915 resultados para Chile. 1883 Oct. 20.
"Dedicated to the memory of Reinier Timman (1917-1975)."
"Actas de la Conferencia Interpolicial de Octubre de 1905": p. [173]-235.
Includes a few articles, addresses, etc., by other authors.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
A bimonthly literary magazine edited by Zhou Shoujuan 周瘦鵑, featuring fiction, topical articles, and entertainment features, published from September 1921 through November 1925.
A bimonthly literary magazine edited by Zhou Shoujuan 周瘦鵑, featuring fiction, topical articles, and entertainment features, published from September 1921 through November 1925.
Although local food consumption is growing in importance there remains a lack of research addressing local food consumption preferences in less-developed countries. This paper aims to examine the drivers of local food purchase intentions for Chilean consumers. A model of local food behavioral intention was developed from consumer behavior theory. The model was tested using structural equation modeling with data from Chilean shoppers located in Santiago (n=283). The analysis revealed that Chilean consumers are willing to purchase local food based on their positive attitude towards buying local food and their feelings of connectedness with the environment, but not because they have a desire to support local businesses. These findings have implications for retailers, marketers and food producers.
Social media has reached global proportions, yet little is known about firms’ engagement with these Web 2.0 technologies in emerging markets within Latin America. The study investigates Chilean marketing managers’ perspectives on social media platforms, the benefits or barriers to their firm’s marketing practices and the impact they have on the immediate marketing environment based on in-depth interviews. Applying Okazaki and Taylor’s (2013) social media framework the findings provide an understanding of social media’s role for Chilean firms in customer engagement, brand image enhancement, return on investment, and meeting consumer needs through time and place. Additional themes emerged on the use of social media through Smartphones and their value for future marketing activities.
La presente investigación se llevó a cabo en el Programa de Recursos Genéticos Nicaraguenses (REGEN) de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, durante el período Octubre 2002-Abril-2003, teniendo como principal objetivo contribuir al desarrollo y mejoramiento de la actividad productiva en el cultivo del chile (Capsicum spp.) en Nicaragua. El material genético estuvo formado por genotipos procedentes de México (Chile Ancho, Catarina, Serrano, Mirasol, Arbol, Puya, Guajillo y Cascabel), de Nicaragua (Pico de pájaro, Diente de perro y Jalapeño), de Perú (Alfilerillo y Bacatum) y Pakistán (Canica). Se construyó una base de datos con 44 descriptores cualitativos y cuantitativos de 14 genotipos. Como base se empleó la guía de descriptores propuesta por el IBPGR (1983). Las parcelas experimentales estuvieron constituidas por nueve plantas con dos réplicas de las cuales se tomaron dos plantas por parcela para la recolección de los datos. Fueron empleadas herramientas estadísticas univariadas y multivariadas. El ANDEVA y Tukey (∞=0.05) aplicados a los descriptores cuantitativos demostró una alta significancia estadística estableciéndose clara diferencia entre los genotipos; las accesiones Bacatum, Diente de perro, Pico de pájaro, Alfilerillo y Ancho manifestaron una amplia variación. El análisis de componentes principales determinó que los descriptores de fruto, semillas y flor contribuyeron a que los tres primeros componentes principales aislaran el 68.09 % de la variación general conformada por 28 variables. De igual manera, el análisis de conglomerados (Ward, coeficiente R2 semiparcial) fijó cuatro grupos a una distancia de 0.125, este análisis aglutina a los cultivares de la siguiente forma: Primer grupo (Bacatum), segundo grupo (Diente de perro y Pico de pájaro), y el tercer grupo (Guajillo, Mirasol, Cascabel, Chile Ancho y Jalapeño) y el cuarto grupo (Alfilerillo, Catarina, Serrano, Canica, Arbol y Puya). Los cultivares evaluados presentan características morfológicas de C. annum, C. frutescens y C. baccatum. Con respecto a la caracterización del germoplasma a enfermedades se observó una alta incidencia de infección viral. La mayoría de los genotipos mostraron altos niveles de severidad; sin embargo los materiales Alfilerillo, Canica y Diente de perro mostraron valores de severidad menores del 20%. Respecto al ataque de picudo se pudo observar que Puya, Pico de pájaro y Diente de perro mostraron un nivel de daño severo mientras que los genotipos Cascabel,Jalapeño, Guajillo, Alfilerillo yChile Ancho no mostraron daño.
Hypoptopoma inexspectata is diagnosed and redescribed based on the examination of additional material and comparison with its congeners. This poorly known hypoptopomine species is distributed in the Paraguay and Paraná river draínages. Hypoptopoma inexspectata is diagnosable based on the autapomorphy biserial arrangement of anterior snout rostral margin odontodes, laterally extended to limit between second and third infraorbital plates, with dorsally directed dorsad series separated from ventrally directed ventrad series by a narrow odontode-free area, which at the level of first and second infraorbital plates is reduced to a dividing line of the series. The species can be further distinguished by the combination (1) low number of canal-bearing lateral plates (20-22, typically 21), (2) presence of a shield of prepectoral dermal plates, (3) arrangement of abdominal plates in one paired series of 3-5 plates, (4) shorter least interorbital distance 4856% head lengh, (5) larger horizontal eye diameter 17-20% head lengh, and (6) least orbit-nare distance 812% head lengh. Intraspecific variation skull dermal bones, neuracranium and suspensorium bones, dermal plates, adipose fin is reported. (PDF has 20 pages.)
The AMT (www.amt-uk.org) is a multidisciplinary programme which undertakes biological, chemical, and physical oceanographic research during an annual voyage between the UK and a destination in the South Atlantic such as the Falkland Islands,South Africa, or Chile. This transect of >12,000 km crosses a range of ecosystems from subpolar to tropical, from euphotic shelf seas and upwelling systems, to oligotrophic mid-ocean gyres. The year 2015 has seen two milestones in the history of the AMT: the achievement of 20 years of this unique ocean going programme and the departure of the 25th cruise on the 15th of September. Both of these events were celebrated in June this year with an open science conference hosted by the Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) and will be further documented in a special issue of Progress in Oceanography which is planned for publication in 2016. Since 1995, the 25 research cruises have involved 242 sea-going scientists from 66 institutes representing 22 countries.
Se estudió la vegetación en un gradiente de inclinación de un complejo de turberas, en la cordillera costera de Valdivia, Chile. Se levantaron 17 censos de vegetación, ubicados equidistantes en un transecto de 50 m. La tabla fitosociológica resultante se analizó con métodos estadísticos multivariables de ordenación y de clasificación. Además, se determinaron algunas características químicas del sustrato. El transecto estudiado corresponde a una coenoclina, cuya parte alta es ocupada por un alerzal (Fitzroyeturn cupressoidis), en la zona intermedia se desarrolla una turbera ombrogénica de Donatia fascicularis (Drosero-Donatieturn fascicularis) y, en la parte inferior, una topogénica de Sphagnum magellanicum (Sphagnetum magellanicii). En las zonas ecotonales entre estas comunidades prosperan pantanos turbosos de Astelia pumila (Astelio-Oreoboletum obtusangulae) y de Marsippospermum philippii (Marsippospormo-Astelietum pumiliae) que muestran escasa diferenciación florística. Se proponen dos alianzas fitosociológicas nuevas Donation fascicularis (turberas de Donatia) y Astelion pumilae (pantanos de Astelia) para la clase Myrteolo-Sphagnetea Oberdorfer 1960. Los contenidos de materia orgánica y de agua del sustrato son los factores determinantes de estos patrones de distribución. Finalmente, se analiza la posición fitogeográfica de las comunidades vegetales determinadas.
Reality shows are TV programs which represent a format used in television nowadays; however, the observation practices of individual and/or group intimacy dates from thousands years ago. Sometimes this was driven by voyeurism or morbid fascination, some others, by the purpose of guarding, supervising and maintaining status quo. This work offers an alternative answer to the explanation of this type of TV program emergence and relates this appearance to a government procedure bound up with modern State terrorism which began at the end of the eighteenth century and has been recalled by different regimes until present days.
Copper levels of nearly 500 mg l(-1) were measured in aqueous extracts of soil and sediment samples from the lowlands of Antofagasta. Arsenic levels of up to 183 mg l(-1) were found in river sediments, and 27.5 mg l(-1) arsenic was found at the location of a dam where potable water is extracted. This indicates that the arsenic contamination of water supplies reported recently for the pre-Andes may be a widespread problem throughout the region. Copper contamination from smelting activities also provides cause for concern as elevated levels were found in aqueous extracts of soil up to 20 km away from a smelter. This study went beyond traditional chemical analysis by assessing the potential benefits of using microbial biosensors as an alternative to determination of chemical speciation, to provide an environmentally relevant interpretation of soil/sediment residue levels. This approach is simple to use and enables a rapid, low cost assessment of pollutant bioavailability. It may, therefore, be of use for further investigations in the region and beyond.