1000 resultados para BERING
The northern biotype of Echinococcus granulosus occurs throughout the holarctic zones of tundra and taiga, from eastern Fennoscandia to the Bering Strait in Eurasia and in North America from arctic Alaska approximately to the northern border of the United States. The cycle of the cestode is complex in taiga at lower latitudes, because of the greater diversity of potential hosts. In the Arctic and Subarctic, however, four patterns of predator/prey relationships may be discerned. Two natural cycles involve the wolf and wild reindeer and the wolf and elk (moose), respectively. Where deer of the two species coexist, both are prey of the wolf; the interactions of the wolf and elk are here described on the basis of long-term observations made on Isle Royale (in Lake Superior near the southern limit of taiga), where only the wolf and elk serve as hosts for E. granulosus. A synanthropic cycle involving herding-dogs and domesticated reindeer caused hyperendemicity of cystic echinococcosis in arctic Eurasia, mainly in northeastern Siberia. The 4th pattern, a semi-synanthropic cycle, formerly existed in Alaska, wherein sled-dogs of the indigenous hunters became infected by consuming the lungs of wild reindeer. The sequence of changes in life-style inherent in the process of acculturation affected the occurrence of cystic echinococcosis among nomadic Iñupiat in arctic Alaska. When those people became sedentary, the environs of their early villages soon became severely contaminated by feces of dogs, and cases of cystic echinococcosis occurred. Compared to cystic echinococcosis caused by E. granulosus adapted to synanthropic hosts (dog and domestic ungulates), the infection produced by the northern biotype is relatively benign. 0fearly all diagnosed cases of cystic echinococcosis (> 300 in Alaska have occurred in indigenous people; only one fatality has been recorded (in a non-indigenous person). After sled-dogs were replaced by machines, cases have become rare in Alaska. A similar effect has been observed in Fennoscandia, in the Saami and domesticated reindeer. Recent records indicate tbat the prcvalence of cystic echinococcosis is increasing in Russia, suggesting that dogs are used there in herding.
Buteonine hawks represent one of the most diverse groups in the Accipitridae, with 58 species distributed in a variety of habitats on almost all continents. Variations in migratory behavior, remarkable dispersal capability, and unusual diversity in Central and South America make buteonine hawks an excellent model for studies in avian evolution. To evaluate the history of their global radiation, we used an integrative approach that coupled estimation of the phylogeny using a large sequence database (based on 6411 bp of mitochondrial markers and one nuclear intron from 54 species), divergence time estimates, and ancestral state reconstructions. Our findings suggest that Neotropical buteonines resulted from a long evolutionary process that began in the Miocene and extended to the Pleistocene. Colonization of the Nearctic, and eventually the Old World, occurred from South America, promoted by the evolution of seasonal movements and development of land bridges. Migratory behavior evolved several times and may have contributed not only to colonization of the Holarctic, but also derivation of insular species. In the Neotropics, diversification of the buteonines included four disjunction events across the Andes. Adaptation of monophyletic taxa to wet environments occurred more than once, and some relationships indicate an evolutionary connection among mangroves, coastal and varzea environments. On the other hand, groups occupying the same biome, forest, or open vegetation habitats are not monophyletic. Refuges or sea-level changes or a combination of both was responsible for recent speciation in Amazonian taxa. In view of the lack of concordance between phylogeny and classification, we propose numerous taxonomic changes. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Die Linaceae-Linoideae, vor allem die Gattung Linum, wurden unter Verwendung von zwei molekularen Markern (rbcL und ITS) bzgl. ihrer Phylogenie und Biogeographie untersucht. Die Linaceae entstanden während der mittleren Kreide in den frühen tropischen Regenwäldern, von wo aus sich die monophyletischen Linoideae vor etwa 51-46 Mill. Jahren über die temperaten Gebiete der Nordhemisphäre ausbreiteten. Während die drei basal abspaltenden Gattungen Anisadenia, Reinwardtia und Tirpitzia bzgl. ihrer Verbreitung auf Südostasien beschränkt sind, ist die Gattung Linum heute auf allen Kontinenten vertreten. Der Ursprung von Linum liegt wahrscheinlich in Südwestasien bzw. dem östlichen Mediterraneum, wo es im Oligozän zur Aufspaltung in zwei Entwicklungslinien kam ('Blaue Gruppe' und 'Gelbe Gruppe'). Während die überwiegend blaublühenden Linum-Arten ('Blaue Gruppe') vor allem in Europa und Südwestasien vorkommen, weisen die Vertreter der 'Gelben Gruppe' ein wesentlich größeres Verbreitungsgebiet auf. Gelbblühende Linum Arten findet man auf allen Kontinenten mit Diversitätszentren in Nordostamerika und Südwestasien. Interessanterweise wurde Amerika zweimal unabhängig voneinander besiedelt. Während die gelbblühenden Arten vor etwa 22-20 Mill. Jahren von Westeuropa über den Atlantik den amerikanischen Kontinent erreichten, wanderten Vertreter der 'Blauen Gruppe' im Pliozän (vor 3.78-3.33 Mill Jahren) über die Bering-Landbrücke in die Neue Welt ein. Auch in Südafrika sind einige gelbblühende Linum-Arten zu verzeichnen, die nicht über Nordafrika (wo einige Arten der 'Gelben Gruppe' beheimatet sind) die südliche Spitze des Kontinents erreichten, sondern von Amerika aus. Die molekularphylogenetischen Ergebnisse legen eine Eingliederung der Gattungen Cliococca, Hesperolinon, Radiola und Sclerolinon in Linum nahe, die durch morphologische Merkmale gestützt wird. Linopsis, die artenreichste Sektion der Gattung Linum, bedarf einiger Umstrukturierungen auf der Basis der molekularen und morphologischen Daten. Ein interessantes Phänomen innerhalb der Linaceae ist das Vorkommen von heterostylen und homostylen Arten innerhalb der Familie. Die Kombination der molekular-phylogenetischen Ergebnisse mit morphologischen Beobachtungen des Reproduktionssystems lassen darauf schließen, dass sich Homostylie innerhalb von Linum mehrfach unabhängig voneinander entwickelt hat. Das Modell von Primula wurde als Grundlage verwendet, um Aufschluss über die Entstehung der Homostylie innerhalb von Linum zu erlangen. Aus Primula ist bekannt, dass eine Kopplungsgruppe aus mindestens drei Genen an der Vererbung von Heterostylie beteiligt ist: G/g kodiert hierbei die Griffellänge und die Selbstinkompatibilitäts-reaktion der Narbe, A/a die Länge der Filamente und P/p die Selbst-inkompatibilitätsreaktion des Pollens. Umfangreiche Kreuzungs-experimente einer homostylen und einer heterostylen Linum-Art deuten darauf hin, dass die Genotypen der beiden Blütenformen in heterostylen Linum-Arten denen in Primula entsprechen. Langgriffel sind hiernach homozygot rezessiv (gpa/gpa), während die Kurzgriffel heterozygot sind (GPA/gpa). Selbstkompatible, homostyle Arten können theoretisch durch verschiedene Rekombinations-ereignisse entstehen. Erste Ergebnisse der rasterelektronen-mikroskopischen Betrachtung der Pollenkornoberflächen und Narbenpapillen deuten darauf hin, dass innerhalb von Linum Homostylie durch unterschiedliche Rekombinations-ereignisse mehrfach aus heterostylen Arten entstanden ist. So besitzt die homostyle Linum leonii den Genotyp gPA/gPA, während für die homostylen L. tenuifolium und L. nodiflorum der Genotyp Gpa/Gpa wahrscheinlich ist.
We examined genetic diversity and population structure in the American landmass using 678 autosomal microsatellite markers genotyped in 422 individuals representing 24 Native American populations sampled from North, Central, and South America. These data were analyzed jointly with similar data available in 54 other indigenous populations worldwide, including an additional five Native American groups. The Native American populations have lower genetic diversity and greater differentiation than populations from other continental regions. We observe gradients both of decreasing genetic diversity as a function of geographic distance from the Bering Strait and of decreasing genetic similarity to Siberians-signals of the southward dispersal of human populations from the northwestern tip of the Americas. We also observe evidence of: (1) a higher level of diversity and lower level of population structure in western South America compared to eastern South America, (2) a relative lack of differentiation between Mesoamerican and Andean populations, (3) a scenario in which coastal routes were easier for migrating peoples to traverse in comparison with inland routes, and (4) a partial agreement on a local scale between genetic similarity and the linguistic classification of populations. These findings offer new insights into the process of population dispersal and differentiation during the peopling of the Americas.
Arctic Ocean freshening can exert a controlling influence on global climate, triggering strong feedbacks on ocean-atmospheric processes and affecting the global cycling of the world's oceans. Glacier-fed ocean currents such as the Alaska Coastal Current are important sources of freshwater for the Bering Sea shelf, and may also influence the Arctic Ocean freshwater budget. Instrumental data indicate a multiyear freshening episode of the Alaska Coastal Current in the early 21st century. It is uncertain whether this freshening is part of natural multidecadal climate variability or a unique feature of anthropogenically induced warming. In order to answer this, a better understanding of past variations in the Alaska Coastal Current is needed. However, continuous long-term high-resolution observations of the Alaska Coastal Current have only been available for the last 2 decades. In this study, specimens of the long-lived crustose coralline alga Clathromorphum nereostratum were collected within the pathway of the Alaska Coastal Current and utilized as archives of past temperature and salinity. Results indicate that coralline algal Mg/Ca ratios provide a 60 year record of sea surface temperatures and track changes of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, a pattern of decadal-to-multidecadal ocean-atmosphere climate variability centered over the North Pacific. Algal Ba/Ca ratios (used as indicators of coastal freshwater runoff) are inversely correlated to instrumentally measured Alaska Coastal Current salinity and record the period of freshening from 2001 to 2006. Similar multiyear freshening events are not evident in the earlier portion of the 60 year Ba/Ca record. This suggests that the 21st century freshening of the Alaska Coastal Current is a unique feature related to increasing glacial melt and precipitation on mainland Alaska.
Compressional (Vp) and shear (Vs) wave velocities have been measured to 1.0 kbar for 14 cores of well-consolidated sedimentary rock from Atlantic and Pacific sites of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. The range of VP (2.05-5.38 km/sec at 0.5 kbar) shows significant overlap with the range of oceanic layer-2 seismic velocities determined by marine refraction surveys, suggesting that sedimentary rocks may, in some regions, constitute the upper portion of layer 2. Differing linear relationships between VP and Vs for basalts and sedimentary rocks, however, may provide a method of resolving layer-2 composition. This is illustra ted for a refraction survey site on the flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge where layer-2 velocities agree with basalt, and two sites on the Saya de Malha Bank in the Indian Ocean where layer-2 velocities appear to represent sedimentary rock.
Seasonal patterns in the partitioning of phytoplankton carbon during receding sea ice conditions in the eastern Bering Sea water column are presented using rates of 14C net primary productivity (NPP), phototrophic plankton carbon content, and POC export fluxes from shelf and slope waters in the spring (March 30-May 6) and summer (July 3-30) of 2008. At ice-covered and marginal ice zone (MIZ) stations on the inner and middle shelf in spring, NPP averaged 76 ± 93 mmol C/m**2/d, and in ice-free waters on the outer shelf NPP averaged 102 ± 137 mmol C/m**2/d. In summer, rates of NPP were more uniform across the entire shelf and averaged 43 ± 23 mmol C/m**2/d over the entire shelf. A concomitant shift was observed in the phototrophic pico-, nano-, and microplankton community in the chlorophyll maximum, from a diatom dominated system (80 ± 12% autotrophic C) in ice covered and MIZ waters in spring, to a microflagellate dominated system (71 ± 31% autotrophic C) in summer. Sediment trap POC fluxes near the 1% PAR depth in ice-free slope waters increased by 70% from spring to summer, from 10 ± 7 mmol C/m**2/d to 17 ± 5 mmol C/m**2/d, respectively. Over the shelf, under-ice trap fluxes at 20 m were higher, averaging 43 ± 17 mmol C/m**2/d POC export over the shelf and slope estimated from 234Th deficits averaged 11 ± 5 mmol C/m**2/d in spring and 10 ± 2 mmol C/m**2/d in summer. Average e-ratios calculated on a station-by-station basis decreased by ~ 30% from spring to summer, from 0.46 ± 0.48 in ice-covered and MIZ waters, to 0.33 ± 0.26 in summer, though the high uncertainty prevents a statistical differentiation of these data.
The reduction in sea ice along the SE Greenland coast during the last century has severely impacted ice-rafting to this area. In order to reconstruct ice-rafting and oceanographic conditions in the area of Denmark Strait during the last ~150 years, we conducted a multiproxy study on three short (20 cm) sediment cores from outer Kangerdlugssuaq Trough (~300 m water depth). The proxy-based data obtained have been compared with historical and instrumental data to gain a better understanding of the ice sheet-ocean interactions in the area. A robust chronology has been developed based on 210Pb and 137Cs measurements on core PO175GKC#9 (~66.2°N, 32°W) and expanded to the two adjacent cores based on correlations between calcite weight percent records. Our proxy records include sea-ice and phytoplankton biomarkers, and a variety of mineralogical determinations based on the <2 mm sediment fraction, including identification with quantitative x-ray diffraction, ice-rafted debris counts on the 63-150 µm sand fraction, and source identifications based on the composition of Fe oxides in the 45-250 µm fraction. A multivariate statistical analysis indicated significant correlations between our proxy records and historical data, especially with the mean annual temperature data from Stykkishólmur (Iceland) and the storis index (historical observations of sea-ice export via the East Greenland Current). In particular, the biological proxies (calcite weight percent, IP25, and total organic carbon %) showed significant linkage with the storis index. Our records show two distinct intervals in the recent history of the SE Greenland coast. The first of these (ad 1850-1910) shows predominantly perennial sea-ice conditions in the area, while the second (ad 1910-1990) shows more seasonally open water conditions.
Clay mineral and bulk chemical (Si, Al, K, Mg, Sr, La, Ce, Nd) analyses of terrigenous surface sediments on the Siberian-Arctic shelf indicate that there are five regions with distinct, or endmember, sedimentary compositions. The formation of these geochemical endmembers is controlled by sediment provenance and grain size sorting. (1) The shale endmember (Al, K and REE rich sediment) is eroded from fine-grained marine sedimentary rocks of the Verkhoyansk Mountains and Kolyma-Omolon superterrain, and discharged to the shelf by the Lena, Yana, Indigirka and Kolyma Rivers. (2) The basalt endmember (Mg rich) originates from NE Siberia's Okhotsk-Chukotsk volcanic belt and Bering Strait inflow, and is prevalent in Chukchi Sea Sediments. Concentrations of the volcanically derived clay mineral smectite are elevated in Chukchi fine-fraction sediments, corroborating the conclusion that Chukchi sediments are volcanic in origin. (3) The mature sandstone endmember (Si rich) is found proximal to Wrangel Island and sections of the Chukchi Sea's Siberian coast and is derived from the sedimentary Chukotka terrain that comprises these landmasses. (4) The immature sandstone endmember (Sr rich) is abundant in the New Siberian Island region and reflects inputs from sedimentary rocks that comprise the islands. (5) The immature sandstone endmember is also prevalent in the western Laptev Sea, where it is eroded from sedimentary deposits blanketing the Siberian platform that are compositionally similar to those on the New Siberian Islands. Western Laptev can be distinguished from New Siberian Island region sediments by their comparatively elevated smectite concentrations and the presence of the basalt endmember, which indicate Siberian platform flood basalts are also a source of western Laptev sediments. In certain locations grain size sorting noticeably affects shelf sediment chemistry. (1) Erosion of fines by currents and sediment ice rafting contributes to the formation of the coarse-grained sandstone endmembers. (2) Bathymetrically controlled grain size sorting, in which fines preferentially accumulate offshore in deeper, less energetic water, helps distribute the fine-grained shale and basalt endmembers. An important implication of these results is that the observed sedimentary geochemical endmembers provide new markers of sediment provenance, which can be used to track sediment transport, ice-rafted debris dispersal or the movement of particle-reactive contaminants.
A major tipping point of Earth's history occurred during the mid-Pliocene: the onset of major Northern-Hemisphere Glaciation (NHG) and of pronounced, Quaternary-style cycles of glacial-to-interglacial climates, that contrast with more uniform climates over most of the preceding Cenozoic and continue until today (Zachos et al., 2001, doi:10.1126/science.1059412). The severe deterioration of climate occurred in three steps between 3.2 Ma (warm MIS K3) and 2.7 Ma (glacial MIS G6/4) (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005, doi:10.1029/2004PA001071). Various models (sensu Driscoll and Haug, 1998, doi:10.1126/science.282.5388.436) and paleoceanographic records (intercalibrated using orbital age control) suggest clear linkages between the onset of NHG and the three steps in the final closure of the Central American Seaways (CAS), deduced from rising salinity differences between Caribbean and the East Pacific. Each closing event led to an enhanced North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and this strengthened the poleward transport of salt and heat (warmings of +2-3°C) (Bartoli et al., 2005, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2005.06.020). Also, the closing resulted in a slight rise in the poleward atmospheric moisture transport to northwestern Eurasia (Lunt et al., 2007, doi:10.1007/s00382-007-0265-6), which probably led to an enhanced precipitation and fluvial run-off, lower sea surface salinity (SSS), and an increased sea-ice cover in the Arctic Ocean, hence promoting albedo and the build-up of continental ice sheets. Most important, new evidence shows that the closing of the CAS led to greater steric height of the North Pacific and thus doubled the low-saline Arctic Throughflow from the Bering Strait to the East Greenland Current (EGC). Accordingly, Labrador Sea IODP Site 1307 displays an abrupt but irreversible EGC cooling of 6°C and freshening by ~2 psu from 3.25/3.16-3.00 Ma, right after the first but still reversible attempt of closing the CAS.