156 resultados para Atomization
Microencapsulation can be an alternative to minimize lycopene instability. Thus, the aim of this study was to microencapsulate lycopene by spray drying, using a modified starch (Capsul (R)) as an encapsulating agent, and to assess the functionality of the capsules applying them in cake. The quantity of lycopene was varied at 5, 10 and 15% in a solution containing 30% of solids in order to obtain the microcapsules. These microcapsules were evaluated as to encapsulation efficiency and morphology and then submitted to a stability test and applied in cakes. Encapsulation efficiency values varied between 21 and 29%. The microcapsules had a rounded outer surface with the formation of concavities and they varied in size. The stability test revealed that microencapsulation offered greater protection to lycopene compared to its free form and it was observed that the microcapsules were able to release pigment and color the studied food system in a homogenous manner. (C) 2011 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of the present study was to obtain microparticles of hydrochlorothiazide, a diuretic drug that practically insoluble in water, by spray drying and to investigate the influence of process parameters using a three-level, three-factor Box-Behnken design. Process yields, moisture content, particle size, flowability, and solubility were used to evaluate the spray-dried microparticles. The data were analyzed by response surface methodology using analysis of variance. The independent variables studied were outlet temperature, atomization pressure, and drug content. The formulations were prepared using polyvinylpyrrolidone and colloidal silicon dioxide as the hydrophilic carrier and drying aid, respectively. The microparticle yield ranged from 18.15 to 59.02% and resulted in adequate flow (17 to 32 degrees), moisture content between 2.52 to 6.18%, and mean particle size from 45 to 59 mu m. The analysis of variance showed that the factors studied influenced the yields, moisture content, angle of repose, and solubility. Thermal analysis and X-ray diffractometry evidenced no drug interactions or chemical modifications. Photomicrographs obtained by scanning electron microscopy showed spherical particles. The solubility and dissolution rates of hydrochlorothiazide were remarkably improved when compared with pure drug. Therefore, the results confirmed the high potential of the spray-drying technique to obtain microparticulate hydrochlorothiazide with enhanced pharmaceutical and dissolution properties.
In gasoline Port Fuel Injection (PFI) and Direct Injection (GDI) internal combustion engines, the liquid fuel might be injected into a gaseous ambient in a superheated state, resulting in flash boiling of the fuel. The importance to investigate and predict such a process is due to the influence it has on the liquid fuel atomization and vaporization and thus on combustion, with direct implications on engine performances and exhaust gas emissions. The topic of the present PhD research involves the numerical analysis of the behaviour of the superheated fuel during the injection process, in high pressure injection systems like the ones equipping GDI engines. Particular emphasis is on the investigation of the effects of the fuel superheating degree on atomization dynamics and spray characteristics. The present work is a look at the flash evaporation and flash boiling modeling, from an engineering point of view, addressed to keep the complex physics involved as simple as possible, however capturing the main characteristics of a superheated fuel injection.
Die vorliegende Dissertation beschreibt die Entwicklung, den Aufbau und die Erprobung eines neuartigen lasermassenspektrometrischen Nachweises des Ultraspurenisotops 236U. Das Nuklid 236U wird vorwiegend in Kernreaktoren durch Neutroneneinfang aus 235U gebildet und dient damit als Schlüsselisotop zur Unterscheidung anthropogenen Urans von natürlichem Uran-Vorkommen. Mit seinem Nachweis wird die Untersuchung der Migration von Kernbrennstoff in der Umwelt und die Beantwortung kritischer Fragen in der nuklearen Forensik ermöglicht. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde das Verfahren der hochauflösenden Resonanzionisations-Massenspektrometrie auf die Anforderungen des selektiven Nachweises von Uran-Isotopen angepasst. Wesentliche Schritte waren hierbei die Untersuchung einer effizienten Atomisation von Uran-Proben, die Identifikation atomarer und autoionisierender Zustände für eine resonante Anregungsleiter, die vollständige Spezifikation der Anregungsleiter für alle Uran-Isotope und schließlich die Umsetzung der Erkenntnisse in ein analytisches Messverfahren. Die optische Selektivität des Verfahrens konnte durch Dichtematrixrechnungen zu ca. 14 Größenordnungen abgeschätzt werden; die Nachweisgrenze des Verfahrens für das Isotopenverhältnis 236U / 238U ist dabei gegenwärtig durch Untergrund begrenzt und beträgt ca. 3 · 10−8. Mit diesen Spezifikationen konnte die Linearität und Präzision des Nachweisverfahrens über einen dynamischen Bereich von vier Größenordnungen nachgewiesen werden.
In der Herstellung fester Darreichungsformen umfasst die Granulierung einen komplexen Teilprozess mit hoher Relevanz für die Qualität des pharmazeutischen Produktes. Die Wirbelschichtgranulierung ist ein spezielles Granulierverfahren, welches die Teilprozesse Mischen, Agglomerieren und Trocknen in einem Gerät vereint. Durch die Kombination mehrerer Prozessstufen unterliegt gerade dieses Verfahren besonderen Anforderungen an ein umfassendes Prozessverständnis. Durch die konsequente Verfolgung des PAT- Ansatzes, welcher im Jahre 2004 durch die amerikanische Zulassungsbehörde (FDA) als Guideline veröffentlicht wurde, wurde der Grundstein für eine kontinuierliche Prozessverbesserung durch erhöhtes Prozessverständnis, für Qualitätserhöhung und Kostenreduktion gegeben. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasste sich mit der Optimierung der Wirbelschicht-Granulationsprozesse von zwei prozesssensiblen Arzneistoffformulierungen, unter Verwendung von PAT. rnFür die Enalapril- Formulierung, einer niedrig dosierten und hochaktiven Arzneistoffrezeptur, wurde herausgefunden, dass durch eine feinere Zerstäubung der Granulierflüssigkeit deutlich größere Granulatkörnchen erhalten werden. Eine Erhöhung der MassRatio verringert die Tröpfchengröße, dies führt zu größeren Granulaten. Sollen Enalapril- Granulate mit einem gewünschten D50-Kornverteilung zwischen 100 und 140 um hergestellt werden, dann muss die MassRatio auf hohem Niveau eingestellt werden. Sollen Enalapril- Granulate mit einem D50- Wert zwischen 80 und 120µm erhalten werden, so muss die MassRatio auf niedrigem Niveau eingestellt sein. Anhand der durchgeführten Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die MassRatio ein wichtiger Parameter ist und zur Steuerung der Partikelgröße der Enalapril- Granulate eingesetzt werden kann; unter der Voraussetzung dass alle anderen Prozessparameter konstant gehalten werden.rnDie Betrachtung der Schnittmengenplots gibt die Möglichkeit geeignete Einstellungen der Prozessparameter bzw. Einflussgrößen zu bestimmen, welche dann zu den gewünschten Granulat- und Tabletteneigenschaften führen. Anhand der Lage und der Größe der Schnittmenge können die Grenzen der Prozessparameter zur Herstellung der Enalapril- Granulate bestimmt werden. Werden die Grenzen bzw. der „Design Space“ der Prozessparameter eingehalten, kann eine hochwertige Produktqualität garantiert werden. rnUm qualitativ hochwertige Enalapril Tabletten mit der gewählten Formulierung herzustellen, sollte die Enalapril- Granulation mit folgenden Prozessparametern durchgeführt werden: niedrige Sprührate, hoher MassRatio, einer Zulufttemperatur von mindestens > 50 °C und einer effektiven Zuluftmenge < 180 Nm³/h. Wird hingegen eine Sprührate von 45 g/min und eine mittlere MassRatio von 4.54 eingestellt, so muss die effektive Zuluftmenge mindestens 200 Nm³/h und die Zulufttemperatur mindestens 60 °C betragen, um eine vorhersagbar hohe Tablettenqualität zu erhalten. Qualität wird in das Arzneimittel bereits während der Herstellung implementiert, indem die Prozessparameter bei der Enalapril- Granulierung innerhalb des „Design Space“ gehalten werden.rnFür die Metformin- Formulierung, einer hoch dosierten aber wenig aktiven Arzneistoffrezeptur wurde herausgefunden, dass sich der Wachstumsmechanismus des Feinanteils der Metformin- Granulate von dem Wachstumsmechanismus der D50- und D90- Kornverteilung unterscheidet. Der Wachstumsmechanismus der Granulate ist abhängig von der Partikelbenetzung durch die versprühten Flüssigkeitströpfchen und vom Größenverhältnis von Partikel zu Sprühtröpfchen. Der Einfluss der MassRatio ist für die D10- Kornverteilung der Granulate vernachlässigbar klein. rnMit Hilfe der Störgrößen- Untersuchungen konnte eine Regeleffizienz der Prozessparameter für eine niedrig dosierte (Enalapril)- und eine hoch dosierte (Metformin) Arzneistoffformulierung erarbeitet werden, wodurch eine weitgehende Automatisierung zur Verringerung von Fehlerquellen durch Nachregelung der Störgrößen ermöglicht wird. Es ergibt sich für die gesamte Prozesskette ein in sich geschlossener PAT- Ansatz. Die Prozessparameter Sprührate und Zuluftmenge erwiesen sich als am besten geeignet. Die Nachregelung mit dem Parameter Zulufttemperatur erwies sich als träge. rnFerner wurden in der Arbeit Herstellverfahren für Granulate und Tabletten für zwei prozesssensible Wirkstoffe entwickelt. Die Robustheit der Herstellverfahren gegenüber Störgrößen konnte demonstriert werden, wodurch die Voraussetzungen für eine Echtzeitfreigabe gemäß dem PAT- Gedanken geschaffen sind. Die Kontrolle der Qualität des Produkts findet nicht am Ende der Produktions- Prozesskette statt, sondern die Kontrolle wird bereits während des Prozesses durchgeführt und basiert auf einem besseren Verständnis des Produktes und des Prozesses. Außerdem wurde durch die konsequente Verfolgung des PAT- Ansatzes die Möglichkeit zur kontinuierlichen Prozessverbesserung, zur Qualitätserhöhung und Kostenreduktion gegeben und damit das ganzheitliche Ziel des PAT- Gedankens erreicht und verwirklicht.rn
A new liquid-fuel injector was designed for use in the atmospheric-pressure, model gas turbine combustor in Bucknell University’s Combustion Research Laboratory during alternative fuel testing. The current liquid-fuel injector requires a higher-than-desired pressure drop and volumetric flow rate to provide proper atomization of liquid fuels. An air-blast atomizer type of fuel injector was chosen and an experiment utilizing water as the working fluid was performed on a variable-geometry prototype. Visualization of the spray pattern was achieved through photography and the pressure drop was measured as a function of the required operating parameters. Experimental correlations were used to estimate droplet sizes over flow conditions similar to that which would be experienced in the actual combustor. The results of this experiment were used to select the desired geometric parameters for the proposed final injector design and a CAD model was generated. Eventually, the new injector will be fabricated and tested to provide final validation of the design prior to use in the combustion test apparatus.
Studying liquid fuel combustion is necessary to better design combustion systems. Through more efficient combustors and alternative fuels, it is possible to reduce greenhouse gases and harmful emissions. In particular, coal-derived and Fischer-Tropsch liquid fuels are of interest because, in addition to producing fewer emissions, they have the potential to drastically reduce the United States' dependence on foreign oil. Major academic research institutions like the Pennsylvania State University perform cutting-edge research in many areas of combustion. The Combustion Research Laboratory (CRL) at Bucknell University is striving to develop the necessary equipment to be capable of both independent and collaborative research efforts with Penn State and in the process, advance the CRL to the forefront of combustion studies. The focus of this thesis is to advance the capabilities of the Combustion Research Lab at Bucknell. Specifically, this was accomplished through a revision to a previously designed liquid fuel injector, and through the design and installation of a laser extinction system for the measurement of soot produced during combustion. The previous liquid fuel injector with a 0.005" hole did not behave as expected. Through spray testing the 0.005" injector with water, it was determined that experimental errors were made in the original pressure testing of the injector. Using data from the spray testing experiment, new theoretical hole sizes of the injector were calculated. New injectors with 0.007" and 0.0085" orifices were fabricated and subsequently tested to qualitatively validate their behavior. The injectors were installed in the combustion rig in the CRL and hot-fire tested with liquid heptane. The 0.0085" injector yielded a manageable fuel pressure and produced a broad flame. A laser extinction system was designed and installed in the CRL. This involved the fabrication of a number of custom-designed parts and the specification of laser extinction equipment for purchase. A standard operating procedure for the laser extinction system was developed to provide a consistent, safe method for measuring soot formation during combustion.
A new electrothermal atomizer for use in direct determination of Ag, Bi, In, and Tl in marine, riverine, and aeolian particulate matter on membrane filters is described. A sample capsule and atomization cell are heated separately. That is why it is possible to separate and optimize decomposition of a sample, vaporization of elements and atomization of their vapors. Noise reduction and design, which localizes the vapors in a light absorption zone, decrease detection limits of these four elements by factor of at least 3 to 10. Some analytical results are given.
O buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L.) é um fruto rico em carotenoides, ácidos graxos e compostos fenólicos com grande potencial de industrialização. Entretanto, sua vida útil reduzida dificulta a comercialização e um maior aproveitamento. Dessa forma, tecnologias de processamento podem ser empregadas para que haja maior utilização e expansão do buriti. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar polpa de buriti congelada, liofilizada e atomizada, quantificando os compostos bioativos (carotenoides e ácidos graxos), a composição centesimal e mineral, além de avaliar a estabilidade química e funcional da polpa submetida a esses tratamentos ao longo do tempo de armazenamento. Polpas de buriti oriunda da Comunidade Boa Vista, zona rural do município de Arinos, MG, foram submetidas a três processamentos: congelamento (eleito como controle), liofilização e atomização (com adição de maltodextrina como coadjuvante de tecnologia). Após o processamento, as polpas foram acondicionadas em embalagens laminadas compostas por poliéster, alumínio e polietileno (25 x 25 cm), com capacidade para 100 g cada, e armazenadas a -23 °C para o congelamento e a temperatura ambiente para as polpas desidratadas. As análises físicas, químicas, nutricionais e funcionais foram realizadas logo após o processamento, para caracterização das polpas e nos períodos: 1, 14, 28, 42 e 56 dias, para avaliação da estabilidade. O delineamento experimental empregado constituiu-se de dois fatores (processamento e período) e a interação entre eles. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente por meio da Análise de Variância Univariada (ANOVA) com nível de significância de 5 %. Constatou-se que durante a estocagem a polpa liofilizada apresentou maior brilho, menor opacidade, valores inferiores para o pH, menor variação da atividade de água e maior acidez titulável. Esses parâmetros são importantes indicadores de qualidade da polpa durante a sua estocagem, visto que dificultam o desenvolvimento microbiano. A adição da maltodextrina no processo de atomização acarretou maiores teores de sólidos solúveis em relação aos demais tratamentos. Os resultados demonstraram que, ao longo do armazenamento, a liofilização contribuiu para a melhor preservação dos carotenoides totais. A quantificação dos carotenoides e dos ácidos graxos na polpa congelada demonstrou que houve melhor preservação de carotenoides do tipo alfa e beta caroteno, dos ácidos graxos oleico, indicando maior valor nutricional para a alimentação humana. Apesar dos resultados satisfatórios para a polpa congelada, durante o tempo analisado a polpa congelada apresentou maiores perdas em relação à polpa liofilizada. Para a classe dos compostos fenólicos, a liofilização apresentou melhores resultados ao longo da estocagem. O uso de baixas temperaturas foi mais efetivo para a preservação dos compostos bioativos analisados. Portanto, pode-se concluir que o emprego da liofilização é a alternativa mais adequada entre as avaliadas, para o aproveitamento da polpa de buriti na indústria de alimentos, uma vez que esse tratamento preservou todos os constituintes avaliados durante a estocagem.
Results are presented of application of laser stepwise photoionization of atoms in combination with thermal atomization of matter in vacuum for direct determination of aluminum dissolved in sea and interstitial waters. Dry residue from evaporation of 40 ?l sea water was atomized in a crucible at 1800°C, and aluminum atoms in the beam thus formed were energized into Rydberg state in two steps by two tunable dye laser beams; the atoms were then ionized by an electric pulse and resulting ions were recorded by secondary emission electron multiplier (ion detector). Ionic signal dependence on sample vaporization time was studied. The procedure is suggested for separating out a selective signal in a single measurement. Dissolved aluminum concentrations in interstitial waters of the Indian Ocean and in waters of the river-sea zone were determined using preliminarily plotted calibration characteristics for aluminum solutions in deionized and sea waters. The minimum detectable Al concentration in seawater was 1 ?g/l that corresponds to 40 pg of Al in a sample.
Produced water is a major problem associated with the crude oil extraction activity. The monitoring of the levels of metals in the waste is constant and requires the use of sensitive analytical techniques. However, the determination of trace elements can often require a pre-concentration step. The objective of this study was to develop a simple and rapid analytical method for the extraction and pre-concentration based on extraction phenomenon cloud point for the determination of Cd, Pb and Tl in produced water samples by spectrometry of high resolution Absorption source continues and atomization graphite furnace. The Box Behnken design was used to obtain the optimal condition of extraction of analytes. The factors were evaluated: concentration of complexing agent (o,o-dietilditilfosfato ammonium, DDTP), the concentration of hydrochloric acid and concentration of surfactant (Triton X -114). The optimal condition obtained through extraction was: 0,6% m v-1 DDTP, HCl 0,3 mol L-1 and 0,2% m v-1 of Triton X - 114 for Pb; 0,7% m v-1 DDTP, HCl 0,8 mol L-1 and 0,2% m v-1 Triton X-114 for Cd. For Tl was evidenced that best extraction condition occurs with no DDTP, the extraction conditions were HCl 1,0 mol L-1 e 1,0% m v-1 de Triton X - 114. The limits of detection for the proposed method were 0,005 µg L-1 , 0,03 µg L-1 and 0,09 µg L-1 to Cd, Pb and Tl, Respectively. Enrichment factors Were greater than 10 times. The method was applied to the water produced in the Potiguar basin, and addition and recovery tests were performed, and values were between 81% and 120%. The precision was expressed with relative standard deviation (RSD) is less than 5%
The determination and monitoring of metallic contaminants in water is a task that must be continuous, leading to the importance of the development, modification and optimization of analytical methodologies capab le of determining the various metal contaminants in natural environments, because, in many cases, the ava ilable instrumentation does not provide enough sensibility for the determination of trace values . In this study, a method of extraction and pre- concentration using a microemulsion system with in the Winsor II equilibrium was tested and optimized for the determination of Co, Cd, P b, Tl, Cu and Ni through the technique of high- resolution atomic absorption spectrometry using a continuum source (HR-CS AAS). The optimization of the temperature program for the graphite furnace (HR-CS AAS GF) was performed through the pyrolysis and atomization curves for the analytes Cd, Pb, Co and Tl with and without the use of different chemical modifiers. Cu and Ni we re analyzed by flame atomization (HR-CS F AAS) after pre-concentr ation, having the sample introduction system optimized for the realization of discrete sampling. Salinity and pH levels were also analyzed as influencing factors in the efficiency of the extraction. As final numbers, 6 g L -1 of Na (as NaCl) and 1% of HNO 3 (v/v) were defined. For the determination of the optimum extraction point, a centroid-simplex statistical plan was a pplied, having chosen as the optimum points of extraction for all of the analytes, the follo wing proportions: 70% aqueous phase, 10% oil phase and 20% co-surfactant/surfactant (C/S = 4). After extraction, the metals were determined and the merit figures obtained for the proposed method were: LOD 0,09, 0,01, 0,06, 0,05, 0,6 and 1,5 μg L -1 for Pb, Cd, Tl, Co, Cu and Ni, re spectively. Line ar ranges of ,1- 2,0 μg L -1 for Pb, 0,01-2,0 μg L -1 for Cd, 1,0 - 20 μg L -1 for Tl, 0,1-5,0 μg L -1 for Co, 2-200 μg L -1 and for Cu e Ni 5-200 μg L -1 were obtained. The enrichment factors obtained ranged between 6 and 19. Recovery testing with the certified sample show ed recovery values (n = 3, certified values) after extraction of 105 and 101, 100 and 104% for Pb, Cd, Cu and Ni respectively. Samples of sweet waters of lake Jiqui, saline water from Potengi river and water produced from the oil industry (PETROBRAS) were spiked and the recovery (n = 3) for the analytes were between 80 and 112% confirming th at the proposed method can be used in the extraction. The proposed method enabled the sepa ration of metals from complex matrices, and with good pre-concentration factor, consistent with the MPV (allowed limits) compared to CONAMA Resolution No. 357/2005 which regulat es the quality of fresh surface water, brackish and saline water in Brazil.
In States of Paraíba (PB) and Rio Grande do Norte (RN), northeast of Brazil, the most significant deposits of non-metallic industrial minerals are pegmatites, quartzites and granites, which are located in Seridó region. Extraction of clay, quartz, micas and feldspars occurs mainly in the cities of Várzea (PB), OuroBranco (RN) and Parelhas (RN). Mining companies working in the extraction and processing of quartzite generate large volumes of waste containing about 90% SiO2 in their chemical composition coming from quartz that is one of the basic constituents of ceramic mass for the production of ceramic coating. Therefore, this work evaluates the utilization of these wastes on fabrication of high-quality ceramic products, such as porcelain stoneware, in industrial scale. Characterization of raw materials was based on XRF, XRD, GA, TGA and DSC analysis, on samples composed by 57% of feldspar, 37% of argil and 6% of quartzite residues, with 5 different colors (white, gold, pink, green and black). Samples were synthesized in three temperatures, 1150°C, 1200°C and 1250°C, with one hour isotherm and warming-up tax of 10°C/min. After synthesizing, the specimens were submit to physical characterization tests of water absorption, linear shrinkage, apparently porosity, density, flexural strain at three points. The addition of 6% of quartzite residue to ceramic mass provided a final product with technological properties attending technical norms for the production of porcelain stoneware; best results were observed at a temperature of 1200°C. According to the results there was a high iron oxide on black quartzite, being their use in porcelain stoneware discarded by ethic and structural question, because the material fused at 1250°C. All quartzite formulations had low water absorption when synthesized at 1200°C, getting 0.1% to 0.36% without having gone through the atomization process. Besides, flexural strain tests overcame 27 MPa reaching the acceptance limits of the European Directive EN 100, at 1200°C synthesizing. Thus, the use of quartzite residues in ceramic masses poses as great potential for the production of porcelain stoneware.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08