrapolati dal modello, sono stati messi in relazione con le esigenze di alcune specie forestali presenti nelle zone di studio e con diverso grado di tolleranza alla salinità ed al livello di umidità nel suolo. Da tali confronti è emerso che per alcune specie moderatamente tolleranti la salinità (Pinus pinea, Pinus pinaster e Juniperus communis) le condizioni critiche allo sviluppo e alla sopravvivenza sono da ricondursi, per la maggior parte dei casi, alla falda non abbastanza profonda e non tanto alla salinità che essa trasmette sull’intero profilo del suolo. Per altre specie quali Quercus robur, Populus alba, Fraxinus oxycarpa e Ulmus minor moderatamente sensibili alla salinità, ma abituate a vivere in suoli più umidi, la salinità di una falda troppo prossima alla superficie può ripercuotersi su tutto il profilo e generare condizioni critiche di sviluppo. Nei suoli di Pineta San Vitale sono stati inoltre studiati gli aspetti relativi all’inquinamento da accumulo di alcuni microtossici nei suoli quali Ag, Cd, Ni e Pb. In alcuni punti di rilievo sono stati osservati moderati fattori di arricchimento superficiale per Pb e Cd riconducibili all’attività antropica, mentre le aliquote biodisponibili risultano maggiori in superficie, ma all’interno dei valori medi dei suoli italiani. Lo studio svolto ha permesso di meglio conoscere gli impatti sul suolo, causati dalle principali pressioni esistenti, in un contesto dinamico. In particolare, si è constatato come i suoli delle zone studiate abbiano un effetto tampone piuttosto ridotto sulla mitigazione degli effetti indotti dalle pressioni esterne prese in esame (salinizzazione, sodicizzazione e innalzamento della falda freatica). Questo è dovuto principalmente alla ridotta presenza di scambiatori sulla matrice solida atti a mantenere un equilibrio dinamico con le frazioni solubili. Infine le variabili ambientali considerate sono state inserite in un modello concettuale DPSIR (Driving forces, Pressures, States, Impacts, Responces) dove sono stati prospettati, in via qualitativa, alcuni scenari in funzione di possibili risposte gestionali verosimilmente attuabili, al fine di modificare le pressioni che insistono sul sistema suolo-vegetazione delle pinete ravennati.


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Gels are materials that are easier to recognize than to define. For all practical purpose, a material is termed a gel if the whole volume of liquid is completely immobilized as usually tested by the ‘tube inversion’ method. Recently, supramolecular gels obtained from low molecular weight gelators (LMWGs) have attracted considerable attention in materials science since they represent a new class of smart materials sensitive to external stimuli, such as temperature, ultrasounds, light, chemical species and so on. Accordingly, during the past years a large variety of potentialities and applications of these soft materials in optoelectronics, as electronic devices, light harvesting systems and sensors, in bio-materials and in drug delivery have been reported. Spontaneous self-assembly of low molecular weight molecules is a powerful tool that allows complex supramolecular nanoscale structures to be built. The weak and non-covalent interactions such as hydrogen bonding, π–π stacking, coordination, electrostatic and van der Waals interactions are usually considered as the most important features for promoting sol-gel equilibria. However, the occurrence of gelation processes is ruled by further “external” factors, among which the temperature and the nature of the solvents that are employed are of crucial importance. For example, some gelators prefer aromatic or halogenated solvents and in some cases both the gelation temperature and the type of the solvent affect the morphologies of the final aggregation. Functionalized cyclopentadienones are fascinating systems largely employed as building blocks for the synthesis of polyphenylene derivatives. In addition, it is worth noting that structures containing π-extended conjugated chromophores with enhanced absorption properties are of current interest in the field of materials science since they can be used as “organic metals”, as semiconductors, and as emissive or absorbing layers for OLEDs or photovoltaics. The possibility to decorate the framework of such structures prompted us to study the synthesis of new hydroxy propargyl arylcyclopentadienone derivatives. Considering the ability of such systems to give π–π stacking interactions, the introduction on a polyaromatic structure of polar substituents able to generate hydrogen bonding could open the possibility to form gels, although any gelation properties has been never observed for these extensively studied systems. we have synthesized a new class of 3,4-bis (4-(3-hydroxy- propynyl) phenyl) -2, 5-diphenylcyclopentadienone derivatives, one of which (1a) proved to be, for the first time, a powerful organogelator. The experimental results indicated that the hydroxydimethylalkynyl substituents are fundamental to guarantee the gelation properties of the tetraarylcyclopentadienone unit. Combining the results of FT-IR, 1H NMR, UV-vis and fluorescence emission spectra, we believe that H-bonding and π–π interactions are the driving forces played for the gel formation. The importance of soft materials lies on their ability to respond to external stimuli, that can be also of chemical nature. In particular, high attention has been recently devoted to anion responsive properties of gels. Therefore the behaviour of organogels of 1a in toluene, ACN and MeNO2 towards the addition of 1 equivalent of various tetrabutylammonium salts were investigated. The rheological properties of gels in toluene, ACN and MeNO2 with and without the addition of Bu4N+X- salts were measured. In addition a qualitative analysis on cation recognition was performed. Finally the nature of the cyclic core of the gelator was changed in order to verify how the carbonyl group was essential to gel solvents. Until now, 4,5-diarylimidazoles have been synthesized.


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The present PhD thesis summarizes two examples of research in microfluidics. Both times water was the subject of interest, once in the liquid state (droplets adsorbed on chemically functionalized surfaces), the other time in the solid state (ice snowflakes and their fractal behaviour). The first problem deals with a slipping nano-droplet of water adsorbed on a surface with photo-switchable wettability characteristics. Main focus was on identifying the underlying driving forces and mechanical principles at the molecular level of detail. Molecular Dynamics simulation was employed as investigative tool owing to its record of successfully describing the microscopic behaviour of liquids at interfaces. To reproduce the specialized surface on which a water droplet can effectively “walk”, a new implicit surface potential was developed. Applying this new method the experimentally observed droplet slippage could be reproduced successfully. Next the movement of the droplet was analyzed at various conditions emphasizing on the behaviour of the water molecules in contact with the surface. The main objective was to identify driving forces and molecular mechanisms underlying the slippage process. The second part of this thesis is concerned with theoretical studies of snowflake melting. In the present work snowflakes are represented by filled von Koch-like fractals of mesoscopic beads. A new algorithm has been developed from scratch to simulate the thermal collapse of fractal structures based on Monte Carlo and Random Walk Simulations (MCRWS). The developed method was applied and compared to Molecular Dynamics simulations regarding the melting of ice snowflake crystals and new parameters were derived from this comparison. Bigger snow-fractals were then studied looking at the time evolution at different temperatures again making use of the developed MCRWS method. This was accompanied by an in-depth analysis of fractal properties (border length and gyration radius) in order to shed light on the dynamics of the melting process.


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In dieser Arbeit werden drei wasserstoffverbrückte Systeme in der kondensierten Phase mit Hilfe von first-principles-Elektronenstruktur-Rechnungen untersucht, die auf der Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT) unter periodischen Randbedingungen basieren. Ihre lokalen Konformationen und Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen werden mittels ab-initio Molekulardynamiksimulationen berechnet und weiterhin durch die Bestimmung ihrer spektroskopischen Parameter charakterisiert. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf lokalen Strukturen und auf schnellen Fluktuationen der Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen, welche von zentraler Bedeutung für die physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der betrachteten Systeme sind. Die für die lokalen, instantanen Konformationen berechneten Spektren werden verwendet, um die physikalischen Prozesse, die hinter den untersuchten Phänomenen stehen, zu erklären: die Wasseradsorption auf metallischen Oberflächen, die Ionensolvatisierung in wässrigen Lösungen und der Protonentransport in protonleitenden Polymeren, welche Prototypen von Membranen für Brennstoffzellen sind. Die Möglichkeit der Vorhersage spektroskopischer Parameter eröffnet vielfältige Möglichkeiten des Dialogs zwischen Experimenten und numerischen Simulationen. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Zuverlässigkeit dieser theoretischen Berechnungen inzwischen für viele experimentell relevante Systeme ein quantitatives Niveau erreicht hat.


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The goal of this thesis was the investigation of the structure, conformation, supramolecular order and molecular dynamics of different classes of functional materials (phthalocyanine, perylene and hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene derivatives and mixtures of those), all having planar aromatic cores modified with various types of alkyl chains. The planar aromatic systems are known to stack in the solid and the liquid-crystalline state due to p-p interactions forming columnar superstructures with high one-dimensional charge carrier mobility and potential application in photovoltaic devices. The different functionalities attached to the aromatic cores significantly influence the behavior of these systems allowing the experimentalists to modify the structures to fine-tune the desired thermotropic properties or charge carrier mobility. The aim of the presented studies was to understand the interplay between the driving forces causing self-assembly by relating the structural and dynamic information about the investigated systems. The supramolecular organization is investigated by applying 1H solid state NMR recoupling techniques. The results are related with DSC and X-ray scattering data. Detailed information about the site-specific molecular dynamics is gained by recording spinning sideband patterns using 1H-1H and 13C-1H solid state NMR recoupling techniques. The determined dipole-dipole coupling constants are then related with the coupling constants of the respective rigid pairs, thus providing local dynamic order parameters for the respective moieties. The investigations presented reveal that in the crystalline state the preferred arrangement in the columnar stack of discotic molecules modified with alkyl chains is tilted. This leads to characteristic differences in the 1H chemical shifts of otherwise chemically equivalent protons. Introducing branches and increasing the length of the alkyl chains results in lower mesophase transitions and disordered columnar stacks. In the liquid-crystalline state some of the discs lose the tilted orientation, others do not, but all start a rapid rotation about the columnar axis.


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Interpolyelektrolytkomplexe bilden sich spontan bei Mischung von Lösungen entgegengesetzt geladener Polyelektrolyte. Dabei sind die Haupttriebkräfte der Entropiegewinn durch die Freisetzung von niedermolekularen Gegenionen sowie die elektrostatischen Wechselwirkungen. In der letzten Zeit sind sie aufgrund ihrer zahlreichen biologischen und technischen Anwendungen in den Fokus des wissenschaftlichen Interesses gerückt. Vor allem die Anwendung von Komplexen aus DNA und kationischen Polyelektrolyten in der nonviralen Gentherapie wird vielfältig diskutiert. rnIn dieser Arbeit wird eine Polystyrolsulfonat-Bürste mit einer Pfropfdichte von 100 % mit einem kationischen Tensid komplexiert und der Komplex in verschiedenen organischen Lösungsmitteln charakterisiert. Dabei zeigt sich eine signifikante Abhängigkeit des Lösungsverhaltens von der Art und der Konzentration zugesetzter Salze. Dieser Polyelektrolyt-Tensid-Komplex wird anschließend als vereinfachtes Modellsystem für die Komplexierung von DNA verwendet. Als kationische Komponente dient zunächst ein kommerzielles PAMAM-Dendrimer der 5. Generation. Dabei steht die Erhaltung der zylindrischen Topologie der anionischen Polyelektrolytbürste in den gebildeten Komplexen im Vordergrund. Durch Variation des Lösungsmittels und des Protonierungsgleichgewichts werden die experimentellen Bedingungen eingegrenzt, bei denen eine solche topologische Kontrolle möglich ist. Es zeigt sich, dass durch die Verwendung von aprotischen organischen Lösungsmitteln gute Erfolge erzielt werden können. Des Weiteren wird das Komplexierungsverhalten stark durch den Zusatz einer Säure oder einer Base beeinflusst, sodass eine topologische Kontrolle mit einem großen Überschuss einer organischen Base auch in protischen Lösungsmitteln wie Wasser und Methanol möglich wird. Anschließend wird das gleiche Polyanion noch mit einer geschützten Polylysin-Bürste in DMF komplexiert, was zur Bildung von kinetisch kontrollierten Aggregaten führt. Die Bildung dieser Aggregate kann durch den Zusatz eines großen Überschusses an Base verhindert werden und es werden zylindrische Komplexe erhalten, die nur aus einer Polylysin-Bürste bestehen. rn


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This thesis concerns the study of complex conformational surfaces and tautomeric equilibria of molecules and molecular complexes by quantum chemical methods and rotational spectroscopy techniques. In particular, the focus of this research is on the effects of substitution and noncovalent interactions in determining the energies and geometries of different conformers, tautomers or molecular complexes. The Free-Jet Absorption Millimeter Wave spectroscopy and the Pulsed-Jet Fourier Transform Microwave spectroscopy have been applied to perform these studies and the obtained results showcase the suitability of these techniques for the study of conformational surfaces and intermolecular interactions. The series of investigations of selected medium-size molecules and complexes have shown how different instrumental setups can be used to obtain a variety of results on molecular properties. The systems studied, include molecules of biological interest such as anethole and molecules of astrophysical interest such as N-methylaminoethanol. Moreover halogenation effects have been investigated on halogen substituted tautomeric systems (5-chlorohydroxypyridine and 6-chlorohydroxypyridine), where it has shown that the position of the inserted halogen atom affects the prototropic equilibrium. As for fluorination effects, interesting results have been achieved investigating some small complexes where a molecule of water is used as a probe to reveal the changes on the electrostatic potential of different fluorinated compounds: 2-fluoropyridine, 3-fluoropyridine and penta-fluoropyridine. While in the case of the molecular complex between water and 2-fluoropyridine and 3-fluoropyridine the geometry of the complex with one water molecule is analogous to that of pyridine with the water molecule linked to the pyridine nitrogen, the case of pentafluoropyridine reveals the effect of perfluorination and the water oxygen points towards the positive center of the pyridine ring. Additional molecular adducts with a molecule of water have been analyzed (benzylamine-water and acrylic acid-water) in order to reveal the stabilizing driving forces that characterize these complexes.


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Diese Arbeit beschreibt zum ersten Mal die kovalente Verknüpfung organischer Moleküle auf einer Isolatoroberfläche, motiviert im Hinblick auf die Nutzung der Synthesemethode für die molekulare Elektronik und verwandte Anwendungen. Durch die Verwendung der Nichtkontakt-Rasterkraftmikroskopie und der Kelvinprobe-Mikroskopie bei Raumtemperatur wurden grundlegende molekulare Prozesse der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Molekülen und der Calcit(10.4) Oberfläche sowie die chemische Reaktivität der Moleküle auf der Oberfläche analysiert. Das Zusammenspiel zwischen intermolekularen und Molekül-Oberfläche Wechselwirkungen zeigt sich für Biphenyl-4,4'-dicarbonsäure (BPDCA) durch die Koexistenz zweier unterschiedlicher molekularer Strukturen, die einen Einblick in die treibenden Kräfte der molekularen Selbstorganisation bieten. Die sehr ausgeprägte Reihenstruktur basiert auf der optimalen geometrischen Struktur der BPDCA Moleküle zu den Abmessungen des Substrats, während die zweite Struktur durch Wasserstoffbrücken zwischen den Molekülen gekennzeichnet ist. Der Deprotonierungsvorgang von 2,5-Dihydroxybenzoesäure (DHBA)-Molekülen auf Calcit wird bei Zimmertemperatur gezeigt. Zwei Phasen werden beobachtet, die nach Aufbringen der Moleküle koexistieren. Mit der Zeit geht eine bulk-ähnliche Phase in eine stabile, dicht gepackte Phase über. Der Übergang wird durch Betrachtung des Protonierungszustands der Moleküle erklärt. Die bulk-ähnliche Phase benötigt Wasserstoffbrückbindungen zur Strukturbildung. Werden die Moleküle deprotoniert, so wird die resultierende dicht gepackte Phase durch die elektrostatische Wechselwirkung der deprotonierten Carboxylatgruppen mit den Oberflächen-Calciumkationen stabilisiert. 4-Iodbenzoesäure (IBA)-Moleküle bilden auf Calcit nur Inseln an Stufenkanten, was auf die schwache Molekül-Oberflächen-Wechselwirkung zurückzuführen ist. Für einen stärkeren Einfluss des Substrats durchlaufen die Moleküle einen kontrollierten Übergangsschritt vom protonierten zum deprotonierten Zustand. Im deprotonierten Zustand nehmen die Moleküle eine wohldefinierte Adsorptionsposition auf dem Substrat ein. Die deprotonierte Säuregruppe wird ausgenutzt, um die Desorption der halogensubstituierten Benzoesäure-Moleküle bei der thermischer Aktivierung für die Vernetzungsreaktion zu vermeiden. Darüber hinaus wird die Carboxylatgruppe als starker Elektronendonor verwendet um die Phenyl-Halogen-Bindung zu schwächen und somit die homolytische Spaltung dieser Bindung auch bei moderaten Temperaturen zu ermöglichen. Diesem Konzept folgend ist die erste erfolgreiche kovalente Verknüpfung von 2,5-Diiod-benzoesäure, 2,5-Dichlorbenzoesäure, 3,5-Diiod Salicylsäure und 4-Iod-benzoesäure zu durchkonjugierten molekularen Drähten, Zick-Zack-Strukturen sowie Dimere gezeigt durch Ausnutzen von unterschiedlichen Substitutionsposition sowie Ändern der Anzahl der substituierten Halogenatome. Aufbauend auf diesem Erfolg, wird eine zweistufige Vernetzungsreaktion vorgestellt. Zum Induzieren der ortsspezifischen und sequentiellen kovalenten Verknüpfung wird ein Ausgangsmolekül gewählt, das sowohl eine Bromphenyl als auch eine Chlorphenyl Gruppe mit unterschiedlichen Dissoziationsenergien für die homolytische Spaltung besitzt. Die Reaktionsstellen und sequentielle Reihenfolge für die Reaktion sind somit in der molekularen Struktur einkodiert und bisher unerreichte Reaktionspfade können mithilfe der kovalente Verknüpfung organischer Moleküle auf einer Isolatoroberfläche beschritten werden.


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The biosphere emits copiously volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the atmosphere, which are removed again depending on the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere and physical processes such as mixing, transport and deposition. Biogenic VOCs react with the primary oxidant of the atmosphere, the hydroxyl radical (OH), and potentially lead to the formation tropospheric ozone and aerosol, which impact regional climate and air quality. The rate of OH decay in the atmosphere, the total OH reactivity is a function of the atmospheric, reactive compound's concentration and reaction velocity with OH. One way to measure the total OH reactivity, the total OH sink, is with the Comparative Reactivity Method - CRM. Basically, the reaction of OH with a reagent (here pyrrole) in clean air and in the presence of atmospheric, reactive molecules is compared. This thesis presents measurements of the total OH reactivity at the biosphere-atmosphere interface to analyze various influences and driving forces. For measurements in natural environment the instrument was automated and a direct, undisturbed sampling method developed. Additionally, an alternative detection system was tested and compared to the originally used detector (Proton Transfer Reaction-Mass Spectrometer, PTR-MS). The GC-PID (Gas Chromatographic Photo-Ionization Detector) was found as a smaller, less expensive, and robust alternative for total OH reactivity measurements. The HUMPPA-COPEC 2010 measurement campaign in the Finish forest was impacted by normal boreal forest emissions as well as prolonged heat and biomass burning emissions. The measurement of total OH reactivity was compared with a comprehensive set of monitored individual species ambient concentration levels. A significant discrepancy between those individually measured OH sinks and the total OH reactivity was observed, which was characterized in detail by the comparison of within and above the forest canopy detected OH reactivity. Direct impact of biogenic emissions on total OH reactivity was examined on Kleiner Feldberg, Germany, 2011. Trans-seasonal measurements of an enclosed Norway spruce branch were conducted via PTR-MS, for individual compound's emission rates, and CRM, for total OH reactivity emission fluxes. Especially during summertime, the individually monitored OH sink terms could not account for the measured total OH reactivity. A controlled oxidation experiment in a low NOx environment was conducted in the EUPHORE reaction chamber (CHEERS, Spain 2011). The concentration levels of the reactant isoprene and its major products were monitored and compared to total OH reactivity measurements as well as to the results of two models. The individually measured compounds could account for the total OH reactivity during this experiment as well as the traditional model-degradation scheme for isoprene (MCM 3.2). Due to previous observations of high OH levels in the isoprene-rich environment of the tropics, a novel isoprene mechanism was recently suggested. In this mechanism (MIME v4) additional OH is generated during isoprene oxidation, which could not be verified in the conditions of the CHEERS experiment.


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Natürliche hydraulische Bruchbildung ist in allen Bereichen der Erdkruste ein wichtiger und stark verbreiteter Prozess. Sie beeinflusst die effektive Permeabilität und Fluidtransport auf mehreren Größenordnungen, indem sie hydraulische Konnektivität bewirkt. Der Prozess der Bruchbildung ist sowohl sehr dynamisch als auch hoch komplex. Die Dynamik stammt von der starken Wechselwirkung tektonischer und hydraulischer Prozesse, während sich die Komplexität aus der potentiellen Abhängigkeit der poroelastischen Eigenschaften von Fluiddruck und Bruchbildung ergibt. Die Bildung hydraulischer Brüche besteht aus drei Phasen: 1) Nukleation, 2) zeitabhängiges quasi-statisches Wachstum so lange der Fluiddruck die Zugfestigkeit des Gesteins übersteigt, und 3) in heterogenen Gesteinen der Einfluss von Lagen unterschiedlicher mechanischer oder sedimentärer Eigenschaften auf die Bruchausbreitung. Auch die mechanische Heterogenität, die durch präexistierende Brüche und Gesteinsdeformation erzeugt wird, hat großen Einfluß auf den Wachstumsverlauf. Die Richtung der Bruchausbreitung wird entweder durch die Verbindung von Diskontinuitäten mit geringer Zugfestigkeit im Bereich vor der Bruchfront bestimmt, oder die Bruchausbreitung kann enden, wenn der Bruch auf Diskontinuitäten mit hoher Festigkeit trifft. Durch diese Wechselwirkungen entsteht ein Kluftnetzwerk mit komplexer Geometrie, das die lokale Deformationsgeschichte und die Dynamik der unterliegenden physikalischen Prozesse reflektiert. rnrnNatürliche hydraulische Bruchbildung hat wesentliche Implikationen für akademische und kommerzielle Fragestellungen in verschiedenen Feldern der Geowissenschaften. Seit den 50er Jahren wird hydraulisches Fracturing eingesetzt, um die Permeabilität von Gas und Öllagerstätten zu erhöhen. Geländebeobachtungen, Isotopenstudien, Laborexperimente und numerische Analysen bestätigen die entscheidende Rolle des Fluiddruckgefälles in Verbindung mit poroelastischen Effekten für den lokalen Spannungszustand und für die Bedingungen, unter denen sich hydraulische Brüche bilden und ausbreiten. Die meisten numerischen hydromechanischen Modelle nehmen für die Kopplung zwischen Fluid und propagierenden Brüchen vordefinierte Bruchgeometrien mit konstantem Fluiddruck an, um das Problem rechnerisch eingrenzen zu können. Da natürliche Gesteine kaum so einfach strukturiert sind, sind diese Modelle generell nicht sonderlich effektiv in der Analyse dieses komplexen Prozesses. Insbesondere unterschätzen sie die Rückkopplung von poroelastischen Effekten und gekoppelte Fluid-Festgestein Prozesse, d.h. die Entwicklung des Porendrucks in Abhängigkeit vom Gesteinsversagen und umgekehrt.rnrnIn dieser Arbeit wird ein zweidimensionales gekoppeltes poro-elasto-plastisches Computer-Model für die qualitative und zum Teil auch quantitativ Analyse der Rolle lokalisierter oder homogen verteilter Fluiddrücke auf die dynamische Ausbreitung von hydraulischen Brüchen und die zeitgleiche Evolution der effektiven Permeabilität entwickelt. Das Programm ist rechnerisch effizient, indem es die Fluiddynamik mittels einer Druckdiffusions-Gleichung nach Darcy ohne redundante Komponenten beschreibt. Es berücksichtigt auch die Biot-Kompressibilität poröser Gesteine, die implementiert wurde um die Kontrollparameter in der Mechanik hydraulischer Bruchbildung in verschiedenen geologischen Szenarien mit homogenen und heterogenen Sedimentären Abfolgen zu bestimmen. Als Resultat ergibt sich, dass der Fluiddruck-Gradient in geschlossenen Systemen lokal zu Störungen des homogenen Spannungsfeldes führen. Abhängig von den Randbedingungen können sich diese Störungen eine Neuausrichtung der Bruchausbreitung zur Folge haben kann. Durch den Effekt auf den lokalen Spannungszustand können hohe Druckgradienten auch schichtparallele Bruchbildung oder Schlupf in nicht-entwässerten heterogenen Medien erzeugen. Ein Beispiel von besonderer Bedeutung ist die Evolution von Akkretionskeilen, wo die große Dynamik der tektonischen Aktivität zusammen mit extremen Porendrücken lokal starke Störungen des Spannungsfeldes erzeugt, die eine hoch-komplexe strukturelle Entwicklung inklusive vertikaler und horizontaler hydraulischer Bruch-Netzwerke bewirkt. Die Transport-Eigenschaften der Gesteine werden stark durch die Dynamik in der Entwicklung lokaler Permeabilitäten durch Dehnungsbrüche und Störungen bestimmt. Möglicherweise besteht ein enger Zusammenhang zwischen der Bildung von Grabenstrukturen und großmaßstäblicher Fluid-Migration. rnrnDie Konsistenz zwischen den Resultaten der Simulationen und vorhergehender experimenteller Untersuchungen deutet darauf hin, dass das beschriebene numerische Verfahren zur qualitativen Analyse hydraulischer Brüche gut geeignet ist. Das Schema hat auch Nachteile wenn es um die quantitative Analyse des Fluidflusses durch induzierte Bruchflächen in deformierten Gesteinen geht. Es empfiehlt sich zudem, das vorgestellte numerische Schema um die Kopplung mit thermo-chemischen Prozessen zu erweitern, um dynamische Probleme im Zusammenhang mit dem Wachstum von Kluftfüllungen in hydraulischen Brüchen zu untersuchen.


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Una stampa libera e plurale è un elemento fondante di ogni sistema democratico ed è fondamentale per la creazione di un’opinione pubblica informata e in grado di esercitare controllo e pressione sulle classi dirigenti. Dal momento della loro creazione i giornali si sono imposti come un’importantissima fonte di informazione per l’opinione pubblica. La seconda metà del Novecento, inoltre, ha conosciuto innovazioni tecnologiche che hanno portato grandi cambiamenti nel ruolo della carta stampata come veicolo di trasmissione delle notizie. Partendo dalla diffusione della televisione fino ad arrivare alla rivoluzione digitale degli anni ’90 e 2000, la velocità di creazione e di trasmissione delle informazioni è aumentata esponenzialmente, i costi di produzione e di acquisizione delle notizie sono crollati e una quantità enorme di dati, che possono fornire moltissime informazioni relative alle idee e ai contenuti proposti dai diversi autori nel corso del tempo, è ora a disposizione di lettori e ricercatori. Tuttavia, anche se grazie alla rivoluzione digitale i costi materiali dei periodici si sono notevolmente ridotti, la produzione di notizie comporta altre spese e pertanto si inserisce in un contesto di mercato, sottoposto alle logiche della domanda e dell'offerta. In questo lavoro verrà analizzato il ruolo della domanda e della non perfetta razionalità dei lettori nel mercato delle notizie, partendo dall’assunto che la differenza di opinioni dei consumatori spinge le testate a regolare l’offerta di contenuti, per venire incontro alla domanda di mercato, per verificare l’applicabilità del modello utilizzato (Mullainhatan e Shleifer, 2005) al contesto italiano. A tale scopo si è analizzato il comportamento di alcuni quotidiani nazionali in occasione di due eventi che hanno profondamente interessato l'opinione pubblica italiana: il fenomeno dei flussi migratori provenienti dalla sponda sud del Mediterraneo nel mese di ottobre 2013 e l'epidemia di influenza H1N1 del 2009.


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Aquaporine sind hochselektive Transmembrankanäle, die in allen Lebensformen den Fluss von Wasser und kleinen, polaren Molekülen wie Glycerol über Lipidmembranen ermöglichen. Obwohl die Kanalpore für den Substratfluss im Monomer lokalisiert ist, liegen Aquaporine innerhalb biologischer Membranen als Homotetramere vor. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden proteinbezogene und lipidmembranassoziierte Einflüsse auf die Oligomerisierung und Funktion des bakteriellen Aquaglyceroporins GlpF sowohl in vitro als auch in vivo untersucht. rnDie erhöhte Stabilität der Aquaporinpore sowie Interaktion zwischen den GlpF-Monomeren sind Triebkräfte der Aquaporin-Tetramerisierung. Ferner erfordern die GlpF-Tetramerisierung und -Aktivität bei Abschirmung der Ladung anionischer Lipide und einer minimalen Membrandicke von 27 Å keine spezielle Lipidumgebung. Da anionische Lipide die GlpF-Funktion jedoch störten, kann die GlpF-Aktivität in vivo möglicherweise durch die selektive Anreicherung von anionischen Lipiden in der unmittelbaren Proteinumgebung reguliert werden. Ungünstige Lipid-GlpF-Interaktionen können jedoch in Lipidumgebungen mit hoher Ordnung in der Acylkettenregion entstehen, die zu einer Aggregation der GlpF-Tetramere und reduzierten Aktivität führen. rnFerner wurde die Auswirkung der nephrogenen Diabetes insipidus verursachenden Aquaporin 2-Punktmutation V71M auf die Oligomerisierung und Funktion des homologen, bakteriellen Aquaglyceroporins GlpF untersucht. Da weder die Oligomierisierung noch die Aktivität des homologen, bakteriellen Aquaglyceroporins eingeschränkt sind, beruht der Krankheitsmechanismus der Aquaporin 2-Mutante V71M vermutlich auf einem defekten Transportmechansimus im Menschen. rn


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Despite its short existence, vascular surgery has already grown out of the scope of a mono-specialty. Meanwhile emerging interests of other competing specialties push into the field of vascular care. Continuous technological innovation drives the need for sub-specialisation to provide disease-centred expertise; however, treatment success equally depends on balanced patient-centred care. Vascular surgeons are amidst this controversy and are currently challenged by their own demand to offer all aspects of vascular care - as "the vascular specialist". This article discusses the natural driving forces towards sub-specialisation and appraises advantages and limitations with respect to the future of integrated vascular care.


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This thesis focuses on “The “great hunting” among the Baka pygmies of the Southeastern Cameroon. A contribution to Anthropology of environment. The problematic in the study is the confrontation of great hunting among the Baka with the institutional, socio-economic and ecological change in forest. The goal is to analyze the mechanisms of adaptation of this game against these changes that affect the Baka environment. The proposed hypothesis suggests that Baka Pygmies have restructured the preparatory ceremonies of the great hunting following changes that occurred in their environmental milieu. Certain ritual animals have been substituted. Hunting lands, tools, methods and periods were also modified. The great hunting is opened to Baka hunters and non Baka hunters. Qualitative techniques, including observation, interviews and focus group discussions were used for data collection. The observations allowed us to understand the reality of driving forces in the forest as well as tools for hunting, hunting land and even the species sought. Interviews and focus group discussions were consolidated data on the ancient practice of hunting for rituals like Jengi and Beka, on the current practice of this hunting and on the impact of the of the modification of this hunting practice on the Baka culture. The results of this research show that the Baka have taken important measure to adapt their great hunting to the changing time and space. But the restructuring of this hunting varies from one village to another. As and when we leave the depths of the forest to the city of Yokadouma the great hunting is practiced less and less. Baka use illegal hunting tools and even fully protected species in their great hunting and in rituals celebrations. The overexploitation of forest resources, the creation of protected areas, full protection of certain large mammals and the action of ecoguards are something of an obstacle to the ancient practice of hunting for ritual. In most of camp where hunting is no more existing, ritual ceremonies are less and less celebrated. The study is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is related to the literature review, the theoretical framework, the definition of concepts, the second focuses on the geographical presentation of the study area, the third chapter looks at factors affecting the great hunting, the fourth chapter deal with the changes observed in the Baka’s great hunting, and the fifth chapter examines consequences of the restriction or suppression of the hunt on the Baka socio culture.