988 resultados para Culture techniques


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O presente estudo descreveu os aspectos epidemiológicos e etiológicos da diarréia aguda no município de Juruti, Pará, Brasil. Foram avaliadas 261 amostras de fezes (170 diarréicas e 91 controles) de pacientes atendidos em Unidades de Saúde Pública, no período de fevereiro a julho de 2009. Para o isolamento de bactérias enteropatogênicas, utilizou-se meios seletivos indicadores e de enriquecimento. A caracterização bioquímica foi realizada utilizando os Sistemas API-20E e a sorologia, através de antisoros polivalentes e monovalentes. Para a detecção das categorias de E. coli diarreiogênicas foram executados dois ensaios de PCR multiplex. A pesquisa de Campylobacter jejuni e Campylobacter coli e Rotavírus foi executada através da técnica de ELISA, nas amostras de fezes. No exame parasitológico foram utilizados os métodos diretos (salina/Lugol) e sedimentação espontânea. Das 154 amostras positivas (118 diarréicas e 36 controles), 75,4% eram de infecções únicas e 24,6% de infecções mistas. A maioria dos casos incluiu crianças menores de 10 anos de idade (55,9%), sem diferença significante entre os sexos feminino e masculino. Os enteropatógenos mais frequentes no grupo diarréico foram E. histolytica/E. dispar (26%), Shigella spp (15,7%), G. lamblia (13,3%) e E. coli diarreiogênicas (12,8%), com Shigella spp associada à diarréia aguda (p = 0,0028). Quanto às categorias patogênicas de E. coli, a ETEC (7,2%) foi o tipo mais frequente nos casos de diarréia aguda, seguido de EAEC (5,9%). Os agentes menos frequentes nos casos diarréicos foram representados por C. jejuni/C. coli (4,7%), Rotavírus (2,8%), Salmonella Panama, A. hydrophila e A. sóbria (0,5%). Os resultados encontrados fornecem subsídios importantes para a vigilância epidemiológica e ambiental da doença diarréica aguda, no município de Juruti.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This clinical study was conducted to correlate the levels of endotoxins and bacterial counts found in primary endodontic infection with the volume of periapical bone destruction determined by cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) analysis. Moreover, the levels of bacteria and endotoxins were correlated with the development of clinical features. Twenty-four root canals with primary endodontic disease and apical periodontitis were selected. Clinical features such as pain on palpation, pain on percussion, and previous episode of pain were recorded. The volume (cubic millimeters) of periapical bone destruction was determined by CBCT analysis. Endotoxins and bacterial samplings were collected by using sterile/apyrogenic paper points. Endotoxins were quantified by using limulus amebocyte lysate assay (KQCL test), and bacterial count (colony-forming units [CFU]/mL) was determined by using anaerobic culture techniques. Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and multiple logistic regression (P < .05). Endotoxins and bacteria were detected in 100% of the root canal samples (24 of 24), with median values of 10.92 endotoxin units (EU)/mL (1.75-128 EU/mL) and 7.5 × 10(5) CFU/mL (3.20 × 10(5)-8.16 × 10(6) CFU/mL), respectively. The median volume of bone destruction determined by CBCT analysis was 100 mm(3) (10-450 mm(3)). The multiple regression analysis revealed a positive correlation between higher levels of endotoxins present in root canal infection and larger volume of bone destruction (P < .05). Moreover, higher levels of endotoxins were also correlated with the presence of previous pain (P < .05). Our findings revealed that the levels of endotoxins found in root canal infection are related to the volume of periapical bone destruction determined by CBCT analysis. Moreover, the levels of endotoxin are related to the presence of previous pain.


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Objectives: The Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) ranks sixth worldwide. The mechanisms of growth, invasion and metastasis of this pathology are extensively studied and generally related to specific variations in signaling pathways like the PI3K-Akt; however most of these competent studies have been performed bidimensionally, which may hide important questions. This study sought to analyze the influence of the microenvironment upon the behavior of HNSCC. Study Design: The status of pAkt, NF-kappa B and Cyclin D1 proteins was accessed through immunofluorescence and western blot methods in HNSCC cell lines originating from tongue, pharynx and metastatic lymph node when submitted to a three-dimensional culture model utilizing a matrix system. A bidimensional culture model (monolayer) was used as control. Results: The HNSCC cell lines cultured three-dimensionally exhibited a growth pattern characterized by small isolated islands, different from the control group. When the three-dimensional model was applied, two of the studied cell lines showed the same expression pattern as the bidimensional model regarding nuclear or cytoplasmatic localization, as well as reduction of all protein levels; however, the cell line originated from tongue, which specially has the epidermal growth factor receptor constitutively activated, demonstrated nuclear translocation of pAkt and also an increase in the levels of Cyclin D1. Conclusions: The results suggest the influence of the microenvironment upon the behavior of HNSCC cells due to the changed expression of proteins related to tumor growth and cellular invasion. Furthermore, intrinsically genetic conditions also played important roles over the cells, despite the culture model employed.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O uso de enxertos autólogos é limitado pela extensão da área doadora e pelo estado clínico dos pacientes, no caso de lesões extensas. Alotransplantes coletados de cadáveres ou voluntários são rejeitados após uma ou duas semanas, servindo apenas como cobertura temporária para essas lesões. O tratamento de grandes lesões cutâneas com tegumento autólogo reconstruído constitui alternativa atraente, já que, a partir de um pequeno fragmento de pele do paciente, pode-se obter culturas de células que se multiplicam rapidamente e podem ser criopreservadas, permitindo, assim, sua utilização em novos tratamentos por tempo indeterminado. Este estudo pretendeu avaliar o comportamento histológico de queratinócitos e fibroblastos humanos cultivados sobre uma matriz de colágeno porcino derivada da submucosa intestinal. MÉTODO: Células da epiderme e derme humana foram cultivadas separadamente e semeadas sobre matriz de colágeno porcino, onde permaneceram em ambiente controlado por 21 dias, antes de serem submetidas a análise histológica. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que os fibroblastos invadem e colonizam a matriz de colágeno, enquanto os queratinócitos se organizam de forma laminar e estratificada sobre a superfície em que foram semeados. CONCLUSÕES: A utilização da matriz de colágeno porcino como carreador de células da pele humana é possível e a organização dessas células se assemelha à arquitetura da pele humana.


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[EN] Meagre, has been proposed as a candidate for marine finfish diversification on commercial aquaculture (Quémèner, 2002, Mateos, 2007). Despite of the elevated on growing potential, the most important bottleneck of this specie is related to the limited production of fry. Larval rearing of this species, is performed mainly adapting seabream culture techniques with different success (Roo et al., 2007) However, since limited information about the optimal feeding sequences and nutritional requirements of meagre is available, more research is needed on larval rearing protocols and nutrition. Present results (elevated larval growth rate, high survival, short rotifers period) are very promising for a successful implementation at industrial scale, which helps to solve the continues lack of fry of this specie in the Mediterranean and Canary islands.


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[EN] Octopus "paralarvae", are planktonic, swim actively and have high metabolic rates, requiring large quantities of live prey of adequate motility and nutritional quality ( Iglesias et al., 2000; Navarro and Villanueva, 2000, 2003). During the planktonic phase, they undergo strong morphological changes, after which the octopuses start settling to the bottom. The potential of Octopus vulgaris as candiadate for diversification of marine aquacultures are mainly due to its high food conversion rate and fast growth.( Iglesias et al 2006). Despite the research effort taken until now, paralarval rearing of O. vulgaris still suffers high mortalities which limited the industrial culture of this species. The main problems in the paralarval rearing stages are the high mortality rates and poor growth. These are attributed to the lack of standardized culture techniques and nutritional deficiencies in the diet of paralarvae, especially in n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids (n-3 HUFA). The objective if this experience was to test different commercial live prey enrichment to improve nutritional quality of the artemia.


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Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit stand das große L-Hüllprotein (L) des Hepatitis B - Virus. L bildet eine ungewöhnliche duale Topologie in der ER-Membran aus, welche auch im reifen Viruspartikel erhalten bleibt. In einem partiellen, posttranslationalen Reifungsprozess wird die sogenannte PräS-Region von der zytosolischen Seite der Membran aus in das ER-Lumen transloziert. Aufgrund seiner dualen Topologie und der damit verbundenen Multifunktionalität übernimmt L eine Schlüsselfunktion im viralen Lebenszyklus. Ein Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit lag deshalb darin, neue zelluläre Interaktionspartner des L-Hüllproteins zu identifizieren. Ihre Analyse sollte helfen, das Zusammenspiel des Virus mit der Wirtszelle besser zu verstehen. Hierfür wurde das Split - Ubiquitin Hefe - Zwei - Hybrid System eingesetzt, das die Interaktionsanalyse von Membranproteinen und Membran-assoziierten Proteinen ermöglicht. Zwei der neu identifizierten Interaktionspartner, der v-SNARE Bet1 und Sec24A, die Cargo-bindende Untereinheit des CoPII-vermittelten vesikulären Transports, wurden weitergehend im humanen Zellkultursystem untersucht. Sowohl für Bet1 als auch für Sec24A konnte die Interaktion mit dem L-Hüllprotein bestätigt und der Bindungsbereich eingegrenzt werden. Die Depletion des endogenen Bet1 reduzierte die Freisetzung L-haltiger, nicht aber S-haltiger subviraler Partikel (SVP) deutlich. Im Gegensatz zu Bet1 interagierte Sec24A auch mit dem mittleren M- und kleinen S-Hüllprotein von HBV. Die Inhibition des CoPII-vermittelten vesikulären Transportweges durch kombinierte Depletion der vier Sec24 Isoformen blockierte die Freisetzung sowohl L- als auch S-haltiger SVP. Dies bedeutet, dass die HBV - Hüllproteine das ER CoPII-vermittelt verlassen, wobei sie aktiv Kontakt zur Cargo-bindenden Untereinheit Sec24A aufnehmen. Der effiziente Export der Hüllproteine aus dem ER ist für die Virusmorphogenese und somit für den HBV - Lebenszyklus essentiell. rnEin weiterer Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit basierte auf der Interaktion des L-Hüllproteins mit dem ER-luminalen Chaperon BiP. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde überprüft, ob BiP, ähnlich wie das zytosolische Chaperon Hsc70, an der Ausbildung der dualen Topologie des L-Hüllproteins beteiligt ist. Hierfür wurde BiP durch die ektopische Expression seiner Ko-Chaperone BAP und ERdj4 in seiner Substrat-bindenen Kapazität manipuliert. ERdj4, ein Mitglied der Hsp40 - Proteinfamilie, stimuliert die ATPase-Aktivität von BiP, was die Substratbindung stabilisiert. Der Nukleotid - Austauschfaktor BAP hingegen vermittelt die Auflösung des BiP - Substrat - Komplexes. Die Auswirkung der veränderten in vivo-Aktivität von BiP auf die posttranslationale PräS-Translokation wurde mit Proteaseschutz - Versuchen untersucht. Die ektopische Expression des positiven als auch des negativen Regulators von BiP resultierte in einer drastischen Reduktion der posttranslationalen PräS-Translokation. Ein vergleichbarer Effekt wurde nach Manipulation des BiP ATPase - Zyklus durch Depletion der zellulären ATP - Konzentration beobachtet. Dies spricht dafür, dass das ER-luminale Chaperon BiP, zusammen mit Hsc70, eine zentrale Rolle in der Ausbildung der dualen Topologie des L-Hüllproteins spielt. rnZwei weitere Proteine, Sec62 und Sec63, die sich für die posttranslationale Translokation in der Hefe als essentiell erwiesen haben, wurden in die Analyse der dualen Topologie des L-Hüllproteins einbezogen. Interessanterweise konnte eine rein luminale Ausrichtung der PräS-Region nach kombinierter Depletion des endogenen Sec62 und Sec63 beobachtet werden. Dies deutet an, dass sowohl Sec62 als auch Sec63 an der Ausbildung der dualen Topologie des L-Hüllproteins beteiligt sind. In Analogie zur Posttranslokation der Hefe könnte Sec62 als Translokon-assoziierter Rezeptor für Substrate der Posttranslokation, und damit der PräS-Region, dienen. Sec63 könnte mit seiner J-Domäne BiP zum Translokon rekrutieren und daraufhin dessen Substrat-bindende Aktivität stimulieren. BiP würde dann, einer molekularen Ratsche gleich, die PräS-Region durch wiederholtes Binden und Freisetzen aktiv in das ER-Lumen hereinziehen, bis eine stabile duale Topologie des L-Hüllproteins ausgebildet ist. Die Bedeutung von Sec62 und Sec63 für den HBV - Lebenszyklus wird dadurch untermauert, dass sowohl die ektopische Expression als auch die Depletion des endogenen Sec63 die Freisetzung L-haltiger SVP deutlich reduziert. rn


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In the early 2000s, several colonies of Alpine ibex (Capra ibex ibex) in Switzerland ceased growing or began to decrease. Reproductive problems clue to infections with abortive agents might have negatively affected recruitment. We assessed the presence of selected agents of abortion in Alpine ibex by serologic, molecular, and culture techniques and evaluated whether infection with these agents might have affected population densities. Blood and fecal samples were collected from 651 ibex in 14 colonies throughout the Swiss Alps between 2006 and 2008. All samples were negative for Salmonella. spp., Neospora caninum, and Bovine Herpesvirus-1. Antibodies to Coxiella burnetii, Leptospira spp., Chlamydophila abortus, Toxoplasma gondii, and Bovine Viral Diarrhea virus were detected in at least one ibex. Positive serologic results for Brucella spp. likely were false. Overall, 73 samples (11.2%) were antibody-positive for at least one abortive agent. Prevalence was highest for Leptospira spp. (7.9%, 95% CI=5.0-11.7). The low prevalences and the absence of significant differences between colonies with opposite population trends suggest these pathogens do not play a significant role in the population dynamics of Swiss ibex. Alpine ibex do not seem to be a reservoir for these abortive agents or an important source of infection for domestic livestock in Switzerland. Finally, although interactions on summer pastures occur frequently, spillover from infected livestock to free-ranging ibex apparently is uncommon.