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This paper presents a microelectrode voltammetric determination of heterogeneous electron transfer rate constants (k(s)) and diffusion coefficients (D) of 7,7,8',8 '-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) in polyelectrolytes. The diffusion coefficients are estimated using cyclic voltammetry under linear diffusion conditions, and the heterogeneous electron transfer rate constants are obtained under mixed linear and radial diffusion in the polyelectrolyte. k(s) and D increase with increasing temperature, and the activation barriers of the electrode reaction for reduction of TCNQ are obtained. On the other hand, the dependencies of D and k(s) of TCNQ on the size and charge of the counterion are compared in the polyelectrolyte. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The voltammetric behaviour of dye-modified supported bilayer lipid membranes is investigated. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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Supported lipid membranes consisting of self-assembled alkanethiol and lipid monolayers on gold substrates could be produced by three different deposition methods: the Langmuir-Blodgett (L-B) technique, the painted method, and the paint-freeze method, By using cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry/chronocoulometry and a.c. impedance measurements, we demonstrated that lipid membranes prepared by these three deposition methods had obvious differences in specific capacitance, resistance and thickness. The specific capacitance of lipid membranes prepared by depositing an L-B monolayer on the alkanethiol alkylated surfaces was 0.53 mu Fcm(-2), 0.44 mu Fcm(-2) by the painted method and 0.68 mu Fcm(-2) by the paint-freeze method. The specific conductivity of lipid membranes prepared by the L-B method was over three times lower than that of the painted lipid membranes, while that of the paint-freeze method was the lowest. The difference among the three types of lipid membranes was ascribed to the influence of the organic solvent in lipid films and the changes in density of the films. The lipid membranes prepared by the usual painted method contained a trace amount of the organic solvent. The organic solvent existing in the hydrocarbon core of the membrane reduced the density of the membrane and increased the thickness of the membrane. The membrane prepared by depositing an L-B monolayer containing no solvent had higher density and the lowest fluidity, and the thickness of the membrane was smaller. The lipid membrane prepared by the paint-freeze method changed its structure sharply at the lower temperature. The organic solvent was frozen out of the membrane while the density of the membrane increased greatly. All these caused the membrane to exist in a ''tilted'' state and the thickness of this membrane was the smallest. The lipid membrane produced by the paint-freeze method was a membrane not containing organic solvent. This method was easier in manipulation and had better reproducibility than that of the usual painting method and the method of forming free-standing lipid film. The solvent-free membrane had a long lifetime and a higher mechanical stability. This model membrane would be useful in many areas of scientific research.


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Thin film dielectrics based on titanium, zirconium or hafnium oxides are being introduced to increase the permittivity of insulating layers in transistors for micro/nanoelectronics and memory devices. Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is the process of choice for fabricating these films, as it allows for high control of composition and thickness in thin, conformal films which can be deposited on substrates with high aspect-ratio features. The success of this method depends crucially on the chemical properties of the precursor molecules. A successful ALD precursor should be volatile, stable in the gas-phase, but reactive on the substrate and growing surface, leading to inert by-products. In recent years, many different ALD precursors for metal oxides have been developed, but many of them suffer from low thermal stability. Much promise is shown by group 4 metal precursors that contain cyclopentadienyl (Cp = C5H5-xRx) ligands. One of the main advantages of Cp precursors is their thermal stability. In this work ab initio calculations were carried out at the level of density functional theory (DFT) on a range of heteroleptic metallocenes [M(Cp)4-n(L)n], M = Hf/Zr/Ti, L = Me and OMe, in order to find mechanistic reasons for their observed behaviour during ALD. Based on optimized monomer structures, reactivity is analyzed with respect to ligand elimination. The order in which different ligands are eliminated during ALD follows their energetics which was in agreement with experimental measurements. Titanocene-derived precursors, TiCp*(OMe)3, do not yield TiO2 films in atomic layer deposition (ALD) with water, while Ti(OMe)4 does. DFT was used to model the ALD reaction sequence and find the reason for the difference in growth behaviour. Both precursors adsorb initially via hydrogen-bonding. The simulations reveal that the Cp* ligand of TiCp*(OMe)3 lowers the Lewis acidity of the Ti centre and prevents its coordination to surface O (densification) during both of the ALD pulses. Blocking this step hindered further ALD reactions and for that reason no ALD growth is observed from TiCp*(OMe)3 and water. The thermal stability in the gas phase of Ti, Zr and Hf precursors that contain cyclopentadienyl ligands was also considered. The reaction that was found using DFT is an intramolecular α-H transfer that produces an alkylidene complex. The analysis shows that thermal stabilities of complexes of the type MCp2(CH3)2 increase down group 4 (M = Ti, Zr and Hf) due to an increase in the HOMO-LUMO band gap of the reactants, which itself increases with the electrophilicity of the metal. The reverse reaction of α-hydrogen abstraction in ZrCp2Me2 is 1,2-addition reaction of a C-H bond to a Zr=C bond. The same mechanism is investigated to determine if it operates for 1,2 addition of the tBu C-H across Hf=N in a corresponding Hf dimer complex. The aim of this work is to understand orbital interactions, how bonds break and how new bonds form, and in what state hydrogen is transferred during the reaction. Calculations reveal two synchronous and concerted electron transfers within a four-membered cyclic transition state in the plane between the cyclopentadienyl rings, one π(M=X)-to-σ(M-C) involving metal d orbitals and the other σ(C-H)-to-σ(X-H) mediating the transfer of neutral H, where X = C or N. The reaction of the hafnium dimer complex with CO that was studied for the purpose of understanding C-H bond activation has another interesting application, namely the cleavage of an N-N bond and resulting N-C bond formation. Analysis of the orbital plots reveals repulsion between the occupied orbitals on CO and the N-N unit where CO approaches along the N-N axis. The repulsions along the N-N axis are minimized by instead forming an asymmetrical intermediate in which CO first coordinates to one Hf and then to N. This breaks the symmetry of the N-N unit and the resultant mixing of MOs allows σ(NN) to be polarized, localizing electrons on the more distant N. This allowed σ(CO) and π(CO) donation to N and back-donation of π*(Hf2N2) to CO. Improved understanding of the chemistry of metal complexes can be gained from atomic-scale modelling and this provides valuable information for the design of new ALD precursors. The information gained from the model decomposition pathway can be additionally used to understand the chemistry of molecules in the ALD process as well as in catalytic systems.


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The extraction of electrode kinetic parameters for electrochemical couples in room-temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) is currently an area of considerable interest. Electrochemists typically measure electrode kinetics in the limits of either transient planar or steady-state convergent diffusion for which the voltammetic response is well understood. In this paper we develop a general method allowing the extraction of this kinetic data in the region where the diffusion is intermediate between the planar and convergent limits, such as is often encountered in RTILs using microelectrode voltammetry. A general working surface is derived, allowing the inference of Butler-Volmer standard electrochemical rate constants for the peak-to-peak potential separation in a cyclic voltammogram as a function of voltage scan rate. The method is applied to the case of the ferrocene/ferrocenium couple in [C(2)mim][N(Tf)(2)] and [C(4)mim][N(Tf)(2)].


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The comparative study of the voltammetry of H[NTf2], HCl and H[AuCl4] in [C(4)mim][NTf2] has provided an insight into the influence of protons on the reduction of [AuCl4](-) at Au, Pt or glassy carbon (GC) electrodes, and has allowed the identification of an unprecedented proton-induced electroless deposition of Au on relatively inert GC surfaces. For the first time, clear evidence of the quantitative formation of [HCl2](-) has been obtained in HCl/[C(4)mim][NTf2] mixtures, and the electrochemical behavior of these mixtures analyzed. In particular, a significant shift of the dissociation equilibrium toward the formation of chloride and the solvated proton (H-IL(+)), following electrochemical reduction of H-IL(+) has been observed in the time-scale of the experiments.


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The effects of such solutes such as halides and water on the physical properties of room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) have been extensively studied, This work examines the effect of the solute carbon dioxide on the RTIL 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethane-sulfonyl)imide ([C(2)mim][NTf2]) and its influence on the electrochemical characterization of the important redox couple ferrocene/ferrocenium (Fc/Fc(+)). The system was studied using cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, and electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. Addition Of 100% CO2 to a solution of Fc in [C(2)mim][NTf2] resulted in a substantial increase in both the limiting oxidative current and diffusion coefficient of Fc. Arrhenius plots of Fc diffusion coefficients in the pure and CO2-saturated ionic liquid revealed a decrease in activation energy of translational diffusion from 29.0 (+/- 0.5) kJ mol(-1) to 14.7 (+/- 1.6) kJ mol(-1), suggesting a reduction in the viscosity of the ionic liquid with addition Of CO2. ESR spectroscopy was then used to calculate the rotational correlation coefficients of a probe molecule, 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperinyloxyl (TEMPO), to add supporting evidence to this hypothesis. Arrhenius plots of rotational correlation coefficients in the pure and CO2-saturated ionic liquid resulted in a similar drop in activation energy from 28.7 (+/- 2.1) kJ mol(-1) to 18.2 (+/- 5.6) kJ mol(-1). The effect of this solute on the ionic liquid [C(2)mim][NTf2] and on the electrochemical measurements of the Fc/Fc(+) couple emphasizes the necessity of fastidious sample preparation, as it is clear that the voltammetric currents of the electroactive species under study are influenced by the presence of CO2 in solution. The voltammetric response of the electroactive species in RTILs cannot be assumed to be independent of other solutes.


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The use of anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV)has been proven in the past to be a precise and sensitive analytical method with an excellent limit of detection. Electrochemical sensors could help to avoid expensive and time consuming procedures as sample taking and storage and provide a both sensitive and reliable method for the direct monitoring of heavy metals in the aquatic environment. Solid electrodes which have been used in this work, were produced using previously developed methods. Commercially available and newly designed, screen printed carbon and gold plated working electrodes (WE) were compared. Good results were achieved with the screen printed and plated electrodes under conditions optimized for each electrode material. The electrode stability, reproducibility of single measurements and the limit of detection obtained for Pb were satisfactory (3*10-6mol/l on screen printed carbon WEs after 60 s of deposition and 6*10-6 mol/l on gold plated WEs after 5 min of deposition). Complete 3-electrode-sets (counter, reference and working electrode) were screen printed on different substrates (glass, polycarbonate and alumina). Also here, both carbon and gold were used as WE. Using 3-electrode-sets with a gold plated WE on glass was a limit of detection of 7*10-7 mol/l was achieved after only 60 s of deposition.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivos a produção, caracterização e aplicação de microelétrodos (MEs) de diamante como sensores amperométricos e potenciométricos em sistemas de corrosão nos quais a agressividade do meio e a presença de produtos de corrosão, constituem obstáculos que podem diminuir o desempenho, ou inviabilizar a utilização, de outros tipos de sensores. Os microeléctrodos são baseados em filmes finos de diamante dopado com boro (BDD – Boron Doped Diamond) depositados sobre fios de tungsténio afiados, através do método de deposição química a partir da fase vapor, assistida por filamento quente (HFCVD – Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition). A otimização das diversas etapas de fabricação dos MEs deu origem ao desenvolvimento de um novo sistema de afiamento eletroquímico para obtenção destes fios e a várias opções para a obtenção dos filmes de diamante condutor e seu isolamento com resinas para exposição apenas da ponta cilíndrica. A qualidade cristalina dos filmes de diamante foi avaliada por espectroscopia de Raman. Esta informação foi complementada com uma caracterização microestrutural dos filmes de diamante por microscopia eletrónica de varrimento (SEM), em que se fez a identificação da tipologia dos cristais como pertencendo às gamas de diamante nanocristalino ou microcristalino. Os filmes de BDD foram utilizados na sua forma não modificada, com terminações em hidrogénio e também com modificação da superfície através de tratamentos de plasma RF de CF4 e O2 indutores de terminações C-F no primeiro caso e de grupos C=O, C-O-C e C-OH no segundo, tal como determinado por XPS. A caracterização eletroquímica dos MEs não modificados revelou uma resposta voltamétrica com elevada razão sinal/ruído e baixa corrente capacitiva, numa gama de polarização quasi-ideal com extensão de 3 V a 4 V, dependente dos parâmetros de crescimento e pós-tratamentos de superfície. Estudou-se a reversibilidade de algumas reações heterogéneas com os pares redox Fe(CN)6 3-/4- e FcOH0/+ e verificou-se que a constante cinética, k0, é mais elevada em elétrodos com terminações em hidrogénio, nos quais não se procedeu a qualquer modificação da superfície. Estes MEs não modificados foram também testados na deteção de Zn2+ onde se observou, por voltametria cíclica, que a detecção da redução deste ião é linear numa escala log-log na gama de 10-5-10-2 M em 5 mM NaCl. Realizaram-se também estudos em sistemas de corrosão modelares, em que os microeléctrodos foram usados como sensores amperométricos para mapear a distribuição de oxigénio e Zn2+ sobre um par galvânico Zn-Fe, com recurso a um sistema SVET (Scanning Vibrating Electrode Technique). Foi possível detetar, com resolução lateral de 100 μm, um decréscimo da concentração de O2 junto a ambos os metais e produção de catiões de zinco no ânodo. Contudo verificou-se uma significativa deposição de zinco metálico na superfície dos ME utilizados. Os MEs com superfície modificada por plasma de CF4 foram testados como sensores de oxigénio dissolvido. A calibração dos microeléctrodos foi efetuada simultaneamente por voltametria cíclica e medição óptica através de um sensor de oxigénio comercial. Determinou-se uma sensibilidade de ~0.1422 nA/μM, com um limite de deteção de 0.63 μM. Os MEs modificados com CF4 foram também testados como sensores amperométricos com os quais se observou sensibilidade ao oxigénio dissolvido em solução, tendo sido igualmente utilizados durante a corrosão galvânica de pares Zn-Fe. Em alguns casos foi conseguida sensibilidade ao ião Zn2+ sem que o efeito da contaminação superficial com zinco metálico se fizesse sentir. Os microeléctrodos tratados em plasma de CF4 permitem uma boa deteção da distribuição de oxigénio, exibindo uma resposta mais rápida que os não tratados além de maior estabilidade de medição e durabilidade. Nos MEs em que a superfície foi modificada com plasma de O2 foi possível detetar, por cronopotenciometria a corrente nula, uma sensibilidade ao pH de ~51 mV/pH numa gama de pH 2 a pH 12. Este comportamento foi associado à contribuição determinante de grupos C-O e C=O, observados por XPS com uma razão O/C de 0,16. Estes MEs foram igualmente testados durante a corrosão galvânica do par Zn-Fe onde foi possível mapear a distribuição de pH associada ao desenvolvimento de regiões alcalinas causadas pela redução do oxigénio, acima da região catódica, e de regiões ácidas decorrentes da dissolução anódica do ânodo de zinco. Com o par galvânico imerso em 50 mM NaCl registou-se uma variação de pH aproximadamente entre 4,8 acima do ânodo de zinco a 9,3 sobre o cátodo de ferro. A utilização pioneira destes MEs como sensores de pH é uma alternativa promissora aos elétrodos baseados em membranas seletivas.


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Dipyrromethene-Cu(II) derivatives possessing two dodecane alkyl chains have been used for the modification of gold electrodes. Electroactive host molecules have been incorporated into a lipophilic dodecanethiol SAM deposited onto gold electrodes through hydrophobic and van der Waals interactions (embedment technique). The presence of dipyrromethene-Cu(II) redox centers on the electrode surface was proved by cyclic voltammetry and Osteryoung square-wave voltammetry. The Au electrodes incorporating redox active Cu(II)-dipyrromethene SAMs were used for the direct voltammetric determination of paracetamol in human plasma.


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A metalloporphyrin incorporated carbon paste sensor has been developed for the determination of metronidazole benzoate (MTZB). Zn(II) complex of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis (3-methoxy-4-hydroxy phenyl) porphyrin (TMHPP) was used as the active material. The MTZB gave a well-defined reduction peak at - 0.713V in 0.1 mol l -1 phosphate buffer solution of pH around 7. Compared with bare carbon paste electrode (CPE), the TMHPP Zn(II) modified electrode significantly enhanced the reduction peak current of MTZB as well as lowered its reduction potential. Under optimum conditions the reduction peak current was proportional to MTZB concentration over the range 1×10-3 mol1-1 to 1×10-5mol1-1. The detection limit was found to be 4.36×10-6mol1-1 . This sensor has been successfully applied for the determination of MTZB in pharmaceutical formulations and urine samples.


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Fabrication of a thin praseodymium oxide film is of great technological interest in sensor, semiconducting, and ceramic industries. It is shown for the first time that an ultrathin layer of praseodymium oxide can be deposited on tin-doped indium oxide surface (ITO) by applying a negative sweeping voltage (cathodic electrodeposition) to the aqueous solution containing Pr(NO3)(3) and H2O2 using cyclic voltammetry, followed by annealing the film at 500 S C for 1 h. X-ray diffraction suggested that the predominant phase of the film is Pr6O11 and atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy characterizations indicated that this film is assembled with a monolayer coverage of spherical praseodymium oxide nanoparticles packed closely on the ITO surface. AC impedance measurements of the thin Pr6O11 film on ITO also revealed that the composite material displays a much higher electrical conductivity compared to the pure ITO. As a result, the material could suitably be used as a new chemical sensor. (c) 2006 The Electrochemical Society.


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The present work describes the synthesis of platinum nanoparticles followed by their electrophoretic deposition onto transparent fluorine-doped tin oxide electrodes. The nano-Pt-modified electrodes were characterized by voltammetric studies in acidic solutions showing a great electrocatalytic behavior towards H(+) reduction being very interesting for fuel cell applications. Morphological characterization was performed by atomic force microscopy on different modified electrodes showing a very rough surface which can be tuned by means of time of deposition. Also, nickel hydroxide thin films were galvanostatically grown onto these electrodes showing an interesting electrochemical behavior as sharper peaks, indicating a faster ionic exchange from the electrolyte to the film.


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The deposition and characterization of Se films doped with Pb underpotentially deposited (UPD) ad-atoms was studied in this work. The employed experimental techniques were cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, UV-vis spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. The initial deposition of Se film by chronoamperometry yielded a thin film composed of approximately 700 layers. The Pb UPD on Se was achieved by chronoamperometry in a potential value previously determined in voltammetric experiments. This deposition yielded a deposition charge of approximately 7.5% of the total one. The film resistance altered from 320 Omega cm(2) for Se to 65 Omega cm(2) for the Se/Pb one. Flat band potential values and number of acceptors and donors were also calculated for both films and the values obtained were + 0.95 and -0.51 V for Se and Se/Pb, respectively. The Se coating presented 1.2 x 10(17) cm(3) acceptors while the Se/Pb one presented 3.2 x 10(17) cm(3) donors. The band gap values for both films were 2.4 eV and 1.9 eV, correspondingly. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present in this work a comprehensive investigation of the role played by dissolved tetrafluoroboric acid on the electrochemical response of a polycrystalline platinum electrode in acidic media. HBF(4) from two different suppliers was employed and characterized in terms of the amount of arsenic contamination by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectroscopy. The effect of different amounts of HBF(4) on the voltammetric profile of the Pt vertical bar HClO(4)(aq) interface was investigated by means of electrochemical quartz crystal nanobalance (EQCN). Despite the comparable cyclic voltammograms, the presence of arsenic in one of the two HBF(4) used resulted in dramatic variations in the mass change profile, which evidences the deposition/dissolution of arsenic prior to the surface oxidation. For the arsenic-free HBF(4), its effect on the mass change profile was mainly associated to anion adsorption. The impact of dissolved HBF(4) on the electro-oxidation of formic acid was rationalized in terms of two contributions: current enhancement at low potentials due to the arsenic-assisted formic acid electro-oxidation and inhibition at high potentials due to anion adsorption. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.