907 resultados para Bebidas alcoholicas
The objective of this study was to analyze intergenerational patterns of alcohol related violence (ARV). An intentional sample comprising 42 family members was selected according to a set of criteria, including history of ARV. A genogram based on anonymous semi-structured taped interviews was created. The Content Analysis pointed to different patterns of repetition of intergenerational ARV. The most recurrent ones were those of lineal consanguinity (father/son) and through marriage. We observed similarities over the generations of each family as regards the pattern of alcohol consumption; the type of violence; the family reaction and the family life cycle in which ARV was intensified. Our results confirm the intergenerational reproduction of ARV. In conclusion, it is important to create intervention strategies to prevent intergenerational repetition of this association of behaviors.
Functional foods are defined as those that provide additional benefits to consumers. The market for foods with functional properties is expanding, supported by scientific evidences, which leads the developing of different special foods. This market segment is related to the innovations, as well as the traditional functional dairy and non dairy products, gain traction in the marketplace for innovative products like based whey sports beverage. Besides the functionality of muscle protein synthesis, these beverages are entering into areas such as clinical nutrition and satiety. Thus, it can be supposed that the composition and technological versatility of the whey support the use asinnovative ingredient for foods and beverages. This review aim to supply an overview about functional foods, mainly the segment of whey based beverages. The success of this new nutritional approach is close related to the requirement to identify, to characterize and to develop methodologies to measure and to validate more precisely the relevant functional markers, making them open for a public domain.
The objective of this work was to calculate the energetic values in passion fruit commercial beverages (whole juices, reconstituted juices, tropical juices, and nectars) by their centesimal composition. Then, the energetic values were compared to the caloric values as described on the nutritional facts from the beverageslabels. Analyses of moisture, protein, lipids, ashes, and carbohydrates were done in 25 commercialbeverages samples. In order to calculate the energetic value of each sample, the following conversion factors were used: 4 kcal.g-1 for carbohydrates, 4 kcal.g-1 for proteins and 9 kcal.g-1 for lipids. To allow the comparison of the results, the energetic values printed on the labels were converted into kcal.100g-1 usingthe beverages density. Overall, the commercial beverages calculated energetic values were similar to the nutritional facts.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Apple is a fruit that offers promising prospect for industrialization as it has favorable characteristics for this purpose and can obtain products with good acceptance. In Brazil, approximately 15% of the production is processed into juice, and a portion is exported. Among the fresh fruit and juice, apple adds US$ 30 million annually to the Brazilian foreign exchange earnings. The aim of this study was to characterize, using chemical analysis, concentrated juices, commercial apple juice, nectar, and soft drink. In addition, to compare them with their respective Quality and Identity Standards (PIQ) published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) and Codex Alimentarius. Concentrated juices and commercial beverages were analyzed in triplicate for soluble solids content (Brix), pH, total acidity (AT), and ratio. In concentrated juices, the Total Sugar Reducer (ART) was also assessed. The results obtained in the laboratory were compared with the PIQ and Codex Alimentarius to verify compliance with applicable regulations. Seven concentrate juices, five juices, six nectars, and three apple-flavoured soft drinks were analyzed. The Brix of pulpy and clarified concentrated juices were, respectively, 71.16±1.29 and 40.40±0.57°Brix. In all concentrated juices, the Brix was in accordance with Codex Alimentarius. The Brix and AT in sweetened clarified juices were 11.50±0.14°Brix and 0.18±0.04g of malic acid/100g sample. In pulpy whole juices the values were 11.20±0.70°Brix and 0.30±0.06g of malic acid/100g sample. The values of Brix and AT in apple-flavoured soft drinks were 11.03±0.93°Brix and 0.18±0.04g of malic acid/100ml sample. Commercial juices and soft drinks also presented °Brix and AT in accord with the PIQ established by MAPA. The apple nectars could not be compared with the standards because they are not published by MAPA or Codex Alimentarius. The definition of the PIQ is an important tool for quality control of beverages manufacture in Brazil. Therefore, it is recommended for the control agencies to define the parameters that are not established.
The aim of this paper was to measure the total soluble solids content (°Brix), titrable total acidity (AT) and ratio in orange beverages, such as frozen concentrated juice, not from concentrate juice, nectar and soft drink and to compare them with their Quality and Identity Standards (PIQ) published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) and Codex Alimentarius. Four orange frozen concentrated juices, twenty two juices, seven nectars and thirteen orange soft drinks were analyzed. All frozen concentrated orange juices were in agreement with Codex Alimentarius. The majority of not from concentrated orange juices and soft drinks was in accord to Brazilian legislation. The orange nectars could not be compared with the standards because they are not published by MAPA or Codex Alimentarius.
The current competitive market requires companies to adapt so that they can meet the needs of customers in an agile manner and aimed at the lowest possible cost in their manufacture, be it a product or service. The Toyota Production System is aimed at higher profits through lean manufacturing practices with reduced spending, smaller lots and inventories, generated by market demand. The variety of products makes the setup of the equipment a critical point and it should be reduced as much as possible so it does not affect productivity. The rapid exchange of tools allows with few actions and a modification that time does not exceed one digit on your total time. In this study, a case study showed that only with standardization and use of cheap improvements made it possible to reduce setup time in bottle labeling machine by 98 minutes for a final time of approximately 10 minutes with little investment, demonstrating the feasibility the displayed and a monthly gain tool in bottles at approximately 120,000, generating a performance gain and budget of approximately R$ 94,000.00 per month
A região Amazônica, detentora de grande potencial hídrico, tem atraído indústrias que promovem uso intensivo de água, por isso, existe uma emergência por instrumentos que administrem essa tendência. Neste trabalho foi diagnosticado o nível de racionalização do uso da água pelo setor industrial de produção de bebidas no estado do Pará, assim como as causas do comportamento do setor. As variáveis dependentes (de comportamento) foram classificadas de acordo com quatro dimensões (gestão ambiental, manejo da água, manejo dos efluentes e medidas avançadas de racionalização) que compõe o nível de racionalização da gestão industrial hídrica. As variáveis independentes foram associadas ao: porte, ramo, tipo de embalagem utilizada, disponibilidade hídrica e valor econômico da água. Os dados levantados mostraram que a produção de bebidas tem uma grande pegada hídrica operacional total (acima de) 15.250 m3/dia, com as pequenas empresas apresentando o maior consumo relativo por unidade produzida (maior que 7 L de água/L de bebida). O setor como um todo apresenta baixo nível de racionalização do uso da água, a dimensão mais eficiente é a de gerenciamento da água; entretanto algumas medidas avançadas podem ser visualizadas, especialmente a recirculação da água em torres de resfriamento. A análise das variáveis de estudo demonstra que o nível de racionalização é dependente diretamente do ramo e do porte da empresa. Conclui-se que o consumo tende ao desperdício; em resposta a este quadro, devem ser priorizadas políticas públicas voltadas para internalização dos custos ambientais embutidos no processo.
The current competitive market requires companies to adapt so that they can meet the needs of customers in an agile manner and aimed at the lowest possible cost in their manufacture, be it a product or service. The Toyota Production System is aimed at higher profits through lean manufacturing practices with reduced spending, smaller lots and inventories, generated by market demand. The variety of products makes the setup of the equipment a critical point and it should be reduced as much as possible so it does not affect productivity. The rapid exchange of tools allows with few actions and a modification that time does not exceed one digit on your total time. In this study, a case study showed that only with standardization and use of cheap improvements made it possible to reduce setup time in bottle labeling machine by 98 minutes for a final time of approximately 10 minutes with little investment, demonstrating the feasibility the displayed and a monthly gain tool in bottles at approximately 120,000, generating a performance gain and budget of approximately R$ 94,000.00 per month
Desde 2003, las aguas saborizadas comenzaron una tendencia alcista en su consumo, pasando de un 1% en el 2003 a un 7% en 2007 y alcanzando un 10% en 2011. El éxito de las aguas saborizadas se relaciona con la búsqueda del consumidor de una propuesta percibida como más sana y natural, que la que se puede encontrar en las gaseosas convencionales. Por cuatro generaciones, Oeste Embotelladora S.A. se ha dedicado al mercado de las bebidas gaseosas sin alcohol. El consumo de bebidas es y será por siempre una necesidad elemental que las personas deben satisfacer. Por ello, esta empresa, durante mucho tiempo, se ha dedicado a investigar cómo éstas necesidades van evolucionando, y ha tratado de satisfacerlas adaptándose a las diversas circunstancias que este mundo cambiante depara. En este trabajo, se abordará los pasos a seguir para lanzar el nuevo producto (Agua saborizada), en Cuyo, Salta y Jujuy, analizando la conveniencia económica de su lanzamiento, frente a las dificultades existentes por ser un mercado en el cual ya hay muchos competidores. El proyecto de investigación trata sobre el lanzamiento de un agua saborizada en la gama de productos de Oeste Embotelladora S.A. Se desarrollan cada uno de los pasos necesarios para la incorporación del nuevo producto en el mercado. Además, la evaluación económica privada que revela si el proyecto es rentable o no.
Se presentan en este trabajo los principales cambios en la distribución minorista de alimentos y bebidas en la Argentina iniciados con la crisis económica, política y social del año 2001. El territorio usado por parte de los actores sociales involucrados, como las empresas de diferentes tamaños (desde hipermercados a almacenes), y las personas (consumidores), ya no solo responderá a un orden global y a verticalidades territoriales, sino que muchas de estas nuevas tendencias estarán comandadas por normas locales relacionadas con la horizontalidad territorial. Entre estos cambios, son los más importantes: el consumo orientado a las ofertas; a empaques más chicos; a segundas y terceras marcas; a marcas propias de supermercados; a una nueva frecuencia en la realización de las compras; a la combinación de varios canales de distribución con el fenómeno denominado "vuelta al barrio", y a compras de productos sueltos.
Se presentan en este trabajo los principales cambios en la distribución minorista de alimentos y bebidas en la Argentina iniciados con la crisis económica, política y social del año 2001. El territorio usado por parte de los actores sociales involucrados, como las empresas de diferentes tamaños (desde hipermercados a almacenes), y las personas (consumidores), ya no solo responderá a un orden global y a verticalidades territoriales, sino que muchas de estas nuevas tendencias estarán comandadas por normas locales relacionadas con la horizontalidad territorial. Entre estos cambios, son los más importantes: el consumo orientado a las ofertas; a empaques más chicos; a segundas y terceras marcas; a marcas propias de supermercados; a una nueva frecuencia en la realización de las compras; a la combinación de varios canales de distribución con el fenómeno denominado "vuelta al barrio", y a compras de productos sueltos.
Se presentan en este trabajo los principales cambios en la distribución minorista de alimentos y bebidas en la Argentina iniciados con la crisis económica, política y social del año 2001. El territorio usado por parte de los actores sociales involucrados, como las empresas de diferentes tamaños (desde hipermercados a almacenes), y las personas (consumidores), ya no solo responderá a un orden global y a verticalidades territoriales, sino que muchas de estas nuevas tendencias estarán comandadas por normas locales relacionadas con la horizontalidad territorial. Entre estos cambios, son los más importantes: el consumo orientado a las ofertas; a empaques más chicos; a segundas y terceras marcas; a marcas propias de supermercados; a una nueva frecuencia en la realización de las compras; a la combinación de varios canales de distribución con el fenómeno denominado "vuelta al barrio", y a compras de productos sueltos.