309 resultados para Divorce.
O presente estudo aborda pesquisa que teve como objetivo principal investigar a possibilidade de usar um método inspirado pelo construcionismo social para o trabalho com um grupo de mães, pais e filhos que passaram pelo divórcio em suas famílias. Para a investigação foi realizado um grupo, composto por mães, pais e filhos entre 18 e 25 anos, que não pertenciam à mesma família, mas que tinham em comum a experiência do divórcio. Também foi empreendido estudo teórico sobre temas relacionados ao construcionismo social; as mudanças na família contemporânea; divórcios e organizações familiares dele decorrentes; o trabalho com grupos e a contribuição do construcionismo para esse campo. O trabalho se propôs a articular os três temas principais nele presentes: o construcionismo social, o trabalho com grupos e o divórcio. Durante os dez encontros foram conversados tanto espontaneamente como através das dinâmicas propostas, temas relacionados ao divórcio, convivência com os filhos e relações com ex-parceiros, entre outros. O foco da elaboração das dinâmicas pretendia aproveitar a diferença de posicionamento entre os participantes como ferramenta para mudança. Outro objetivo da pesquisa era observar se através da participação no grupo as pessoas transformavam suas relações com outras fora do grupo, como filhos e ex-parceiros em uma direção de menos conflitos e disputas. Ao longo do grupo foi relatado pelos participantes em vários momentos tanto o valor da diferença para reflexão e mudança de visão sobre a situação que viviam como a transformação de relações conflituosas a partir das conversas ocorridas no grupo. O material gerado nas conversas grupais foi analisado através da poética social, metodologia de cunho construcionista. Ficou evidenciado que o grupo entendido como espaço conversacional é um dispositivo útil para o diálogo e para a produção de novos sentidos tanto em relação à vida de cada um dos participantes, como promovendo questionamentos e a desconstrução de linguagens sociais relacionadas aos temas do divórcio, relações entre pais e filhos e relações familiares em geral.
World Conference on Psychology and Sociology 2012
Esta tese é um estudo sobre os relacionamentos afetivo-conjugais interculturais, a saber, entre homens suíços e mulheres de países em desenvolvimento. O objetivo é buscar compreender esses relacionamentos e seu aumento através do que aqui denomino turismo afetivo-conjugal e migração afetivo-conjugal. Por um lado, e através dos discursos dos homens suíços, perceber como constroem seus projetos de vida, suas masculinidades, as motivações de suas escolhas pelo relacionamento com alguém de um país e cultura diferente da sua de origem, as causas dessas escolhas, como se percebem como homens e pais de família, suas percepções acerca das vivências e tensões na sociedade suíça face às ressignificações atuais da família e do casamento. Por outro lado, por estarem, todas as esposas em um contexto de migração, captar em que circunstâncias acontece a trajetória migratória feminina na atualidade, a feminina para a Suíça e, para o propósito específico desta tese, a migração em um contexto afetivo-conjugal intercultural. E, através dos discursos das migrantes pretende-se apreender suas escolhas, assim como as dificuldades vivenciadas por algumas delas. A amostra foi composta por vinte entrevistas: uma tailandesa divorciada, um suíço divorciado e nove casais constituídos por suíços e mulheres de quatro países em desenvolvimento. A amostra foi reunida após exaustiva busca via internet, Facebook, Orkut e através outras estratégias: ida a bares e restaurantes da cidade, sugestões e conhecimentos dos colegas do alojamentos e faculdade. A análise das falas dos entrevistados permite concluir que os suíços, ao buscarem relacionamentos afetivos-conjugais com mulheres de países em desenvolvimento, na verdade, desejam constituir uma família coesa, unida que valorize os valores tradicionais. Assim, mulheres de países em desenvolvimento são escolhidas por seus valores familiares mais tradicionais, ou seja, pelas suas qualidades como companheira de vida. Através da análise do discurso dos sujeitos perquiridos e dos dados estatísticos fornecidos pelo Centro de Estatística Suíço foi possível verificar como a migração e o turismo constituíram meios pelos quais os entrevistados conseguem formar uma família intercultural, como se organizam para tal, suas estratégias e projetos de vida. As falas das esposas migrantes mostram mulheres com agency, mas também possíveis dificuldades vivenciadas no país de destino, por se encontrarem longe de casa, de sua família e país de origem. As motivações por um relacionamento afetivo-conjugal intercultural mostram o desejo de ter para si uma família onde seus membros sejam menos independentes entre si.
The lives of Thomas and Anna Haslam were dedicated to the attainment of women's equality. They were feminists before the word was coined. In an era when respectable women were not supposed to know of the existence of prostitutes, Anna became empowered to do the unthinkable, not only to speak in public but to discuss openly matters sexual and to attack the double standard of sexuality which was enshrined in the official treatment of prostitutes. Their life-long commitment to the cause of women's suffrage never faltered, despite the repeated discouragement of the fate of bills defeated in the House of Commons. The Haslams represented an Ireland which did not survive them. While they were dedicated to the union with Westminster, they worked happily with those who applied themselves to its destruction. Although in many ways they exemplified the virtues of their Quaker backgrounds, they did not subscribe to any organised religion. Despite living in straitened circumstances, they were part of an urban intellectual elite and participated in the social and cultural life of Dublin for over fifty years. It is tempting to speculate how the Haslams would have fared in post independence Ireland. Hanna Sheehy Skeffington who had impeccable nationalist credentials, was effectively marginalised. It is likely that they would have protested against discriminatory legislation in their usual law abiding manner but, in a country which quickly developed an overwhelmingly Roman Catholic ethos, would they have had a voice or a constituency? Ironically, Thomas's teaching on chastity would have found favour with the hierarchy; his message was disseminated in a simple and more pious manner in numerous Catholic Truth Society pamphlets. The Protestant minority never sought to subvert the institutions of the state, was careful not to criticise and kept its collective head down. Dáil Éireann was not bombarded with petitions for the restoration of divorce facilities or the unbanning of birth control. Those who sought such amenities obtained them quietly 'in another jurisdiction.' Fifty years were to pass before the condom wielding 'comely maidens' erupted on to the front pages of the Sunday papers. They were, one imagines, the spiritual descendants of the militant rather than the constitutional suffrage movement. "Once and for all we need to commit ourselves to the concept that women's rights are not factional or sectional privileges, bestowed on the few at the whim of the many. They are human rights. In a society in which the rights and potential of women are constrained no man can be truly free." These words spoken by Mary Robinson as President of Ireland are an echo of the principles to which the Haslams dedicated their lives and are, perhaps, a tribute to their efforts.
The recognition and protection of constitutional rights is a fundamental precept. In Ireland, the right to marry is provided for in the equality provisions of Article 40 of the Irish Constitution (1937). However, lesbians and gay men are denied the right to marry in Ireland. The ‘last word’ on this issue came into being in the High Court in 2006, when Katherine Zappone and Ann Louise Gilligan sought, but failed, to have their Canadian marriage recognised in Ireland. My thesis centres on this constitutional court ruling. So as to contextualise the pursuit of marriage equality in Ireland, I provide details of the Irish trajectory vis-à-vis relationship and family recognition for same-sex couples. In Chapter One, I discuss the methodological orientation of my research, which derives from a critical perspective. Chapter Two denotes my theorisation of the principle of equality and the concept of difference. In Chapter Three, I discuss the history of the institution of marriage in the West with its legislative underpinning. Marriage also has a constitutional underpinning in Ireland, which derives from Article 41 of our Constitution. In Chapter Four, I discuss ways in which marriage and family were conceptualised in Ireland, by looking at historical controversies surrounding the legalisation of contraception and divorce. Chapter Five denotes a Critical Discourse Analysis of the High Court ruling in Zappone and Gilligan. In Chapter Six, I critique text from three genres of discourse, i.e. ‘Letters to the Editor’ regarding same-sex marriage in Ireland, communication from legislators vis-à-vis the 2004 legislative impediment to same-sex marriage in Ireland, and parliamentary debates surrounding the 2010 enactment of civil partnership legislation in Ireland. I conclude my research by reflecting on my methodological and theoretical considerations with a view to answering my research questions. Author’s Update: Following the outcome of the 2015 constitutional referendum vis-à-vis Article 41, marriage equality has been realised in Ireland.
This study explores the experiences of fourteen Irish women who separated in midlife. The rationale for choosing to study this age group of women is because they are the first generation of Irish women to publically separate in midlife in such large numbers. All of them entered marriage at a time when divorce was not possible in Ireland and as such they are broadly without a cultural ‘script’ for how to ‘do’ separation. An exploratory study was conducted to try to capture the processes and events that are part of the lived experiences of separation for women in midlife. In-depth interviews were conducted with fourteen women who were recruited following their attendance at post-separation courses. The participants came from predominantly middle class backgrounds. Narrative interviews were conducted which covered topics such as the attitudes to separation internalised during childhood, the genesis of the marital problems, the events that triggered the separations, the women’s emotional reactions at the time of separating and their social, housing and financial outcomes of having separated. A theoretical framework using concepts related to connectedness and fragmentation was used to analyse the data. Significant diversity was found in the experiences of the interviewees. Most of the women retained connectedness to their children, to their families of origin and to friends who were not joint friends. Significant fragmentation was found in relationships with ex-husbands, with in-laws and with joint friends. All of the women were worse off financially than if they had remained married. They felt socially isolated in the aftermath of separation. Many of the women were struggling to establish positive identities as separated women. While a few of them were very relieved that their marriages had ended, for most, separation was experienced as a painful episode in their lives.
It is estimated that 5.6% of the Tanzanian population ages 15-49 are infected with HIV, but only 30% of adults have ever had an HIV test. Couples' testing has proven to increase testing coverage and introduce HIV prevention, but barriers include access to testing services and unequal gender dynamics in relationships. Innovative approaches are needed to address barriers to couple's testing and increase uptake of HIV testing. Using qualitative data collection methods, a formative study was conducted to assess the acceptability of a home-based couples counseling and testing (HBCCT) approach. Eligible study participants included married men and women, HIV-infected individuals, health care and home-based care providers, voluntary counseling and testing counselors, and community leaders. A total of 91 individuals participated in focus group discussions (FGDs) and in-depth interviews conducted between September 2009 and January 2010 in rural settings in Northern Tanzania. An HBCCT intervention appears to be broadly acceptable among participants. Benefits of HBCCT were identified in terms of access, confidentiality, and strengthening the relationship. Fears of negative consequences from knowing one's HIV status, including stigma, blame, physical abuse, or divorce, remain a concern and a potential barrier to the successful provision of the intervention. Lessons for implementation highlighted the importance of appointments for home visits, building relationships of confidence and trust between counselors and clients, and assessing and responding to a couple's readiness to undergo HIV testing. HBCCT should addresses HIV stigma, emphasize confidentiality, and improve communication skills for disclosure and decision-making among couples.
Traces the development of the law relating to the enforceability of pre-nuptial agreements, given the potential conflict between such an agreement and the jurisdiction of the court to determine financial provision on divorce. Sets out the 16 point checklist laid down by K v K (Ancillary Relief: Prenuptial Agreement) against which the enforceability of an agreement should be judged. Comments on the significance given to the pre-nuptial agreement in ancillary relief proceedings in Crossley (Susan) v Crossley (Stuart), where the parties were required to show why the agreement should, or should not, determine the outcome of the proceedings.
Examines the provisions of European Parliament and Council Directive 2004/38 protecting the rights of EU citizens' partners to move freely within the EU. Highlights criticisms of the previous legislation, in particular, the lack of rights for cohabitees. Considers the extension of rights to registered partners, and the improved position of unmarried partners, noting, however, the lack of guidance on whether an unmarried couple's relationship is "durable" and "duly attested". Explains the circumstances in which non-EU spouses will not now lose the right of residence on divorce. [From Legal Journals Index]
This paper explores the changing role of contemporary grandparents with many demonstrating a willingness and ability to take on parental responsibilities for their grandchildren, where they may face challenges and opportunities in difficult times. Three main forms of grand parenting are identified in the literature, those who have primary responsibility and are raising their grand children as their main carers perhaps in response to crisis situations, those who live in extended families and participate in care, and those who provide day care while the child’s parents work. The latter has increased because of the increasing frequency of divorce, single parenting and the lack of available or subsidised child care in the United Kingdom. When grandparents step into a troubled situation and attempt to offer stability and security for their grandchildren they may have to manage the combined responsibilities of family caregivers and parental figures. Grandparenthood is a tenuous role, lacking clear agreement on behaviour norms. In the culture of advice and parenting support, while care must be taken not to undermine parenting skills or make judgements about the ability to cope with the demands of childcare, an exploration of the impact on grandparents and children must be undertaken. Due to the complex web of interrelated factors the process and outcomes of care giving by grandparents is not well known in the literature. It is proposed therefore that it is timely for research to be undertaken to explore and develop a theory of Grandparenthood.
This article stems from setting student projects. It describes in detail the outcome of a project designed to ascertain the views of the public in relation to ancillary relief and what they consider to be a 'fair' outcome. The rationale for undertaking student projects has been discussed at length in another article and is therefore only alluded to here. The discussion centres around the law, findings and outcome of the project. Students studying the Family Law course at Sheffield University were required to survey members of the public in order to gather their views on the division of assets on divorce and then to analyse the public's response in light of the seminal decision of the House of Lords in White v White [2001] 1 AC 596.
Studies on terrorism have traditionally focused on non-state actors who direct violence against liberal states. These studies also tend to focus on political motivations and, therefore, have neglected the economic functions of terrorism. This article challenges the divorce of the political and economic spheres by highlighting how states can use terrorism to realise interconnected political and economic goals. To demonstrate this, we take the case of the paramilitary demobilisation process in Colombia and show how it relates to the US-Colombian free trade agreement. We argue that the demobilisation process fulfils a dual role. First, the process aims to improve the image of the Colombian government required to pass the controversial free trade agreement through US Congress to protect large amounts of US investment in the country. Second, the demobilisation process serves to mask clear continuities in paramilitary terror that serve mutually supportive political and economic functions for US investment in Colombia.
The objectives of this study are to produce up-to-date estimates of race/ethnic/nativity differentials for remarriage and repartnership among women in the United States and to see if these differences are due to across-group differences in demographic characteristics. First, we produce lifetable estimates of remarriage and repartnering for white, black, U.S. born Latina and foreign born Latina women. Next, we estimate race/ethnic/nativity differentials for remarriage and repartnership using event-history analysis with and without controls for demographic characteristics. The results suggest a continued overall decline in remarriage rates, while many women repartner by cohabitating. Whites are more likely than blacks or Latinas to remarry and they are also more likely to repartner. Race/ethnic/nativity differentials remain even after accounting for variations in demographic characteristics. This suggests that race/ethnic/nativity differentials in remarriage and repartnering rates, rather than ameliorating disadvantages associated with divorce, reinforce these differentials.
Easiness with which the political circles talk about withdrawal from the European Union is rather surprising and proves that the legal parameters of an EU exit are not treated seriously enough. In theoretical terms Article 50 TEU allows for a unilateral exit as well as for a consensual divorce. Arguably, the first is an interesting abstract proposition, which, however, in practical terms seems to be an unworkable solution. Hence, the only realistic option is a proper divorce based on a withdrawal agreement. As per Article 50 TEU, it would be negotiated by the European Union with a departing country and should cover the terms of withdrawal and “take account of future relations” between the EU and the divorcee. It is submitted that in order to avoid a legal vacuum, this agreement should not only “take account of future relations” but actually deal with them thoroughly. This will make the negotiations difficult and, most likely, time consuming. One also has to envisage a scenario whereby a country leaving the European Union would join EFTA and become a EFTA-EU Member State of the European Economic Area. Should that happen the scope of a EU withdrawal agreement would be limited to the terms of exit, while future relations between the divorcee and the European Union would be mainly covered by the EEA Agreement. This chapter unlocks the mechanics of Article 50 TEU and the withdrawal procedure it provides for. It covers the issues that should be attended to by the negotiators and provides an overview of dossiers that are likely be covered in a withdrawal agreement.