223 resultados para DNS


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Within the concept of the dinuclear system (DNS), a dynamical model is proposed for describing the formation of superheavy nuclei in complete fusion reactions by incorporating the coupling of the relative motion to the nucleon transfer process. The capture of two heavy colliding nuclei, the formation of the compound nucleus, and the de-excitation process are calculated by using an empirical coupled channel model, solving a master equation numerically and applying statistical theory, respectively. Evaporation residue excitation functions in cold fusion reactions are investigated systematically and compared with available experimental data. Maximal production cross sections of superheavy nuclei in cold fusion reactions with stable neutron-rich projectiles are obtained. Isotopic trends in the production of the superheavy elements Z=110, 112, 114, 116, 118, and 120 are analyzed systematically. Optimal combinations and the corresponding excitation energies are proposed.


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Within the dinuclear system (DNS) conception, instead of solving the Fokker-Planck equation (FPE) analytically, the master equation is solved numerically to calculate the fusion probability of super-heavy nuclei, so that the harmonic oscillator approximation to the potential energy of the DNS is avoided. The relative motion concerning the energy, the angular momentum and the fragment deformation relaxations is explicitly treated to couple with the diffusion process. The nucleon transition probabilities, which are derived microscopically, are related with the energy dissipation of the relative motion. Thus they are time dependent. Comparing with the analytical solution of FPE at the equilibrium, our time-dependent results preserve more dynamical effects. The calculated evaporation residue cross-sections for one-neutron emission channel of Pb-based reactions are basically in agreement with the known experimental data within one order of magnitude.


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Within the concept of the dinuclear system (DNS), a dynamical model is used for describing the formation of superheavy residues in massive fusion reactions, in which the capture of two colliding nuclei, the formation and de-excitation of the compound nucleus are described by using a barrier distribution method, solving master equations numerically and statistical approach, respectively. Using the DNS model, the production cross sections of superheavy nuclei are calculated and compared with the available experimental data. The isotopic dependence of the cross sections to produce the superheavy element Z=116 by the two types of the reactions is discussed and the possible reasons influencing the isotopic trends are analyzed systematically.


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Within the framework of the dinuclear system (DNS) model, the production cross sections of superheavy nuclei Hs (Z=108) and Z=112 combined with different reaction systems are analyzed systematically. It is found that the mass asymmetries and the reaction Q values of the projectile target combinations play a very important role on the formation cross sections of the evaporation residues. Both methods to obtain the fusion probability by nucleon transfer by solving a set of microscopically derived master equations along the mass asymmetry degree of freedom (ID) and distinguishing protons and neutrons of fragments (2D) are compared with each other and also with the available experimental data. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel norvancomycin-bonded chiral stationary phase (NVC-CSP) was synthesized by using the chiral selector of norvancomycin. The chiral separation of enantiomers of several dansyl-amino acids by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in the reversed-phase mode is described. The effects of some parameters, such as organic modifier concentration, column temperature, pH and flow rate of the mobile phase, on the retention and enantioselectivity were investigated. The study showed that ionic, as well as hydrophobic interactions were engaged between the analyte and macrocycle in this chromatographic system. Increasing pH of buffers usually improved the chiral resolution for dansyl-alpha-amino-n-butyric acid (Dns-But), dansyl-methionine (Dns-Met) and dansyl-threonine (Dns-Thr), but not for dansyl-glutamic acid (Dns-Glu) which contains two carboxylic groups in its molecular structure. The natural logarithms of selectivity factors (In alpha) of all the investigated compounds depended linearly on the reciprocal of temperature (1/T), most processes of enantioseparation were controlled enthalpically. Interestingly, the process of enantioseparation for dansyl-threonine was enthalpy-controlled at pH of 3.5, while at pH of 7.0, it was entropy-controlled according to thermodynamic parameters Delta(R,S)DeltaHdegrees and Delta(R,S)DeltaSdegrees afforded by Van't Hoff plots. In order to get baseline separation for all the solutes researched, norvancomycin was also used as a chiral mobile phase additive. In combination with the NVC-CSP remarkable increases in enanselectivity were observed for all the compounds, as the result of a "synergistic" effect. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Despite the peer-to-peer community's obvious wish to have its systems adopted, specific mechanisms to facilitate incremental adoption have not yet received the same level of attention as the many other practical concerns associated with these systems. This paper argues that ease of adoption should be elevated to a first-class concern and accordingly presents HOLD, a front-end to existing DHTs that is optimized for incremental adoption. Specifically, HOLD is backwards-compatible: it leverages DNS to provide a key-based routing service to existing Internet hosts without requiring them to install any software. This paper also presents applications that could benefit from HOLD as well as the trade-offs that accompany HOLD. Early implementation experience suggests that HOLD is practical.


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To construct high performance Web servers, system builders are increasingly turning to distributed designs. An important challenge that arises in distributed Web servers is the need to direct incoming connections to individual hosts. Previous methods for connection routing have employed a centralized node which handles all incoming requests. In contrast, we propose a distributed approach, called Distributed Packet Rewriting (DPR), in which all hosts of the distributed system participate in connection routing. We argue that this approach promises better scalability and fault-tolerance than the centralized approach. We describe our implementation of four variants of DPR and compare their performance. We show that DPR provides performance comparable to centralized alternatives, measured in terms of throughput and delay under the SPECweb96 benchmark. Finally, we argue that DPR is particularly attractive both for small scale systems and for systems following the emerging trend toward increasingly intelligent I/O subsystems.


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In this paper, we propose and evaluate an implementation of a prototype scalable web server. The prototype consists of a load-balanced cluster of hosts that collectively accept and service TCP connections. The host IP addresses are advertised using the Round Robin DNS technique, allowing any host to receive requests from any client. Once a client attempts to establish a TCP connection with one of the hosts, a decision is made as to whether or not the connection should be redirected to a different host---namely, the host with the lowest number of established connections. We use the low-overhead Distributed Packet Rewriting (DPR) technique to redirect TCP connections. In our prototype, each host keeps information about connections in hash tables and linked lists. Every time a packet arrives, it is examined to see if it has to be redirected or not. Load information is maintained using periodic broadcasts amongst the cluster hosts.


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Modulatory descending neurons (DNs) that link the brain to body motor circuits, including dopaminergic DNs (DA-DNs), are thought to contribute to the flexible control of behavior. Dopamine elicits locomotor-like outputs and influences neuronal excitability in isolated body motor circuits over tens of seconds to minutes, but it remains unknown how and over what time scale DA-DN activity relates to movement in behaving animals. To address this question, we identified DA-DNs in the Drosophila brain and developed an electrophysiological preparation to record and manipulate the activity of these cells during behavior. We find that DA-DN spike rates are rapidly modulated during a subset of leg movements and scale with the total speed of ongoing leg movements, whether occurring spontaneously or in response to stimuli. However, activating DA-DNs does not elicit leg movements in intact flies, nor do acute bidirectional manipulations of DA-DN activity affect the probability or speed of leg movements over a time scale of seconds to minutes. Our findings indicate that in the context of intact descending control, changes in DA-DN activity are not sufficient to influence ongoing leg movements and open the door to studies investigating how these cells interact with other descending and local neuromodulatory inputs to influence body motor output.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.


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Atualmente a popularidade das comunicações Wi-Fi tem crescido, os utilizadores acedem a partir de vários dispositivos como telemóveis, tablets, computadores portáteis sendo estes utilizados por qualquer pessoa nos mais variados locais. Com esta utilização massiva por parte dos utilizadores surgiram os hotspots Wi-Fi públicos (em aeroportos, estações de comboios, etc) que permitem a ligação de clientes recorrendo a ligações wireless não seguras (ou abertas). Tais hotspots utilizam, após a ligação de um cliente, um captive portal que captura o tráfego IP com origem no cliente e o redireciona para uma página Web de entrada. A página Web permite ao cliente comprar tempo de acesso à Internet ou, caso já seja um cliente da empresa, autenticar-se para ter acesso à Internet. A necessidade da ligação aberta assenta na possibilidade do operador do hotspot vender acesso à Internet a utilizadores não conhecidos (caso contrário teria de fornecerlhes uma senha previamente). No entanto, fornecer um acesso à Internet wireless sem qualquer tipo de segurança ao nível físico permite que qualquer outro utilizador consiga obter informação sobre a navegação Web dos utilizadores ligados (ex.: escuta de pedidos DNS). Nesta tese pretende-se apresentar uma solução que estenda um dos atuais mecanismos de autenticação Wi-Fi (WPA, WPA2) para que permita, após autenticação em captive portal, a migração de uma ligação aberta para uma ligação segura.


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Les conflits entre les noms de domaine et les marques de commerce surgissent essentiellement par manque de coordination entre le système d'enregistrement des noms de domaine et celui des marques. Les marques sont enregistrées par des autorités publiques gouvernementales et les droits qui en découlent ne peuvent s'exercer que sur le territoire du pays d'origine. Le système d'enregistrement des noms de domaine, basé sur la règle "du premier arrivé, premier servi", ne connaît pas de limites géographiques et ignore le principe de spécialité propre aux marques de commerce. L'absence de lien entre ces deux systèmes a permis, l'enregistrement comme noms de domaine par des tiers, de marques de commerce de renom suscitant la confusion quant aux origines des sites. Le nom de domaine constitue un nouveau signe distinctif se situant à la frontière de la régulation technique et du contenu et représente le cadre idéal pour étudier les fondements légitimes de l'intervention du droit dans le cyberespace. En effet, le système des noms de domaine se construit autour de choix et de contraintes techniques dont les concepteurs n'imaginaient pas qu'ils deviendraient la source d'un important contentieux. Les noms de domaine, portes d'accès au réseau, font l'objet d'une tentative de régulation qui concilie les forces contraires de l' ''aterritorialité'' des noms de domaine, avec la "territorialité" des marques de commerce. Cette régulation repose sur la synergie entre l'architecture technique, les normes sociales, l'autoréglementation, le marché et la loi et se présente comme un laboratoire d'idées pour une définition de la régulation de l'Internet. La problématique des noms de domaine et des marques de commerce, constitue une application pratique de cette "corégulation" et amorce ainsi une évolution juridique, facteur de construction du droit sur l'Internet.


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This work focuses on the analysis of the influence of environment on the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of carbon ions on molecular level. Due to the high relevance of RBE for medical applications, such as tumor therapy, and radiation protection in space, DNA damages have been investigated in order to understand the biological efficiency of heavy ion radiation. The contribution of this study to the radiobiology research consists in the analysis of plasmid DNA damages induced by carbon ion radiation in biochemical buffer environments, as well as in the calculation of the RBE of carbon ions on DNA level by mean of scanning force microscopy (SFM). In order to study the DNA damages, besides the common electrophoresis method, a new approach has been developed by using SFM. The latter method allows direct visualisation and measurement of individual DNA fragments with an accuracy of several nanometres. In addition, comparison of the results obtained by SFM and agarose gel electrophoresis methods has been performed in the present study. Sparsely ionising radiation, such as X-rays, and densely ionising radiation, such as carbon ions, have been used to irradiate plasmid DNA in trishydroxymethylaminomethane (Tris buffer) and 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid (HEPES buffer) environments. These buffer environments exhibit different scavenging capacities for hydroxyl radical (HO0), which is produced by ionisation of water and plays the major role in the indirect DNA damage processes. Fragment distributions have been measured by SFM over a large length range, and as expected, a significantly higher degree of DNA damages was observed for increasing dose. Also a higher amount of double-strand breaks (DSBs) was observed after irradiation with carbon ions compared to X-ray irradiation. The results obtained from SFM measurements show that both types of radiation induce multiple fragmentation of the plasmid DNA in the dose range from D = 250 Gy to D = 1500 Gy. Using Tris environments at two different concentrations, a decrease of the relative biological effectiveness with the rise of Tris concentration was observed. This demonstrates the radioprotective behavior of the Tris buffer solution. In contrast, a lower scavenging capacity for all other free radicals and ions, produced by the ionisation of water, was registered in the case of HEPES buffer compared to Tris solution. This is reflected in the higher RBE values deduced from SFM and gel electrophoresis measurements after irradiation of the plasmid DNA in 20 mM HEPES environment compared to 92 mM Tris solution. These results show that HEPES and Tris environments play a major role on preventing the indirect DNA damages induced by ionising radiation and on the relative biological effectiveness of heavy ion radiation. In general, the RBE calculated from the SFM measurements presents higher values compared to gel electrophoresis data, for plasmids irradiated in all environments. Using a large set of data, obtained from the SFM measurements, it was possible to calculate the survive rate over a larger range, from 88% to 98%, while for gel electrophoresis measurements the survive rates have been calculated only for values between 96% and 99%. While the gel electrophoresis measurements provide information only about the percentage of plasmids DNA that suffered a single DSB, SFM can count the small plasmid fragments produced by multiple DSBs induced in a single plasmid. Consequently, SFM generates more detailed information regarding the amount of the induced DSBs compared to gel electrophoresis, and therefore, RBE can be calculated with more accuracy. Thus, SFM has been proven to be a more precise method to characterize on molecular level the DNA damage induced by ionizing radiations.