930 resultados para Contos portugueses
Nesta tese, pretendo desenvolver um estudo comparatista com o objetivo de demonstrar o efeito de crítica cultural implícito no uso da ironia e da paródia de discursos não-literários em contos de Machado de Assis. Este trabalho visa também investigar a relação das narrativas desse autor com o gênero sátira – a partir do manejo das referidas estratégias composicionais – e, assim, ressaltar a especificidade do seu realismo e a natureza de sua perspectiva satírica, quando comparada às que se apresentam nas sátiras de Voltaire (Cândido) e de Swift (As Viagens de Gulliver).
A presente dissertação visa a elaboração de um inventário relativo aos quebramares portuários construídos na Região Autónoma da Madeira (RAM), complementado por uma análise comparativa das soluções adotadas. Outro dos objetivos passa pela recolha de elementos que possam revelar-se importantes contributos para futuros desenvolvimentos académicos nesta área da engenharia na UMa. Numa primeira fase, procedeu-se à identificação de todos os quebramares portuários e à análise das condições locais. Efetuou-se, a posteriori, um registo fotográfico de modo a poder enquadrá-los geograficamente na região. Numa segunda fase, elaborou-se uma base de dados com a informação recolhida dos vários quebramares identificados, que serviu de termo comparativo para a análise que se seguiu. Foi elaborada uma análise das secções transversais dos respetivos quebramares e identificadas as diferentes tipologias adotadas, com incidência na construção dos mantos resistentes, constituídos por enrocamento ou por utilização de blocos artificiais de betão. Por último, foi realizada uma comparação entre os diferentes modelos de quebramares portuários por tipologia e função. De referir que, para cada caso em particular não existe apenas uma solução e a sua escolha é determinada pela conjugação de diferentes fatores, económicos, materiais e operacionais. A seleção da solução mais adequada é em grande parte condicionada pela função que a mesma irá desempenhar bem como pelas características do local de implantação da obra. Realiza-se, assim, uma análise às diferentes soluções de quebramares portuários da RAM com o intuito de avaliar as melhores condições da sua aplicabilidade.
A investigação propõe-se a expor o processo, desenhando as condições e motivações que envolvem a aprendizagem de Língua Portuguesa na educação brasileira. Tais aspectos apresentam-se relevantes na medida em que o maior desafio é de incentivar o despertar para a leitura e escrita nos aprendizes das séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental de maneira inovadora, rompendo com as práticas pedagógicas tradicionais. A questão que norteia a investigação é a seguinte: é inovadora a prática pedagógica baseada em contos populares? Para tanto, utilizou-se a literatura existente relacionada à Inovação Pedagógica e aos contos populares. Como suporte teórico, partiu-se desse ponto para melhor compreensão tanto da linha de pesquisa como do objeto de estudo, contribuindo para o enriquecimento do conhecimento não só no meio acadêmico como também para a sociedade como um todo. O objetivo deste estudo é descrever, interpretar e analisar o projeto em andamento “Ler e Escrever: contos populares, um ponto a mais na aprendizagem de Língua Portuguesa”. Isso será realizado a partir dos aprendizes e do professor polivalente, no momento em que se envolvem com a prática pedagógica baseada em contos populares, no ensino-aprendizagem de leitura e escrita de Língua Portuguesa, na norma-padrão, nas séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Esta pesquisa justifica-se por oferecer uma contribuição original ao campo da Inovação Pedagógica através da investigação do referido projeto em andamento, pioneiro no município de Paudalho (Pernambuco, Brasil). Tal projeto é desenvolvido na Escola Municipal Paulo VI, especificamente a sala de aula de 3º ano do 1º ciclo do Ensino Fundamental. O trabalho de campo se deu sob a ótica da abordagem etnográfica. Os instrumentos incluíram as técnicas: observação participante, entrevista não estruturada, análise de documentos oficiais e pessoais e todos os registros feitos no diário de campo. Diante do exposto, a prática pedagógica baseada em contos populares se materializa em caráter inovador.
This study aimed to analyze the social representations of Brazilian and Portuguese nurses on stress in the emergency service. A semi-structured interview and the free word association test, with "stress" as the inductive stimulus, were used as research instruments. Data were collected from 120 nurses, being 60 from an emergency hospital in the city of Natal, Brazil and 60 from an urgency hospital in the city of Aveiro, Portugal. Data from the word association test were analyzed with the EVOC 2002 program, after thematic categorical content analysis, enabling construction of a data bank. Data gathered from the interview were analyzed by ALCESTE 4.8 software. Nurse represent the stress in the urgency department as a generation of physical and mental detrition where adaptation is unsatisfactorily, resulting in the onset of fatigne, irritability, lack of concentration, lack of motivation, pessimism, impaired interpersonal relationship and low productivity. The solution is part of a complex whole, which demands an integrated way of acting that has demanded increasingly professional attitudes based on multidisciplinarity
This study investigates how the reading of fairy tales can be an instrument for reflection on the bullying phenomenon in the live of students. Its relevance is present the work with literature as an alternative to facilitate the understanding of children and young people about this violence practice, on the basis of the discussion moments, mediated in the classroom. Methodologically based in the principles of qualitative investigation, setting itself as a bibliographic research, and linked to the content analysis in order to make inferences and construct interpretations from the study of tales that encourage discussion and reflection about the bullying theme. In this work were selected the following stories: Cinderella 1812) and a One-eye, Two-eyes, Three-eyes (1812) of Grimm Brothers; John-Slapstick (1837), The Storks (1838), and The Ugly Duckling (1844) of Andersen, to make possible a more explicit interface between literature and the bullying theme, providing fertile material for moments of debate. Was taken as the theoretical reference studies of Eco (2003), Jouve (2002), Zilberman (2003, 2004), Lajolo (2001), Rabbit (2008), Bettelheim (2007), Amarilha (2004), Held (1980), Beaudoin and Taylor (2006), Fante and Stone (2008), Middelton-Moz and Zawadski (2007), Olweus (2006), Jares (2002, 2006), Beane (2010), La Taille (2006, 2009) and Piaget (1994). The analysis demonstrated that the characteristics inherent in the literature allow the realization of readings in which the bullying theme can be discussed among students, to contribute positively in the education of children and young people and reflect about violence. This is possible way, especially because of the involvement promoted by the reading of literary texts, allowing that students see, in fiction, possibilities of change
The corpus of this work constitutes an analysis the literary work As Filhas do Arco-Íris, by Eulício Farias de Lacerda, considering object of study myths, legends and popular stories as estruturant elements of the romance. The unchainment of this reading considers aspects of the oral tradition as starting point for the rupture tradition. In that perspective, it became fundamental to describe aspects of the popular culture that consolidated the Brazilian Literature during the 20th century. Like this, it was necessary to understand the development of oral elements and the structuring of the folk-tales, pointing out that As Filhas do Arco-Íris was built in a especial way with regionalist characteristics, following the parameters of the romances published among the years 1930 and 1950. In the researched work, it was noticed a narrative that gathers stories, legends, myths, proverbs and oral locutions. In this, it reveals that the Brazilian literary production grew in aesthetics and thematic. Like this, As Filhas do Arco-Íris is an exercise of the experience regionalist inserted in the contemporary novel, because even with your first publication in 1980, the narrative is configured to the molds of a Romance de 30
In this dissertation, based on two theoretical frameworks, American functionalism and variationist sociolinguistics, I take as subject the sequence connectors E and AÍ, which has the grammatical function of indicating retroactive-propeller sequenciation of information. I analyze the variable use of these connectors in texts written by students from two public schools in the city of Natal, RN, attending at the time of data collection (the year 2012), two distinct levels of basic education: the sixth and the ninth year. The students who contributed to this research wrote, as part of their activities in the classroom, texts of two narrative genres: narrative of personal experience (non-fictional) and short story (fictional). In addition, these students and their Portuguese teachers answered a test of linguistic attitude in which they gave their opinions regarding the appropriateness of the use of connectors E and AÍ in contexts of speech and writing marked by distinct degrees of formality. The results obtained by means of quantitative analysis showed different tendencies of linguistic, social and stylistic distribution of connectors E and AÍ in the narrative texts written by the students. I related these results to the action of two principles: the principle of persistence, linked to the process of change by grammaticalization, and the principle of stylistic markedness. Besides, I took into account the answers provided by students and teachers to the test of linguistic attitude for refine the interpretation of the results
In this dissertation, we analyze, in a comparative perspective, the link between the short stories: Dama da Noite‟ and O Rapaz mais triste do mundo‟, of Caio Fernando Abreu. In order to reveal, analyze and establish relevant dialogues with Queer Theory, it‟s important, above all, make a misreading guided in the discursive contextuality of postmodern literature. In order to justify and clarify the many issues that arises in the emblematic relationships of characters that are present in the text and in the cultural context, historically and socially. It also highlights the utterance comparative value identified in the works, given the peculiarities of each one of them, not being possible to classify them as `figures of language` with which the comparison can be cited as an example. In this case, they serve to inspire the ways that may lead us to a better understanding of the parallels created between a world of the binary value and adjectives suggested by society and so well portrayed in the ideas and writings of Caio Fernando Abreu
Le présent ouvrage comprend des versions comparatives de neuf contes de Perrault, parmi les plus célèbres, publiés dans des éditions intégrales, au Brésil, entre 1934 et 2005. L analyse comparative donne la priorité à l identification des éléments relatifs à l oralité, comme ceux qui appartiennent, selon Ong (1998) et Havelock (1996), à des contextes de cultures antérieures à l épanouissement de l écriture et qui donc élaboraient ses propres structures de pensée et d expression pour interagir dans la vie pratique comme dans la création, dans la transmission et la manutention des coutumes et traditions. Issus des premiers récits, les contes de Perrault, traduits ou adaptés au Brésil, gardent en eux l esprit du langage narratif auquel l auteur français a consagré une attention spéciale, pour transposer dans l écrit quelques récits de la grande expérience humaine née dans le milieu populaire et qui désormais intègrent l espace de l écriture à chaque nouvelle version produite. Les bagages formulaires, comme les épithètes, les interventions du narrateur et la propre relation des signifations de l intrigue avec les structures de l imaginaire toujours présentes dans l humanité, démontrent le rapprochement entre l oralité et écriture. En suivant les discussions théoriques de Zumthor (1993, 1997, 2000) et par l interation du lecteur avec le texte, on constate que ces éléments relatifs à l oralité rendent possibl existence d une performance dans l écrit a partir des impressions cinesthésiques qui chaque lecture provoque chez le lecteur et récepteur d un texte narratif qui revendique, automatiquement, la construction d une ouvrage seulement possible à chaque instant de l interation, par le processus esthétique de la réception. Même au niveau d écrit, ou l intensité de sa présence est diminuée en raison de l absence d un corps physique qui transmet, qui développe, qui opere littéralement le texte par la voix et qui réunit l écoute et la vision de l auditeur, la performance produite s interpose entre le corps du lecteur qui agit sur le texte et en même temps reçoit les sensations lui permettant l expérience esthétique. Ainsi, dans l expérience de la lecture de Contes de Perrault est possible percevoir les éléments qui renvoient à la forme du conte de tradition populaire. Même déjà influencée par l écrit, le lecteur peut identifier, dans cette oeuvre, les possibilités determinantes de la dynamique perpétuel dans la transmission de ses textes: le plaisir de la pratique de l écoute des histoires contées oralement et le plaisir de la pratique de lectures silencieuses et solitaires. Dans ce chemin le lecteur devoit chercher les sens perdus, ici, rencontrés avec l aide des discours littéraires, linguistique, folklorique, anthropologique et psycanalytique sur la surface du texte narratif merveilleux. Outre cela, ces discours collaborent avec le lecteur qui retrouvent les voix emprisonnées par l écrit dans la virtualité et dans émergence d une performance