977 resultados para Brassica oleracea var. acephala


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The seedling transplanting ages is a factor of great importance because it can affect the quality and yield of plants if the volume of the cell is not compatible with the phenology of seedlings at time of transplantation. The experiment was conducted at São Manuel Experimental farm, Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas da UNESP, from March to August, 2009. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of seedling age on cabbage production, hybrid Kenzan. The seedlings were grown in polystyrene trays containing 128 cells. Seedings were done every four days and contained the following treatments: 37, 41, 45, 49 and 53 days after sowing (DAS). The experimental design was randomized blocks, with five replications. On transplantation’s day (11/05/2009), the number of leaves, fresh and dry weight and height, were evaluated to the characterization of seedlings. It was observed that the seedling age had no influence on traits at harvest: number of leaves inside and outside of “head”, fresh weight of shoot and “head”, dry mass of shoot and “head” and length of “heart”.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar la actividad tóxica del aceite esencial de laurel (Laurus nobilis L.) y del cineol, monoterpeno cíclico considerado un aleloquímico puro, sobre Brevicoryne brassicae L. en repollo (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.). Las concentraciones de aceite esencial utilizadas fueron: 1; 1,5; 2 y 3%, y para cineol: 0,5; 1,5 y 2,5%, ambas formuladas en solución acuosa con 2% de oleato de polietilenglicol como emulsionante. Se utilizaron dos técnicas de aplicación: papeles impregnados y pulverización directa. A las 24 horas del tratamiento se evaluó el porcentaje de mortalidad. Los resultados se analizaron por ANOVA de dos vías y Test de Tukey. Se encontraron diferencias significativas para los productos evaluados en todas las concentraciones ensayadas. Las técnicas de aplicación no dieron diferencias significativas. La mayor mortalidad correspondió a 52% para el aceite esencial de laurel y 27,5% para cineol a las mayores concentraciones en ambos casos. Se concluye que los productos ensayados podrían ser una herramienta para el Manejo Integrado de Plagas para control de áfidos en cultivos hortícolas.


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Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) is a vernalization-responsive crop. High ambient temperatures delay harvest time. The elucidation of the genetic regulation of floral transition is highly interesting for a precise harvest scheduling and to ensure stable market supply. This study aims at genetic dissection of temperature-dependent curd induction in cauliflower by genome-wide association studies and gene expression analysis. To assess temperature dependent curd induction, two greenhouse trials under distinct temperature regimes were conducted on a diversity panel consisting of 111 cauliflower commercial parent lines, genotyped with 14,385 SNPs. Broad phenotypic variation and high heritability (0.93) were observed for temperature-related curd induction within the cauliflower population. GWA mapping identified a total of 18 QTL localized on chromosomes O1, O2, O3, O4, O6, O8, and O9 for curding time under two distinct temperature regimes. Among those, several QTL are localized within regions of promising candidate flowering genes. Inferring population structure and genetic relatedness among the diversity set assigned three main genetic clusters. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) patterns estimated global LD extent of r(2) = 0.06 and a maximum physical distance of 400 kb for genetic linkage. Transcriptional profiling of flowering genes FLOWERING LOCUS C (BoFLC) and VERNALIZATION 2 (BoVRN2) was performed, showing increased expression levels of BoVRN2 in genotypes with faster curding. However, functional relevance of BoVRN2 and BoFLC2 could not consistently be supported, which probably suggests to act facultative and/or might evidence for BoVRN2/BoFLC-independent mechanisms in temperature regulated floral transition in cauliflower. Genetic insights in temperature-regulated curd induction can underpin genetically informed phenology models and benefit molecular breeding strategies toward the development of thermo-tolerant cultivars.


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Neste trabalho buscou-se identificar as plântulas de cinco taxa do gênero Brassica: B.napus, var. olei fera (colza), B.oleracea var. botrytis (couve-flor), B.oleracea var. capitata (repolho), B.oleroeca var. italica (brócolo) e B. pekinensis (couve-chinesa). Foram elaboradas chaves para adistinção das plântulas nos estágios cotiledonar, da primeira folha e da terceira - quarta folha e feitas as descrições. Foi possível a distinção das taxa por características corno: forma dos cotilédones e pilosidade, forma, bordo, cerosidade e nervação foliar.


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Brassica chinensis var. parachinensis, introduzida no Brasil em 1992, apresenta alto teor de vitamina A e ciclo curto. As sementes foram submetidas a 24 tratamentos em laboratório e 12 em campo, com o objetivo de avaliar o padrão de germinação e o crescimento das plântulas. Em laboratório, as sementes foram indiferentes à luz e mostraram baixa sensibilidade à ação escarificante do hipoclorito de sódio. Ácido giberélico, KNO3, escarificação e estratificação não modificaram sua germinabilidade (96-100%) nem o tempo médio de germinação (1-1,28 dias) em relação ao controle. Em condições de campo os maiores valores de emergência (89,2-96,4%) e os maiores índices de velocidade de emergência (14,2-17,4) ocorreram em solo com adubação mineral, entre 0,5 e 1,5 cm de profundidade. Os menores tempos médios de emergência foram registrados entre 0,5 e 1,5 cm de profundidade (2,90-3,97 dias), com os três adubos testados (mineral, esterco de gado e de galinha). As plântulas se mostraram sensíveis ao hipoclorito de sódio, com redução significativa do hipocótilo e da raiz primária. A estratificação das sementes por 24 horas estimulou o crescimento da raiz primária, o que beneficia o estabelecimento da plântula no solo.


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O conhecimento da dinâmica populacional e da distribuição vertical de insetos pragas em plantas hospedeiras é fundamental para o desenvolvimento de programas de manejo integrado de pragas. No presente trabalho efetuou-se um levantamento populacional de formas ápteras do pulgão Brevicoryne brassicae (L.), visando determinar a época de maior densidade populacional e a distribuição vertical em plantas de couve, (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC.), cultivadas em Jaboticabal, SP. O estudo foi realizado durante as safras de brássicas de 1998 e 1999, efetuando-se correção da acidez do solo por meio de aplicação de calcário apenas no campo utilizado em 1998. A amostragem dos pulgões foi feita visualmente em folhas classificadas em três categorias: apical, mediana e basal. Nas duas safras estudadas, a infestação de B. brassicae na couve atingiu a maior densidade populacional em setembro, diminuindo rapidamente a seguir. Nos dois campos não se observou a mesma distribuição de B. brassicae em folhas apicais, medianas e basais. Os fatores que podem ter contribuído para as diferenças observadas no padrão de distribuição do pulgão devem estar relacionados com a precipitação pluvial e o calcário magnesiano.


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Este estudo visou determinar as exigências térmicas do pulgão Myzus persicae (Sulzer), calcular tabelas de vida de fertilidade, e prever a ocorrência de adultos no campo, por meio de modelo de graus-dia. Os pulgões foram mantidos individualmente em gaiolas fixadas em folhas de couve, Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC, em laboratório, às temperaturas de 15, 20, 23, 25 e 30ºC. O limite térmico inferior de desenvolvimento (Tb) e a constante térmica (K) foram 2,2ºC e 165,6 graus-dia, respectivamente. O modelo de graus-dia previu a ocorrência de adultos de M. persicae para 0 a1 dia antes da data em que eles foram observados no campo. Os parâmetros das tabelas de vida estimados na escala de tempo em graus-dia evidenciaram que as temperaturas de 23°C e 25°C foram as que proporcionaram as melhores condições térmicas para o crescimento populacional de M. persicae. Nessas temperaturas observou-se o maior valor da capacidade inata de aumentar em número (r m = 0,012), o menor valor da duração média da geração (T = 303,8 graus-dia e 272 graus-dia, respectivamente) e o menor tempo necessário para a população duplicar em número de indivíduos (TD = 57,8 graus-dia).


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Experimentos de laboratório e de campo foram realizados de outubro de 1998 a agosto de 1999, visando estimar as exigências térmicas de Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt). Para isso, o desenvolvimento do afídeo foi estudado em condições de laboratório em couve, Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala, usando câmaras climatizadas reguladas a 10, 15, 20, 25 e 30°C, fotofase de 14h e UR de 70±10%. O limite térmico inferior de desenvolvimento de L. erysimi foi de 3,04°C e a constante térmica 132,21 graus-dia. A previsão de ocorrência de adultos no campo foi feita usando-se o método da triangulação; o pico populacional foi previsto para 0-1 dia antes da data em que o mesmo foi observado no campo.


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Estudos relacionados com tabelas de vida são fundamentais para o entendimento da dinâmica populacional de insetos. Neste trabalho, a espécie Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) foi estudada durante a primavera, verão, outono e inverno por meio de tabelas de vida de fertilidade, visando-se avaliar a influência da temperatura sobre sua dinâmica populacional. Para a condução dos experimentos, os pulgões foram mantidos em pequenas gaiolas fixadas em folhas de couve, Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC. Os parâmetros das tabelas de vida, estimados na escala de tempo em graus-dia, evidenciaram que B. brassicae apresentou maior sobrevivência nas condiç ões térmicas de outono e inverno, o mesmo ocorrendo com sua fecundidade quando as fêmeas foram submetidas às temperaturas da primavera. As elevadas temperaturas registradas no verão influenciaram adversamente a dinâmica populacional de B. brassicae, pois afetaram negativamente seu desenvolvimento, sobrevivência, longevidade e reprodução.


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In this study, the aphid Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt) was reared at different temperatures, under laboratory and field conditions, aiming to obtain age-specific life tables. In the laboratory, L. erysimi was fed on kale, Brassica oleracea L. var acephala, and kept in incubators adjusted to 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30°C, 14h photophase and 70±10% RH. The longest mean generation time (T) was observed at 15°C (23.86 days) and the shortest at 30°C (7.18 days), while the smallest net reproductive rate (R0) occurred at 15°C (4.30) and largest one at 25°C (38.29). For the temperatures of 15, 20, 25 and 30°C, the intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) and the finite rate of increase (λ) were 0.06/1.06, 0.24/1.27, 0.28/1.33 and 0.23/1.25, respectively. The doubling time (DT) at 15, 20, 25 and 30°C were 11.55, 2.80, 2.47, and 3.01 days, respectively. Under field conditions, the net reproductive rate (R0) of L. erysimi was larger in the winter (53.50) than in the summer (40.99), the same being observed for the mean generation time (T), which was 13.85 days in the winter and 7.57 days in the summer. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) and the finite rate of increase (λ) were 0.29/1.34 and 0.40/1.63 for winter and summer, respectively. The doubling time (DT) observed for winter (2.39 days) was larger than the one observed for summer (1.41 days). The temperature affects longevity of L. erysimi and the best parameters of life table of fertility under laboratory conditions are obtained at 25°C. The data obtained in field conditions reinforced this finding. The daily fecundity was higher and longevity was smaller in the summer than in the winter, thus increasing the innate capacity of increasing in number and duplicating the population in a shorter period of time.


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Ascia monuste orseis (Godart) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) is a production limiting pest in collard greens, Brassica oleracea (L.) var. acephala, cultivation. Because of the overuse and harmful effects of synthetic insecticides on nontarget species, the use of insect-resistant cultivars can be a valuable strategy in pest control. In this study, newly hatched A. monuste orseis larvae were confined to the leaves of 29 collard greens cultivars under a controlled environment to investigate plant resistance. We evaluated the incubation period, duration of instars, total duration of the immature and pupal phases, the egg to adult life cycle duration, mortality per instar, total weight of fifth instar larvae and pupae (age = 24 h) and larval and pupal survival and eclosion. Antibiosis and/or antixenosis were observed in selected cultivars. The results show that Gigante I-915 (E) exhibited high larval mortality and that the Pires 1 de Campinas cultivar (P) prevented all pupae from proceeding to the adult stage. The Introdu double dagger es do municipio de Arthur Nogueira Z (Y), Cabocla (AA), Japonesa (R) and Manteiga de Mococa (M) cultivars prolonged the larval stage. Japonesa (R) and Introdu double dagger es do municipio de Arthur Nogueira Z (Y) increased the egg to adult developmental period, and the Japonesa (R) cultivar also prolonged the pupal stage. The Verde-escura (O), Crespa de Capo Bonito (I), Couve de folhas Manteiga 900 Legitima P, Alto (AB), Gigante I-915 (E) and Manteiga Ribeiro Pires I-2446 (H) cultivars reduced the larval weight of A. monuste orseis.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV


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The spouted and fluidized bed technologies are usually employed in operations of drying, coating and granulation of particles by the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. The use of these techniques in agronomy is limited to the treatment of some species of seeds. In this work, the objective was to analyse the fluid-dynamics of fluidized and spouted beds when broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. Italica) seeds are used and also to verify the influence on seed germination after 60 min of seed exposition to spouting or fluidization, at room temperature. The fluid-dynamics was defined by the measurements of the bed pressure drop as a function of the air flow rate for different seeds loads. The experimental conditions were based on the physical properties of the seeds and were limited by the apparatus dimensions. The cone-cylindrical bed was constructed in plexyglass to permit flow visualization. The values of the parameters: maximum pressure drop, minimum spouting flow rate and pressure drop, and stable spout pressure drop were experimentally obtained from the fluid-dynamic analysis and were compared with the values calculated by empirical equations found in the literature. The same procedure was carried out with the fluidized bed and the important parameters for this regime were the air velocity and the bed pressure drop at minimum fluidization. The analysis of seed germination indicated that no damage was caused to the seeds by the spout or fluidization processes.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the productive performance of broccoli under different top-dressing organic fertilizations. The experiment was conducted under protected cultivation, in a completely randomized design with four replications, with two plants per experimental unit. Broccoli seedlings were produced in a commercial substrate in styrofoam trays. The seedlings were transplanted to plastic pots containing 10.0 L of substrate made up of subsoil and organic compost at the ratio of 3:1 (v/v), respectively, which is equivalent to about 20.0 t ha-1 of organic compost at planting. After seedling establishment, the top-dressing fertilization treatments were applied: gliricidia biomass associated or not with liquid biofertilizer of cattle manure to the soil and bokashi. Two control treatments were established: one with mineral fertilization recommended for the crop and the other without top-dressing fertilization. The broccoli production was evaluated (commercial standard). Plants that received mineral fertilizer were more productive, however, they were not significantly different (p>0.05), by Dunnet test, from the plants fertilized with 2.5 t ha-1 gliricidiabiomass (dry mass) associated with liquid biofertilizer (2.0 L m-2) applied to soil. Top-dressing fertilizations with only gliricidia, at 2.5 and 5.0 t ha-1 of biomass (dry mass), resulted in no significant increase in production of broccoli inflorescence. The use of bokashi in addition to gliricidia biomass and liquid biofertilizer reduced the efficiency of the fertilization compared with plants that received only gliricidia and liquid biofertilizer.