980 resultados para Dimensional analysis


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Root characteristics of seedlings of five different barley genotypes were analysed in 2D using gel chambers, and in 3D using soil sacs that were destructively harvested and pots of soil that were assessed non-invasively using X-ray microtomography. After 5 days, Chime produced the greatest number of root axes (similar to 6) and Mehola significantly less (similar to 4) in all growing methods. Total root length was longest in GSH01915 and shortest in Mehola for all methods, but both total length and average root diameter were significantly larger for plants grown in gel chambers than those grown in soil. The ranking of particular growth traits (root number, root angular spread) of plants grown in gel plates, soil sacs and X-ray pots was similar, but plants grown in the gel chambers had a different order of ranking for root length to the soil-grown plants. Analysis of angles in soil-grown plants showed that Tadmore had the most even spread of individual roots and Chime had a propensity for non-uniform distribution and root clumping. The roots of Mehola were less well spread than the barley cultivars supporting the suggestion that wild and landrace barleys tend to have a narrower angular spread than modern cultivars. The three dimensional analysis of root systems carried out in this study provides insights into the limitations of screening methods for root traits and useful data for modelling root architecture.


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An integration by parts formula is derived for the first order differential operator corresponding to the action of translations on the space of locally finite simple configurations of infinitely many points on Rd. As reference measures, tempered grand canonical Gibbs measures are considered corresponding to a non-constant non-smooth intensity (one-body potential) and translation invariant potentials fulfilling the usual conditions. It is proven that such Gibbs measures fulfill the intuitive integration by parts formula if and only if the action of the translation is not broken for this particular measure. The latter is automatically fulfilled in the high temperature and low intensity regime.


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We analyze the causes of the century-long increase in geomagnetic activity, quantified by annual means of the aa index, using observations of interplanetary space, galactic cosmic rays, the ionosphere, and the auroral electrojet, made during the last three solar cycles. The effects of changes in ionospheric conductivity, the Earth's dipole tilt, and magnetic moment are shown to be small; only changes in near-Earth interplanetary space make a significant contribution to the long-term increase in activity. We study the effects of the interplanetary medium by applying dimensional analysis to generate the optimum solar wind-magnetosphere energy coupling function, having an unprecedentedly high correlation coefficient of 0.97. Analysis of the terms of the coupling function shows that the largest contributions to the drift in activity over solar cycles 20-22 originate from rises in the average interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) strength, solar wind concentration, and speed; average IMF orientation has grown somewhat less propitious for causing geomagnetic activity. The combination of these factors explains almost all of the 39% rise in aa observed over the last three solar cycles. Whereas the IMF strength varies approximately in phase with sunspot numbers, neither its orientation nor the solar wind density shows any coherent solar cycle variation. The solar wind speed peaks strongly in the declining phase of even-numbered cycles and can be identified as the chief cause of the phase shift between the sunspot numbers and the aa index. The rise in the IMF magnitude, the largest single contributor to the drift in geomagnetic activity, is shown to be caused by a rise in the solar coronal magnetic field, consistent with a rise in the coronal source field, modeled from photospheric observations, and an observed decay in cosmic ray fluxes.


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Results are presented from a series of laboratory model studies of the flushing of saline water from a partially- or fully-closed estuary. Experiments have been carried out to determine quantitatively the response of the trapped saline volume to fresh water flushing discharges Q for different values of the estuary bed slope α and the density difference (∆ρ)o between the saline and fresh water. The trapped saline water forms a wedge within the estuary and for maintained steady discharges, flow visualisation and density profile data confirm that its response to the imposition of the freshwater purging flow occurs in two stages, namely (i) an initial phase characterised by intense shear-induced mixing at the nose of the wedge and (ii) a relatively quiescent second phase where the mixing is significantly reduced and the wedge is forced relatively slowly down and along the bed slope. Scalings based upon simple energy balance considerations are shown to be successful in (i) describing the time-dependent wedge behaviour and (ii) quantifying the proportion of input kinetic energy converted into increasing the potential energy of the wedge/river system. Measurements show that the asymptotic value of the energy conversion factor increases with increasing value of the river Froude number Fro at small values of Fro, thereafter reaching a maximum value and a gradual decrease at the highest values of Fro. Dimensional analysis considerations indicate that the normalised, time-dependent wedge position (xw)3(g')o/q2 can be represented empirically by a power-law relationship of the form (xw)[(g')o/q2]1/3 =C [(t)[(g')o2/q]1/3]"where the proportionality coefficient C is a function of both Fro and the slope angle α and the exponent n has a value of 0.24. Successful attempts are made to relate the model data to existing field observations from a microtidal estuary.

Experiments with multiple, intermittent periodic flushing flows confirm the importance of the starting phase of each flushing event for the time dependent behaviour of the saline wedge after reaching equilibrium in the intervals between such events. For the parameter ranges investigated and for otherwise-identical external conditions, no significant differences are found in the position of the wedge between cases of sequential multiple flushing flows and steady single discharges of the same total duration.


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Using dimensional analysis and the finite element method, the spherical indentation hardness of shape memory alloys (SMAs) is investigated. The scaling relationship between the hardness and the mechanical properties of a SMA, such as the forward transformation stress, the maximum transformation strain magnitude, has been derived. Numerical results demonstrated that the hardness increases with the indentation depth but there is no three-fold relationship between the hardness and the forward transformation stress. Increasing the maximum transformation strain magnitude would reduce the hardness of the material. These research results enhance our understanding of the hardness from the spherical indentation of SMAs.


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This paper applies dimensional analysis to propose an alternative model for estimating the effective density of flocs (Δρf). The model takes into account the effective density of the primary particles, in addition to the sizes of the floc and primary particles, and does not consider the concept of self-similarity. The model contains three dimensionless products and two empirical parameters (αf and βf), which were calibrated by using data available in the literature. Values of αf=0.7 and βf=0.8 were obtained. The average value of the primary particle size (Dp) for the data used in the analysis, inferred from the new model, was found to vary from 0.05 μm to 100 μm with a mean value of 2.5 μm. Good comparisons were obtained in comparing the estimated floc-settling velocity on the basis of the proposed model for effective floc density with the measured value.


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Esta dissertação de mestrado considera a transferência de calor combinando convecção e radiação térmica no escoamento de gases participantes em dutos de seção circular. Partindo de uma metodologia geral, o trabalho enfoca principalmente os casos típicos de aplicação em geradores de vapor fumotubulares de pequeno e médio porte, em que gases em alta temperatura escoam através de um tubo mantido em temperatura uniforme. O escoamento é turbulento e o perfil de velocidade é plenamente desenvolvido desde a entrada do duto. A temperatura do gás, contudo, é uniforme na entrada, considerando-se a região de desenvolvimento térmico. Duas misturas de gases são tratadas, ambas constituídas por dióxido de carbono, vapor d’água e nitrogênio, correspondendo a produtos típicos da combustão estequiométrica de óleo combustível e metano. As propriedades físicas dos gases são admitidas uniformes em todo o duto e calculadas na temperatura de mistura média, enquanto que as propriedades radiantes são modeladas pela soma-ponderada-de-gases-cinzas. O campo de temperatura do gás é obtido a partir da solução da equação bidimensional da conservação da energia, sendo os termos advectivos discretizados através do método de volumes de controle com a função de interpolação Flux-Spline; as trocas de energia radiantes são avaliadas por meio do método das zonas, onde cada zona de radiação corresponde a um volume de controle. Em um primeiro passo, a metodologia é verificada pela comparação com resultados apresentados na literatura para a transferência de calor envolvendo apenas convecção e combinando convecção com radiação. Em seguida, discutem-se alguns efeitos da inclusão da radiação térmica, por exemplo, no número de Nusselt convectivo e na temperatura de mistura do gás. Finalmente, são propostas correlações para o número de Nusselt total, que leva em conta tanto a radiação quanto a convecção. Essa etapa exige inicialmente uma análise dos grupos adimensionais que governam o processo radiante para redução do número elevado de parâmetros independentes. As correlações, aplicáveis a situações encontradas em geradores de vapor fumotubulares de pequeno e médio porte, são validadas estatisticamente pela comparação com os resultados obtidos pela solução numérica.


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Currently there is still a high demand for quality control in manufacturing processes of mechanical parts. This keeps alive the need for the inspection activity of final products ranging from dimensional analysis to chemical composition of products. Usually this task may be done through various nondestructive and destructive methods that ensure the integrity of the parts. The result generated by these modern inspection tools ends up not being able to geometrically define the real damage and, therefore, cannot be properly displayed on a computing environment screen. Virtual 3D visualization may help identify damage that would hardly be detected by any other methods. One may find some commercial softwares that seek to address the stages of a design and simulation of mechanical parts in order to predict possible damages trying to diminish potential undesirable events. However, the challenge of developing softwares capable of integrating the various design activities, product inspection, results of non-destructive testing as well as the simulation of damage still needs the attention of researchers. This was the motivation to conduct a methodological study for implementation of a versatile CAD/CAE computer kernel capable of helping programmers in developing softwares applied to the activities of design and simulation of mechanics parts under stress. In this research it is presented interesting results obtained from the use of the developed kernel showing that it was successfully applied to case studies of design including parts presenting specific geometries, namely: mechanical prostheses, heat exchangers and piping of oil and gas. Finally, the conclusions regarding the experience of merging CAD and CAE theories to develop the kernel, so as to result in a tool adaptable to various applications of the metalworking industry are presented


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We use a toy model to illustrate how to build effective theories for singular potentials. We consider a central attractive 1/r(2) potential perturbed by a 1/r(4) correction. The power-counting rule, an important ingredient of effective theory, is established by seeking the minimum set of short-range counterterms that renormalize the scattering amplitude. We show that leading-order counterterms are needed in all partial waves where the potential overcomes the centrifugal barrier, and that the additional counterterms at next-to-leading order are the ones expected on the basis of dimensional analysis. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Adaptou-se uma metodologia utilizada no estudo do movimento humano para analisar o movimento de eqüinos em esteira rolante de alto desempenho, construindo-se um sistema de calibração utilizando-se um teodolito eletrônico de alta precisão e calibradores que demarcavam o espaço ocupado pelo animal. Dessa forma, foram obtidas as coordenadas espaciais dos marcadores presentes nos calibradores, compondo o arquivo de calibração. Duas câmeras de vídeo (60Hz) foram posicionadas em vista lateral esquerda, distantes 5m da manta de rolagem da esteira a 1,8m de altura. As imagens foram enquadradas utilizando-se um monitor de vídeo. Para a validação do método, um membro da equipe movimentou, no espaço calibrado, uma haste rígida com marcadores fixados nas suas extremidades, distantes um do outro 43,8cm. Para a análise das imagens, utilizou-se o programa Dvideow, desenvolvido pelo Laboratório de Instrumentação para Biomecânica - UNICAMP. Após a reconstrução tridimensional das imagens utilizou-se um programa matemático para o cálculo do valor médio da distância entre os marcadores. Obteve-se, após a mensuração em 100 quadros, o valor médio de 43,7cm com coeficiente de variação de 0,8%. Estes resultados mostram que a metodologia desenvolvida é precisa e adequada para o estudo da locomoção de eqüinos.


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The rheological behavior of Brazilian orange juice with different water content (0.34-0.73 w/w) was studied at a wide range of temperatures (0.5-62 degrees C) using a concentric cylinder viscometer. The results indicated that the juices behave as pseudoplastic fluids with yield stress, being represented by the Herschel-Bulkley model. The rheological parameters were fitted as functions of both temperature and water content in the tested range. Based on dimensional analysis it was proposed a modified Reynolds number (Re-M), which includes the Herschel-Bulkley parameters. Experimental data of friction factors during heating and cooling processes of orange juice in laminar flow through circular tubes could be well correlated as a function of Re-M. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The following soil classes were identified in the studied area: Quartz Sands (AQ), Yellow Red Podzolic, Dusky Red Latosol (LR), 'Terra Roxa estruturada' (TE), Lithosol substrate sandstone (Lia) and Hidromorphic (Hi). The dimensional analysis method allowed: a) to group the watershed whose percentage (60%) are showing predominance of the same soil (Quartz Sands) and which located in the same relief; b) to group watersheds with different soil classes, but with similar percentages. -from English summary


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An experimental investigation of the noise generated by cavitation in turbulent shear flows produced by confined sharp-edge orifice-plates is reported. The acoustic source strength of cavitation was determined by means of reciprocity type measurements. Experimentally determined scaling parameters are applied to a model to prototype scaling formula derived from dimensional analysis. The proposed formula is checked experimentally. Comparative photographic observations of the cavitation patterns for two different values of gas content are presented. The observed sound reduction, that occurs when supersaturated conditions exist downstream the orifice-plates, is explained by the effects of gas diffusion into the cavitation bubbles, and by simple acoustic attenuation.


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The objective of this work was to study the dimensional parameters of the drainage net using 12 third-order ramification hydrological watersheds: 4 watersheds per soil unit (LVA, RL and RQ). The soil distinction was realized using ''t'' test to verify the orthogonal contrast among three soil averages and the grouping analysis and mean components. The results showed that the multivariance analysis was not able to discriminate three soils using the dimensional analysis. The t test of this isolated variable allowed discriminating RQ soil from LVA and RL soil units; but it was not sensitive to discriminate the LVA soil and RL unit.