224 resultados para Alias


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El APA del Colegio Santa María del Pilar edita este material como homenaje a Enrique Zabala, alias Henry Wide, con motivo de su jubilación


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Ejemplar fotocopiado, fecha aproximada


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Ejemplar fotocopiado, fecha aproximada


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Resumen tomado del autor. Resumen en castellano e inglés. Notas a pie de página. Este artículo se incluye en el monográfico 'El aprendizaje: nuevas aportaciones'


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La presencia, en Bolivia de un katarismo radical, promovido por los más recientes movimientos indigenistas, nos obliga a repensar las políticas de conocimiento criollo-mestizas. En este sentido, el presente artículo ubica la propuesta de "indianizar al q'ara" como una "pedagogía al revés" con la cual la ideología katarista radical de Felipe Quispe, alias "el Mallku", cuestiona desde abajo el mestizaje que los grupos dominantes promueven desde principios de siglo.


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La presente investigación analiza la imposición de la salvaguardia cambiaria por parte de Ecuador a Colombia, entre julio del 2009 y febrero del 2010, en el marco de las relaciones bilaterales entre los dos socios andinos. El estudio evalúa el comportamiento de las importaciones ecuatorianas desde Colombia, sobretodo el de 100 sub partidas, afectadas tanto por la salvaguardia cambiaria, como por la salvaguardia de balanza de pagos; además, las reducciones más significativas en cuanto a volúmenes y a valores, en 67 productos durante la vigencia de las dos salvaguardias. El deterioro de las relaciones entre Colombia y Ecuador, a raíz de marzo del 2008, marca el contexto de la investigación. Tras una incursión militar en territorio ecuatoriano, el 1 de marzo de ese año, el gobierno colombiano logró la captura y muerte del segundo líder de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), alias Raúl Reyes; pero, al mismo tiempo, el ataque provocó días después la ruptura de relaciones diplomáticas con Ecuador. Si bien la crisis no se ha trasladado completamente al plano comercial, la imposición de la salvaguardia cambiaria fue vista por los sectores productivos de Ecuador y Colombia como una medida inoportuna para el restablecimiento normal de las relaciones e incluso como un factor que dilataba más el acercamiento entre los dos países. Por su parte, el gobierno ecuatoriano defendió la medida como una opción válida para restaurar las condiciones de comercio y competencia para Ecuador, afectadas desde el 2008, por la devaluación del peso colombiano. Además, junto con la salvaguardia de balanza de pagos, la salvaguardia cambiaria fue una opción para enfrentar la amenaza del sector externo y la crisis económica mundial que repercutió en el país, con la disminución de las exportaciones, disminución del precio internacional del petróleo -principal producto ecuatoriano de exportación-, y disminución de las remesas de emigrantes -segundo rubro de ingresos para la economía nacional.


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Climate modeling is a complex process, requiring accurate and complete metadata in order to identify, assess and use climate data stored in digital repositories. The preservation of such data is increasingly important given the development of ever-increasingly complex models to predict the effects of global climate change. The EU METAFOR project has developed a Common Information Model (CIM) to describe climate data and the models and modelling environments that produce this data. There is a wide degree of variability between different climate models and modelling groups. To accommodate this, the CIM has been designed to be highly generic and flexible, with extensibility built in. METAFOR describes the climate modelling process simply as "an activity undertaken using software on computers to produce data." This process has been described as separate UML packages (and, ultimately, XML schemas). This fairly generic structure canbe paired with more specific "controlled vocabularies" in order to restrict the range of valid CIM instances. The CIM will aid digital preservation of climate models as it will provide an accepted standard structure for the model metadata. Tools to write and manage CIM instances, and to allow convenient and powerful searches of CIM databases,. Are also under development. Community buy-in of the CIM has been achieved through a continual process of consultation with the climate modelling community, and through the METAFOR team’s development of a questionnaire that will be used to collect the metadata for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) model runs.


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There are three key components for developing a metadata system: a container structure laying out the key semantic issues of interest and their relationships; an extensible controlled vocabulary providing possible content; and tools to create and manipulate that content. While metadata systems must allow users to enter their own information, the use of a controlled vocabulary both imposes consistency of definition and ensures comparability of the objects described. Here we describe the controlled vocabulary (CV) and metadata creation tool built by the METAFOR project for use in the context of describing the climate models, simulations and experiments of the fifth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5). The CV and resulting tool chain introduced here is designed for extensibility and reuse and should find applicability in many more projects.


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Given manifolds M and N, with M compact, we study the geometrical structure of the space of embeddings of M into N, having less regularity than C(infinity) quotiented by the group of diffeomorphisms of M.


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We give estimates of the intrinsic and the extrinsic curvature of manifolds that are isometrically immersed as cylindrically bounded submanifolds of warped products. We also address extensions of the results in the case of submanifolds of the total space of a Riemannian submersion.


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This thesis examines three works: Margaret Atwood's The Robber Bride and Alias Grace, and Angela Carter's Nights at the Circus. All three novels feature female characters that contain elements or myth fragments of mermaids and sirens. The thesis asserts that the images of the mermaid and siren have undergone a gradual process of change, from literal mythical figures, to metaphorical images, and then to figures or myth fragments that reference the original mythical figures. The persistence of these female half-human images points to an underlying rationale that is independent of historical and cultural factors. Using feminist psychoanalytic theoretical frameworks, the thesis identifies the existence of the siren/mermaid myth fragments that are used as a means to construct the category of the 'bad' woman. It then identifies the function that these references serve in the narrative and in the broader context of both Victorian and contemporary societies. The thesis postulates the origin of the mermaid and siren myths as stemming from the ambivalent relationship that the male infant forms with the mother as he develops an identity as an individual. Finally, the thesis discusses the manner in which Atwood and Carter build on this foundation to deconstruct the binary oppositions that disadvantage women and to expand the category of female.


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Despite early diagnosis, early fitting of more advanced sensory aids, early intervention, and intensive educational management, many children with severe to profound hearing loss are delayed in their acquisition of spoken language compared with their peers with normal hearing. More...Some of the greatest challenges facing educators of deaf children include determining where to focus intervention in order to maximise benefit, and establishing the most effective strategies for the development of age-appropriate language. The experimental research in this book examined the relationship between hearing, speech production, and vocabulary knowledge, and investigated the contributions of these factors to the overall speech perception performance of deaf children. This research also investigated the areas in which intervention would be most beneficial, and examined the effects of different types of intervention on the development of spoken language and speech perception skills in deaf children. The evaluation, analysis and intervention methods reported in this book provide an experimentally validated program for improving speech perception, speech production and spoken language skills of deaf children.


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This short piece looks at the life of a murderer, George Blunderfield (alias Arthur Oldring), who was hanged in Melbourne in 1918. Melburnians, or visitors to the city, may have seen his image on the wall at the Old Melbourne Gaol. Blunderfield's life started out normally
enough, and then descended into horrific crime. His story includes bicycle racing, escape from an island prison, and then recruitment for service with the Australian Imperial Forces in wartime Victoria. In the last years of his life, Blunderfield wreaked havoc from the western to the eastern coasts of Australia. This in turn had a dramatic effect on his immediate family, which is also detailed here. This story draws on the archives at PROV as well as on State Records Office of Western Australia material, with help from Ms Jean
Bellamy, a distant relative of George Blunderfield.