155 resultados para Darboux integrability


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At head of title: Cours de géometrie de la Faculté des Sciences.


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Available on demand as hard copy or computer file from Cornell University Library.


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Available on demand as hard copy or computer file from Cornell University Library.


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"Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de ... Lagrange par M. Delambre"; t. 1, introduction pages 9-51.


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1. ptie. Généralités. Coordonnées curvilignes. Surfaces minima. 1887.--2. ptie. Les congruences et les équations linéaires aux dérivées partielles. Des lignes tracées sur les surfaces. 1889.--3. ptie. Lignes géodésiques et courbure géodésique. Paramètres différentiels. Déformation des surfaces. 1894.--4. ptie. Déformation infiniment petite et représentation sphérique. Notes et additions: I. Sur les méthodes d'approximations successives dans la théorie des équations différentielles, par É. Picard. II. Sur les géodésiques à intégrales quadratiques, par G. Koenigs. III. Sur la théorie des équations aux dérivées partielles du second ordre, par E. Cosserat. IV-XI. Par l'auteur. 1896.


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We study the distribution of energy level spacings in two models describing coupled single-mode Bose-Einstein condensates. Both models have a fixed number of degrees of freedom, which is small compared to the number of interaction parameters, and is independent of the dimensionality of the Hilbert space. We find that the distribution follows a universal Poisson form independent of the choice of coupling parameters, which is indicative of the integrability of both models. These results complement those for integrable lattice models where the number of degrees of freedom increases with increasing dimensionality of the Hilbert space. Finally, we also show that for one model the inclusion of an additional interaction which breaks the integrability leads to a non-Poisson distribution.


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In this thesis we study at perturbative level correlation functions of Wilson loops (and local operators) and their relations to localization, integrability and other quantities of interest as the cusp anomalous dimension and the Bremsstrahlung function. First of all we consider a general class of 1/8 BPS Wilson loops and chiral primaries in N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory. We perform explicit two-loop computations, for some particular but still rather general configuration, that confirm the elegant results expected from localization procedure. We find notably full consistency with the multi-matrix model averages, obtained from 2D Yang-Mills theory on the sphere, when interacting diagrams do not cancel and contribute non-trivially to the final answer. We also discuss the near BPS expansion of the generalized cusp anomalous dimension with L units of R-charge. Integrability provides an exact solution, obtained by solving a general TBA equation in the appropriate limit: we propose here an alternative method based on supersymmetric localization. The basic idea is to relate the computation to the vacuum expectation value of certain 1/8 BPS Wilson loops with local operator insertions along the contour. Also these observables localize on a two-dimensional gauge theory on S^2, opening the possibility of exact calculations. As a test of our proposal, we reproduce the leading Luscher correction at weak coupling to the generalized cusp anomalous dimension. This result is also checked against a genuine Feynman diagram approach in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. Finally we study the cusp anomalous dimension in N=6 ABJ(M) theory, identifying a scaling limit in which the ladder diagrams dominate. The resummation is encoded into a Bethe-Salpeter equation that is mapped to a Schroedinger problem, exactly solvable due to the surprising supersymmetry of the effective Hamiltonian. In the ABJ case the solution implies the diagonalization of the U(N) and U(M) building blocks, suggesting the existence of two independent cusp anomalous dimensions and an unexpected exponentation structure for the related Wilson loops.


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Light occlusions are one of the most significant difficulties of photometric stereo methods. When three or more images are available without occlusion, the local surface orientation is overdetermined so that shape can be computed and the shadowed pixels can be discarded. In this paper, we look at the challenging case when only two images are available without occlusion, leading to a one degree of freedom ambiguity per pixel in the local orientation. We show that, in the presence of noise, integrability alone cannot resolve this ambiguity and reconstruct the geometry in the shadowed regions. As the problem is ill-posed in the presence of noise, we describe two regularization schemes that improve the numerical performance of the algorithm while preserving the data. Finally, the paper describes how this theory applies in the framework of color photometric stereo where one is restricted to only three images and light occlusions are common. Experiments on synthetic and real image sequences are presented.


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∗ The work is partially supported by NSFR Grant No MM 409/94.


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The nonlinear inverse synthesis (NIS) method, in which information is encoded directly onto the continuous part of the nonlinear signal spectrum, has been proposed recently as a promising digital signal processing technique for combating fiber nonlinearity impairments. However, because the NIS method is based on the integrability property of the lossless nonlinear Schrödinger equation, the original approach can only be applied directly to optical links with ideal distributed Raman amplification. In this paper, we propose and assess a modified scheme of the NIS method, which can be used effectively in standard optical links with lumped amplifiers, such as, erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs). The proposed scheme takes into account the average effect of the fiber loss to obtain an integrable model (lossless path-averaged model) to which the NIS technique is applicable. We found that the error between lossless pathaveraged and lossy models increases linearly with transmission distance and input power (measured in dB). We numerically demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed NIS scheme in a burst mode with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission scheme with advanced modulation formats (e.g., QPSK, 16QAM, and 64QAM), showing a performance improvement up to 3.5 dB; these results are comparable to those achievable with multi-step per span digital backpropagation.


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Недю И. Попиванов, Тодор П. Попов, Рудолф Шерер - Разглеждат се четиримерни гранични задачи за нехомогенното вълново уравнение. Те са предложени от М. Протер като многомерни аналози на задачата на Дарбу в равнината. Известно е, че единственото обобщено решение може да има силна степенна особеност само в една гранична точка. Тази сингулярност е изолирана във върха на характеристичния конус и не се разпространява по конуса. Друг аспект на проблема е, че задачата не е фредхолмова, тъй като има безкрайномерно коядро. Предишни резултати сочат, че решението може да има най-много експоненциален ръст, но оставят открит въпроса дали наистина съществуват такива решения. Показваме, че отговора на този въпрос е положителен и строим обобщено решение на задачата на Протер с експоноциална особеност.


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Цветан Д. Христов, Недю Ив. Попиванов, Манфред Шнайдер - Изучени са някои тримерни гранични задачи за уравнения от смесен тип. За уравнения от типа на Трикоми те са формулирани от М. Протер през 1952, като тримерни аналози на задачите на Дарбу или Коши–Гурса в равнината. Добре известно е, че новите задачи са некоректни. Ние формулираме нова гранична задача за уравнения от типа на Келдиш и даваме понятие за квазиругулярно решение на тази задача и на eдна от задачите на Протер. Намерени са достатъчни условия за единственост на такива решения.


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Недю Иванов Попиванов, Алексей Йорданов Николов - През 1952 г. М. Протър формулира нови гранични задачи за вълновото уравнение, които са тримерни аналози на задачите на Дарбу в равнината. Задачите са разгледани в тримерна област, ограничена от две характеристични конуса и равнина. Сега, след като са минали повече от 50 години, е добре известно, че за безброй гладки функции в дясната страна на уравнението тези задачи нямат класически решения, а обобщеното решение има силна степенна особеност във върха на характеристичния конус, която е изолирана и не се разпространява по конуса. Тук ние разглеждаме трета гранична задача за вълновото уравнение с младши членове и дясна страна във формата на тригонометричен полином. Дадена е по-нова от досега известната априорна оценка за максимално възможната особеност на решенията на тази задача. Оказва се, че при по-общото уравнение с младши членове възможната сингулярност е от същия ред като при чисто вълновото уравнение.


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The integrability of the nonlinear Schräodinger equation (NLSE) by the inverse scattering transform shown in a seminal work [1] gave an interesting opportunity to treat the corresponding nonlinear channel similar to a linear one by using the nonlinear Fourier transform. Integrability of the NLSE is in the background of the old idea of eigenvalue communications [2] that was resurrected in recent works [3{7]. In [6, 7] the new method for the coherent optical transmission employing the continuous nonlinear spectral data | nonlinear inverse synthesis was introduced. It assumes the modulation and detection of data using directly the continuous part of nonlinear spectrum associated with an integrable transmission channel (the NLSE in the case considered). Although such a transmission method is inherently free from nonlinear impairments, the noisy signal corruptions, arising due to the ampli¯er spontaneous emission, inevitably degrade the optical system performance. We study properties of the noise-corrupted channel model in the nonlinear spectral domain attributed to NLSE. We derive the general stochastic equations governing the signal evolution inside the nonlinear spectral domain and elucidate the properties of the emerging nonlinear spectral noise using well-established methods of perturbation theory based on inverse scattering transform [8]. It is shown that in the presence of small noise the communication channel in the nonlinear domain is the additive Gaussian channel with memory and signal-dependent correlation matrix. We demonstrate that the effective spectral noise acquires colouring", its autocorrelation function becomes slow decaying and non-diagonal as a function of \frequencies", and the noise loses its circular symmetry, becoming elliptically polarized. Then we derive a low bound for the spectral effiency for such a channel. Our main result is that by using the nonlinear spectral techniques one can significantly increase the achievable spectral effiency compared to the currently available methods [9]. REFERENCES 1. Zakharov, V. E. and A. B. Shabat, Sov. Phys. JETP, Vol. 34, 62{69, 1972. 2. Hasegawa, A. and T. Nyu, J. Lightwave Technol., Vol. 11, 395{399, 1993. 3. Yousefi, M. I. and F. R. Kschischang, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, Vol. 60, 4312{4328, 2014. 4. Yousefi, M. I. and F. R. Kschischang, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, Vol. 60, 4329{4345 2014. 5. Yousefi, M. I. and F. R. Kschischang, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, Vol. 60, 4346{4369, 2014. 6. Prilepsky, J. E., S. A. Derevyanko, K. J. Blow, I. Gabitov, and S. K. Turitsyn, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 113, 013901, 2014. 7. Le, S. T., J. E. Prilepsky, and S. K. Turitsyn, Opt. Express, Vol. 22, 26720{26741, 2014. 8. Kaup, D. J. and A. C. Newell, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, Vol. 361, 413{446, 1978. 9. Essiambre, R.-J., G. Kramer, P. J. Winzer, G. J. Foschini, and B. Goebel, J. Lightwave Technol., Vol. 28, 662{701, 2010.