983 resultados para Castellví, Juan Basilio de Conde de Cervelló, 1675-1754, Correspondència


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<p>Detailed oxygen, hydrogen and carbon isotope studies have been carried out on igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Stony Mountain complex, Colorado, and the Isle of Skye, Scotland, in order to better understand the problems of hydrothermal meteoric water-rock interaction.</p> <p>The Tertiary Stony Mountain stock (~1.3 km in diameter), is composed of an outer diorite, a main mass of biotite gabbro, and an inner diorite. The entire complex and most of the surrounding country rocks have experienced various degrees of <sup>18</sup>O depletion (up to 10 per mil) due to interaction with heated meteoric waters. The inner diorite apparently formed from a low-<sup>18</sup>O magma with <sup>18</sup>O +2.5, but most of the isotopic effects are a result of exchange between H<sub>2</sub>O and solidified igneous rocks. The low-<sup>18</sup>O inner diorite magma was probably produced by massive assimilation and/or melting of hydrothermally altered country rocks. The <sup>18</sup>O values of the rocks generally increase with increasing grain size, except that quartz typically has <sup>18</sup>O = +6 to +8, and is more resistant to hydrothermal exchange than any other mineral studied. Based on atom % oxygen, the outer diorites, gabbros, and volcanic rocks exhibit integrated water/rock ratios of 0.3 0.2, 0.15 0.1, and 0.2 0.1, respectively. Locally, water/rock ratios attain values greater than 1.0. Hydrogen isotopic analyses of sericites, chlorites, biotites, and amphiboles range from -117 to -150. D in biotites varies inversely with Fe/Fe+Mg, as predicted by Suzuoki and Epstein (1974), and positively with elevation, over a range of 600 m. The calculated D of the mid-to-late-Tertiary meteoric waters is about -100. Carbonate <sup>13</sup>C values average -5.5 (PDB), within the generally accepted range for deep-seated carbon.</p> <p>Almost all the rocks within 4 km of the central Tertiary intrusive complex of Skye are depleted in <sup>18</sup>O. Whole-rock <sup>18</sup>O values of basalts (-7. 1 to +8.4), Mesozoic shales (-0.6 to + 12.4), and Precambrian sandstones (-6.2 to + 10.8) systematically decrease inward towards the center of the complex. The Cuillin gabbro may have formed from a <sup>18</sup>O-depleted magma (depleted by about 2 per mil); <sup>18</sup>O of plagioclase (-7.1 to + 2.5) and pyroxene (-0.5 to + 3.2) decrease outward toward the margins of the pluton. The Red Hills epigranite plutons have <sup>18</sup>O quartz (-2.7 to + 7.6) and feldspar (-6.7 to + 6.0) that suggest about 3/4 of the exchange took place at subsolidus temperatures; profound disequilibrium quartz-feldspar fractionations (up to 12) are characteristic. The early epigranites were intruded as low-<sup>18</sup>O melts (depletions of up to 3 per mil) with <sup>18</sup>O of the primary, igneous quartz decreasing progressively with time. The Southern Porphyritic Epigranite was apparently intruded as a low-<sup>18</sup>O magma with <sup>18</sup>O -2.6. A good correlation exists between grain size and <sup>18</sup>O for the unique, high-<sup>18</sup>O Beinn an Dubhaich granite which intrudes limestone having a <sup>18</sup>O range of +0.5 to +20.8, and <sup>13</sup>C of -4.9 to -1.0. The D values of sericites (-104 to -107), and amphiboles, chlorites, and biotites (-105 to -128) from the igneous rocks , indicate that Eocene surface waters at Skye had D -90. The average water/rock ratio for the Skye hydrothermal system is approximately one; at least 2000 km<sup>3</sup> of heated meteoric waters were cycled through these rocks.</p> <p>Thus these detailed isotopic studies of two widely separated areas indicate that (1) <sup>18</sup>O-depleted magmas are commonly produced in volcanic terranes invaded by epizonal intrusions; (2) most of the <sup>18</sup>O-depletion in such areas are a result of subsolidus exchange (particularly of feldspars); however correlation of <sup>18</sup>O with grain size is generally preserved only for systems that have undergone relatively minor meteoric hydrothermal exchange; (3) feldspar and calcite are the minerals mos t susceptible to oxygen isotopic exchange, whereas quartz is very resistant to oxygen isotope exchange; biotite, magnetite, and pyroxene have intermediate susceptibilities; and (4) basaltic country rocks are much more permeable to the hydrothermal convective system than shale, sandstone, or the crystalline basement complex.</p>


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Investigacion realizada dentro del Programa de Formacion y Perfeccionamiento de Personal Investigador del Gobierno Vasco (2010-2013).


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Tesis doctoral originalmente defendida en la Universidad de Deusto el 29-09-2000


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1 carta (manuscrita) ; 225x330 mm


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[ES] El anlisis directo de los ajuares ltico y seo que se conservan del yacimiento de San juan, nos induce a plantear una hiptesis principal, segn la cual la ocupacin prehistrica del depsito debi producirse fundamentalmente durante el Aziliense, aunque no puede descartarse un origen anterior, en las ltimas fases del Magdaleniense.


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This series will include all those people who, by means of their contributions, great and small, played a part in the consolidation of ichthyology in Argentina. The general plan of this work consists of individual factsheets containing a list of works by each author, along with reference bibliography and, whenever possible, personal pictures and additional material. The datasheets will be published primarily in chronological order, although this is subject to change by the availability of materials for successive editions. This work represents another approach for the recovery and revalorization of those who set the foundations of Argentine ichthyology while in diverse historical circumstances. I expect this to be the beginning of a major work that achieves the description of such a significant part of the history of natural sciences in Argentina.


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Fecha: 31 de marzo de 1937 / Unidad de nstalacin: Carpeta Rectorado - D-1 / N de pg.: 2 (manuscritas)


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This series will include all those people who, by means of their contributions, great and small, played a part in the consolidation of ichthyology in Argentina. The general plan of this work consists of individual factsheets containing a list of works by each author, along with reference bibliography and, whenever possible, personal pictures and additional material. The datasheets will be published primarily in chronological order, although this is subject to change by the availability of materials for successive editions. This work represents another approach for the recovery and revalorization of those who set the foundations of Argentine ichthyology while in diverse historical circumstances. I expect this to be the beginning of a major work that achieves the description of such a significant part of the history of natural sciences in Argentina.


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Esta serie tiene como finalidad dar a conocer las especies presentes en los diferentes estados provinciales. Tomando como base los trabajos de Lpez et al., (2003); Reis et al., (2003); Liotta (2006) y Ferraris (2007) hemos actualizado el elenco ictiofaunstico en cada territorio provincial, siguiendo la macrosistemtica de Nelson (2006). No se realizan, con excepcin del nombre vulgar y localidad tipo, comentarios ni observaciones sobre las especies sealadas ya que estos se encuentran en la bibliografa adjunta. Se incluyen dos tablas que contienen informacin sobre especies introducidas y de aquellas de presencia dudosa o que requieren confirmacin en el territorio provincial. En este ltimo caso se cita el trabajo que las menciona por primera vez. Consideramos que este modesto aporte contribuir a precisar el conocimiento ictiofaunstico regional ya que adems de la lista de especies, presentamos el marco biogeogrfico e hdrico correspondiente. Por otra parte, entendemos que la participacin de autores involucrados en la regin considerada, le da un verdadero sentido federal a esta contribucin, adems de reforzar vnculos entre los protagonistas de nuestra especialidad. En este nuevo nmero, presentamos la provincia de San Juan que se encuentra enclavada en el centro-oeste de nuestro territorio, limitada por las provincias de La Rioja, Mendoza y San Luis. Se presenta por primera vez una lista exhaustiva de la ictiofauna de la provincia de San Juan basada en la revisin bibliogrfica y de material de referencia de las colecciones Ictiolgicas de la Universidad Nacional de San Juan y del Museo de La Plata. Se citan 21 especies, de las cuales 15 no haban sido mencionadas con anterioridad (Arratia et al., 1983; Mura y Acosta, 1997; Liotta, 2006). Ocho especies han sido introducidas principalmente con fines deportivos. Se menciona la presencia de Percichthys chilensis, lo que constituira el primer registro formal de esta especie ya que Lpez-Arbarello (2004) la menciona para el Ro Tunuyn (Mendoza), sin material de referencia.


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This series will include all those people who, by means of their contributions, great and small, played a part in the consolidation of ichthyology in Argentina. The general plan of this work consists of individual factsheets containing a list of works by each author, along with reference bibliography and, whenever possible, personal pictures and additional material. The datasheets will be published primarily in chronological order, although this is subject to change by the availability of materials for successive editions. This work represents another approach for the recovery and revalorization of those who set the foundations of Argentine ichthyology while in diverse historical circumstances. I expect this to be the beginning of a major work that achieves the description of such a significant part of the history of natural sciences in Argentina.


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A travs de esta serie intentaremos conocer diferentes facetas personales de los integrantes de nuestra comunidad. El cuestionario, adems de su principal objetivo, con sus respuestas quizs nos ayude a encontrar entre nosotros puntos en comn que vayan ms all de nuestros temas de trabajo y sea un aporte a futuros estudios histricos. Esperamos que esta iniciativa pueda ser otro nexo entre los ictilogos de la regin, ya que consideramos que el resultado general trascendera nuestras fronteras.


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Estudos de fundaes de obras de arte, como barragens de concreto-gravidade e barragens de terra, devem contemplar todos os esforos atuantes no macio de fundao, principalmente as tenses e as deformaes esperadas durante todo o processo construtivo e no perodo ps-construtivo. Quando essas estruturas so apoiadas sobre rochas de boa sanidade, a escolha do barramento geralmente favorece a implantao de barragens de concreto. Entretanto, quando os macios de fundao so formados por solos, a opo tcnica geralmente mais bem aceita quanto utilizao de barragens de terra. Em ambos os casos, as anlises de estabilidade e de deformao so desenvolvidas por mtodos analticos bem consolidados na prtica. Nas condies mais adversas de fundao, seja em rochas ou em solos com marcante anisotropia e estruturas reliquiares herdadas da rocha-me, a utilizao de modelos constitutivos anisotrpicos em anlises por elementos finitos propicia simulaes mais realistas dessas feies estruturais, contribuindo para o seu melhor conhecimento. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo demonstrar a utilizao de um modelo constitutivo anisotrpico no estudo da fundao da Barragem San Juan, localizada na Repblica Dominicana, que foi concebida como uma estrutura tipo concreto-gravidade apoiada sobre solos residuais jovens altamente anisotrpicos. Nessa obra, apesar de sua pequena altura, a presena marcante de descontinuidades ensejou um estudo mais detalhado do comportamento tenso-deformao da fundao, levando em conta o levantamento detalhado da atitude das descontinuidades presentes no macio e os resultados de ensaios de resistncia em planos paralelos e normais s descontinuidades. Para a estimativa de deformaes, os respectivos mdulos de Young (Es) foram estimados com base em correlaes com a resistncia penetrao SPT desenvolvidas nesta dissertao, a partir de um estudo estatstico baseado em vrias publicaes disponveis na literatura. As anlises numricas por elementos finitos foram desenvolvidas atravs do programa Plaxis 2D, utilizando-se como modelo constitutivo aquele denominado The Jointed Rock Model, que particularmente recomendado para anlises de estabilidade e deformao de materiais anisotrpicos. Os resultados das anlises numricas foram comparados com as anlises de equilbrio limite elaboradas para o projeto executivo da referida barragem, pelo programa Slope, utilizando o mtodo rigoroso de Morgenstern e Price, que se mostrou conservador. Os resultados das anlises numricas mostraram sua inequvoca versatilidade para a escolha de opes de reforo da fundao, atravs de dentes que objetivavam o aumento das condies de estabilidade da barragem.