970 resultados para Australia China Agricultural Cooperation Agreement (ACACA)


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River training walls have been built at scores of locations along the NSW coast and their impacts on shoreline change are still not fully understood. In this study, the Brunswick River entrance and adjacent beaches are selected for examination of the impact of the construction of major training walls. Thirteen sets of aerial photographs taken between 1947 and 1994 are used in a CIS approach to accurately determine tire shoreline Position, beach contours and sand volumes, and their changes in both time and space, and then to assess the contribution of both tire structures and natural hydrodynamic conditions to large scale (years-decades and kilometres) beach changes. The impact of the training walls can be divided into four stages: natural conditions prior to their construction (pre 1959), major downdrift erosion and updrift accretion during and. following the construction of the walls in 1959 similar to 1962 and 1966. diminishing impact of the walls between 1966 and 1987, and finally no apparent impact between 1987 similar to 1994. The impact extends horizontally about 8 km updrift and 17 km downdrift, and temporally up to 25 years..


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In this study, we conducted eddy covariance (EC) measurements of water vapor exchange over a typical steppe in a semi-arid area of the Inner Mongolia Plateau, China. Measurement sites were located within a 25-year-old enclosure with a relatively low leaf area index (similar to 1. 5 m(2) m(-2)) and dominated by Leymus chinensis. Energy balance closure was (H + LE) = 17.09 + 0.69 x (Rn - G) (W/m(2); r(2) = 0.95, n = 6596). Precipitation during the two growing seasons of the study period was similar to the long-term average. The peak evapotranspiration in 2004 was 4 mm d(-1), and 3.5 mm d(-1) in 2003. The maximum latent heat flux was higher than the sensible heat flux, and the sensible heat flux dominated the energy budget at midday during the entire growing season in 2003; latent heat flux was the main consumption component for net radiation during the 2004 growing season. During periods of frozen soil in 2003 and 2004, the sensible heat flux was the primary consumption component for net radiation. The soil heat flux component was similar in 2003 and 2004. The decoupling coefficient (between 0.5 and 0.1) indicates that evapotranspiration was strongly controlled by saturation water vapor pressure deficit (VPD) in this grassland. The results of this research suggest that energy exchange and evapotranspiration were controlled by the phenology of the vegetation and soil water content. In addition, the amount and frequency of rainfall significantly affect energy exchange and evapotranspiration upon the Inner Mongolia plateau. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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We used the eddy covariance method to measure the M exchange between the atmosphere and an alpine meadow ecosystem (37degrees29-45'N, 101degrees12-23'E, 3250m a.s.l.) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China in the 2001 and 2002 growing seasons. The maximum rates Of CO2 uptake and release derived from the diurnal course Of CO2 flux (FCO2) were -10.8 and 4.4 mumol m(-2) s(-1), respectively, indicating a relatively high net carbon sequestration potential as compared to subalpine coniferous forest at similar elevation and latitude. The largest daily CO2 uptake was 3.9 g cm(-2) per day on 7 July 2002, which is less than half of those reported for lowland grassland and forest at similar latitudes. The daily CO2 uptake during the measurement period indicated that the alpine ecosystem might behave as a sink of atmospheric M during the growing season if the carbon lost due to grazing is not significant. The daytime CO2 uptake was linearly correlated with the daily photosynthetic photon flux density each month. The nighttime averaged F-CO2 showed a positive exponential correlation with the soil temperature, but apparently negative correlation with the soil water content. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Grain yields of over 14 Mg ha(-1) were reported in 1978 for spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in Northwest China. Understanding the circumstances under which this record yield was achieved may be useful in defining the key factors that lead to high grain yields and in determining the limits to wheat yield. A relatively simple, mechanistic model was used in an effort to simulate the record yield. The model was used as a framework in which various crop traits could be adjusted to match the observed crop growth. The weather that was characterized by cool temperatures and high levels of solar radiation, proved to be especially important in allowing a full-season crop to achieve record yields. Variables defining plant development in the model also had to be set to describe the high yielding cultivar grown in China. Leaf development was defined by the length of a phyllochron, which was set equal to 78 TU (thermal units, base temperature equal to 0 degrees C) based on independent data. The description of grain fill had to be defined to match simulation results with the observations. Two variables, length of the grain-fill period and the grain growth rate, were set in response to the unique traits of this cultivar and the low temperatures during grain development. These simulations led to important suggestions for examining the interaction between cool temperature regimes and developmental traits of wheat cultivars. (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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BACKGROUND: Sharing of epidemiological and clinical data sets among researchers is poor at best, in detriment of science and community at large. The purpose of this paper is therefore to (1) describe a novel Web application designed to share information on study data sets focusing on epidemiological clinical research in a collaborative environment and (2) create a policy model placing this collaborative environment into the current scientific social context. METHODOLOGY: The Database of Databases application was developed based on feedback from epidemiologists and clinical researchers requiring a Web-based platform that would allow for sharing of information about epidemiological and clinical study data sets in a collaborative environment. This platform should ensure that researchers can modify the information. A Model-based predictions of number of publications and funding resulting from combinations of different policy implementation strategies (for metadata and data sharing) were generated using System Dynamics modeling. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The application allows researchers to easily upload information about clinical study data sets, which is searchable and modifiable by other users in a wiki environment. All modifications are filtered by the database principal investigator in order to maintain quality control. The application has been extensively tested and currently contains 130 clinical study data sets from the United States, Australia, China and Singapore. Model results indicated that any policy implementation would be better than the current strategy, that metadata sharing is better than data-sharing, and that combined policies achieve the best results in terms of publications. CONCLUSIONS: Based on our empirical observations and resulting model, the social network environment surrounding the application can assist epidemiologists and clinical researchers contribute and search for metadata in a collaborative environment, thus potentially facilitating collaboration efforts among research communities distributed around the globe.


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This article analyses adoption of farm-based irrigation water saving techniques, based on a cross-sectional data set of 357 farmers in the Guanzhong Plain, China. Approximately 83% of the farmers use at least one farm-based water-saving technique. However, the traditional, inefficient techniques border and furrow irrigation are still prevalent whereas the use of advanced, more efficient techniques is still rather rare. We develop and estimate an adoption model consisting of two stages: awareness of water scarcity and intensity of adoption. We find that awareness of water scarcity and financial status enhance adoption of more advanced techniques whereas access to better community-based irrigation infrastructure discourages it. We furthermore find both community-based irrigation infrastructure and farm-based irrigation water-saving techniques have mitigating effects on production risk. From the results it follows that adoption can be stimulated via financial support and via extension aimed at enhancing awareness of water scarcity.


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Desde el año 2000 el idilio China-África está marcado principalmente por un foro de cooperación, mecanismo de diálogo y cooperación colectiva ideado por China. Sin embargo, destaca que esta relación ha evolucionado en función de los intereses estratégicos de los chinos. China se inserta en los circuitos económico-comerciales africanos de manera metódica y decidida. A diferencia de sus competidores (Estados Unidos, Unión Europea, Canadá, Japón, etc.), que actúan en África de manera preferencial, China invierte en todos los países africanos sin ninguna excepción, sin importar su régimen político, su situación económico-financiera o su ubicación geográfica. Sin embargo, la voracidad energética china se ha vuelto objeto de preocupación en el Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas, sobre todo por su ofensiva por acaparar el mercado petrolero africano. Puede afirmarse que el actuar chino en África es una expresión de su pragmatismo económico-comercial, con efectos colaterales negativos para la integración y el desarrollo de África.-----Since 2000, the relationship between China and Africa is growing up because of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) which is a collective mechanism of dialogue and cooperation. Meanwhile, it’s important to mention that this relationship has increased regarding the Chinese strategic interests in Africa. China is getting inside the African economic and trade networks in a methodic and aggressive way. Differently from his competitors (USA, EU, Canada, Japan...) which only seem to use Africa, China invests in all the African countries without looking at their economical or financial situation, neither their geographical location. The energetical voracity of China has become a real issue at the United Nations Security Council, especially for the Chinese strike in the African petroleum market. For many reasons, we can affirm that the way China is acting in Africa is only the expression of its economical and trade pragmatism, which also has got negative results in the african development and integration process.


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Recent changes in climate have had a measurable impact on crop yield in China. The objective of this study is to investigate how climate variability affects wheat yield in China at different spatial scales. First the response of wheat yield to the climate at the provincial level from 1978 to 1995 for China was analysed. Wheat yield variability was only correlated with climate variability in some regions of China. At the provincial level, the variability of precipitation had a negative impact on wheat yield in parts of southeast China, but the seasonal mean temperature had a negative impact on wheat yield in only a few provinces, where significant variability in precipitation explained about 23–60% of yield variability, and temperature variability accounted for 37–41% of yield variability from 1978 to 1995. The correlation between wheat yield and climate for the whole of China from 1985 to 2000 was investigated at five spatial scales using climate data. The Climate Research Unit (CRU) and National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) proportions of the grid cells with a significant yield–precipitation correlation declined progressively from 14.6% at 0.5° to 0% at 5° scale. In contrast, the proportion of grid cells significant for the yield–temperature correlation increased progressively from 1.9% at 0.5° scale to 16% at 5° scale. This indicates that the variability of precipitation has a higher association with wheat yield at small scales (0.5°, 2°/2.5°) than at larger scales (4°/5.0°); but wheat yield has a good association with temperature at all levels of aggregation. The precipitation variable at the smaller scales (0.5°, 2°/2.5°) is a dominant factor in determining inter-annual wheat yield variability more so than at the larger scales (4°/5°). We conclude that in the current climate the relationship between wheat yield and each of precipitation and temperature becomes weaker and stronger, respectively, with an increase in spatial scale.


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The economic development of urban cities in China has attracted a large number of labour from the rural countryside. The married migrant workers will usually leave their wives’ homes to look after the other family members and the farmland. A special term liushou women, has been created for this group of women. Among the 87 million rural residents, 47 million of them are liushou women according to the recent survey conducted by China Agricultural University. They play a crucial role in the development of rural economy and an essential role to the social stability of rural China. In this research, the factors that influence the happiness of liushou women were investigated in the Western part of China. Based on the population investigated, it was found that the financial situation, personality, government efficiency, conjugal relationship and relationship with in-laws are the significant factors influencing the happiness of liushou women. This finding demonstrates that the Chinese women are willing to sacrifice their personal interest for the interests of their families.


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China has become a synonym for future business growth. It is the business nirvana of the 21st century (Chung 2004). As a major emerging market, China offers many companies great potential in their future growth. China's economic growth has been consistently double digits for the past two decades. China has become an economic power in the world. To Australia, China became its largest trading partner since 2007. While other parts of the world are experiencing economic down tum, e.g. the US and UK, Australia still enjoys its longest lasting economic growth. Much of the growth is largely built on this Chinese demand of minerals (Kirk 2004). Therefore research of Australian companies' internationalisation into China is timely and in high demand. 40 Australian companies' were investigated in a recent research conducted in July - December 2007. Among many findings through the research, one of the major issues was the impact of cultural differences on companies in their operations. The research discovered the gap of cultural differences between Australia and China is large which has caught many companies by surprise. Further the inability to deal with this large cultural gap as well as being properly prepared for the cultural issue they are about to encounter prior to entering into the Chinese market may cause serious issues on performance. It is through this research an important finding is presented that engaging culturally skilled consultants when dealing with Chinese market is an effective and cost efficient way of conducting businesses in China.


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