892 resultados para Collective memory construction


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Time is one of the most prominent themes in the relatively young genre of children's literature, for the young, like adults, want to know about the past. The historical novel of the West grew out of Romanticism, with its exploration of the inner world of feeling, and it grew to full vigor in the era of imperialism and the exploration of the physical world. From the end of the 18th century, children's books flourished, partly in response to these cultural and political influences. After Darwin, Freud, and Einstein, literary works began to grapple with skepticism about the nature of time itself. This book explores how children's writers have presented the theme and concept of time past. While the book looks primarily at literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, it considers a broad range of historical material treated in works from that period. Included are discussions of such topics as Joan of Arc in children's literature, the legacy of Robinson Crusoe, colonial and postcolonial children's literature, the Holocaust, and the supernatural. International in scope, the volume examines history and collective memory in Portuguese children's fiction, Australian history in picture books, Norwegian children's literature, and literary treatments of the great Irish famine. So too, the expert contributors are from diverse countries and backgrounds.


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In the literacy classroom, students have few opportunities to use their literacy practices to contest narratives of race, class, gender and sexuality. Instead, extensive time is spent completing literacy activities associated with what “good” readers and writers do. Students’ literacy practices are often formulaic, repetitive, and serve classroom management strategies producing a mythic narrative of good literacy teaching. This paper introduces a queer literacy curriculum that poses pedagogy as a series of questions: What does being taught, what does knowledge do to students? How does knowledge become understood in the relationship between teacher/text and student? (Lusted, 1986) It emphasizes developing critical analyses of heterosexism, heteronormativity and normativity with the goal of helping students understand binary categories are not givens, rather social constructions we are often forced to perform (Butler, 1990) through available discourses. The paper highlights an interruption into the literacy curriculum where, through collective memory work, students investigated, analysed and contested the usually-not-noticed ways a small understanding of heterosexuality has come to structure their lives.


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Using public remembrance of the controversial WWII firebombing of Dresden as its case study, the thesis probes the politics of war memory and commemoration. It argues that before, during, and after Germany's reunification, Dresden was portrayed as a, if not the, leading paradigm of German wartime loss and suffering.


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 National narratives are not collective memory. They are socially engineered processes that requires forgetting. The thesis analyses the social dynamics of heritage in postcolonial Africa using Khami World Heritage Site, Zimbabwe. It traces how Khami was uninherited through changing identities, population movement, processes of remembering and forgetting in nation-building processes.


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The Pacific War is an umbrella term that refers collectively to a disparate set of wars, however, this book presents a strong case for considering this assemblage of conflicts as a collective, singular war.


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O trabalho propõe uma reflexão sobre o processo de construção de memórias, a partirdo estudo de caso do CD 'Tantinho, memória em verde e rosa. A principal metodologia utilizada foi a da história oral, de forma a explorar a narrativa de experiência pessoal como fonte para investigação do processo de construção de memórias. O universo pesquisado é constituído pelos principais agentes sociais envolvidos na construção dessa memória, o que inclui o próprio Tantinho e outros sambistas da favela da Mangueira, assim como outras pessoas envolvidas na viabilização e na produção do CD. Ao todo foram entrevistadas oito pessoas, somando mais de 12 horas de entrevista. Considerando o movimento contemporâneo de fixação de memórias das favelas cariocas a que assistimos e a relevância da favela da Mangueira neste contexto, foi esclarecedor utilizar esse CD para entender os processos e, principalmente, as relações necessárias para essas construções.


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O racional teórico das finanças comportamentais se sustenta em dois grandes pilares: limites de arbitragem e irracionalidade dos investidores. Dentre os desvios de racionalidade conhecidos, um foi de particular interesse para este estudo: o viés da disponibilidade. Este viés acontece nas situações em que as pessoas estimam a frequência de uma classe ou a probabilidade de um evento pela facilidade com que instâncias ou ocorrências podem ser lembradas. O advento da internet permitiu a verificação do viés de disponibilidade em larga escala por meio da análise dos dados de buscas realizadas. I.e., se uma determinada ação é mais procurada que outras, podemos inferir que ela está mais disponível na memória coletiva dos investidores. Por outro lado, a literatura das finanças comportamentais tem um braço mais pragmático, que estuda estratégias capazes de fornecer retornos anormais, acima do esperado pela hipótese do mercado eficiente. Para os fins deste estudo, destaca-se o efeito momento, no qual o grupo de ações de melhor resultado nos últimos J meses tende a fornecer melhores resultados pelos próximos K meses. O propósito deste estudo foi verificar a possibilidade de se obter retornos acima dos identificados pelo efeito momento segmentando-se as carteiras de maior e menor viés de disponibilidade. Os resultados obtidos foram positivos e estatisticamente significativos na amostra selecionada. A estratégia cruzada entre efeito momento e disponibilidade produziu, para J=6 e K=6, retornos médios mensais de 2,82% com estatística t de 3,14. Já a estratégia só de efeito momento, para o mesmo período de formação e prazo de manutenção, gerou retornos médios mensais de apenas 1,40% com estatística t de 1,22.


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A presente dissertação propõe-se a trazer algumas reflexões sobre o turismo cultural no Rio de Janeiro através da criação de um guia de viagem com rotas temáticas baseadas na história da cidade. Este guia proporia novas formas de leitura da paisagem urbana carioca a partir do papel central que a cidade teve na história brasileira enquanto capital política e cultural da nação. O foco principal dos itinerários seria a fase republicana no Brasil entre o final do século XIX até os anos 1970. Nesse período, o Rio passou por uma série de reformas urbanas que seriam também analisadas através de uma série de caminhadas temáticas descritas no guia. A partir dessa abordagem, o trabalho analisa as possibilidades de formatação desse produto turístico através da interlocução entre referenciais teóricos de Memória Coletiva, Lugar de Memória, Identidade Cultural e Interpretação de Patrimônio. Tirando proveito desses conceitos, o estudo procura justificar esse estilo emergente de turismo cultural como um incentivo para o morador do Rio tornar-se viajante em sua própria cidade, enquanto turista-cidadão.


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Os anos entre 1956 a 1961 foram pródigos para o desenvolvimento do Brasil. O governo JK consolidou a industrialização brasileira, criou Brasília e foi considerado um caso singular na política contemporânea, por ser o único governo civil que começou e terminou seu mandato segundo as regras constitucionais, até o período da ditadura militar. Através da rememoração, lembramos de fatos históricos, que através da narrativa da revista Manchete, contribuíram para a criação de uma imagem positiva de Juscelino Kubitschek e de seu governo. As edições constantes de sua imagem de grande estadista justificam a existência, na memória coletiva, do mito político. Sua trajetória foi caracterizada por sua simpatia, seu poder de persuasão e pela força de sua oratória durante o seu governo e posteriormente calada pela ditadura militar, implantada no Brasil em 1964. Manchete deu forma, através de suas fotorreportagens, aos acontecimentos de um país em acelerado processo de desenvolvimento, contribuindo desta maneira, com a criação do mito dos anos dourados.


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Parafraseando Robert Ezra Park, os jornaleiros têm uma história; mas os jornaleiros têm, ainda, uma história natural. A evolução do modelo de distribuição e comercialização de publicações impressas, que culmina nas modernas bancas de jornais, aponta para o tratamento de licenças e concessões para a operacionalização de uma atividade comercial em espaço público urbano. As bancas se constituem, portanto, em um espaço regulado pelo poder público e operacionalizado por iniciativa privada, a título precário. Por que se chegou a este modelo e quais as suas implicações é uma das principais questões abordadas por este trabalho. Entre outros pontos, esta tese tem como objetivo compreender (1) em que medida políticos e homens públicos são capazes de atuar na regulação da liberdade de imprensa através do controle e fiscalização sobre as bancas de jornais; (2) como se dão as articulações dos profissionais vendedores e distribuidores de jornais e revistas diante destas regulações, quais são suas reivindicações comuns e como é construída sua memória em torno destas ações; (3) em que circunstâncias se desenvolvem as negociações entre jornaleiros e homens de imprensa e como estas relações são capazes de ampliar a penetração de determinados impressos junto ao público, atuando de maneira decisiva na conformação da opinião pública; e, finalmente, (4) qual a importância dos jornaleiros e das bancas de jornais e revistas no processo histórico de construção política da opinião sobre a notícia e na apreensão social da informação nas grandes cidades. Nesse sentido, embora evidenciado pelo modelo atual de distribuição adotado pelas principais cidades do país, o papel dos jornaleiros como agentes de fundamental relevância cultural e política na cadeia produtiva dos periódicos impressos tem sido subjugado ante a análises que se concentram nas técnicas ou no discurso jornalístico, quando muito nas cercanias dos estudos de recepção e na apropriação da cultura popular – jamais na investigação sobre esta instituição que silenciosamente tem ocupado nosso imaginário por todos esses anos: as bancas de jornais e revistas.


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Contemporary studies have shown that the evolution of the heritage concepts is accompanied by an affirmation of the importance of social participation in recognizing heritage values and in managing cultural assets. We used the Brazilian context to emphasize the challenges for democratizing this process. This problematic is discussed based on the cases of Cidade Altaand Ribeira, neighborhoods that date from the formation of Natal-RNand have cultural assets recognized by levels of government. The study builds elements to answer the research question: what meanings and representations does the culturalheritage in the case study have for its users? The research method analyzes the representations and the meanings of the neighborhoods, firstly is based on historiographical studies, memories records of the city and on the process of heritage management. Secondly, it isbased on the field research, it is structured in environmental perception studies (areas of Environmental Psychology, Architecture and Urbanism) and has been applied with users with different bonds with the studied environment (residents, workers and visitors). The data were obtained with the multi-method which included direct observation, questionnaire survey and mentalmaps (that replicate Kevin Lynch). The analysis of result verified the research hypothesis, emphasizing aspects of the relationship between users and cultural heritage relevant to strengthening collective memory, local identity, contributing to heritage management. Among the results, the socio-environmental image obtained which emphasized a "cultural axis" linkingboth studied neighborhoods and confirms the influences of elements rein the memories records of the city and in the area s management. Identified aspects to strengthen the relationship between the users and cultural assets, such as the presence of placeswith affective ties to certain groups, as well as the need to fight off negative images (of degradation and insecurity) associated to the site and also expand the participation of the population, including residents, in policies and cultural activities. After all, recognition of value and the involvement of societycultural assets have the potential of contribute to integrate city development with heritage conservation


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Currently in the social sciences the question of self-identity and its meanings, absorb as a central objective aspects that concern analysis of an imaginary (re) constructed from processes of identity affirmation. Ethnic discourse in the consolidation of social boundaries (re) assemble a social policy apparatus able to claim their belongings concerning his ancestry, as well as the interpretation of the meanings given to their territory by any group. This dissertation work is the result of an ethnographic study undertaken with the residents of the Community Maloca, Vargas located in the neighborhood adjacent to the commercial center in Aracaju - SE. Since February 2007 the group is certified by FCP - Palmares Cultural Foundation as a lasting community, while it is part of a special gift for being an urban center, varying from the majority of that remaining Maroons in their contexts, outcrops and specific land rural. It focuses on the work process of territorial formation of the hut, and the arrival of their first actors, contextualizing the process of legitimation refers to the territory they live, as well as the various narratives that (re) construct the time he lived, the relations kinship, conflict, the process of self-affirmation as runaways and the relationship of belonging with their living space / living contained in the imaginary city of Aracaju. Attempts are made to the opportunity to understand the meanings that affirm their ethnicity, parallel group for the pursuit of effective policies and guarantee of constitutional rights in the urban context.


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Barra do Camaratuba belongs to Mataraca city, nearby the boarder between Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte states. It was the chosen community to develop this research, objectifying to study the set of practical of the cultural manifestations and the implications of the local tourist activity, considering the cultural dynamics. We tried to reconstruct stories from the narratives of the oldest inhabitants, natives, among others that they had lived, some how, individual and collective experiences related to the popular tricks and the traditional parties, considering what they speak and imagine about their experiences and its culture. The Lapinha, the Pastoril, the viola s songs, the Balls of Concertina, the João Redondo, the Ox of Kings, the wheel of Coconut were common practical perceivable through the communitarian bonds. Among these manifestations, the only one that resisted for a longer time was the wheel coconut. The São Pedro s fest is another popular manifestation that appears on the current scene like the padroeiro party, while others cultural practical compose the spectacle s scenery. These questions cover many of the narratives of the interviewed ones in the interlaced thing between memory, tourism and tradition. Therefore, we tried to build our research from the memory, participant observation, orality, techniques of the life history, personal depositions, among others basic methods for the reconstruction of a collective memory . Speaking about the past of Barra do Camaratuba is to live again the parties, the blood relations, the terço , the work in the roçados , in the flour house, the fishing, the leisure and the habits of the daily life. In this community, there is the presence of conflicts of social and cultural order, caused for the hegemonic classes that sponsor the parties. In the padroeiro party we perceive that the mercantile logic has started, very recently, to transform the religious factor into an excuse to put into motion the local economy. This way, a community originated from artisan fishers and agriculturists, having the fishing practical as a way of subsistence and the tricks as a reference, they had started to compose a new social picture with the arrival of the others and with the presumption and recent tourist development. We perceive social, environmental and cultural impact transformations, exemplified by a non planned activity or a predatory tourism. The changes will always be pointed and compared with other passing in a sphere of relations lived by the natives, local players and fishers


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The present essay has how I aim to analyse the memories of the ex-combatants of Parelhas-RN, specially of the components of the Força de Vigilância e Segurança do Litoral - FVSL, protagonists of the Brazilian participation in the scenery of the Second World war. Along this we looked to understand in which surrounding geographicalpartner these men were living before the War and what were the consequences of a brusque change of space owing to the convocation for the Armed Brazilian Strength in that historical context. The defense of the Brazilian coast during the War was not a so simple task, I have in mind the precariedade logistics of the Armed Strength, the attacks of submarines of the Axle that killed hundreds of civilians and Brazilian soldiers and the net of espionage mounted by Germany in Brazil. Leaving from the notion of collective memory and estrangement in Maurice Halbwachs, we will use the oral history like principal methodology, with the end of rescue these underground memories what also will make possible us the vision realizes that the protagonists themselves have of the event, besides the use of documents, photos, maps and any sort of fountains that make possible us to rebuild the scenery of Parelhas in the beginning of the War and the trajectory of life of his veterans


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This work is about a search that takes the Comitê pela Anistia no Rio Grande do Norte and the Associação Norte-Rio-Grandense de Anistiados Políticos as Political Spaces capable of expressing History, Memory and Politic. And has as main objective analyzing the amnesty process in the State from these Spaces of political struggle and of resistance, from the 1970s until the early 2000s. The discussion of amnesty and struggle for rights and remedies are still present today on the political agenda of the country, which demonstrates the importance and the incompleteness of the amnesty. Beyond the oral sources, which are essential for understanding periods of oppression, we also used written sources, such as digital and printed newspapers, laws, meeting minutes, pamphlets of political parties, magazines, theses, dissertations, among others. We made the crossing of oral sources with written guides us as Paul Thompson, highlighting the importance of Memory, especially of Collective Memory in line with the perception of Maurice Halbwachs. Work the concept of history approached by Jacques Le Goff and Politic from the perspective of Hannah Arendt. And consider the space from the approach taken by Doreen Massey