999 resultados para Cerium Hydroxycarbonate


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The water-gas shift (WGS) reaction was carried out in the presence of Pd and Pt substituted nanocrystalline ceria catalysts synthesized by solution combustion technique. The catalysts were characterized by powder XRD and XPS. The noble metals were found to be present in ionic form substituted for the cerium atoms. The catalysts showed highactivity for the WGS reaction with high conversions below 250 degrees C. The products of reaction were only carbon dioxide and hydrogen, and no hydrocarbons were observed even in trace quantities. The reactions were carried out with different amounts of noble metal ion substitution and 2% Pt substituted ceria was found to be the best catalyst. The various possible mechanisms for the reaction were proposed and tested for their consistency with experimental data. The dual site mechanism best described the kinetics of the reaction and the corresponding rate parameters were obtained.


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An experimental setup using radiative heating has been used to understand the thermo-physical phenomena and chemical transformations inside acoustically levitated cerium nitrate precursor droplets. In this transformation process, through infrared thermography and high speed imaging, events such as vaporization, precipitation and chemical reaction have been recorded at high temporal resolution, leading to nanoceria formation with a porous morphology. The cerium nitrate droplet undergoes phase and shape changes throughout the vaporization process. Four distinct stages were delineated during the entire vaporization process namely pure evaporation, evaporation with precipitate formation, chemical reaction with phase change and formation of final porous precipitate. The composition was examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy that revealed nanostructures and confirmed highly porous morphology with trapped gas pockets. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high speed imaging of the final precipitate revealed the presence of trapped gases in the form of bubbles. TEM also showed the presence of nanoceria crystalline structures at 70 degrees C. The current study also looked into the effect of different heating powers on the process. At higher power, each phase is sustained for smaller duration and higher maximum temperature. In addition, the porosity of the final precipitate increased with power. A non-dimensional time scale is proposed to correlate the effect of laser intensity and vaporization rate of the solvent (water). The effect of acoustic levitation was also studied. Due to acoustic streaming, the solute selectively gets transported to the bottom portion of the droplet due to strong circulation, providing it rigidity and allows it become bowl shaped. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ceric ammonium sulfate, CAS, oxidizes naphthalene to 1,4-naphthoquinone in essentially quantitative yield in CH3CN-dil. H2SO4. Stoichiometric studies indicate that 6 mol of CAS are required for the oxidation of 1 mol of naphthalene to 1,4-naphthoquinone. Kinetic investigations reveal that the reaction takes place through initial formation of a 1:1 complex of naphthalene and cerium(IV) in an equilibrium step followed by slow decomposition of the complex to naphthalene radical cation. Kinetic results on the effects of acid strength, polarity of the medium, temperature and substituents are in accordance with this mechanism. Further conversion of the radical cation into 1,4-naphthoquinone takes place in fast steps involving a further 5 mol of cerium(IV) and 2 mol of H2O.


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A systematic study of the Tl0.5Pb0.5Sr2Gd2−xCexCu2O9−δ system has revealed the existence of a pure phase in the compositional. range 0.0≤x≤0.6 crystalizzing in the 1222 structure. It has an intersheet distance of approximately 6 Å, a value much higher than those found in other cuprates with double CuO2 sheets interleaved by a single fluorite layer. Superconductivity has been observed in the range 0.1≤x≤0.4 with a Tc of 45 K and a superconductive volume fraction up to 20% for the optimal composition. An interesting variation of the superconducting properties of the above system with the composition, i.e. cerium content, has also been noticed. A possible dependence of superconductivity on the coupling between CuO2 sheets in the layered cuprates has been pointed out to bring out a correlation between structure and properties.


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Palladium substituted in cerium dioxide in the form of a solid solution, Ce-0.98 Pd-0.02 O-1.98 is a new heterogeneous catalyst which exhibits high activity and 100% trans-selectivity for the Heck reactions of aryl bromides including heteroaryls with olefins. The catalytic reactions work without any ligand. Nano-crystalline Ce-0.98 Pd-0.02 O-1.98 is prepared by solution combustion method and Pd is in +2 state. The catalyst can be separated, recovered and reused without significant loss in activity.


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Oxidations of various substituted benzylic hydrocarbons with peroxydisulphate in the presence of metal ion catalysts like iron, nickel, copper, cobalt, silver and cerium were examined. Among the metal ions copper (II) catalysed reaction gives products in excellent yield, whereas oxidation of naphthalene and substituted naphthalenes gives low to moderate yield of the products with peroxydisulphate- copper (II).


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Combustion synthesized oxide and vanadate compounds (CeO2, Fe2O3, CeVO4, and FeVO4) were tested for catalytic hydrogen combustion. The compounds were characterized by X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. All the four compounds showed good activity and stability for catalytic hydrogen combustion and more than 95% conversion was observed over all the compounds within 500 degrees C. The mechanisms for the reaction over the different classes of compounds (cerium-based and iron-based compounds) were proposed on the basis of spectroscopic observations. The main difference in the mechanisms was in the nature of adsorption of H2 over the sites. The elementary processes for the reaction were proposed, corresponding rate expressions were derived, and the rate parameters for the reaction were estimated using nonlinear regression. Langmuir-Hinshelwood and Eley-Rideal mechanisms were also tested for the reaction and the proposed mechanism was compared with these mechanisms. (c) 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2012


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This paper presents a specific kind of failure in ethylene cracking coils coated with anticoking film. It investigates a case in which the coils made of 35Cr 45Ni high temperature alloy failed within two years of operation. The damage occurred due to heavy oxidation in localized regions of the coil resulting in the formation of blisters, which eventually failed by cracking. The mechanism involved was determined by studying the oxidized samples under a scanning electron microscope with an energy dispersive system and is attributed to the presence of rare earth metals in the anti-coking film and inherent casting defects in the base alloy. The cerium present in the anti-coking film diffused preferentially to a defect site in the parent alloy thereby resulting in its segregation which further led to embrittlement. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Gadolinium oxide, cerium oxide, and 10 mol% gadolinia doped ceria ceramic powders have been synthesized using combustion technique. Though the cubic gadolinia phase is stable at room temperature, single phase monoclinic gadolinia was obtained as a result of combustion synthesis using fuel lean and stoichiometric precursor compositions. This powder was subjected to calcination treatment and ceria doping to study the stability of phases and the rate of phase transformation from monoclinic to cubic gadolinia. It was found that monoclinic gadolinia transforms to cubic gadolinia upon calcination at temperatures less than 1200 degrees C. It was also found that rate of phase transformation is more for powder produced using fuel lean compositions; and the rate is enhanced upon ceria doping. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Oligonucleotide-directed triple helix formation is one of the most versatile methods for the sequence specific recognition of double helical DNA. Chapter 2 describes affinity cleaving experiments carried out to assess the recognition potential for purine-rich oligonucleotides via the formation of triple helices. Purine-rich oligodeoxyribonucleotides were shown to bind specifically to purine tracts of double helical DNA in the major groove antiparallel to the purine strand of the duplex. Specificity was derived from the formation of reverse Hoogsteen G•GC, A•AT and T•AT triplets and binding was limited to mostly purine tracts. This triple helical structure was stabilized by multivalent cations, destabilized by high concentrations of monovalent cations and was insensitive to pH. A single mismatched base triplet was shown to destabilize a 15 mer triple helix by 1.0 kcal/mole at 25°C. In addition, stability appeared to be correlated to the number of G•GC triplets formed in the triple helix. This structure provides an additional framework as a basis for the design of new sequence specific DNA binding molecules.

In work described in Chapter 3, the triplet specificities and required strand orientations of two classes of DNA triple helices were combined to target double helical sequences containing all four base pairs by alternate strand triple helix formation. This allowed for the use of oligonucleotides containing only natural 3'-5' phosphodiester linkages to simultaneously bind both strands of double helical DNA in the major groove. The stabilities and structures of these alternate strand triple helices depended on whether the binding site sequence was 5'-(purine)_m (pyrimidine)_n-3' or 5'- (pyrimidine)_m (purine)_n-3'.

In Chapter 4, the ability of oligonucleotide-cerium(III) chelates to direct the transesterfication of RNA was investigated. Procedures were developed for the modification of DNA and RNA oligonucleotides with a hexadentate Schiff-base macrocyclic cerium(III) complex. In addition, oligoribonucleotides modified by covalent attachment of the metal complex through two different linker structures were prepared. The ability of these structures to direct transesterification to specific RNA phosphodiesters was assessed by gel electrophoresis. No reproducible cleavage of the RNA strand consistent with transesterification could be detected in any of these experiments.


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Em termos ambientais, os catalisadores automotivos se destacam pelos resultados altamente significativos alcançados após seu uso obrigatório em veículos leves. No entanto, as condições térmicas em que eles operam podem levar a um processo de perda de atividade significativa, após certo tempo de operação. Dentro desse contexto, este trabalho estudou o efeito da temperatura na desativação térmica de catalisadores automotivo modelo. Foram preparados catalisadores baseados em óxido misto de cério e zircônio na proporção 50% em mol de cério e zircônio (CZ). A partir dele foram produzidos os catalisadores Pd-CZ e Pd-CZ-LaAl. O catalisador Pd-CZ foi produzido pela impregnação do CZ com Pd na concentração de 0,5% m/m de CZ. O catalisador Pd-CZ-LaAl foi produzido a partir de uma mistura física do Pd-CZ com o suporte LaAl (alumina dopada com La na concentração de 1,9 % m/m de Al2O3), seguida de calcinação a 500˚C. Foram realizados envelhecimentos a 900C e 1200C em mufla com atmosfera oxidante por 12 e 36h. Os catalisadores foram caracterizados por um conjunto de técnicas físico-químicas. Foram realizadas análises de fisissorção de N2 para a medição da área específica e o estudo da evolução do diâmetro e volume de poros das amostras novas e envelhecidas. Análises de difração de raios X (DRX) foram feitas de forma a acompanhar possíveis transições de fases após o envelhecimento das amostras. Foi realizada análise química para validar a composição das amostras e ensaios de análise térmica para o catalisador CZ visando identificar a temperatura onde ocorre o fenômeno de segregação de fases. Realizaram-se ensaios de redução a temperatura programada (RTP) visando quantificar o consumo de hidrogênio e associá-lo à evolução da redutibilidade das amostras após o envelhecimento térmico. Finalmente, a avaliação catalítica foi realizada com base nas reações de oxidação do CO e do propano e de redução do NO pelo CO, através da obtenção de curvas de lightoff. As análises de DRX mostraram que o envelhecimento a 900C ocasionou alterações de fases da alumina, mas não foi verificada segregação de fases no CZ. Já a 1200C observou-se a referida segregação de fases, que coincide com a drástica queda na área específica das amostras, em alguns casos observando-se o colapso das propriedades texturais do catalisador. As análises de RTP mostraram que, em determinadas condições, o envelhecimento térmico promove a redutibilidade do sistema CZ e a introdução de Pd torna o catalisador mais facilmente redutível o que é evidenciado pelo deslocamento dos picos de redução para temperaturas mais baixas em comparação ao CZ puro. Os testes catalíticos mostraram que a introdução do Pd é um fator fundamental para a conversão do propano. Os catalisadores contendo Pd também converteram melhor o CO. Para os catalisadores envelhecidos a 1200C, o único resultado positivo foi no caso do Pd-CZ-LaAl que apesar deste tratamento térmico, ainda converteu o CO, propano e NO. Desta forma o catalisador Pd-CZ-LaAl apresentou resultados mais satisfatórios e isto evidencia que a mistura com LaAl melhora o desempenho e a estabilidade térmica do catalisador em altas temperaturas (acima de 300C).


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Convencionalmente, metais nobres são empregados como metais ativos em catalisadores automotivos, mas o uso de cobre vem sendo estudado pelo fato de promover sítios ativos para adsorção química e redução de NOx. Diante deste contexto, esta dissertação visa testar novas formulações de catalisadores, com foco em seu desempenho na reação de redução do NO pelo CO e sua seletividade a N2. Foram avaliados o método de adição de cobre no preparo e os teores de cobre utilizados na preparação. Os métodos de adição utilizados foram impregnação a seco (IS), reação em estado sólido (RS) e coprecipitação (CO). Os teores de cobre estudados ficaram entre 0,36 e 6,9% (m/m). Além disso, foi estudado o impacto no desempenho do catalisador após envelhecimento térmico a 950C por 12h. Foram empregadas as seguintes técnicas de caracterização textural e físico-química como espectrometria de absorção atômica, fisissorção de N2, difração de raios X, espectroscopia Raman e redução a temperatura programada. Os catalisadores também foram avaliados na reação de redução do NO pelo CO. A análise textural indicou que o método de coprecipitação levou a características texturais diferentes dos outros catalisadores. Análises de DRX mostraram a formação de CuO cristalino para teores iguais ou superiores a 3,3% (m/m) de cobre. As análises de Redução a Temperatura Programada (RTP) indicaram que ocorreu uma forte interação na interface entre o suporte e as espécies de cobre dispersas, acompanhada da diminuição da temperatura de redução do CuO e da redução parcial da céria em temperaturas mais baixas. Os testes catalíticos mostraram um melhor desempenho dos catalisadores (IS) que apresentaram conversões mais elevadas em menores temperaturas. Com relação ao envelhecimento, observou-se uma diminuição significativa da eficiência dos catalisadores. Uma comparação com catalisadores à base de metal nobre mostrou um bom desempenho dos catalisadores à base de cobre, com a vantagem destes apresentarem emissão de N2O restrita a baixas temperaturas


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Infrared to ultraviolet and visible upconversion luminescence was demonstrated in trivalent cerium doped YAlO3 crystal (Ce3+: YAP) under focused infrared femtosecond laser irradiation. The fluorescence spectra show that the upconverted luminescence comes from the 5d-4f transitions of trivalent cerium ions. The dependence of luminescence intensity of trivalent cerium on infrared pumping power reveals that the conversion of infrared radiation is dominated by three-photon excitation process. It is suggested that the simultaneous absorption of three infrared photons pumps the Ce3+ ion into upper 5d level, which quickly nonradiatively relax to lowest 5d level. Thereafter, the ions radiatively return to the ground states, leading to the characteristic emission of Ce3+. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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