956 resultados para Dimension relationnelle


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Over the past few years, attention to the role of state-wide political parties in multi-level polities has increased in recognition of their linkage function between levels of government, as these parties compete in both state-wide and regional elections across their countries. This article presents a coding scheme designed to describe the relationship between central and regional levels of state-wide parties. It evaluates the involvement of the regional branches in central decision-making and their degree of autonomy in the management of regional party affairs. This coding scheme is applied to state-wide parties in Spain (the socialist PSOE and the conservative Partido Popular) and in the UK (Labour, the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats). It is an additional tool with which to analyse party organization and it facilitates the comparison of parties across regions and in different countries.


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The study of interrelationships between soil structure and its functional properties is complicated by the fact that the quantitative description of soil structure is challenging. Soil scientists have tackled this challenge by taking advantage of approaches such as fractal geometry, which describes soil architectural complexity through a scaling exponent (D) relating mass and numbers of particles/aggregates to particle/aggregate size. Typically, soil biologists use empirical indices such as mean weight diameters (MWD) and percent of water stable aggregates (WSA), or the entire size distribution, and they have successfully related these indices to key soil features such as C and N dynamics and biological promoters of soil structure. Here, we focused on D, WSA and MWD and we tested whether: D estimated by the exponent of the power law of number-size distributions is a good and consistent correlate of MWD and WSA; D carries information that differs from MWD and WSA; the fraction of variation in D that is uncorrelated with MWD and WSA is related to soil chemical and biological properties that are thought to establish interdependence with soil structure (e.g., organic C, N, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi). We analysed observational data from a broad scale field study and results from a greenhouse experiment where arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and collembola altered soil structure. We were able to develop empirical models that account for a highly significant and large portion of the correlation observed between WSA and MWD but we did not uncover the mechanisms that underlie this correlation. We conclude that most of the covariance between D and soil biotic (AMF, plant roots) and abiotic (C. N) properties can be accounted for by WSA and MWD. This result implies that the ecological effects of the fragmentation properties described by D and generally discussed under the framework of fractal models can be interpreted under the intuitive perspective of simpler indices and we suggest that the biotic components mostly impacted the largest size fractions, which dominate MWD, WSA and the scaling exponent ruling number-size distributions. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a 3D simulation system which is employed in order to predict cutting forces and tool deflection during end-milling operation. In order to verify the accuracy of 3D simulation, results (cutting forces and tool deflection) were compared with those based on the theoretical relationships, in terms of agreement with experiments. The results obtained indicate that the simulation is capable of predicting the cutting forces and tool deflection.


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The building sector is widely recognized as having a major impact on sustainable development. Both in developed and developing countries, sustainability in buildings approaches are growing. Laterite dimension stone (LDS) is a building material that was traditionally used in sub-Saharan Africa, but its technical features still need to be assessed. This article presents some results of a study focused on the characterization of LDS exploited in Burkina Faso for building purposes. The measured average thermal conductivity is 0.51  W/mK, which increases with water content and evolves with the specific gravity and with porosity. Rock mineral phases (quartz, goethite, hematite, magnetite) are cemented by kaolinite. The porosity of the material is high (30%), with macropores visible on the surface and found in the rock inner structure as well. Results from the hygrothermal monitoring of a pilot building are also presented.


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Conventional wisdom has it that the EU is unable to promote viable social integration, which contrasts with its commitments to improving working and living conditions and to social values and goals such as solidarity, social protection and social inclusion. This
article challenges two diff erent standpoints: on the one hand, competitive neoliberalism demands that the EU focuses on economic integration through legally binding internal market and competition rules even if Member States can only maintain a limited commitment to social inclusion, while authors defending the social models unique to the continent of Europe demand that the EU rescinds some of its established legal principles in order to make breathing space for Member States to maintain market correcting social policies. Both positions convene that there should be no genuine social policy at EU level.
This article uses scenarios of widely discussed rulings by the Court of Justice to illustrate that legally enforceable economic integration would prevent most Member States from achieving sustainable health services, labour relations and free university education on the basis of national closure. Since the EU has limited legislative competences to create EU level institutions to balance inequalities, it derives a Constitution of Social Governance from the EU’s values, proposing that the Court of Justice develops its urisprudence into an instrument for challenging European disunion induced by new EU economic governance


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The award of the Nobel Peace Prize to the European Union in 2012 was a reminder of the role of European integration in peacebuilding after the Second World War. For the 'Founding Fathers' of the European integration project, cross-border-cooperation was an integral element in building Europe's peace. Yet, in a Western Europe largely at peace for generations, peacebuilding as a relevant objective for European integration may be questioned. Moreover, the contribution of cross-border cooperation to conflict amelioration may be challenged on the grounds of its overwhelming economic focus. However, enlargement into Central Eastern Europe highlights once again the necessity of a peacebuilding objective for the European Union because of the multitude of real and potential conflicts encompassed within its expanded policy orbit. Drawing on evidence from selected 'borderscapes', this study examines 25 years of European Union cross-border cooperation as conflict amelioration and assesses its prospects in a political climate that emphasises borders as security barriers.


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Famous for being the first foreign feature film that obtained permission to shoot in the Forbidden City, The Last Emperor (1987) is also one of the most ambitious and expensive independent productions of its time, awarded four Golden Globes and nine Academy Awards, including Best Picture. In addition, The Last Emperor can be considered as one of the first attempts of cinematic collaboration between West and East, in a period of cultural and economic transformations witnessed by China. This article aims to offer an overview of the production history of The Last Emperor, focusing on the co-production collaborations and the outcomes of a western auteur’s gaze on Chinese history. Questions of Orientalism, travel narrative and critical reception are taken into account in order to engage with the transnational implications of Bertolucci’s film and the western fascination with China.


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Depuis quelques années, le contexte économique et social dans lequel évoluent les psychologues cliniciens amène certains auteurs à se demander si la psychothérapie est en perte d’humanité. En effet, les thérapeutes se retrouvent confrontés à la pression d’offrir des traitements brefs, rentables et validés par des données probantes, ce qui peut avoir pour effet de négliger l’aspect humain. Par ailleurs, bien que la recherche démontre le caractère fondamental de la relation thérapeutique, la dimension humaine de la psychothérapie demeure peu étudiée. En lien avec ces concepts, ceux de relation réelle, d’authenticité, de présence thérapeutique, de profondeur relationnelle et de compassion ont fait l’objet d’études et suggèrent la pertinence de s’y intéresser. Toutefois, plusieurs recoupements sont observés entre ces concepts et aucune recherche n’appréhende la dimension humaine dans sa globalité. La présente étude vise à décrire ce qu’est l’humanité et comment elle se manifeste en psychothérapie, à partir de la perspective de thérapeutes expérimentés. Un devis qualitatif exploratoire a été utilisé. Des entrevues semi-structurées ont été réalisées auprès de six psychologues reconnus par leur entourage comme faisant preuve d’humanité en psychothérapie. L’analyse thématique a été privilégiée pour analyser les données recueillies. Il en est ressorti que l’humanité en psychothérapie constitue une façon d’être du thérapeute, caractérisée par l’intégration authentique de son rôle professionnel et une certaine flexibilité par rapport au cadre thérapeutique. Cette façon d’être est sous-tendue par différentes croyances, dont celle que la relation thérapeutique – considérée comme centrale en psychothérapie – contribue au rétablissement du client. Selon les thérapeutes interrogés, l’humanité en psychothérapie se manifeste de huit façons, par la présence à soi, la présence à l’autre, l’intérêt sincère pour l’autre, la bienveillance, l’amour, la compassion, l’authenticité et l’humilité. Par ailleurs, ils évoquent que le fait de choisir une approche qui s’accorde à eux, de sélectionner des clients en fonction de leurs limites et de s’engager dans leur développement personnel favorisent cette humanité. Les résultats de l’étude enrichissent les connaissances au sujet de la dimension humaine de la psychothérapie. D’autres recherches seront nécessaires pour approfondir en quoi consiste l’humanité dans ce contexte. La présente étude permettra néanmoins de sensibiliser les différents acteurs du domaine de la psychologie à l’importance de cette dimension dans la pratique clinique et dans la formation des futurs psychologues.


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We prove that the stable holonomies of a proper codimension 1 attractor Λ, for a Cr diffeomorphism f of a surface, are not C1+θ for θ greater than the Hausdorff dimension of the stable leaves of f intersected with Λ. To prove this result we show that there are no diffeomorphisms of surfaces, with a proper codimension 1 attractor, that are affine on a neighbourhood of the attractor and have affine stable holonomies on the attractor.


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The European Mouse Mutagenesis Consortium is the European initiative contributing to the international effort on functional annotation of the mouse genome. Its objectives are to establish and integrate mutagenesis platforms, gene expression resources, phenotyping units, storage and distribution centers and bioinformatics resources. The combined efforts will accelerate our understanding of gene function and of human health and disease.


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Consumption values and different usage situations have received extensive interest from scholars; however, there is a lack of understanding regarding how these two constructs interact when it comes to the purchase decisions of consumers. This study examines the relationship between consumption values, consumption situations, and consumers’ purchasing decisions in terms of their willingness to pay and the purchase quantity. First of all, my model proposes that all four consumption values and different situations have a positive effect on consumers’ willingness to pay as well as the quantity they purchase. It also proposes that varying usage situations moderate the effect of consumption values on consumers’ purchasing decisions. In my conceptual model, I have also integrated the epistemic and conditional values where there is a gap in the existing literature. Prior literature has isolated the consumption values when studying how they affect consumer behavior and has not examined how consumption situations moderate the relationship between consumption values and purchasing decisions. Also, the existing literature has mostly focused on how consumption values affect purchase intentions, brand loyalty, or satisfaction, whereas my study focuses on purchasing decisions. For my study, the participants were randomly chosen from the general wine consumer population and the age range was between 20 and 75, which included 83 male respondents and 119 female respondents. The data received from my respondents support my hypotheses for the model. In my final chapter, I discuss the theoretical and managerial implications as well as suggestions for future research.