999 resultados para Cartographic communication
The overall goal of the REMPLI project is to design and implement a communication infrastructure for distributed data acquisition and remote control operations using the power grid as the communication medium. The primary target application is remote meter reading with high time resolution, where the meters can be energy, heat, gas, or water meters. The users of the system (e.g. utility companies) will benefit from the REMPLI system by gaining more detailed information about how energy is consumed by the end-users. In this context, the power-line communication (PLC) is deployed to cover the distance between utility company’s Private Network and the end user. This document specifies a protocol for real-time PLC, in the framework of the REMPLI project. It mainly comprises the Network Layer and Data Link Layer. The protocol was designed having into consideration the specific aspects of the network: different network typologies (star, tree, ring, multiple paths), dynamic changes in network topology (due to network maintenance, hazards, etc.), communication lines strongly affected by noise.
Although power-line communication (PLC) is not a new technology, its use to support communication with timing requirements is still the focus of ongoing research. Recently, a new infrastructure was presented, intended for communication using power lines from a central location to geographically dispersed nodes using inexpensive devices. This new infrastructure uses a two-level hierarchical power-line system, together with an IP-based network. Within this infrastructure, in order to provide end-toend communication through the two levels of the powerline system, it is necessary to fully understand the behaviour of the underlying network layers. The masterslave behaviour of the PLC MAC, together with the inherent dynamic topology of power-line networks are important issues that must be fully characterised. Therefore, in this paper we present a simulation model which is being used to study and characterise the behaviour of power-line communication.
Modern factories are complex systems where advances in networking and information technologies are opening new ways towards higher efficiency. Such move is being driven by market rules with ever-increasing competition levels, in search for faster time-to-market, improved process yield, non-stop operations, flexible manufacturing and tighter supply-chain coupling. All these aims present a common requirement, i.e. a realtime flow of information, from the plant-floor up to the management, maintenance, suppliers and clients, to support accurate monitoring and control of the factory. This stresses the importance achieved by the communication infrastructure in modern manufacturing industry. This paper presents the authors view concerning the current trends in modern factory communication systems. It addresses the problems of seamlessly integrating different information flows with diverse requirements, mainly in terms of timeliness. In this aspect, the debate between event-triggered and time-triggered communication is revisited as well as the joint support for both types of traffic. Finally, a view of where factory communication systems are moving to is also presented, showing the impact of open and widely available technologies.
CIDER - envisaging a COTS communication infrastructure for evolutionary dependable real-time systems
It is foreseen that future dependable real-time systems will also have to meet flexibility, adaptability and reconfigurability requirements. Considering the distributed nature of these computing systems, a communication infrastructure that permits to fulfil all those requirements is thus of major importance. Although Ethernet has been used primarily as an information network, there is a strong belief that some very recent technological advances will enable its use in dependable applications with real-time requirements. Indeed, several recently standardised mechanisms associated with Switched-Ethernet seem to be promising to enable communication infrastructures to support hard real-time, reliability and flexible distributed applications. This paper describes the motivation and the work being developed within the CIDER (Communication Infrastructure for Dependable Evolvable Real-Time Systems) project, which envisages the use of COTS Ethernet as an enabling technology for future dependable real-time systems. It is foreseen that the CIDER approach will constitute a relevant stream of research since it will bring together cutting edge research in the field of real-time and dependable distributed systems and the industrial eagerness to expand Ethernet responsabilities to support dependable real-time applications.
Fieldbus networks aim at the interconnection of field devices such as sensors, actuators and small controllers. Therefore, they are an effective technology upon which Distributed Computer Controlled Systems (DCCS) can be built. DCCS impose strict timeliness requirements to the communication network. In essence, by timeliness requirements we mean that traffic must be sent and received within a bounded interval, otherwise a timing fault is said to occur. P-NET is a multi-master fieldbus standard based on a virtual token passing scheme. In P-NET each master is allowed to transmit only one message per token visit, which means that in the worst-case the communication response time could be derived considering that the token is fully utilised by all stations. However, such analysis can be proved to be quite pessimistic. In this paper we propose a more sophisticated P-NET timing analysis model, which considers the actual token utilisation by different masters. The major contribution of this model is to provide a less pessimistic, and thus more accurate, analysis for the evaluation of the worst-case communication response time in P-NET fieldbus networks.
Although power-line communication (PLC) is not a new technology, its use to support data communication with timing requirements is still the focus of ongoing research. A new infrastructure intended for communication using power lines from a central location to dispersed nodes using inexpensive devices was presented recently. This new infrastructure uses a two-level hierarchical power-line system, together with an IP-based network. Due to the master-slave behaviour of the PLC medium access, together with the inherent dynamic topology of power-line networks, a mechanism to provide end-to-end communication through the two levels of the power-line system must be provided. In this paper we introduce the architecture of the PLC protocol layer that is being implemented for this end.
This paper describes the communication stack of the REMPLI system: a structure using power-lines and IPbased networks for communication, for data acquisition and control of energy distribution and consumption. It is furthermore prepared to use alternative communication media like GSM or analog modem connections. The REMPLI system provides communication service for existing applications, namely automated meter reading, energy billing and domotic applications. The communication stack, consisting of physical, network, transport, and application layer is described as well as the communication services provided by the system. We show how the peculiarities of the power-line communication influence the design of the communication stack, by introducing requirements to efficiently use the limited bandwidth, optimize traffic and implement fair use of the communication medium for the extensive communication partners.
Controller area network (CAN) is a fieldbus network suitable for small-scale distributed computer controlled systems (DCCS), being appropriate for sending and receiving short real-time messages at speeds up to 1 Mbit/sec. Several studies are available on how to guarantee the real-time requirements of CAN messages, providing preruntime schedulability conditions to guarantee the real-time communication requirements of DCCS traffic. Usually, it is considered that CAN guarantees atomic multicast properties by means of its extensive error detection/signaling mechanisms. However, there are some error situations where messages can be delivered in duplicate or delivered only by a subset of the receivers, leading to inconsistencies in the supported applications. In order to prevent such inconsistencies, a middleware for reliable communication in CAN is proposed, taking advantage of CAN synchronous properties to minimize the runtime overhead. Such middleware comprises a set of atomic multicast and consolidation protocols, upon which the reliable communication properties are guaranteed. The related timing analysis demonstrates that, in spite of the extra stack of protocols, the real-time properties of CAN are preserved since the predictability of message transfer is guaranteed.
In this paper, we analyse the ability of P-NET [1] fieldbus to cope with the timing requirements of a Distributed Computer Control System (DCCS), where messages associated to discrete events should be made available within a maximum bound time. The main objective of this work is to analyse how the network access and queueing delays, imposed by P-NET’s virtual token Medium Access Control (MAC) mechanism, affect the realtime behaviour of the supported DCCS.
Secure group communication is a paradigm that primarily designates one-to-many communication security. The proposed works relevant to secure group communication have predominantly considered the whole network as being a single group managed by a central powerful node capable of supporting heavy communication, computation and storage cost. However, a typical Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) may contain several groups, and each one is maintained by a sensor node (the group controller) with constrained resources. Moreover, the previously proposed schemes require a multicast routing support to deliver the rekeying messages. Nevertheless, multicast routing can incur heavy storage and communication overheads in the case of a wireless sensor network. Due to these two major limitations, we have reckoned it necessary to propose a new secure group communication with a lightweight rekeying process. Our proposal overcomes the two limitations mentioned above, and can be applied to a homogeneous WSN with resource-constrained nodes with no need for a multicast routing support. Actually, the analysis and simulation results have clearly demonstrated that our scheme outperforms the previous well-known solutions.
Securing group communication in wireless sensor networks has recently been extensively investigated. Many works have addressed this issue, and they have considered the grouping concept differently. In this paper, we consider a group as being a set of nodes sensing the same data type, and we alternatively propose an efficient secure group communication scheme guaranteeing secure group management and secure group key distribution. The proposed scheme (RiSeG) is based on a logical ring architecture, which permits to alleviate the group controller’s task in updating the group key. The proposed scheme also provides backward and forward secrecy, addresses the node compromise attack, and gives a solution to detect and eliminate the compromised nodes. The security analysis and performance evaluation show that the proposed scheme is secure, highly efficient, and lightweight. A comparison with the logical key hierarchy is preformed to prove the rekeying process efficiency of RiSeG. Finally, we present the implementation details of RiSeG on top of TelosB sensor nodes to demonstrate its feasibility.
"Many-core” systems based on the Network-on- Chip (NoC) architecture have brought into the fore-front various opportunities and challenges for the deployment of real-time systems. Such real-time systems need timing guarantees to be fulfilled. Therefore, calculating upper-bounds on the end-to-end communication delay between system components is of primary interest. In this work, we identify the limitations of an existing approach proposed by [1] and propose different techniques to overcome these limitations.
In this paper, we focus on large-scale and dense Cyber- Physical Systems, and discuss methods that tightly integrate communication and computing with the underlying physical environment. We present Physical Dynamic Priority Dominance ((PD)2) protocol that exemplifies a key mechanism to devise low time-complexity communication protocols for large-scale networked sensor systems. We show that using this mechanism, one can compute aggregate quantities such as the maximum or minimum of sensor readings in a time-complexity that is equivalent to essentially one message exchange. We also illustrate the use of this mechanism in a more complex task of computing the interpolation of smooth as well as non-smooth sensor data in very low timecomplexity.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been attracting increasing interests for developing a new generation of embedded systems with great potential for many applications such as surveillance, environment monitoring, emergency medical response and home automation. However, the communication paradigms in WSNs differ from the ones attributed to traditional wireless networks, triggering the need for new communication protocols. In this context, the recently standardised IEEE 802.15.4 protocol presents some potentially interesting features for deployment in wireless sensor network applications, such as power-efficiency, timeliness guarantees and scalability. Nevertheless, when addressing WSN applications with (soft/hard) timing requirements some inherent paradoxes emerge, such as power-efficiency versus timeliness, triggering the need of engineering solutions for an efficient deployment of IEEE 802.15.4 in WSNs. In this technical report, we will explore the most relevant characteristics of the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol for wireless sensor networks and present the most important challenges regarding time-sensitive WSN applications. We also provide some timing performance and analysis of the IEEE 802.15.4 that unveil some directions for resolving the previously mentioned paradoxes.
The aim of this essay is to discuss the thesis of the German Sociologist Günter Burkhart that in modern societies a phenomenon appeared which he calls “handymania”, an excessive and nearly addictive use of the mobile phones especially from adolescents. After a short overview about the history of the cell phone, I will relate this development to Jürgen Habermas “theory of communicative action”, more precisely to his diagnosis of a pathological society (“lifeworld”) to find out if the “handymania” could be one expression of it. Adjacent I will present social-psychological theories from E.H.Erikson and Tilmann Habermas to ascertain whether juveniles could really be a high-risk group for this kind of addiction. I will focus on the ability to communicate in an Habermasian way that could be seriously harmed by the unregulated usage of cell phones.