929 resultados para Asthma.
This article is an excellent example of applied ethics in public health policy development.
The growing epidemic of allergy and allergy-induced asthma poses a significant challenge to population health. This article, written for a target audience of policy-makers in public health, aims to contribute to the development of policies to counter allergy morbidities by demonstrating how principles of social justice can guide public health initiatives in reducing allergy and asthma triggers. Following a discussion of why theories of social justice have utility in analyzing allergy, a step-wise policy assessment protocol formulated on Rawlsian principles of social justice is presented. This protocol can serve as a tool to aid in prioritizing public health initiatives and identifying ethically problematic policies that necessitate reform. Criteria for policy assessment include: 1) whether a tentative public health intervention would provide equal health benefit to a range of allergy and asthma sufferers, 2) whether targeting initiatives towards particu- lar societal groups is merited based on the notion of ‘worst-off status’ of certain population segments, and 3) whether targeted policies have the potential for stigmatization. The article concludes by analyzing three examples of policies used in reducing allergy and asthma triggers in order to convey the general thought process underlying the use of the assessment protocol, which public health officials could replicate as a guide in actual, region-specific policy development.
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Objective: to present the effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation programs in the treatmentof a patient with asthma, this is the case of a young Caucasian girl —17 years old— with severe asthma diagnosis, with symptoms since she was eight years old, 10th grade student. Method: She was referred to the program of Pulmonary Rehabilitation after three hospitalizations during the last year due to asthmatic crises, dyspnoea in activities of daily living, and intolerance to physical exercise. In the initial evaluation, a patient with non-controlled asthma was found; she was receiving short-acting medication admitting that she was not complying with regular use and with a prescribed dose of the pharmacological treatment and that she ignored the importance of this commitment for optimal evolution. The patient expressed concern about the progressive deterioration at her respiratory and functional level during the last year and her fear and anxiety for not being able to breathe during activities befitting her age. Results: One month after receiving bronchodilators and long-acting steroids permanently and complying with recommendations about regular use and adequate inhalatory technique, the patient was included in a three-times a-week program of pulmonary rehabilitation during eight weeks for upper and lower extremity endurance and resistance training. Conclusion: This intervention showed significant changes in the patient at functional level and a greater social participation.
Resumen tomado de la revista
In the present study the effects of bradykinin receptor antagonists were investigated in a murine model of asthma using BALB/c mice immunized with ovalbumin/alum and challenged twice with aerosolized ovalbumin. Twenty four hours later eosinophil proliferation in the bone marrow, activation (lipid bodies formation), migration to lung parenchyma and airways and the contents of the pro-angiogenic and pro-fibrotic cytokines TGF-beta and VEGF were determined. The antagonists of the constitutive B(2) (HOE 140) and inducible B(1) (R954) receptors were administered intraperitoneally 30 min before each challenge. In sensitized mice, the antigen challenge induced eosinophil proliferation in the bone marrow, their migration into the lungs and increased the number of lipid bodies in these cells. These events were reduced by treatment of the mice with the B(1) receptor antagonist. The B(2) antagonist increased the number of eosinophils and lipid bodies in the airways without affecting eosinophil counts in the other compartments. After challenge the airway levels of VEGF and TGF-beta significantly increased and the B(1) receptor antagonist caused a further increase. By immunohistochemistry techniques TGF-beta was found to be expressed in the muscular layer of small blood vessels and VEGF in bronchial epithelial cells. The B(1) receptors were expressed in the endothelial cells. These results showed that in a murine model of asthma the B(1) receptor antagonist has an inhibitory effect on eosinophils in selected compartments and increases the production of cytokines involved in tissue repair. It remains to be determined whether this effects of the B(1) antagonist would modify the progression of the allergic inflammation towards resolution or rather towards fibrosis. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Global Initiative Against Asthma (GINA) was developed to meet the global challenge of asthma. GINA has been adopted in most countries and comparison of asthma management in different parts of the world may be of help when assessing the global dissemination of the guideline. The overall goals in GINA include that asthma patients should be free of symptoms, acute asthma attacks and activity limitations. The aim of the present study was to compare asthma management and asthma control in Sao Paulo, Brazil and Uppsala, Sweden. Information was collected from asthmatics in Sao Paulo and Uppsala with a questionnaire. The questionnaire dealt with the following issues: symptoms, smoking, self-management, hospital visits, effect on school/work and medication. The Sao Paulo patients were more likely to have uncontrolled asthma (36% vs 13%, P < 0.001), having made emergency room visits (57% vs 29%, P < 0.001) and having lost days at school or work because of their asthma (46% vs 28%, P = 0.03) than the asthmatics from Uppsala. There were no difference in the use of inhaled corticosteroids, but the Brazilian patients were more likely to be using theophylline (18% vs 1%, P = 0.001) and less likely to be using long-acting beta-2 agonists (18% vs 37%, P < 0.001). We conclude that the level of asthma control was lower among the patients from Sao Paulo than Uppsala. Few of the patients in either city reached the goals set up by GINA. Improved asthma management may therefore lead to health-economic benefits in both locations. Please cite this paper as: Skorup P, Rizzo LV, Machado-Boman L and Janson C. Asthma management and asthma control in Sao Paulo, Brazil and Uppsala, Sweden: a questionnaire-based comparison. The Clinical Respiratory Journal 2009; 3: 22-28.
Levels of endothelins are particularly high in the lung, and there is evidence that these peptides are involved in asthma. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease associated with lymphocyte infiltration. In the present study, we used a murine model of asthma to investigate the role of endothelins in lymphocyte and eosinophil infiltration into the airway hyperreactivity and mucus secretion. Sensitized C57B1/6 mice were treated with endothelin ET(A) receptor antagonist (BQ123) or endothelin ET(B) receptor antagonist (BQ788) 30 min before an antigen aerosol challenge. After 24 h, dose response curves to methacholine were performed in isolated lungs, FACS analysis of lymphocytes and eosinophil counts were performed in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and mucus index was determined by histopathology. In sensitized and antigen-challenged mice there is a marked increase in the T CD(4)(+), T CD(8)(+), B220(+), T gamma delta(+) and NK1.1(+) lymphocyte subsets. Treatment with BQ123 further increased these cell populations. The number of eosinophils, airway hyperreactivity and mucus were all reduced by BQ123 treatment. The BQ788 had no significant effect on the parameters analyzed. Treatment with BQ123 reduced the endothelin concentration in lung homogenates, suggesting that endothelins exert a positive feedback on their synthesis. We show here that in murine asthma the ET(A) receptor antagonist up-regulates lymphocyte infiltration and reduces eosinophils, hyperreactivity and mucus. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Asthma is a complex disease, influenced by both environmental and genetic factors. In this study, the analysis of multiple environmental factos assessed by questionnaire and the genotyping of SNPs IL131c.144 G/A, IL41590 C/T, IL41RP2 253183, ADRB21c.16 A/G, ADAM331V4 C/G, ADAM331S1 c.710 G/A, GSDML1236 C/T and STAT6121 C/T were performed in a sample of Madeiran asthmatic patients and their families, and their association to asthma susceptibility and severity was assessed. Family, environmental, social and individual factos such as the presence of rhinitis in one of the parents,the habitation conditions, the family smoking habits, individual food habits and allergen sensitivity, were found to account for asthma severity. IL41590*T and IL41RP2*183$ alleles as well as the combined genotypes IL41590*CT/IL41590*TT and IL41 RP2*253183/IL41RP2*253183 were associated to both asthma susceptibility and severity.GSDML1236*TT was found associated only to asthma severity.Allele ADAM331 V4*C was significantly overM transmitted to asthmatic offspring being linked with the disease by TDT. These findings suggest that in addition to environmental influences, IL41 590 C/T, IL41RP2 253183, ADAM331V4 C/G and GSDML1236 C/T SNPs may constitute important genetic factos contributing to asthmasusceptibility and/or severity in Madeira population.
Asthma is a significant health issue in the pediatric population with a noteworthy growth over the years. The proposed challenge for this PhD thesis was the development of advanced methodologies to establish metabolomic patterns in urine and exhaled breath associated with asthma whose applicability was subsequently exploited to evaluate the disease state, the therapy adhesion and effect and for diagnostic purposes. The volatile composition of exhaled breath was studied combining headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) with gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry or with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry with a high resolution time of flight analyzer (GC×GC–ToFMS). These methodologies allowed the identification of several hundred compounds from different chemical families. Multivariate analysis (MVA) led to the conclusion that the metabolomic profile of asthma individuals is characterized by higher levels of compounds associated with lipid peroxidation, possibly linked to oxidative stress and inflammation (alkanes and aldehydes) known to play an important role in asthma. For future applications in clinical settings a set of nine compounds was defined and the clinical applicability was proven in monitoring the disease status and in the evaluation of the effect and / or adherence to therapy. The global volatile metabolome of urine was also explored using an HSSPME/GC×GC–ToFMS method and c.a. 200 compounds were identified. A targeted analysis was performed, with 78 compounds related with lipid peroxidation and consequently to oxidative stress levels and inflammation. The urinary non-volatile metabolomic pattern of asthma was established using proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR). This analysis allowed identifying central metabolic pathways such as oxidative stress, amino acid and lipid metabolism, gut microflora alterations, alterations in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, histidine metabolism, lactic acidosis, and modification of free tyrosine residues after eosinophil stimulation. The obtained results allowed exploring and demonstrating the potential of analyzing the metabolomic profile of exhaled air and urine in asthma. Besides the successful development of analysis methodologies, it was possible to explore through exhaled air and urine biochemical pathways affected by asthma, observing complementarity between matrices, as well as, verify the clinical applicability.
Allergicasthmarepresentsanimportantpublichealthissuewithsignificantgrowthovertheyears,especially in the paediatric population. Exhaled breath is a non-invasive, easily performed and rapid method forobtainingsamplesfromthelowerrespiratorytract.Inthepresentmanuscript,themetabolicvolatile profiles of allergic asthma and control children were evaluated by headspace solid-phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography–quadrupole mass spectrometry (HS-SPME/GC–qMS). The lack ofstudiesinbreathofallergicasthmaticchildrenbyHS-SPMEledtothedevelopmentofanexperimental design to optimize SPME parameters. To fulfil this objective, three important HS-SPME experimental parameters that influence the extraction efficiency, namely fibre coating, temperature and time extractions were considered. The selected conditions that promoted higher extraction efficiency corresponding to the higher GC peak areas and number of compounds were: DVB/CAR/PDMS coating fibre, 22◦C and 60min as the extraction temperature and time, respectively. The suitability of two containers, 1L Tedlar® bags and BIOVOC®, for breath collection and intra-individual variability were also investigated. The developed methodology was then applied to the analysis of children exhaled breath with allergicasthma(35),fromwhich13hadalsoallergicrhinitis,andhealthycontrolchildren(15),allowing to identify 44 volatiles distributed over the chemical families of alkanes (linear and ramified) ketones, aromatic hydrocarbons, aldehydes, acids, among others. Multivariate studies were performed by Partial LeastSquares–DiscriminantAnalysis(PLS–DA)usingasetof28selectedmetabolitesanddiscrimination between allergic asthma and control children was attained with a classification rate of 88%. The allergic asthma paediatric population was characterized mainly by the compounds linked to oxidative stress, such as alkanes and aldehydes. Furthermore, more detailed information was achieved combining the volatile metabolic data, suggested by PLS–DA model, and clinical data.
Allergic asthma represents an important public health issue, most common in the paediatric population, characterized by airway inflammation that may lead to changes in volatiles secreted via the lungs. Thus, exhaled breath has potential to be a matrix with relevant metabolomic information to characterize this disease. Progress in biochemistry, health sciences and related areas depends on instrumental advances, and a high throughput and sensitive equipment such as comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography–time of flight mass spectrometry (GC × GC–ToFMS) was considered. GC × GC–ToFMS application in the analysis of the exhaled breath of 32 children with allergic asthma, from which 10 had also allergic rhinitis, and 27 control children allowed the identification of several hundreds of compounds belonging to different chemical families. Multivariate analysis, using Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis in tandem with Monte Carlo Cross Validation was performed to assess the predictive power and to help the interpretation of recovered compounds possibly linked to oxidative stress, inflammation processes or other cellular processes that may characterize asthma. The results suggest that the model is robust, considering the high classification rate, sensitivity, and specificity. A pattern of six compounds belonging to the alkanes characterized the asthmatic population: nonane, 2,2,4,6,6-pentamethylheptane, decane, 3,6-dimethyldecane, dodecane, and tetradecane. To explore future clinical applications, and considering the future role of molecular-based methodologies, a compound set was established to rapid access of information from exhaled breath, reducing the time of data processing, and thus, becoming more expedite method for the clinical purposes.