971 resultados para Dissociation


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In ventricular myocytes cultured from neonatal rat hearts, bradykinin (BK), kallidin or BK(1-8) [(Des-Arg9)BK] stimulated PtdinsP2 hydrolysis by 3-4-fold. EC50 values were 6 nM (BK), 2 nM (kallidin), and 14 microM [BK(1-8)]. BK or kallidin stimulated the rapid (less than 30 s) translocation of more than 80% of the novel protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms nPKC-delta and nPKC-epsilon from the soluble to the particulate fraction. EC50 values for nPKC-delta translocation by BK or kallidin were 10 and 2 nM respectively. EC50 values for nPKC-epsilon translocation by BK or kallidin were 2 and 0.6 nM respectively. EC50 values for the translocation of nPKC-delta and nPKC-epsilon by BK(1-8) were more than 5 microM. The classical PKC, cPKC-alpha, and the atypical PKC, nPKC-zeta, did not translocate. BK caused activation and phosphorylation of p42-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) (maximal at 3-5 min, 30-35% of p42-MAPK phosphorylated). p44-MAPK was similarly activated. EC50 values for p42/p44-MAPK activation by BK were less than 1 nM whereas values for BK(1-8) were more than 10 microM. The order of potency [BK approximately equal to kallidin > BK (1-8)] for the stimulation of PtdInsP2 hydrolysis, nPKC-delta and nPKC-epsilon translocation, and p42/p44-MAPK activities suggests involvement of the B2 BK receptor subtype. In addition, stimulation of all three processes by BK was inhibited by the B2BK receptor-selective antagonist HOE140 but not by the B1-selective antagonist Leu8BK(1-8). Exposure of cells to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate for 24 h inhibited subsequent activation of p42/p44-MAPK by BK suggesting participation of nPKC (and possibly cPKC) isoforms in the activation process. Thus, like hypertrophic agents such as endothelin-1 (ET-1) and phenylephrine (PE), BK activates PtdInsP2 hydrolysis, translocates nPKC-delta, and nPKC-epsilon, and activates p42/p44-MAPK. However, in comparison with ET-1 and PE, BK was only weakly hypertrophic as assessed by cell morphology and patterns of gene expression. This difference could not be attributed to dissimilarities between the duration of activation of p42/p44-MAPK by BK or ET-1. Thus activation of these signalling pathways alone may be insufficient to induce a powerful hypertrophic response.


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Pineal melatonin release exhibits a circadian rhythm with a tight nocturnal pattern. Melatonin synthesis is regulated by the master circadian clock within the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and is also directly inhibited by light. The SCN is necessary for both circadian regulation and light inhibition of melatonin synthesis and thus it has been difficult to isolate these two regulatory limbs to define the output pathways by which the SCN conveys circadian and light phase information to the pineal. A 22-h light-dark (LD) cycle forced desynchrony protocol leads to the stable dissociation of rhythmic clock gene expression within the ventrolateral SCN (vlSCN) and the dorsomedial SCN (dmSCN). In the present study, we have used this protocol to assess the pattern of melatonin release under forced desynchronization of these SCN subregions. In light of our reported patterns of clock gene expression in the forced desynchronized rat, we propose that the vlSCN oscillator entrains to the 22-h LD cycle whereas the dmSCN shows relative coordination to the light-entrained vlSCN, and that this dual-oscillator configuration accounts for the pattern of melatonin release. We present a simple mathematical model in which the relative coordination of a single oscillator within the dmSCN to a single light-entrained oscillator within the vlSCN faithfully portrays the circadian phase, duration and amplitude of melatonin release under forced desynchronization. Our results underscore the importance of the SCN`s subregional organization to both photic input processing and rhythmic output control.


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OBJECTIVE The aim of the study was to elucidate the cellular mechanism underlying the suppression of glucose-induced insulin secretion in mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD) for 15 weeks. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-C57BL6J mice were fed a HFD or a normal diet (ND) for 3 or 15 weeks. Plasma insulin and glucose levels in vivo were assessed by intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test. Insulin secretion in vitro was studied using static incubations and a perfused pancreas preparation. Membrane currents, electrical activity, and exocytosis were examined by patch-clamp technique measurements. Intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) was measured by microfluorimetry. Total internal reflection fluorescence microscope (TIRFM) was used for optical imaging of exocytosis and submembrane depolarization-evoked [Ca(2+)](i). The functional data were complemented by analyses of histology and gene transcription. RESULTS After 15 weeks, but not 3 weeks, mice on HFD exhibited hyperglycemia and hypoinsulinemia. Pancreatic islet content and beta-cell area increased 2- and 1.5-fold, respectively. These changes correlated with a 20-50% reduction of glucose-induced insulin secretion (normalized to insulin content). The latter effect was not associated with impaired electrical activity or [Ca(2+)](i) signaling. Single-cell capacitance and TIRFM measurements of exocytosis revealed a selective suppression (>70%) of exocytosis elicited by short (50 ms) depolarization, whereas the responses to longer depolarizations were (500 ms) less affected. The loss of rapid exocytosis correlated with dispersion of Ca(2+) entry in HFD beta-cells. No changes in gene transcription of key exocytotic protein were observed. CONCLUSIONS HFD results in reduced insulin secretion by causing the functional dissociation of voltage-gated Ca(2+) entry from exocytosis. These observations suggest a novel explanation to the well-established link between obesity and diabetes. Diabetes 59:1192-1201, 2010


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Cultures of cosmomycin D-producing Streptomyces olindensis ICB20 that were propagated for many generations underwent mutations that resulted in production of a range of related anthracyclines by the bacteria. The anthracyclines that retained the two trisaccharide chains of the parent compound were separated by HPLC. Exact mass determination of these compounds revealed that they differed from cosmomycin D (CosD) in that they contained one to three fewer oxygen atoms (loss of hydroxyl groups). Some of the anthracyclines that were separated by HPLC had the same mass. The location from which the hydroxyl groups had been lost relative to CosD (on the aglycone and/or on the sugar residues) was probed by collisionally-activated dissociation using an electrospray ionisation linear quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer. The presence of anthracyclines with the same mass, but different structure, was confirmed using an electrospray ionisation travelling wave ion mobility mass spectrometer.


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Some nuclear receptor (NR) ligands promote dissociation of radiolabeled bound hormone from the buried ligand binding cavity (LBC) more rapidly than excess unlabeled hormone itself This result was interpreted to mean that challenger ligands bind allosteric sites on the LBD to induce hormone dissociation, and recent findings indicate that ligands bind weakly to multiple sites on the LBD surface. Here we show, that a large fraction of thyroid hormone receptor (TR) ligands promote rapid dissociation (T(1/2) < 2 h) of , radiolabeled T(3) vs. T(3) (T(1/2), approximate to 5-7 h). We cannot discern relationships between this effect and ligand size, activity or affinity for TR beta. One ligand, GC-24, binds the TR LBC and (weakly) to the TR beta-LBD surface that mediates dimer/heterodimer interaction, but we cannot link this interaction to rapid T(3) dissociation. Instead, several lines of evidence suggest that the challenger ligand must interact with the buried LBC to promote rapid T(3) release. Since previous molecular dynamics simulations suggest that TR ligands leave the LBC by several routes, we propose that a subset of challenger ligands binds and stabilizes a partially unfolded intermediate state of TR that arises during T(3) release and that this effect enhances hormone dissociation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Estrogen Receptor (ER) is an important target for pharmaceutical design. Like other ligand-dependent transcription factors, hormone binding regulates ER transcriptional activity. Nevertheless, the mechanisms by which ligands enter and leave ERs and other nuclear receptors remain poorly understood. Here, we report results of locally enhanced sampling molecular dynamics simulations to identify dissociation pathways of two ER ligands [the natural hormone 17 beta-estradiol (E-2) and the selective ER modulator raloxifene (RAL)] from the human ER alpha ligand-binding domain in monomeric and dimeric forms. E-2 dissociation occurs via three different pathways in ER monomers. One resembles the mousetrap mechanism (Path I), involving repositioning of helix 12 (H12), others involve the separation of H8 and H11 (Path II), and a variant of this pathway at the bottom of the ligand-binding domain (Path II`). RAL leaves the receptor through Path I and a Path I variant in which the ligand leaves the receptor through the loop region between H11 and H12 (Path I`). Remarkably, ER dimerization strongly suppresses Paths II and II` for E-2 dissociation and modifies RAL escape routes. We propose that differences in ligand release pathways detected in the simulations for ER monomers and dimers provide an explanation for previously observed effects of ER quaternary state on ligand dissociation rates and suggest that dimerization may play an important, and hitherto unexpected, role in regulation of ligand dissociation rates throughout the nuclear receptor family.


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The Cooks kinetic method has been very convenient to correlate the relative dissociation rates obtained by collision-induced fragmentation experiments with the energies of two related bonds in molecules and complexes in the gas phase. Reliable bond energy data are, however, not always available, particularly for polynuclear transition-metal complexes, such as the triruthenium acetate clusters of the general formula [Ru(3) (mu(3)-O)(mu-CH(3)COO)(6)(py)(2)(L)](+), where L = ring substituted N-heterocyclic ligands. Accordingly, their gas-phase collision-induced tandem mass spectrometry (CID MS/MS) dissociation patterns have been analyzed pursuing a relationship with the more easily accessible redox potentials (E(1/2)) and Lever`s E(L) parameters. In fact, excellent linear correlations of In(1/2A(L)/A(py)), where A(py) and A(L) are the abundance of the fragments retaining the pyridine (py) and L ligand, respectively, with E(1/2) and E(L) were found. This result shows that those electrochemical parameters are correlated with bond energies and can be used in the analysis of the dissociation data. Such modified Cooks method can be used, for example, to determine the electronic effects of substituents on the metal-ligand bonds for a series of transition-metal complexes. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The present work focuses on the interaction between the zwitterionic surfactant N-hexadecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1-propanesulfonate (HPS) and the giant extracellular hemoglobin of Glossoscolex paulistus (HbGp). Electronic optical absorption, fluorescence emission and circular dichroism spectroscopy techniques, together with Gel-filtration chromatography, were used in order to evaluate the oligomeric dissociation as well as the autoxidation of HbGp as a function of the interaction with HPS. A peculiar behavior was observed for the HPS-HbGp interaction: a complex ferric species formation equilibrium was promoted, as a consequence of the autoxidation and oligomeric dissociation processes. At pH 7.0, HPS is more effective up to 1 mM while at pH 9.0 the surfactant effect is more intense above 1 mM. Furthermore, the interaction of HPS with HbGp was clearly less intense than the interaction of this hemoglobin with cationic (CTAC) and anionic (SDS) surfactants. Probably, this lower interaction with HPS is due to two factors: (i) the lower electrostatic attraction between the HPS surfactant and the protein surface ionic sites when compared to the electrostatic interaction between HbGp and cationic and anionic surfactants, and (ii) the low cmc of HPS, which probably reduces the interaction of the surfactant in the monomeric form with the protein. The present work emphasizes the importance of the electrostatic contribution in the interaction between ionic surfactants and HbGp. Furthermore, in the whole HPS concentration range used in this study, no folding and autoxidation decrease induced by this surfactant were observed. This is quite different from the literature data on the interaction between surfactants and tetrameric hemoglobins, that supports the occurrence of this behavior for the intracellular hemoglobins at low surfactant concentration range. Spectroscopic data are discussed and compared with the literature in order to improve the understanding of hemoglobin-surfactant interaction as well as the acid isoelectric point (pI) influence of the giant extracellular hemoglobins on their structure-activity relationship. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The giant extracellular hemoglobin of Glossoscolex paulistus (HbGp) has a molecular mass (M) of 3600 +/- 100 kDa and a standard sedimentation coefficient (s(20.w)(0)) of 58 S. estimated by analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC). In the present work, further AUC studies were developed for HbGp, at pH 10.0, which favors oligomeric dissociation into lower M species. The HbGp oligomer is formed by globin chains a, b, c and d plus the linker chains. The pure monomeric fraction, subunit d, and HbGp at pH 10.0, in the presence of beta-mercaptoethanol, were also studied. Our results indicate that for samples of pure subunit d, besides the monomeric species with s(20.w)(0) of 2.0 S, formation of dimer of subunit d is observed with s(20.w)(0) of around 2.9 S. For the whole HbGp at pH 10.0 contributions from monomers, trimers and linkers are observed. No contribution from 58 S species was observed for the sample of oxy-HbGp at pH 10.0, showing its complete dissociation. For cyanomet-HbGp form a contribution of 17% is observed for the un-dissociated oligomer, consistent with data from other techniques that show the cyanomet-form is more stable as compared to oxy-HbGp. Masses of HbGp subunits, especially trimer abc and monomeric chains a, b, c and d, were also estimated from sedimentation equilibrium data, and are in agreement with the results from MALDI-TOF-MS. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The syntheses of cyclo-[R2Sn(OPPh2O)2SnR2](O3SCF3)2 (R = Me (1), t-Bu (2)) by the consecutive reaction of R2SnO (R = Me, t-Bu) with triflic acid and diphenylphosphinic acid are presented. In the solid state, 1 and 2 were investigated by 119Sn MAS and 31P MAS NMR spectroscopy as well as X-ray crystallography and appear to exist as ion pairs of cyclo-[R2Sn(OPPh2O)2SnR2]2+ dications and triflate anions. In solution, 1 and 2 are involved in extensive equilibria processes featuring cationic diorganotin(IV) species with Sn-O-P linkages, as evidenced by 119Sn and 31P NMR spectroscopy, electrospray mass spectrometry, and conductivity measurements.


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The condensation of [Ph2(OH)Sn(CH2)nSn(OH)Ph2] (1-3; n = 1-3) with HO3SCF3 and HO2PPh2 provided [Ph2Sn(CH2)nSnPh2(OH)](O3SCF3) (4-6; n = 1-3) and [Ph2(O2PPh2)Sn(CH2)nSn(O2PPh2)Ph2] (10-12; n = 1-3), respectively. The reaction of [Ph2Sn(CH2)nSnPh2(OH)](O3SCF3) (4-6; n = 1-3) with HO2PPh2 and NaO2PPh2 gave rise to the formation of [Ph2Sn(CH2)nSnPh2(O2PPh2)](O3SCF3) (7-9; n = 1-3) and [Ph2(OH)Sn(CH2)nSn(O2PPh2)Ph2] (13-15; n = 1-3), respectively. In the solid state, compounds 4-9 comprise ion pairs of cationic cyclo-[Ph2SnCH2SnPh2(OH)]22+, cyclo-[Ph2Sn(CH2)nSnPh2(OH)]+ (n = 2, 3), and cyclo-[Ph2Sn(CH2)nSnPh2(O2PPh2)]+ (n = 1-3) and triflate anions. In MeCN, the eight-membered-ring system cyclo-[Ph2SnCH2SnPh2(OH)]22+ appears to be in equilibrium with the four-membered-ring system cyclo-[Ph2SnCH2SnPh2(OH)]+. In contrast, compounds 10-15 show no ionic character. Compounds 1-15 were characterized by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy in solution and in the solid state, IR spectroscopy, conductivity measurements, electrospray mass spectrometry, osmometric molecular weight determinations, and X-ray crystallography (4, 5, 7, and 12).


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Ammonia dissociation is the controlling reaction for several important thermochemical heat treatment processes; nitriding, nitrocarburising (ferritic and austenitic) and carbonitriding. The fluidised bed furnace is a convenient and widely used medium for all of these treatments, yet understanding of the reaction in a fluidised bed context is minimal. This paper deals with the influence of process parameters on nitrogen activity aN; temperature, fluidising flowrate, ammonia inlet level, carbonaceous gas. Two basic behaviours were observed; inlet NH3-dependant and inlet NHr insensitive, with a transition region at intermediate temperatures. The nitrocarburising response of steel specimens was measured by optical microscopy of the layer thicknesses and glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GD-OES) determination of nitrogen depth-penetration profiles. aN was found by gas analysis of the exit stream ammonia with the aid of a dissociation burette.


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Despite research findings demonstrating a relationship between dissociation and binge eating, the psychological processes that may underlie this association remain unclear. The present study examined 2 potential explanations: (a) that dissociation disinhibits behavioral control over eating and (b) that dissociation interferes with self-awareness and undermines body image. A total of 151 female university students completed measures of dissociation, body dissatisfaction, impulsivity, internalization of the thin ideal, body comparison, and binge eating. Correlations confirmed the presence of a relationship between dissociation and binge eating, and regression analyses revealed that this relationship is limited to body-specific (somatic) symptoms of dissociation. Path analyses identified body dissatisfaction, comparison, and impulsivity as significant mediators of this relationship. However, inclusion of all 3 mediated paths in a full model revealed that only body dissatisfaction is a unique mediator. The relevance of somatic symptoms, and the unique contribution of body dissatisfaction as a mediator, are consistent with an explanation of the relationship between dissociation and binge eating that is based on a vulnerability of body image. The results emphasize the need for future research to consider the relation of dissociation to a broader range of disordered eating symptoms than simply binge eating.


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This thesis investigated the psychological processes that underlie the relationship between dissociation and disordered eating. Although previous theories have emphasized that dissociation undermines behavioural self-control and, in turn, contributes to disordered eating, present findings indicate that dissociation may also influence disordered eating via disturbances to one's sense of identity.