970 resultados para Black box approach


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This paper presents solutions of the NURISP VVER lattice benchmark using APOLLO2, TRIPOLI4 and COBAYA3 pin-by-pin. The main objective is to validate MOC based calculation schemes for pin-by-pin cross-section generation with APOLLO2 against TRIPOLI4 reference results. A specific objective is to test the APOLLO2 generated cross-sections and interface discontinuity factors in COBAYA3 pin-by-pin calculations with unstructured mesh. The VVER-1000 core consists of large hexagonal assemblies with 2mm inter-assembly water gaps which require the use of unstructured meshes in the pin-by-pin core simulators. The considered 2D benchmark problems include 19-pin clusters, fuel assemblies and 7-assembly clusters. APOLLO2 calculation schemes with the step characteristic method (MOC) and the higher-order Linear Surface MOC have been tested. The comparison of APOLLO2 vs.TRIPOLI4 results shows a very close agreement. The 3D lattice solver in COBAYA3 uses transport corrected multi-group diffusion approximation with interface discontinuity factors of GET or Black Box Homogenization type. The COBAYA3 pin-by-pin results in 2, 4 and 8 energy groups are close to the reference solutions when using side-dependent interface discontinuity factors.


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There are significant levels of concern about the relevance and the difficulty of learning some issues on Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis. Most students of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis in Civil Engineering usually point out some key learning aspects as especially difficult for acquiring specific skills. These key concepts entail comprehension difficulties but ease access and applicability to structural analysis in more advanced subjects. Likewise, some elusive but basic structural concepts, such as flexibility, stiffness or influence lines, are paramount for developing further skills required for advanced structural design: tall buildings, arch-type structures as well as bridges. As new curricular itineraries are currently being implemented, it appears appropriate to devise a repository of interactive web-based applications for training in those basic concepts. That will hopefully train the student to understand the complexity of such concepts, to develop intuitive knowledge on actual structural response and to improve their preparation for exams. In this work, a web-based learning assistant system for influence lines on continuous beams is presented. It consists of a collection of interactive user-friendly applications accessible via Web. It is performed in both Spanish and English languages. Rather than a “black box” system, the procedure involves open interaction with the student, who can simulate and virtually envisage the structural response. Thus, the student is enabled to set the geometric, topologic and mechanic layout of a continuous beam and to change or shift the loading and the support conditions. Simultaneously, the changes in the beam response prompt on the screen, so that the effects of the several issues involved in structural analysis become apparent. The system is performed through a set of web pages which encompasses interactive exercises and problems, written in JavaScript under JQuery and DyGraphs frameworks, given that their efficiency and graphic capabilities are renowned. Students can freely boost their self-study on this subject in order to face their exams more confidently. Besides, this collection is expected to be added to the "Virtual Lab of Continuum Mechanics" of the UPM, launched in 2013 (http://serviciosgate.upm.es/laboratoriosvirtuales/laboratorios/medios-continuos-en-construcci%C3%B3n)


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En paralelo a la superficie cotidiana de la ciudad moderna, discurre otra "ciudad invisible" o "caja negra" tecnológica, que opera, de manera silenciosa e imperceptible, al servicio de los ciudadanos. Paradójicamente, en este espacio invisible, se toman decisiones de la máxima relevancia para la ciudad: en la "caja negra", las ciudades pactan sus relaciones con la naturaleza; a través de ella, se produce la administración y distribución de los recursos que componen su metabolismo urbano. En definitiva, la "caja negra" es el conjunto de las arquitecturas donde se urbaniza la naturaleza, donde ésta pasa a ser ciudad. Y, sin embargo, ha tendido a permanecer invisible. No obstante, en el último tercio del siglo XX, se ha "abierto la caja negra" urbana y lo que era invisible ha dejado de serlo o, al menos, ha alterado su estatuto de visibilidad. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es evaluar las repercusiones arquitectónicas, urbanísticas y ecológicas, que conlleva este reciente fenómeno urbano que, desde hace unas décadas, está teniendo lugar en muchas de las ciudades herederas de las grandes reformas urbanas acometidas en las metrópolis europeas durante el siglo XIX, bajo el paradigma simbólico de un proyecto moderno "prometeico" y emancipador. Para abordar dicho análisis, se pondrán en relación dos parámetros urbanos elementales que han tendido a ser estudiados por separado. Por un lado, la "ecología política urbana", es decir, la red de relaciones socio-ecológicas que acontecen en la ciudad. Por otro lado, la "economía de la visibilidad", es decir, las formas de articular lo visible y lo invisible, en relación a los marcos de gobernanza. La intersección entre la "ecología política urbana" y la "economía de la visibilidad" proporciona un marco de análisis efectivo para comprender el fenómeno de la "apertura de la caja negra" y conlleva un cuestionamiento de algunas nociones dominantes en la teoría urbana y arquitectónica clásicas, como la segregación de la naturaleza, las infraestructuras y la sociedad o como las formas tradicionales de explotación ecológica del medio. Además, ofrece un criterio de análisis privilegiado para la comprensión del proceso de deslegitimación (filosófica, arquitectónica, económica, así como desde perspectivas ecológicas, sociales, de género o queer) de los modelos urbanísticos integrales modernos, herederos de los marcos antropocéntricos del siglo XIX. Por último, proporciona algunas herramientas arquitectónicas para afrontar los desafíos ecosistémicos del siglo XXI. A través del estudio de autores relevantes que han analizado esta problemática para la arquitectura, así como del estudio de casos arquitectónicos que han marcado hitos fundamentales en la consolidación urbana de los procesos asociados a la "caja negra", se concluirá que, en términos ecológicos, la ciudad moderna ha movilizado una "ecología política urbana" basada en fórmulas de sometimiento del entorno, a partir de operaciones arquitectónicas y tecnológicas invisibles. En esta tesis doctoral se estudiará la organización arquitectónica de las arquitecturas de la "caja negra" y se evaluará si el fenómeno de la "apertura de la caja negra" puede ser considerado como un síntoma de la alteración en la "ecología política urbana". 'Abriremos la caja negra" para estudiar cómo se integran en el espacio urbano los dispositivos tecnológicos de escala urbana, toda vez éstos han dejado de ser invisibles. Cómo participan, como un actor más, en la configuración de otros marcos de cohabitación, dentro de la ciudad contemporánea. ABSTRACT An 'invisible city' or technological 'black box' runs parallel to the day-to-day surface of modern cities, remaining silent, unnoticed, at the service of the citizenry. Paradoxically, this invisible space is where some of the most relevant decisions concerning the city are made: the 'black box' is where cities agree on their relationships with nature; it is used to manage and distribute the resources that form its urban metabolism. In short, the 'black box' is the collection of architectures where nature is urbanised, where it becomes a city. And in spite of all this, it has mostly remained invisible. Nevertheless, this urban 'black box' was opened during the last third of the 20th century, so what used to be invisible is invisible no more, or at least the laws governing its visibility have been altered. The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to evaluate the architectural, urban planning and ecological repercussions of this recent urban phenomenon that has been taking place for several decades in many of the cities that followed in the footsteps of the large European metropolises of the 19th century, under the symbolic paradigm of a modern 'prometheic' and emancipating project. This analysis shall be done by juxtaposing two basic urban parameters that in general have been studied separately: frstly the ‘urban political ecology', that is, the network of socio-ecological relationships within the city. Secondly, the 'economy of visibility', that is, the way the visible and invisible spheres are structured in relation with the governance frameworks. The intersection between the 'urban political ecology' and the 'economy of visibility' provides an effective analysis framework to understand the phenomenon of the 'opening of the black box'. It entails calling into question some of the predominant notions in classical urban and architectural theory, such as the segregation of nature, infrastructures and society, or the traditional forms of ecological usage of the environment. It also offers an exceptional analysis criterion to understand the discrediting process (from a philosophical, architectural, economic perspective, but also from the point of view of ecology, society, gender or queerness) of modern all-encompassing urban models that draw from the anthropocentric frameworks of the 19th century. Finally, it provides some architectural tools to tackle 21st-century ecosystemic challenges. The study of relevant authors that have analysed these problems for architecture, as well as the study of milestone architectural cases for the urban consolidation of processes associated to the 'black box', shall serve to reach the conclusion that, in ecological terms, modern cities have mobilised an 'urban political ecology' based on formulas of subjugation of the environment, through invisible architectural and technological operations. This thesis shall present an evaluation of whether the phenomenon of the 'opening of the black box' can be considered a symptom of the alteration of the 'urban political ecology'. We shall 'open the black box' to study the integration of the various urbanscale technological devices within the urban landscape, now that they have ceased to be invisible. We shall see how they participate, like any other actor, in the confguration of other cohabitation frameworks within today's cities.


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This paper presents an online C compiler designed so that students can program their practical assignments in Programming courses. What is really innovative is the self-assessment of the exercises based on black-box tests and train students’ skill to test software. Moreover, this tool lets instructors, not only proposing and classifying practical exercises, but also evaluating automatically the efforts dedicated and the results obtained by the students. The system has been applied to the 1st-year students at the Industrial Engineering specialization at the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. Results show that the students obtained better academic performance, reducing the failure rate in the practical exam considerably with respect to previous years, in addition that an anonymous survey proved that students are satisfied with the system because they get instant feedback about their programs.


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Insight into the dependence of benthic communities on biological and physical processes in nearshore pelagic environments, long considered a “black box,” has eluded ecologists. In rocky intertidal communities at Oregon coastal sites 80 km apart, differences in abundance of sessile invertebrates, herbivores, carnivores, and macrophytes in the low zone were not readily explained by local scale differences in hydrodynamic or physical conditions (wave forces, surge flow, or air temperature during low tide). Field experiments employing predator and herbivore manipulations and prey transplants suggested top-down (predation, grazing) processes varied positively with bottom-up processes (growth of filter-feeders, prey recruitment), but the basis for these differences was unknown. Shore-based sampling revealed that between-site differences were associated with nearshore oceanographic conditions, including phytoplankton concentration and productivity, particulates, and water temperature during upwelling. Further, samples taken at 19 sites along 380 km of coastline suggested that the differences documented between two sites reflect broader scale gradients of phytoplankton concentration. Among several alternative explanations, a coastal hydrodynamics hypothesis, reflecting mesoscale (tens to hundreds of kilometers) variation in the interaction between offshore currents and winds and continental shelf bathymetry, was inferred to be the primary underlying cause. Satellite imagery and offshore chlorophyll-a samples are consistent with the postulated mechanism. Our results suggest that benthic community dynamics can be coupled to pelagic ecosystems by both trophic and transport linkages.


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Questo elaborato di tesi si occupa dell’analisi di sistemi di produzione dell’idrogeno mediante elettrolisi, con un particolare approfondimento sugli elettrolizzatori di tipo PEM. L’elaborato si concentra sullo studio delle fonti rinnovabili non programmabili per la produzione di energia elettrica, con il relativo utilizzo di sistemi di accumulo. Dopo un accurato studio sui vari sistemi di accumulo esistenti viene elaborato un modello al fine di poter effettuare un analisi di tipo black box su varie tipologie di elettrolizzatori PEM presenti sul mercato.


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Nel corso degli anni le fonti rinnovabili e in particolare il fotovoltaico hanno assunto un ruolo sempre più importante nel panorama energetico italiano. Si è effettuata un’analisi della tecnologia fotovoltaica illustrandone il funzionamento, le tipologie di pannelli, il calcolo dell’energia elettrica producibile e le curve caratteristiche. Dal momento che la maggior parte delle rinnovabili presenta il problema della non programmabilità dovuta alla produzione intermittente, è necessario adottare dei sistemi di accumulo. Tali sistemi vengono mostrati, con particolare riguardo per le batterie al piombo acido e per l’idrogeno immagazzinato in idruri metallici, spiegando nel dettaglio l’elettrolisi e gli elettrolizzatori PEM. Dopo questa panoramica iniziale, si è illustrato l’impianto oggetto di questa tesi, composto principalmente da due pannelli fotovoltaici, un simulatore solare, due batterie al Piombo, un elettrolizzatore, un carico e un alimentatore. In seguito viene spiegata l’attività sperimentale, svolta sulle prove di laboratorio ai fini di ottenere le curve di funzionamento dei vari componenti, tramite due approcci diversi: per il sistema atto all’elettrolisi e per tutti i suoi componenti si è usato un modello black-box, per i pannelli fotovoltaici si è usato un approccio fisico-matematico partendo dalle equazioni del simulatore solare applicandovi i dati dei pannelli del laboratorio. Una volta ottenute queste curve, si è creato un modello completo del laboratorio per simularne il funzionamento al variare dell’irraggiamento. Si è testato prima il modello su un’utenza da 3 kW, poi, dopo aver confrontato gli andamenti reali con quelli ottenuti, si sono simulate varie configurazioni per trovare quella che permette al sistema di produrre idrogeno alla potenza nominale di 250 W in una giornata senza supplemento della rete elettrica.


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In vivo infection routes of parasites have remained something of a "black box", in which only snapshot views of fixed tissues are available. Clearly, there exists a strong need for imaging approaches to visualise living parasites within intact organs and animals. In vivo imaging of fluorescent Plasmodium parasites now provides us with exciting insights into the infection process, from the bite of the infected mosquito to the invasion of liver cells, and alternative approaches using luciferase-expressing parasites have been used to monitor their dissemination in mice. This rapidly developing field will go a long way towards deepening our understanding of host-parasite interactions at different levels.


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The pre-erythrocytic (PE) phase of malaria infection, which extends from injection of sporozoites into the skin to the release of the first generation of merozoites, has traditionally been the 'black box' of the Plasmodium life cycle. However, since the advent of parasite transfection technology 13 years ago, our understanding of the PE phase in cellular and molecular terms has dramatically improved. Here, we review and comment on the major developments in the field in the past five years. Progress has been made in many diverse areas, including identifying and characterizing new proteins of interest, imaging parasites in vivo, understanding better the cell biology of hepatocyte infection and developing new vaccines against PE stages of the parasite.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Seven phenolic acids related to the botanical origins of nine monofloral Eucalyptus honeys from Australia, along with two abscisic isomers, have been analyzed. The mean content of total phenolic acids ranges from 2.14 mg/100 g honey of black box (Eucalyptus largiflorens) honey to 10.3 mg/100 g honey of bloodwood (Eucalyptus intermedia) honey, confirming an early finding that species-specific differences of phytochemical compositions occur quantitatively among these Eucalyptus honeys. A common profile of phenolic acids, comprising gallic, chlorogenic, coumaric and caffeic acids, can be found in all the Eucalyptus honeys, which could be floral markers for Australian Eucalyptus honeys. Thus, the analysis of phenolic acids could also be used as an objective method for the authentication of botanical origin of Eucalyptus honeys. Moreover, all the honey samples analyzed in this study contain gallic acid as the main phenolic acid, except for stringybox (Eucalyptus globoidia) honey which has ellagic acid as the main phenolic acid. This result indicates that the species-specific differences can also be found in the honey profiles of phenolic acids. Further-more, the analysis of abscisic acid in honey shows that the content of abscisic acid varies from 0.55 mg/100 g honey of black box honey to 4.68 mg/ 100 g honey of bloodwood honey, corresponding to the contents of phenolic acids measured in these honeys. These results have further revealed that the HPLC analysis of honey phytochemical constituents could be used individually and/or jointly for the authentication of the botanical origins of Australian Eucalyptus honeys. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Automatic signature verification is a well-established and an active area of research with numerous applications such as bank check verification, ATM access, etc. This paper proposes a novel approach to the problem of automatic off-line signature verification and forgery detection. The proposed approach is based on fuzzy modeling that employs the Takagi-Sugeno (TS) model. Signature verification and forgery detection are carried out using angle features extracted from box approach. Each feature corresponds to a fuzzy set. The features are fuzzified by an exponential membership function involved in the TS model, which is modified to include structural parameters. The structural parameters are devised to take account of possible variations due to handwriting styles and to reflect moods. The membership functions constitute weights in the TS model. The optimization of the output of the TS model with respect to the structural parameters yields the solution for the parameters. We have also derived two TS models by considering a rule for each input feature in the first formulation (Multiple rules) and by considering a single rule for all input features in the second formulation. In this work, we have found that TS model with multiple rules is better than TS model with single rule for detecting three types of forgeries; random, skilled and unskilled from a large database of sample signatures in addition to verifying genuine signatures. We have also devised three approaches, viz., an innovative approach and two intuitive approaches using the TS model with multiple rules for improved performance. (C) 2004 Pattern Recognition Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Interpolated data are an important part of the environmental information exchange as many variables can only be measured at situate discrete sampling locations. Spatial interpolation is a complex operation that has traditionally required expert treatment, making automation a serious challenge. This paper presents a few lessons learnt from INTAMAP, a project that is developing an interoperable web processing service (WPS) for the automatic interpolation of environmental data using advanced geostatistics, adopting a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). The “rainbow boxapproach we followed provides access to the functionality at a whole range of different levels. We show here how the integration of open standards, open source and powerful statistical processing capabilities allows us to automate a complex process while offering users a level of access and control that best suits their requirements. This facilitates benchmarking exercises as well as the regular reporting of environmental information without requiring remote users to have specialized skills in geostatistics.


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Whilst a consistent link between the adoption of human resource management (HRM) practices by organisations and their performance has been confirmed by numerous studies, there is a need for greater understanding of why such effects occur. Recently, the attention of researchers has shifted towards understanding the so-called ‘black box’ linking HRM and business performance. This study focuses on this area of research by testing processes through which HRM may affect performance, in particular the process of HR implementation, mediation mechanisms, and fit with internal and external boundary conditions. This research was based on a sample of 136 Post Office branches in the UK and investigated the role of HR implementation, employee attitudes and competitive environment. The study revealed that HR implementation, a climate for service, job satisfaction and effective organisational commitment predicted independent measures of economic and service performance in branches. Employee attitudes moderated the relationship between implemented HRM and service performance, and both job satisfaction and commitment were found to mediate relationships between a climate for service and service performance. Finally, relative levels of competition faced by branches moderated the relationship between employee attitudes and sales. The findings demonstrate how the process of HR implementation, interactions with employee attitudes and moderation by external competition all influence the impact of HR systems on service and economic performance outcomes. These results illustrate the need for greater attention to processes of internal and external fit within HRM research in order to develop theory relating to why HR systems affect performance.


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In this editorial, the authors respond to the 2011 article in the Journal of Management by Becker, Cropanzano, and Sanfey, titled “Organizational Neuroscience: Taking Organizational Theory Inside the Neural Black Box.” More specifically, the authors build on the ideas of Becker et al. first to clarify and extend their work and then to explore the critical philosophical issues involved in drawing inferences from neuroscientific research. They argue that these problems are yet to be solved and that organizational researchers who wish to incorporate neuroscientific advances into their work need to engage with them.