983 resultados para Beta-lactam Antibiotics


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OBJECTIVE: Acute bronchiolitis is a leading cause of infant hospitalization and is most commonly caused by respiratory syncytial virus. Etiological tests are not required for its diagnosis, but the influence of viral screening on the therapeutic approach for acute bronchiolitis remains unclear. METHODS: A historical cohort was performed to assess the impact of viral screening on drug prescriptions. The study included infants up to one year of age who were hospitalized for bronchiolitis. Virus screening was performed using immunofluorescence assays in nasopharyngeal aspirates. The clinical data were obtained from the patients' medical records. Therapeutic changes were considered to be associated with viral screening when made within 24 hours of the release of the results. RESULTS: The frequency of prescriptions for beta agonists, corticosteroids and antibiotics was high at the time of admission and was similar among the 230 patients. The diagnosis of pneumonia and otitis was associated with the introduction of antibiotics but did not influence antibiotics maintenance after the results of the virus screening were obtained. Changes in the prescriptions were more frequent for the respiratory syncytial virus patients compared to patients who had negative viral screening results (p=0.004), especially the discontinuation of antibiotics (p<0.001). The identification of respiratory syncytial virus was associated with the suspension of antibiotics (p=0.003), even after adjusting for confounding variables (p=0.004); however, it did not influence the suspension of beta-agonists or corticosteroids. CONCLUSION: The identification of respiratory syncytial virus in infants with bronchiolitis was independently associated with the discontinuation of antibiotics during hospitalization.


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Il progetto di ricerca di questa tesi è stato focalizzato sulla sintesi di tre classi di molecole: β-lattami, Profeni e α-amminonitrili, utilizzando moderne tecniche di sintesi organica, metodologie ecosostenibili e strategie biocatalitiche. I profeni sono una categoria di antiinfiammatori molto diffusa e in particolare abbiamo sviluppato e ottimizzato una procedura in due step per ottenere (S)-Profeni da 2-arilpropanali raceme. Il primo step consiste in una bioriduzione delle aldeidi per dare i relativi (S)-2-Aril Propanoli tramite un processo DKR mediato dall’enzima Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase. Il secondo, l’ossidazione a (S)-Profeni, è promossa da NaClO2 e TEMPO come catalizzatore. Con lo scopo di migliorare il processo, in collaborazione con il gruppo di ricerca di Francesca Paradisi all’University College Dublino abbiamo immobilizzato l’enzima HLADH, ottenendo buone rese e una migliore enantioselettività. Abbiamo inoltre proposto un interessante approccio enzimatico per l’ossidazione degli (S)-2-Aril Propanoli utilizzando una laccasi da Trametes Versicolor. L’anello β-lattamico è un eterociclo molto importante, noto per essere un interessante farmacoforo. Abbiamo sintetizzato nuovi N-metiltio beta-lattami, che hanno mostrato un’attività antibatterica molto interessante contro ceppi resistenti di Staphilococcus Aureus prelevati da pazienti affetti da fibrosis cistica. Abbiamo poi coniugato gruppi polifenolici a questi nuovi β-lattami ottenendo molecule antiossidanti e antibatteriche, cioè con attività duale. Abbiamo poi sintetizzato un nuovo ibrido retinoide-betalattame che ha indotto differenziazione si cellule di neuroblastoma. Abbiamo poi sfruttato la reazione di aperture dell’anello monobattamico tramite enzimi idrolitici, con lo scopo di ottenere β-amminoacidi chirali desimmetrizzati come il monoestere dell’acido β–amminoglutammico. Per quando riguarda gli α-amminonitrili, è stato sviluppato un protocollo di Strecker. Le reazioni sono state molto efficienti utilizzando come fonte di cianuro l’acetone cianidrina in acqua, utilizzando differenti aldeidi e chetoni, ammine primarie e secondarie. Per mettere a punto una versione asimmetrica del protocollo, abbiamo usato ammine chirali con lo scopo di ottenere nuovi α-amminonitrili chirali.


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New biologically active β-lactams were designed and synthesized, developing novel antibiotics and enzymatic inhibitors directed toward specific targets. Within a work directed to the synthesis of mimetics for RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) sequence able to interact with αvβ3 and α5β1-type integrins, new activators were developed and their Structure-Activity Relationships (SAR) analysis deepened, enhancing their activity range towards the α4β1 isoform. Moreover, to synthesize novel compounds active both against bacterial infections and pulmonary conditions of cystic fibrosis patients, new β-lactam candidates were studied. Among the abundant library of β-lactams prepared, mainly with antioxidant and antibacterial double activities, it was identified a single lead to be pharmacologically tested in vivo. Its synthesis was optimized up to the gram-scale, and pretreatment method and HPLC-MS/MS analytical protocol for sub-nanomolar quantifications were developed. Furthermore, replacement of acetoxy group in 4-acetoxy-azetidinone derivatives was studied with different nucleophiles and in aqueous media. A phosphate group was introduced and the reactivity exploited using different hydroxyapatites, obtaining biomaterials with multiple biological activities. Following the same kind of reactivity, a small series of molecules with a β-lactam and retinoic hybrid structure was synthesized as epigenetic regulators. Interacting with HDACs, two compounds were respectively identified as an inhibitor of cell proliferation and a differentiating agent on steam cells. Additionally, in collaboration with Professor L. De Cola at ISIS, University of Strasbourg, some new photochemically active β-lactam Pt (II) complexes were designed and synthesized to be used as bioprobes or theranostics. Finally, it was set up and optimized the preparation of new chiral proline-derived α-aminonitriles through an enantioselective Strecker reaction, and it was developed a chemo-enzymatic oxidative method for converting alcohols to aldehydes or acid in a selective manner, and amines to relative aldehydes, amides or imines. Moreover, enzymes and other green chemistry methodologies were used to prepare Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs).


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Detailed studies of pharmacodynamic principles relevant to the therapy of bacterial meningitis are difficult to perform in man, while the rabbit model of bacterial meningitis has proved to be extremely valuable and has led to insights that appear relevant for the treatment of humans. Most importantly in the light of the restricted penetration of antibiotics into the CSF, animal studies have shown that in meningitis there is a dose-response curve between the CSF concentrations achieved by antibiotics and their bactericidal activity. This appears to be true for all classes of antibiotics thus far examined, including the beta-lactams, which do not show such a dose-response behaviour in other infections. Only CSF concentrations that exceed the MBC of the infecting organism by at least 10-30-fold achieve consistent and rapid bactericidal activity. Such rapid bactericidal activity is a requirement for successful therapy with beta-lactams and can be impaired with certain antibiotics by the specific conditions in infected CSF (protein content; acidic pH; slow-growing bacteria). However, rapid antibiotic killing of the infecting organisms may not be without adverse effects either. Some antibiotics, particularly beta-lactams lead to the brisk liberation of bacterial cell wall components (e.g. endotoxin, in the case of Gram-negative organisms) which have an inflammatory effect on the host and can lead to a temporary deterioration of the disease. Dexamethasone, when administered with the antibiotic, can prevent some of the adverse effects of rapid bacterial lysis.


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We evaluated the pharmacokinetics and therapeutic efficacy of ampicillin combined with sulbactam in a rabbit model of meningitis due to a beta-lactamase-producing strain of Escherichia coli K-1. Ceftriaxone was used as a comparison drug. The MIC and MBC were 32 and greater than 64 micrograms/ml (ampicillin), greater than 256 and greater than 256 micrograms/ml (sulbactam), 2.0 and 4.0 micrograms/ml (ampicillin-sulbactam [2:1 ratio, ampicillin concentration]) and 0.125 and 0.25 micrograms/ml (ceftriaxone). All antibiotics were given by intravenous bolus injection in a number of dosing regimens. Ampicillin and sulbactam achieved high concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) with higher dose regimens, but only moderate bactericidal activity compared with that of ceftriaxone was obtained. CSF bacterial titers were reduced by 0.6 +/- 0.3 log10 CFU/ml/h with the highest ampicillin-sulbactam dose used (500 and 500 mg/kg of body weight, two doses). This was similar to the bactericidal activity achieved by low-dose ceftriaxone (10 mg/kg), while a higher ceftriaxone dose (100 mg/kg) produced a significant increase in bactericidal activity (1.1 +/- 0.4 log10 CFU/ml/h). It appears that ampicillin-sulbactam, despite favorable CSF pharmacokinetics in animals with meningitis, may be of limited value in the treatment of difficult-to-treat beta-lactamase-producing bacteria, against which the combination shows only moderate in vitro activity.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Objectives: Long-term, low-dose macrolide therapy is effective in the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis. It is believed that macrolide antibiotics produce this benefit through an anti-inflammatory effect. In this study, the effect of clarithromycin treatment on the expression of transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta and the key pro-inflammatory nuclear transcription factor, NF-kappaB, was examined in vitro and in vivo. Study Design and Methods: In vitro: nasal mucosa was obtained from 10 patients with chronic sinusitis and was cultured for 24 hours in the presence of clarithromycin or control. Cellular expression of TGF-beta and NF-kappaB was determined by immunohistochemistry. In vivo: 10 patients with chronic rhinosinusitis were treated for 3 months with clarithromycin. Nasal mucosal biopsies were taken pre- and posttreatment. Cellular expression of TGF-beta and NF-kappaB was again determined by immunohistochemistry. Results: Clarithromycin, when applied to nasal biopsies in vitro, reduced cellular expression of TGF-beta and NF-kappaB. Nasal biopsies taken before and after clarithromycin treatment showed no differences in cellular expression of NF-kappaB or TGF-beta. Conclusion: Clarithromycin can reduce cellular expression of TGF-beta and NF-kappaB when applied in vitro, but its action during clinical therapy is less clear. Clarithromycin is capable of inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokines in vitro, and reductions of TGF-beta and NF-kappaB may represent additional mechanisms by which macrolides reduce inflammation in chronic airway disease. Discrepancies between the actions of clarithromycin on nasal biopsies in vitro and after clinical therapy warrant further investigation.


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The prevalence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) production by Klebsiella pneumonia approaches 50% in some countries, with particularly high rates in eastern Europe and Latin America. No randomized trials have ever been performed on treatment of bacteremia due to ESBL-producing organisms; existing data comes only from retrospective, single-institution studies. In a prospective study of 455 consecutive episodes of Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteremia in 12 hospitals in 7 countries, 85 episodes were due to an ESBL-producing organism. Failure to use an antibiotic active against ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae was associated with extremely high mortality. Use of a carbapenem ( primarily imipenem) was associated with a significantly lower 14-day mortality than was use of other antibiotics active in vitro. Multivariate analysis including other predictors of mortality showed that use of a carbapenem during the 5-day period after onset of bacteremia due to an ESBL-producing organism was independently associated with lower mortality. Antibiotic choice is particularly important in seriously ill patients with infections due to ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae.


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Postantibiotic effect (PAE) describes the suppression of microbial growth occurring after a short exposure to an antimicrobial agent. PAE appears to be a property of the majority of antimicrobial agents and is demonstrated by a wide variety of microorganisms. At present, carbapenems and penems are the only members of the -lactam group of antimicrobial agents that exhibit a significant PAE on Gram-negative bacilli. A standardised method was developed to evaluate the in vitro PAE of three carbapenems; imipenem, meropenem and biapenem on Gram-negative bacteria under reproducible laboratory conditions that partially mimicked those occurring in vivo. The effects on carbapenem PAE of the method of antimicrobial removal, concentration, exposure duration, inoculum size, inoculum growth phase, multiple exposures and pooled human serum were determined. Additionally, the reproducibility, susceptibility prior to and after PAE determination and inter-strain variation of carbapenem PAE were evaluated. The method developed determined PAE by utilising viable counts and demonstrated carbapenem PAE to be reproducible, constant over successive exposures, dependent on genera, concentration, duration of exposure, inoculum size and growth phase. In addition, carbapenem PAE was not significantly effected either by agitation, the antimicrobial removal method or the viable count diluent. At present, the mechanism underlying PAE is undetermined. It is thought to be due to either the prolonged persistence of the antimicrobial at the cellular site of action or the true recovery period from non-lethal damage. Increasing the L-lysine concentration and salinity at recovery decreased and increased the carbapenem and imipenem PAE of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, respectively. In addition, no apparent change was observed in the production of virulence factors by P.aeruginosa in PAE phase. However, alterations in cell morphology were observed throughout PAE phase, and the reappearance of normal cell morphology corresponded to the duration of PAE determined by viable count. Thus, the recovery of the penicillin binding protein target enzymes appears to be the mechanism behind carbapenem PAE in P. aeruginosa.


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Quorum sensing (QS) is a population-dependent signaling process bacteria use to control multiple processes including virulence, critical for establishing infection. There are two major pathways of QS systems. Type 1 is species specific or intra-species communication in which N-acylhomoserine lactones (Gram-negative bacteria) or oligopeptides (Gram-positive bacteria) are employed as signaling molecules (autoinducer one). Type 2 is inter-species communication in which S-4,5-dihydroxy-2,3-pentanedione (DPD) or its borate esters are used as signaling molecules. The DPD is biosynthesized by LuxS enzyme from S-ribosylhomocysteine (SRH). Recent increase in prevalence of bacterial strains resistant to antibiotics emphasizes the need for the development of new generation of antibacterial agents. Interruption of QS by small molecules is one of the viable options as it does not affect bacterial growth but only virulence, leading to less incidence of microbial resistance. Thus, in this work, inhibitors of both N-acylhomoserine lactone (AHL) mediated intra-species and LuxS enzyme, involved in inter-species QS are targeted. The γ-lactam and their reduced cyclic azahemiacetal analogs, bearing the additional alkylthiomethyl substituent, were designed and synthesized targeting AHL mediated QS systems in P. aeruginosa and Vibrio harveyi. The γ-lactams with nonylthio or dodecylthio chains acted as inhibitors of las signaling in P. aeruginosa with moderate potency. The cyclic azahemiacetal with shorter propylthio or hexylthio substituent were found to strongly inhibit both las and rhl signaling in P. aeruginosa at higher concentrations. However, lactam and their azahemiacetal analogs were found to be inactive in V. harveyi QS systems. The 4-aza-S-ribosyl-L-homocysteine (4-aza-SRH) analogs and 2-deoxy-2-substituted-S-ribosyl-L-homocysteine analogs were designed and synthesized targeting Bacillus subtilis LuxS enzyme. The 4-aza-SRH analogs in which oxygen in ribose ring is replaced by nitrogen were further modified at anomeric position to produce pyrrolidine, lactam, nitrone, imine and hemiaminal analogs. Pyrrolidine and lactam analogs which lack anomeric hydroxyl, acted as competitive inhibitors of LuxS enzyme with KI value of 49 and 37 µM respectively. The 2,3-dideoxy lactam analogs were devoid of activity. Such findings attested the significance of hydroxyl groups for LuxS binding and activity. Hemiaminal analog of SRH was found to be a time-dependent inhibitor with IC50 value of 60 µM.


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The use of animal sera for the culture of therapeutically important cells impedes the clinical use of the cells. We sought to characterize the functional response of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) to specific proteins known to exist in bone tissue with a view to eliminating the requirement of animal sera. Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), via IGF binding protein-3 or -5 (IGFBP-3 or -5) and transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta(1)) are known to associate with the extracellular matrix (ECM) protein vitronectin (VN) and elicit functional responses in a range of cell types in vitro. We found that specific combinations of VN, IGFBP-3 or -5, and IGF-I or TGF-beta(1) could stimulate initial functional responses in hMSCs and that IGF-I or TGF-beta(1) induced hMSC aggregation, but VN concentration modulated this effect. We speculated that the aggregation effect may be due to endogenous protease activity, although we found that neither IGF-I nor TGF-beta(1) affected the functional expression of matrix metalloprotease-2 or -9, two common proteases expressed by hMSCs. In summary, combinations of the ECM and growth factors described herein may form the basis of defined cell culture media supplements, although the effect of endogenous protease expression on the function of such proteins requires investigation.