953 resultados para Brazil - Political history


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La década de 1950 fue determinante en el establecimiento y póstumo desarrollo del sistema de política exterior de la República Popular China. Al respecto, es de vital importancia realizar un análisis exhaustivo sobre esta primera etapa en donde actores externos a la nación tuvieron un papel determinante. Se busca, entonces, analizar la incidencia que tuvo el discurso de Estados Unidos en la política exterior China a través de un profundo análisis cualitativo que tendrá como base elementos propios de la historiografía. Mediante aproximaciones constructivistas, se pretende demostrar que las creencias pre-existentes de ambos actores (así como la intersubjetividad entre los mismos), determinó la identidad construida a través de la percepción mutua. Lo anterior, impulsó las relaciones predominantemente agresivas entre Estados Unidos y la China Maoísta de principios de la Guerra Fría.


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La revocatoria de mandato es una herramienta de participación política ciudadana en Colombia establecida hace ya más de veinte años. Sin embargo, y a pesar de que ha sido implementada en 146 casos, ningún gobernante ha sido revocado o ratificado por este medio en el país. Este hecho ha motivado varias investigaciones que se han centrado en los problemas operativos, normativos y las dificultades en la implementación de la herramienta. Este trabajo busca ir más allá y centrarse en los efectos políticos y sociales que afectan, de manera positiva o negativa, esta herramienta de participación política ciudadana. Siendo una herramienta que involucra directamente a los ciudadanos con la política local, las acciones que se lleven a cabo durante todo el proceso pueden afectar a la población. Esto se puede afirmar si se tiene en cuenta que la historia política colombiana ha estado permeada por el autoritarismo y el clientelismo, donde actores poderosos a nivel local, pertenecientes a oligopolios políticos, se encuentran legitimados por características históricas para adelantar acciones que afectan la seguridad, tranquilidad e integridad de la población. El análisis involucra tres procesos de revocatoria de mandato en el departamento de Boyacá durante el periodo 2008-2011: Tunja, Samacá y Somondoco; resaltando el papel que cada actor juega en el respectivo proceso de revocatoria, así como sus motivaciones para ser parte de él y las acciones que adelanten para asegurar el éxito o fracaso de esta herramienta. Para ello se utilizó una metodología cualitativa, consistente en monitoreo de medios y entrevistas semiestructuradas a los diferentes actores de los procesos, lo cual permite reconstruir los casos de estudio.


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Admitirão as potências europeias um único estado ibérico? A independência de Portugal e não a da Catalunha, no seio da Península foi fruto de quê? Dos Aliados, da posição geográfica, e de que mais?


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A Espanha contemporânea foi violentamente marcada pela Guerra Civil dos anos 30 do século passado e pelas violências que a acompanharam. Marcas que ainda hoje continuam presentes na memória colectiva e na forma como essa memória contribui para a demarcação de campos políticos e ideológicos.


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Supported by newspaper, collected letters and other documents, this article explores the relationships between politics and religion, taking into account the proposal of “politicized religion” contextually bound to the times of Gabriel García Moreno in Ecuador. It seeks to deepen understanding concerning the use of spirituality, representations and religious institutions for purposes of strengthening the State and its legitimacy of power. At the same time, it goes beyond the limits of this plane in order to advance the construction of a model of a Catholic nation based on an opposition to impiety.


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Around 1930, Argentina was one of the richest, most dynamic and modern countries in Latin America and, at the same time, the only one on the continent that had not separated Church from State. This observation can be summed up and singled out among the many hypotheses during the last decades that have permitted the questioning of the most schematic, linear and teleological reports concerning the secularization process. This article puts forward a report concerning the double process of state and ecclesiastical construction in Argentina in the Nineteenth Century. Its purpose is to suggest keys for understanding said report that permit the comprehension of special features concerning the type of laicism that Argentina adopted at the beginning of the Twentieth Century.


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A thesis presented on the political history of Fiji from cession to Britain in 1874 compares and analyses the country’s four political coups. A military coup occurred in 1987 by Lt. Col Sitiveni Rabuka. Six months later he staged a self-coup. In 2000 George Speight staged an armed civilian coup or putsch, and in 2006 Commodore Frank Bainimarama, head of Fiji’s military forces, overthrew the government of Laisenia Qarase. This paper is an internal comparison of the four coups of which the aim is to examine why coups occur in Fiji. The conclusion is that the level of influence of the country’s traditional paramount chiefs is a strong causal factor in events leading to the political overthrows. Issues such as ethnicity, constitutionalism, democracy, traditionalism, and modernity make the study of the Fiji coups complex. All of the major actors involved have been present or have been somehow linked to each coup. Questions of leadership arise as do issues regarding pluralism and multiculturalism. These issues are discussed in this paper. The end result is that if the question of traditional leadership is not addressed within a democratic framework then Fiji will continue to have coups.


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In the Brazilian political history, the power of the State was always associated to the classes that hold the production means. The state intervention to solve the lacks of the population induced the cooptation of the less favored classes, guaranteeing the continuity of the elites in the power and discouraging initiatives of the bases participation. The citizen participation is one of the analysis dimensions of the public power decision process and it must consist in a key dimension at the identification of solutions for the development. Through the evaluation of a municipal program addressed to the resident population in slums of medium load in Rio de Janeiro - the Programa Favela-Bairro - the study aims to verify, at the present time, if the participation remain an expression of the theoretical speech of the public administration or if it is understood as a social right. It intends to evaluate the mechanisms and the spaces of the communities dialogue with the public municipal managers. The field research consisted of interviews with social actors of the executive and municipal legislative, as well as with members of the organized civil society (inhabitants associations), community leaders and beneficiaries of the program, residents in the slum. The work raises the discussion about the necessary conditions to the public politics produce effective results, in terms of the human satisfaction, and to lead the social subjects to the understanding and learning of the active citizenship and democracy. It also intends to identify an evaluation methodology whose produced knowledge acts in the transformation of the society, reinforcing the critical researcher's paper, whose commitment is to study the reality and to point the roads that lead to the change in the social practice.


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A presente dissertação busca analisar como o Campeonato Brasileiro de Clubes de Futebol – desde sua gênese - está correlacionado com o projeto político do governo militar que chegou ao poder através do golpe civil-militar de 1964. A criação do mesmo está intimamente relacionada à busca de legitimidade do regime, através do crescimento econômico e da formulação de uma intensa propaganda ufanista. A compreensão do cenário político das décadas de 1960 e 1970 é fundamental, uma vez que este tem ligações diretas com as estratégias escolhidas pelos atores envolvidos no processo de criação e consolidação do Campeonato Brasileiro, além de abrir caminhos para questionamentos sobre a relação entre eventos esportivos e seus usos por políticos, já que envolve o entendimento de fenômenos de representação . Com a falência do modelo econômico posto em prática até então, e o consequente início do projeto de distensão, eram necessários novos mecanismos de legitimação do regime, ampliando-se a participação política da população. Nestes dois momentos portanto, – de auge do crescimento econômico e de crise do regime - de forma diferenciada, o Campeonato Nacional pode ser usado para analisar tentativas de cooptação da opinião pública ou mesmo de votos. Como veremos, nem sempre esta tentativa foi bem sucedida.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo central analisar a dinâmica política da capital federal, através da atuação do Conselho Municipal do Distrito Federal, nos anos de 1920. Partindo da ideia de que a década em questão foi assinalada por profundas transformaçõe s e efervescência política, busca - se perceber como o Legislativo carioca operou, politicamente, nos anos em tela. Além de elucidar a relação estabelecida entre os principais poderes municipais no período – os intendentes e os prefeitos – identificamos o co ntexto político - partidário da época; destacamos os principais posicionamentos assumidos pelo Conselho frente determinadas conjunturas - chave da política nacional e lançamos luz sobre a heterogeneidade do Legislativo local nos anos vinte. Para cumprir este propósito esta pesquisa se estrutura a partir dos Anais do Conselho Municipal, do Boletim da Prefeitura, do Regimento Interno do Conselho e da Imprensa carioca, através do jornal Correio da Manhã.


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Este estudo apresenta reflexões a respeito das relações Brasil-Angola no período compreendido entre os anos de 1990 e 2002. Tendo como ponto de partida o estabelecimento (e aprofundamento) das relações bilaterais no período entre os anos de 1975 e 1990, o presente estudo fornece subsídios que orientam o teor do contato Brasília-Luanda no período pós-Guerra Fria. Entre esses subsídios encontram-se os condicionantes internos, que em cada país influíram de modo determinante na sua respectiva atuação externa, aliados ao contexto de reestruturação internacional. Assim, pela relevância da adaptação por que passaram esses contatos bilaterais, o trabalho distingue essas relações entre diretas e indiretas, estas últimas efetivadas pela via multilateral, seja no cenário regional (notadamente na implantação da CPLP e possibilidade de concretização da ZOPACAS), seja no cenário internacional, com a atuação conjunta nas Nações Unidas.


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Brazilian architecture was recognized because of the consecration of the icons of the Carioca and Paulista schools which are represented nationally and internationally by names like Niemeyer, Lucio Costa and Vilanova Artigas, among others. Because of this, classic studies dedicated to the Brazilian case look to present the Southeastern region with the title of father of modern Brazil, at the cost of subjugating various other modern movements and peripheral sayings, whether their values are known or forgotten. On the other hand, there has been an effort, in the sense of registering and analyzing these regional productions of modern Brazilian architecture, an assignment that DOCOMOMO Brasil participates firmly through initiatives like the creation of a Library to aid in the documentation and registration of modernity in Brazil. Inside this context of insertions of the National-Modern scheme, this work has as its objective to present modern potiguar (northern Brazil) architecture through its contemporary residential examples, investigating specifically its constructive, formal aspects, that together that together demonstrate one more architectural emphasis of modern Brazilian architecture: the potiguar. This way, by contributing to the work of the register and the documentation of the Modern Movement and attributing to the modern architecture of Natal it s real worth, we can say: Yes, we have modern architecture


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This study was presented to the Post-Graduation Program in Social Sciences at UFRN as part of the requisites for obtaining the title of Master in Social Sciences. It describes the results of the research From social movements to the institutional functions: the consolidation of a generation . Its main objective is to describe the history of a political generation that emerged from the social movements, in the 80 s, in Sergipe, and that nowadays occupies the main governmental positions in the State s political scenario. As its specific objectives, the research described the emerging of social movements in the 80s in Sergipe; it found in the social movements in Sergipe, in the 80s, the beginning of the history of a new political generation, and described the consolidation of this new political generation in institutional positions as the expression of a new group of power in Sergipe s politics. Among the social movements that gained visibility in that period and that projected their leadership into the political scenario of Sergipe, this study highlights: the students movement, teacher s movement, bank clercks movement, miners movement, and rural workers movement. It utilized as methodology the research in sites, magazines, and the use of testimonies from semi-structured interviews. The main leadership of the five movements that were analyzed is, nowadays, governing the state, administering the capital s city hall, and performing legislative work at the Legislative Assembly of Sergipe, and at the Chamber of City Councilmen of Aracaju. This study described the political history of the main leadership of that generation of militants and organizers of social movements, and of left party groups in Sergipe, highlighting that their consolidation in the political scenario of the State meant the consolidation of a new group of power in Sergipe s politics.