1000 resultados para Buracos-negros (Astronomia)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Física - IFT
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Black fungi are able to adapt to extreme environmental conditions, such as: high temperatures, the presence of toxic chemical substances and lack of nutrients. Besides, they are also potential pathogens to humans. The natural environment of many black fungi is still unknown and some studies are being conducted to evaluate the biodiversity of this group and their different habitats. This study aimed to isolate black fungi in domestic environments and facilities, such as toothbrushes, fridge sealing rubbers, bathroom strainers and divisions, windows, wall tiles and bath sponge. For the collection, material surfaces were scratched with a scalpel and the resulting fragments were sewed in Mycosel agar (DifcoTM), supplemented with actidione to inhibit the growth of highly-sporulating fungi. Plates were incubated at 25ºC for three weeks. The 46 isolated fungi were maintained on MA2% slants at 8ºC and cryopreserved at -80ºC. Fungal identification was performed through the analysis of macro and microscopic features and ITS rDNA sequencing. The following black fungi taxa were found: Ascomycota sp., Cladosporium spp., Dothideomycete sp., Exophiala alcalophila, Ochroconis mirabilis and Rhinocladiella atrovirens. Non-melanized fungi were also found, such as Geosmithia sp., Penicillium sp. and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa. The temperature tests showed that isolated black fungi were not able to grow at 37°C, however, this temperature proved to be fungistatic to 43% of them. According to literature, all black fungi isolated in this study are opportunistic pathogens and additional studies are necessary to evaluate the risk that these micro-organisms offer to health, once they were isolated from domestic environments
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Black fungi are able to adapt to extreme environmental conditions, such as: high temperatures, the presence of toxic chemical substances and lack of nutrients. Besides, they are also potential pathogens to humans. The natural environment of many black fungi is still unknown and some studies are being conducted to evaluate the biodiversity of this group and their different habitats. This study aimed to isolate black fungi in domestic environments and facilities, such as toothbrushes, fridge sealing rubbers, bathroom strainers and divisions, windows, wall tiles and bath sponge. For the collection, material surfaces were scratched with a scalpel and the resulting fragments were sewed in Mycosel agar (DifcoTM), supplemented with actidione to inhibit the growth of highly-sporulating fungi. Plates were incubated at 25ºC for three weeks. The 46 isolated fungi were maintained on MA2% slants at 8ºC and cryopreserved at -80ºC. Fungal identification was performed through the analysis of macro and microscopic features and ITS rDNA sequencing. The following black fungi taxa were found: Ascomycota sp., Cladosporium spp., Dothideomycete sp., Exophiala alcalophila, Ochroconis mirabilis and Rhinocladiella atrovirens. Non-melanized fungi were also found, such as Geosmithia sp., Penicillium sp. and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa. The temperature tests showed that isolated black fungi were not able to grow at 37°C, however, this temperature proved to be fungistatic to 43% of them. According to literature, all black fungi isolated in this study are opportunistic pathogens and additional studies are necessary to evaluate the risk that these micro-organisms offer to health, once they were isolated from domestic environments
Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado. Rama de Artes y Humanidades. Tesis Mención con Doctorado Europeo
Ci sono due luoghi astronomici nella Vita Nova con i quali Dante calcola il tempo in cui si verificano gli episodi principali della storia narrata. Queste nozioni scientifiche contengono implicito un significato astrologico, connesso all’influsso del segno zodiacale dei Gemelli, configurazione astrologica che torna ad ogni anniversario. I Gemelli è il segno zodiacale di Dante, come il poeta afferma nella Commedia: l’invocazione del pellegrino alla costellazione omonima, alla cui influenza egli deve il suo ingegno (Par. XXII, 112-123), riconosce all’astrologia, attraverso il motivo delle qualità personali instillate dagli astri, il compito di esaltare il suo ruolo di poeta divinamente ispirato. L’importanza di questo segno è evidente nella Vita Nova: I Gemelli è probabilmente il segno zodiacale di Beatrice, come il poeta sembra suggerire in VN 1, 3 [II, 2], se si considera il fatto che, al verificarsi del primo incontro tra Dante e Beatrice, la fanciulla non aveva ancora iniziato il suo nono anno di vita («quasi»). Il colore dell’abito di Beatrice, «sanguigno» (VN 1, 4; II, 3), può riferirsi al temperamento della donna, e confermare così la sua appartenenza a quel segno. In seguito, la buona influenza del segno torna in VN 19, 4 [XXIX, 1], il capitolo dedicato alla morte di Beatrice. La donna muore l’8 giugno 1290, così anche la sua morte accade in Gemelli. Tutti gli eventi della Vita Nova sono garantiti dalle stelle, e Dante nel «libello» non fa che esaltare l’importanza dell’azione dei cieli influenti sulla vita umana.
Rafael Azcona como un escritor en imágenes. Contrafiguras de la España oficial durante el franquismo. Ecos de una identidad milenaria.
El presente trabajo se basa en la lectura y análisis de testamentos otorgados por la "gente de color" que habitaba la ciudad de Buenos Aires hacia fines de la época colonial y principios del lapso independiente; esta eficaz fuente, no siempre tenida en cuenta por los investigadores de la institución esclavista, nos ilustra sobre una variedad de aspectos (socio-económicos, demográficos, culturales, religiosos) atinentes al grupo, al punto de convertirse en un venero sumamente fecundo para intentar estudios como el que nos ocupa. A través del mismo se verá que los testadores morenos y pardos, aunque numéricamente representan sólo una parte de la comunidad afroporteña, son aquellos que lograron una mejor adaptación a la sociedad en la cual estaban inmersos, aunque tibiamente integrados, admitiendo sin renuencias las pautas culturales que la misma determinaba.
Fil: Oyarzábal, Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.