954 resultados para Bursaphelenchus Fuchs


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Process-Aware Information Systems (PAIS) support organizations in managing and automating their processes. A full automation of processes is in particular industries, such as service-oriented markets, not practicable. The integration of humans in PAIS is necessary to manage and perform processes that require human capabilities, judg- ments and decisions. A challenge of interdisciplinary PAIS research is to provide concepts and solutions that support human integration in PAIS and human orientation of PAIS in a way that provably increase the PAIS users' satisfaction and motivation with working with the Human-Centric Process Aware Information System (HC-PAIS) and consequently in uence users' performance of tasks. This work is an initial step of research that aims at providing a definition of Human-Centric Process Aware Information Systems (HC-PAIS) and future research challenges of HC-PAIS. Results of focus group research are presented.


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Vom Oderhochwasser über Hurricane Sandy bis zum Tsunami und Reaktormeltdown an der japanischen Ostküste: die letzten Jahre waren leider reich an Naturkatastrophen und anderen Krisensituationen, welche Hunderttausende von Menschen betroffen haben. Abgesehen davon, daß viele dieser Krisen auch die ersten Auswirkungen des Klimawandels greifbar gemacht haben, verdeutlichen sie auch eine andere, ebenfalls nicht unwichtige Form des Wandels: die graduelle Umgestaltung der Medienlandschaft, in der herkömmliche Massenmedien vermehrt durch soziale Medien wie Facebook oder Twitter ergänzt und teilweise vielleicht sogar ersetzt werden.


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Although integrated marketing communication (IMC) has progressed towards midrange maturity level, its full-scale adoption has been impeded by a lack of consensus on its defining constructs. The purpose of this study is to move from abstraction to define the construct of strategic integration (SI) and develop this into a management tool, thus making an important contribution to both the theory and practice of IMC. Drawing from both IMC and strategic management literature, the construct of SI is operationalised into a number of key factors and a well-cited management model, Fuchs’ ‘integration valuator’ is explored as the starting point of a measurement tool for IMC. To do this, a Delphi study invites the scrutiny of an expert panel of world-leading IMC researchers and practitioners. The panel validated the model construction process,redefined overarching constructs and key factors with a high degree of consensus, supported a process measure, suggested a weighted evaluation measure and recognised the importance of developing such a measure. They delivered clear and consistent imperatives guiding model development. The result is a measure of SI that evaluates organisational proficiency and diagnoses the integration of IMC campaigns. It also advances theory by providing a better understanding of the construct of SI.


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Accurate process model elicitation continues to be a time consuming task, requiring skill on the part of the interviewer to extract explicit and tacit process information from the interviewee. Many errors occur in this elicitation stage that would be avoided by better activity recall, more consistent specification methods and greater engagement in the elicitation process by interviewees. Theories of situated cognition indicate that interactive 3D representations of real work environments engage and prime the cognitive state of the viewer. In this paper, our major contribution is to augment a previous process elicitation methodology with virtual world context metadata, drawn from a 3D simulation of the workplace. We present a conceptual and formal approach for representing this contextual metadata, integrated into a process similarity measure that provides hints for the business analyst to use in later modelling steps. Finally, we conclude with examples from two use cases to illustrate the potential abilities of this approach.


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Theranostics offers an improved treatment strategy for prostate cancer by facilitating simultaneous targeting of tumour cells with subsequent drug delivery and imaging. In this report we describe the synthesis of hyperbranched polymers that are biocompatible, can specifically target and be internalised by prostate cancer cells (through targeting of prostate-specific membrane antigen – PSMA) and ultimately facilitate controlled delivery of a model drug. The theranostic also incorporates a far-red fluorescent dye that allows tracking of the polymer via optical imaging. Controlled synthesis of the polymer is achieved via reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer polymerisation of polyethylene glycol monomethyl methacrylate, with ethylene glycol dimethacrylate as the branching agent. Incorporation of 20 mol% of an hydrazide-methacrylate monomer allows post-ligation of a model drug, fluorene-2-carboxaldehyde, through a hydrolytically-degradable hydrazone linkage. The rate of degradation of this particular linker was enhanced at endosomal pH (pH = 5.5) where [similar]95% of the model drug was released in 4 hours compared to less than 5% released over the same period at physiological pH. The theranostic showed high uptake into prostate cancer cells expressing prostate-specific membrane antigen, while minimal uptake was observed in PC3 cells negative for PSMA, highlighting the enhanced efficacy of the targeting ligand.


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Anti-cancer drug loaded-nanoparticles (NPs) or encapsulation of NPs in colon-targeted delivery systems shows potential for increasing the local drug concentration in the colon leading to improved treatment of colorectal cancer. To investigate the potential of the NP-based strategies for colon-specific delivery, two formulations, free Eudragit® NPs and enteric-coated NP-loaded chitosan–hypromellose microcapsules (MCs) were fluorescently-labelled and their tissue distribution in mice after oral administration was monitored by multispectral small animal imaging. The free NPs showed a shorter transit time throughout the mouse digestive tract than the MCs, with extensive excretion of NPs in faeces at 5 h. Conversely, the MCs showed complete NP release in the lower region of the mouse small intestine at 8 h post-administration. Overall, the encapsulation of NPs in MCs resulted in a higher colonic NP intensity from 8 h to 24 h post-administration compared to the free NPs, due to a NP ‘guarding’ effect of MCs during their transit along mouse gastrointestinal tract which decreased NP excretion in faeces. These imaging data revealed that this widely-utilised colon-targeting MC formulation lacked site-precision for releasing its NP load in the colon, but the increased residence time of the NPs in the lower gastrointestinal tract suggests that it is still useful for localised release of chemotherapeutics, compared to NP administration alone. In addition, both formulations resided in the stomach of mice at considerable concentrations over 24 h. Thus, adhesion of NP- or MC-based oral delivery systems to gastric mucosa may be problematic for colon-specific delivery of the cargo to the colon and should be carefully investigated for a full evaluation of particulate delivery systems.


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The Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (JPGN) has been at the forefront of many of the seminal advances into research on infectious diarrhea. In 1982, the first article of the JPGN was entitled “Oral Therapy for Dehydration in Diarrheal Diseases as a Global Problem” and has set the scene for several thousand subsequent articles. In his initial editorial, Finberg (1) posed several questions, which still have relevance 30 years later: 1. When is oral rehydration not appropriate, if ever? 2. What should be the composition of the oral solution and should there be more than one? 3. Should recommended practice be different in lesser-developed countries from those in developed countries? 4. Should the salts and glucose be prepackaged or should home supplies be used by instructed mothers? 5. When should standard feedings be resumed?


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Targeted nanomedicines offer a strategy for greatly enhancing accumulation of a therapeutic within a specific tissue in animals. In this study, we report on the comparative targeting efficiency toward prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) of a number of different ligands that are covalently attached by the same chemistry to a polymeric nanocarrier. The targeting ligands included a small molecule (glutamate urea), a peptide ligand, and a monoclonal antibody (J591). A hyperbranched polymer (HBP) was utilized as the nanocarrier and contained a fluorophore for tracking/analysis, whereas the pendant functional chain-ends provided a handle for ligand conjugation. Targeting efficiency of each ligand was assessed in vitro using flow cytometry and confocal microscopy to compare degree of binding and internalization of the HBPs by human prostate cancer (PCa) cell lines with different PSMA expression status (PC3-PIP (PSMA+) and PC3-FLU (PSMA−). The peptide ligand was further investigated in vivo, in which BALB/c nude mice bearing subcutaneous PC3-PIP and PC3-FLU PCa tumors were injected intravenously with the HBP-peptide conjugate and assessed by fluorescence imaging. Enhanced accumulation in the tumor tissue of PC3-PIP compared to PC3-FLU highlighted the applicability of this system as a future imaging and therapeutic delivery vehicle.


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High-speed evaluation of a large number of linear, quadratic, and cubic expressions is very important for the modeling and real-time display of objects in computer graphics. Using VLSI techniques, chips called pixel planes have actually been built by H. Fuchs and his group to evaluate linear expressions. In this paper, we describe a topological variant of Fuchs' pixel planes which can evaluate linear, quadratic, cubic, and higher-order polynomials. In our design, we make use of local interconnections only, i.e., interconnections between neighboring processing cells. This leads to the concept of tiling the processing cells for VLSI implementation.


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Defending a large social insect colony containing several thousands of workers requires the simultaneous action of many individuals. Ideally this action involves communication between the workers, enabling coordinated action and a fast response. The Asian dwarf honeybee, Apis florea, is a small honeybee with an open nesting habit and a comparatively small colony size, features that leave them particularly exposed to predators. We describe here a novel defence response of these bees in which the emission of an initial warning signal from one individual (“piping”) is followed 0.3 to 0.7 seconds later by a general response from a large number of bees (“hissing”). Piping is audible to the human ear, with a fundamental frequency of 384 ± 31Hz and lasting for 0.82 ± 0.35 seconds. Hissing is a broad band, noisy signal, clearly audible to the human observer and produced by slight but visible movements of the bees' wings. Hissing begins in individuals close to the piping bee, spreads rapidly to neighbours and results in an impressive coordinated crescendo occasionally involving the entire colony. Piping and hissing are accompanied by a marked decrease, or even cessation, of worker activities such as forager dancing and departures from the colony. We show that whereas hissing of the colony can be elicited without piping, the sequential and correlated piping and hissing response is specific to the presence of potential predators close to the colony. We suggest that the combined audio-visual effect of the hissing might deter small predators, while the cessation of flight activity could decrease the risk of predation by birds and insects which prey selectively on flying bees.


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Resumen: El Centro para la Protección Infantil ha sido fundado en cooperación con el Instituto de Psicología de la Universidad Gregoriana (Roma, Italia), el Departamento para la Psiquiatría/Psicoterapia Infantil y Adolescente del Hospital de la Universidad de Ulm (Alemania) y la Arquidiócesis de Múnich (Alemania). Su tarea principal es la creación de un centro global de entrenamiento e-learning para profesiones de pastoral que respondan al abuso sexual de los menores, tomando en consideración asuntos multilingüísticos e interculturales. Dentro de tres años el Centro desarrollado e implementado un programa e-learning en cuatro lenguas. Ocho socios del proyecto internacional asumen un papel en el reclutamiento de participantes y en la evaluación en curso del programa. En esta fase, personas-test son incluidas en el desarrollo y la evaluación del programa, como parte de la formación (en curso) de sacerdotes y de otros coagentes de pastoral


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为了减少空间碎片的产生,星箭分离后,需要在轨排放火箭末级贮箱内的剩余推进剂.分析表明,排放条件下的推进剂射流进入太空后,立即失稳破碎为大量液滴;液滴在高真空环境下扩散,它们的表面不断有气体分子蒸发,逐渐在箭体周围形成了一个由液滴和蒸气分子组成的羽流场.采取Lagrange方法追踪该流场中每个液滴的运动轨迹以及表面蒸发冷凝过程,利用直接模拟Monte Carlo方法计算蒸气分子的运动和碰撞,然后通过微观量的统计平均获得感兴趣的宏观流场、箭体表面的压力和剪应力分布等.为了检验稀薄蒸气算法、模型和程序,模拟了真空水射流周围水蒸气羽流场,获得的径向Pitot压力分布与Fuchs和Legge的实验数据的符合.在此基础上,分别模拟了CZ-4B火箭末级剩余燃料偏二甲肼在不同排放方式下的三维稀薄蒸气与液滴羽流场.计算表明:原排放方式的扰动力矩相当大,超出了火箭姿控范围,新排放方式的扰动力矩很小,处于火箭姿控范围之内.这些预测得到了飞行遥测数据的支持.