945 resultados para Ambiguity success rate


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Researchers often experience difficulties with the negotiation of access into firms for the purpose of data collection. The question we explore is: What are the main obstacles associated with access negotiation into firms; and what strategies do researchers employ to increase their chances of success? Our research work on the tendering process of contractors took place between 2006 and 2008. We successfully negotiated access into four firms (two each in Ghana and the UK) to observe live examples of tender preparation The techniques we employed in negotiating access were personal contacts, contacting firms through online details and professional institutions, etc. With all of this effort, our average success rate was less than 5 per cent. The main obstacles encountered were firms’ reluctance because of commercial sensitiveness and fear that the data could eventually be divulged to their competitors or end up in the public domain. However, some firms agreed mainly because of the written assurances of confidentiality and anonymity in reporting the study; reputation of the researchers’ academic institution; gatekeepers who spoke to their colleagues on our behalf; academic purpose of the study; and a feedback report which was promised in return for access to the case studies. Although the access through personal contacts is by far the easiest, it is not always possible. Researchers can approach firms as complete strangers, especially in a foreign country, and that could make the firms more likely to assist the research.


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The elucidation of the domain content of a given protein sequence in the absence of determined structure or significant sequence homology to known domains is an important problem in structural biology. Here we address how successfully the delineation of continuous domains can be accomplished in the absence of sequence homology using simple baseline methods, an existing prediction algorithm (Domain Guess by Size), and a newly developed method (DomSSEA). The study was undertaken with a view to measuring the usefulness of these prediction methods in terms of their application to fully automatic domain assignment. Thus, the sensitivity of each domain assignment method was measured by calculating the number of correctly assigned top scoring predictions. We have implemented a new continuous domain identification method using the alignment of predicted secondary structures of target sequences against observed secondary structures of chains with known domain boundaries as assigned by Class Architecture Topology Homology (CATH). Taking top predictions only, the success rate of the method in correctly assigning domain number to the representative chain set is 73.3%. The top prediction for domain number and location of domain boundaries was correct for 24% of the multidomain set (±20 residues). These results have been put into context in relation to the results obtained from the other prediction methods assessed


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We describe a model-data fusion (MDF) inter-comparison project (REFLEX), which compared various algorithms for estimating carbon (C) model parameters consistent with both measured carbon fluxes and states and a simple C model. Participants were provided with the model and with both synthetic net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2 and leaf area index (LAI) data, generated from the model with added noise, and observed NEE and LAI data from two eddy covariance sites. Participants endeavoured to estimate model parameters and states consistent with the model for all cases over the two years for which data were provided, and generate predictions for one additional year without observations. Nine participants contributed results using Metropolis algorithms, Kalman filters and a genetic algorithm. For the synthetic data case, parameter estimates compared well with the true values. The results of the analyses indicated that parameters linked directly to gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration, such as those related to foliage allocation and turnover, or temperature sensitivity of heterotrophic respiration, were best constrained and characterised. Poorly estimated parameters were those related to the allocation to and turnover of fine root/wood pools. Estimates of confidence intervals varied among algorithms, but several algorithms successfully located the true values of annual fluxes from synthetic experiments within relatively narrow 90% confidence intervals, achieving >80% success rate and mean NEE confidence intervals <110 gC m−2 year−1 for the synthetic case. Annual C flux estimates generated by participants generally agreed with gap-filling approaches using half-hourly data. The estimation of ecosystem respiration and GPP through MDF agreed well with outputs from partitioning studies using half-hourly data. Confidence limits on annual NEE increased by an average of 88% in the prediction year compared to the previous year, when data were available. Confidence intervals on annual NEE increased by 30% when observed data were used instead of synthetic data, reflecting and quantifying the addition of model error. Finally, our analyses indicated that incorporating additional constraints, using data on C pools (wood, soil and fine roots) would help to reduce uncertainties for model parameters poorly served by eddy covariance data.


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The human amniotic membrane (AM) is a tissue of fetal origin and has proven to be clinically useful as a biomaterial in the management of various ocular surface disorders including corneal stem cell transplantation. However, its success rate displays a degree of clinical unpredictability. We suggest that the measured variability inAMstiffness offers an explanation for the poor clinical reproducibility when it is used as a substrate for stem cell expansion and transplantation. Corneal epithelial stem cells were expanded upon AM samples possessing different mechanical stiffness. To investigate further the importance of biological substrate stiffness on cell phenotype we replaced AM with type I collagen gels of known stiffness. Substrate stiffness was measured using shear rheometry and surface topography was characterized using scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The differentiation status of epithelial cells was examined using RT-PCR, immunohistochemistry and Western blotting. The level of corneal stem cell differentiation was increased in cells expanded upon AM with a high dynamic elastic shear modulus and cell expansion on type I collagen gels confirmed that the level of corneal epithelial stem cell differentiation was related to the substrate’s mechanical properties. In this paper we provide evidence to show that the preparatory method of AM for clinical use can affect its mechanical properties and that these measured differences can influence the level of differentiation within expanded corneal epithelial stem cells.


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Research must be published, otherwise it will be lost. The most important papers for a researcher to produce are those published in international refereed journals. Good practice in writing papers is something that can be learned. The editorial process involves sending submitted papers to independent experts in the field, usually anonymously, and their comments inform the editor, who decides whether and how to progress with a paper. Much of this is as obscure to experienced researchers as it is to new ones. With forethought and planning, the success rate of getting submitted papers accepted for publication can be increased. Editors and publishers are generally very keen to help people improve their success rate.


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In this article we assess the abilities of a new electromagnetic (EM) system, the CMD Mini-Explorer, for prospecting of archaeological features in Ireland and the UK. The Mini-Explorer is an EM probe which is primarily aimed at the environmental/geological prospecting market for the detection of pipes and geology. It has long been evident from the use of other EM devices that such an instrument might be suitable for shallow soil studies and applicable for archaeological prospecting. Of particular interest for the archaeological surveyor is the fact that the Mini-Explorer simultaneously obtains both quadrature (‘conductivity’) and in-phase (relative to ‘magnetic susceptibility’) data from three depth levels. As the maximum depth range is probably about 1.5 m, a comprehensive analysis of the subsoil within that range is possible. As with all EM devices the measurements require no contact with the ground, thereby negating the problem of high contact resistance that often besets earth resistance data during dry spells. The use of the CMD Mini-Explorer at a number of sites has demonstrated that it has the potential to detect a range of archaeological features and produces high-quality data that are comparable in quality to those obtained from standard earth resistance and magnetometer techniques. In theory the ability to measure two phenomena at three depths suggests that this type of instrument could reduce the number of poor outcomes that are the result of single measurement surveys. The high success rate reported here in the identification of buried archaeology using a multi-depth device that responds to the two most commonly mapped geophysical phenomena has implications for evaluation style surveys. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A method for maintaining viable cultures of ectomycorrhizal Hebeloma strains in cold liquid culture medium is described. Isolates of Hebeloma spp., collected over a wide geographic range, were stored at 2 °C for a period of three years. All cultures survived this storage period, a greater time period and success rate than has previously been reported for the long term storage of ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes. The method may prove useful for long-term storage of other basidiomycete genera.


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Colour segmentation is the most commonly used method in road signs detection. Road sign contains several basic colours such as red, yellow, blue and white which depends on countries.The objective of this thesis is to do an evaluation of the four colour segmentation algorithms. Dynamic Threshold Algorithm, A Modification of de la Escalera’s Algorithm, the Fuzzy Colour Segmentation Algorithm and Shadow and Highlight Invariant Algorithm. The processing time and segmentation success rate as criteria are used to compare the performance of the four algorithms. And red colour is selected as the target colour to complete the comparison. All the testing images are selected from the Traffic Signs Database of Dalarna University [1] randomly according to the category. These road sign images are taken from a digital camera mounted in a moving car in Sweden.Experiments show that the Fuzzy Colour Segmentation Algorithm and Shadow and Highlight Invariant Algorithm are more accurate and stable to detect red colour of road signs. And the method could also be used in other colours analysis research. The yellow colour which is chosen to evaluate the performance of the four algorithms can reference Master Thesis of Yumei Liu.


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The increasing interests worldwide urge researchers to examine the strategies used specifically for tackling the Chinese market. This urgency is brought forward by the fact of a low success rate of international businesses operating in China in the past twenty years. This paper identifies the fundamental barrier - cultural difference and its impact on Australia China business practices. It identifies the differences which impinge on basic decision making processes. It raises the issue of where cultural factors should be placed in organizations. It stresses that consideration of cultural differences plays an important role in the success of entering the Chinese market. Through a single case study of an Australian organisations operation in China, it is demonstrated that cultural differences should be considered at a strategic level rather than an operational level. This will allow appropriate strategies to be implemented rather than constant acijustments to strategies.


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The Mahseers (Tor spp.) are highly valued freshwater fishes across the Himalayan and South-east Asian regions. Over exploitation of natural stocks because of high demand and the deteriorating environmental conditions have resulted in marked decline of mahseers in the wild. Malaysian mahseers, T. tambroides (Bleeker) and T. douronensis (Valenciennes), locally known as empurau, kelah or belian and semah, respectively, have significant cultural and economic importance but both species are now threatened in the wild because of environmental degradation and over fishing. A captive breeding programme was instigated to attempt to propagate these two species artificially for conservation and aquaculture purposes. Both pond-reared and tank-held T. tambroides and T. douronensis reached sexual maturity in captivity and were successfully induced to spawn using hormone treatments. Ovaprim (0.5 mL kg−1) was the most successful hormone treatment for both species. Pre-treatment of fish with Ovaplant (28–68 μg kg−1, 2–7 weeks before spawning induction) greatly improved the success rate of spawning induction. Repeat spawning (within 4 months of initial spawning) was induced in some captive fish. Use of formalin baths improved hatching by preventing fungal infections. Embryonic development and hatching are described. Juveniles were reared in static greenwater ponds. Tor tambroides reached 142–179 g (max 270 g) in 60 weeks. These results represent the first successful captive spawning and rearing of both species. Options for future research to improve production are discussed.


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This study examined the hypothesis that Phase II cardiac rehabilitation participants (CRP) had better long-term risk factor control, self-rated perception of health and return to work rates than non-participants (NP) between 18 and 36 months post myocardial infarction (MI). It was a comparative study in a 550 bed hospital.

Approximately half of both groups did not achieve a total cholesterol (TC) of 5.5mmol/L or less. Compared with NP, CRP were significantly more likely to have a TC<=6.5mmol/L (7% vs. 28%) (p=0.006). NP with TC>6.5mmol/L were significantly less likely to be on treatment (p=0.002). CRP were more likely to regularly exercise than NP (79% vs. 61%) (p=0.038). The success rate for blood pressure targets, return to work rates and self-rated perception of health were similar in both groups.

In conclusion, CRP had better long-term control of some risk factors than NP. The study provides comparative longer term patient outcomes after an Australian cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programme and forms the basis for further outcome measurement.


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In Little Penguins Eudyptula minor there are no reliable plumage or body size differences that can be used visually to distinguish the sex of individuals. However, sexual dimorphism of morphometric measures has been noted, with males always being a little larger than females. In this study, differences between E. minor sexes at eight colonies in south-eastern Australia were determined statistically via discriminant function analysis (DFA) and through the utilization of DNA-based techniques developed for non-ratite birds. The DFA correctly determined gender in 91.1% of cases and molecular methods were 100% accurate. Our DFA success rate of classification is similar to that previously published for Little Penguins in Victoria. In this study statistically significant differences in mean bill depths and lengths were found between Little Penguin colonies at St Kilda, Phillip Island and Gabo Island, compared to colonies at Kangaroo Island, Granite Island, Middle Island and London Bridge. As birds in eastern populations (St Kilda, Phillip Island, Gabo Island) exhibit statistically significantly smaller beaks (bill depth and bill length), separate discriminant functions were investigated for each phenotypically distinct geo-spatial cohort. Interestingly, cluster analysis for bill length identified three groups: western (Kangaroo Island and Granite Island), eastern (St Kilda, Phillip Island and Middle Island) and the London Bridge Little Penguin colony, which constituted a separate group. We conclude that while there is a slight increase in DF power for colonies west of Cape Otway and for some specific colonies, colony-specific DFA is not required to identify the sex of Little Penguins in south-eastern Australia.


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Learning Objective 1: compare protocol-directed sedation management with traditional non-protocol-directed practice in mechanically ventilated patients in an Australian critical care.

Learning Objective 2: explain the contrasting international research findings on sedation protocol implementation.
Minimization of sedation in critical care patients has recently received widespread support. Professional organizations internationally have published sedation management guidelines for critically ill patients to improve the use of research in practice, decrease practice variability and shorten mechanical ventilation duration. Innovations in practice have included the introduction of decision making protocols, daily sedation interruptions and new drugs and monitoring technologies. The aim of this study was to compare protocol-directed sedation management with traditional non-protocol-directed practice in mechanically ventilated patients in an Australian critical care setting.

A randomized, controlled trial design was used to study 312 mechanically ventilated adult patients in a general critical care unit at an Australian metropolitan teaching hospital. Patients were randomly assigned to receive protocol directed sedation management developed from evidence based guidelines (n=153) or usual clinical practice (n=159).

The median (95% CI) duration of ventilation was 58 hrs (44–78 hrs) for patients in the non-protocol group and 79 hrs (56–93) for those patients in the protocol group (p=0.20). Results were not significant for length of stay in critical care or hospital, the frequency of tracheostomies, and unplanned extubations. A Cox proportional hazards model estimated that protocol directed sedation management was associated with a 22% decrease (95% CI: 40% decrease to 2% increase, p=0.07) in the occurrence of successful weaning from mechanical ventilation.

Few randomized controlled trials have evaluated the effectiveness of protocol-directed sedation outside of North America. This study highlights the lack of transferability between different settings and different models of care. Qualified, high intensity nursing in the Australian critical care setting facilitates rapid, responsive decisions for sedation management and an increased success rate for weaning from mechanical ventilation.


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The increasing interests worldwide urge researchers to examine the strategies used specifically for tackling the Chinese market. This urgency is brought forward by the fact of a low success rate of international businesses operating in China in the past twenty years. This paper identifies the fundamental barrier — cultural difference and its impact on Australia-China business practices. It identifies the differences which impinge on basic decision making processes. It raises the issue of where cultural factors should be placed in organizations. It stresses that consideration of cultural differences plays an important role in the success of entering the Chinese market. Through a single case study of an Australian organisation's operation in China, it is demonstrated that cultural differences are to be considered at a strategic level rather than an operational level. In this method, appropriate implementations will be able to be carried out.


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In this paper we study the problem of routing in opportunistic wireless network, and propose a novel routing mechanism, message-aware routing (MAR). Using MAR, the messages can be prioritized at mobile nodes and the resources will be allocated accordingly. The MAR uses the message-aware socializing model to classify mobile nodes into different social groups. In MAR, nodes only maintain up-to-date routing information for the nodes in the same social group and the messages for the nodes in the same social group will have higher priority to be delivered. The MAR improves the routing efficiency in terms of reduced traffic and a higher delivery success rate. Further, MAR is constructed in decentralized way and does not require any centralized infrastructure. Experiments using NS2 simulator show that the MAR achieves higher delivery rate than the Epidemic and Prophet routing.