957 resultados para Dimension quantique


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Conventional wisdom has it that the EU is unable to promote viable social integration, which contrasts with its commitments to improving working and living conditions and to social values and goals such as solidarity, social protection and social inclusion. This
article challenges two diff erent standpoints: on the one hand, competitive neoliberalism demands that the EU focuses on economic integration through legally binding internal market and competition rules even if Member States can only maintain a limited commitment to social inclusion, while authors defending the social models unique to the continent of Europe demand that the EU rescinds some of its established legal principles in order to make breathing space for Member States to maintain market correcting social policies. Both positions convene that there should be no genuine social policy at EU level.
This article uses scenarios of widely discussed rulings by the Court of Justice to illustrate that legally enforceable economic integration would prevent most Member States from achieving sustainable health services, labour relations and free university education on the basis of national closure. Since the EU has limited legislative competences to create EU level institutions to balance inequalities, it derives a Constitution of Social Governance from the EU’s values, proposing that the Court of Justice develops its urisprudence into an instrument for challenging European disunion induced by new EU economic governance


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The award of the Nobel Peace Prize to the European Union in 2012 was a reminder of the role of European integration in peacebuilding after the Second World War. For the 'Founding Fathers' of the European integration project, cross-border-cooperation was an integral element in building Europe's peace. Yet, in a Western Europe largely at peace for generations, peacebuilding as a relevant objective for European integration may be questioned. Moreover, the contribution of cross-border cooperation to conflict amelioration may be challenged on the grounds of its overwhelming economic focus. However, enlargement into Central Eastern Europe highlights once again the necessity of a peacebuilding objective for the European Union because of the multitude of real and potential conflicts encompassed within its expanded policy orbit. Drawing on evidence from selected 'borderscapes', this study examines 25 years of European Union cross-border cooperation as conflict amelioration and assesses its prospects in a political climate that emphasises borders as security barriers.


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Famous for being the first foreign feature film that obtained permission to shoot in the Forbidden City, The Last Emperor (1987) is also one of the most ambitious and expensive independent productions of its time, awarded four Golden Globes and nine Academy Awards, including Best Picture. In addition, The Last Emperor can be considered as one of the first attempts of cinematic collaboration between West and East, in a period of cultural and economic transformations witnessed by China. This article aims to offer an overview of the production history of The Last Emperor, focusing on the co-production collaborations and the outcomes of a western auteur’s gaze on Chinese history. Questions of Orientalism, travel narrative and critical reception are taken into account in order to engage with the transnational implications of Bertolucci’s film and the western fascination with China.


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We prove that the stable holonomies of a proper codimension 1 attractor Λ, for a Cr diffeomorphism f of a surface, are not C1+θ for θ greater than the Hausdorff dimension of the stable leaves of f intersected with Λ. To prove this result we show that there are no diffeomorphisms of surfaces, with a proper codimension 1 attractor, that are affine on a neighbourhood of the attractor and have affine stable holonomies on the attractor.


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The European Mouse Mutagenesis Consortium is the European initiative contributing to the international effort on functional annotation of the mouse genome. Its objectives are to establish and integrate mutagenesis platforms, gene expression resources, phenotyping units, storage and distribution centers and bioinformatics resources. The combined efforts will accelerate our understanding of gene function and of human health and disease.


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Consumption values and different usage situations have received extensive interest from scholars; however, there is a lack of understanding regarding how these two constructs interact when it comes to the purchase decisions of consumers. This study examines the relationship between consumption values, consumption situations, and consumers’ purchasing decisions in terms of their willingness to pay and the purchase quantity. First of all, my model proposes that all four consumption values and different situations have a positive effect on consumers’ willingness to pay as well as the quantity they purchase. It also proposes that varying usage situations moderate the effect of consumption values on consumers’ purchasing decisions. In my conceptual model, I have also integrated the epistemic and conditional values where there is a gap in the existing literature. Prior literature has isolated the consumption values when studying how they affect consumer behavior and has not examined how consumption situations moderate the relationship between consumption values and purchasing decisions. Also, the existing literature has mostly focused on how consumption values affect purchase intentions, brand loyalty, or satisfaction, whereas my study focuses on purchasing decisions. For my study, the participants were randomly chosen from the general wine consumer population and the age range was between 20 and 75, which included 83 male respondents and 119 female respondents. The data received from my respondents support my hypotheses for the model. In my final chapter, I discuss the theoretical and managerial implications as well as suggestions for future research.


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This thesis examines the religious dimension of fandom in popular music, taking as an object of reflection Lady Gaga and her fans. I combine fan studies with theories of immanence as well as Deleuze and Guattari's notion of the process of becoming, and provide a theoretical reading of the relationship between Lady Gaga and her most fervent fans, the 'little monsters.' Both fandom and religion promise a stable sense of identity and authentic community to devotees. Performing deconstructive discourse analysis on three of Lady Gaga's music videos, I demonstrate how fandom, like organized religion, can simultaneously be an emancipatory practice and a practice that seeks to deny individual subjects their agency. This thesis provides a new theoretical framework for understanding fandom, and illustrates how the purported benefits of both fandom and religion can only be gained when the figureheads of each group are symbolically destroyed by the members themselves.


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Contrairement à ce qui s’est produit dans les colonies espagnoles, en Nouvelle-Fance, les Français ont privilégié le maintien de relations pacifiques avec les peuples autochtones. Même si les représentants de la couronne sont autorisés à les assujettir par la force, très rapidement, le roi exige le respect des traités conclus avec eux. Ces alliances constituent d’ailleurs la première étape d’un processus de sédentarisation et de conversion qui doit, dans l’esprit des autorités, culminer par l’assujettissement des Autochtones à la couronne. Pour l’heure, au début du XVIIe siècle, ils sont considérés comme des alliés vivant selon leurs propres coutumes. C’est pourquoi Champlain doit renoncer à appliquer le droit français dans les cas où un Français a été tué par un Autochtone, alors qu’il n’envisage même pas d’imposer ces règles quand les protagonistes sont tous autochtones.


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La Conférence des Nations Unies sur l’environnement et le développement qui s’est tenue à Rio de Janeiro en juin 1992 a été, sans aucun doute, un événement marquant de la coopération multilatérale contemporaine. Le plus grand rassemblement multilatéral jamais organisé auparavant, cet événement aura marqué d’une empreinte indélébile l’architecture institutionnelle du traitement de la question envionnementale et façonne les institutions issues de la Conférence de Stockholm sur l’environnement humain. La Conférence de Rio aura été, au bout du compte, le point de départ d’une ère institutionelle nouvelle et d’une nouvelle façon d’aborder la coopération multilatérale pour la protection de l’environnement. La dimension institutionnelle de la question du développement durable renvoie nécessairement aux progrès qui restent à accomplir en vue d’une meilleure compréhension de la façon dont le développement durable est perçu au niveau national.Cette question traduit aussi la difficulté qu’il y a à adapter le mandat originel des institutions existantes aux exigences multiformes de l’intégration de la question de l’environnement dans les processus de développement économique et social.Elle exige surtout une action concertée tendue en vue d’une plus grande cohérence de l’action internationale qui serait au service d’une nouvelle démarche muliforme à l’égard de l’environnement,au service d’un développement respectueux des équilibres écologiques de notre planète.


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Ce travail de maîtrise a mené à la rédaction d'un article (Physical Review A 80, 062319 (2009)).


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Rapport d'analyse d'intervention présenté à la Faculté des arts et sciences en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise ès sciences (M. Sc.) en psychoéducation


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Travail réalisé en cotutelle avec l'université Paris-Diderot et le Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique sous la direction de John Harnad et Bertrand Eynard.


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RÉSUMÉ La richesse en ressources naturelles est une source de développement économique et social, mais peut également constituer un facteur de dégradation environnementale et de problèmes pour la santé humaine. Les systèmes techniques de gestion des ressources naturelles ne sont pas suffisants pour apporter des solutions à tous les problèmes environnementaux. Mises à part les catastrophes naturelles, c'est l'intervention humaine qui cause la grande majorité des problèmes environnementaux. C'est pour comprendre cette dynamique entre les facteurs naturels et les facteurs économiques, sociaux, politiques, culturels et psychosociologiques que nous avons choisi de centrer cette thèse sur la dimension humaine des problèmes environnementaux – ce qui implique l'analyse des dimensions psychosociologiques et sociales entourant les problèmes environnementaux. Pour une gestion efficace des ressources naturelles, il nous faut donc comprendre l'action humaine, ses motivations et ses contraintes, ses orientations de valeurs et ses croyances, qui orientent les perceptions, les attitudes et les comportements humains par rapport à leur environnement. Pour ce faire, l’étude de valeurs, attitudes, croyances et comportements passe par l’examen attentif des concepts et de leurs définitions, ainsi que par l’analyse des diverses « dimensions » auxquelles chacun des concepts fait référence. Cette thèse porte justement sur les relations entre les valeurs, les croyances, les attitudes et les comportements humains par rapport aux problèmes environnementaux. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé un sondage auprès de 1800 répondants, habitants de la région du bassin versant de la Rio das Velhas, située dans la province du Minas Gerais, au Brésil.