375 resultados para Abra prismatica


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Late Campanian and Maastrichtian benthic foraminifers are recorded from 12 samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 183, Cores 183-1138A-52R through 63R (487.3-602.4 meters below seafloor), Kerguelen Plateau, Indian Ocean, and Danian benthics from one sample in the same section. The entire late Maastrichtian foraminifer fauna is noted from a dredge sample 220 km to the north. The structure of the fauna is compared with the Cenomanian-Turonian of the nearby Eltanin core E54-7. Faunas are reviewed in terms of planktonic percentage, composition, epifaunal/infaunal ratios, and dominance/diversity indices. The region was in the cool Austral Faunal Province through the Campanian-Maastrichtian and was probably warmer in the Cenomanian-Turonian. The ODP section is now 1600 meters below sea level and has subsided several hundred meters since deposition. Its fauna is dominated by epifaunal species suggesting little influence of upwelling. The dredge location has subsided little. Its fauna has a high infaunal content consistent with significant influence of upwelling near the plateau edge. The dominant benthic species remain constant through the ODP Cretaceous section, but subdominance changes, and the section is divided into three informal zones based on dominance/subdominance characteristics of the benthic fauna. Brief taxonomic comments are made on several species and some are figured.


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In order to examine the long-term development of offshore macrozoobenthic soft-bottom communities of the German Bight, four representative permanent stations (MZB-SSd, -FSd, -Slt, -WB) have been sampled continuously since 1969. Inter-annual variability and possible long-term trends were analysed based on spring-time samples from 1969 until 2000. This is part of the ecological long-term series of the AWI and is supplemented by periodic large-scale mapping of the benthos. The main factors influencing the development of the benthic communities are biological interactions, climate, food supply (eutrophication) and the disturbance regime. The most frequent disturbances are sediment relocations during strong storms or by bottom trawling, while occasional oxygen deficiencies and extremely cold winters are important disturbance events working on a much larger scale. Benthic communities at the sampling stations show a large inter-annual variability combined with a variation on a roughly decadal scale. In accordance with large-scale system shifts reported for the North Sea, benthic community transitions occurred between roughly the 1970ies, 80ies and 90ies. The transitions between periods are not distinctly marked by strong changes but rather reflected in gradual changes of the species composition and dominance structure.


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 199, eight sites (Sites 1215-1222) were cored in the Central Pacific. Late Eocene-early Oligocene thick radiolarian-rich biogenic sediments were collected from Holes 1218A, 1219A, and 1220A. This is the first attempt to calibrate the ages of Paleogene radiolarian events using magnetostratigraphy in this region. A total of 107 species and species groups, which are valuable for stratigraphic correlation, are listed with numeric data and figures. Among these three holes, a total of 77 radiolarian events were recognized and their ages were calibrated by correlation with paleomagnetic events recorded in Hole 1220A.


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The Paleogene sequences from three sites in the Caribbean were examined for radiolarians. In general, samples are highly lithified, requiring lengthy and repetitive cleaning procedures, and the assemblages are usually fragmented and/or partially dissolved. Both abundances and preservation of the assemblages vary considerably from site to site and within a single site; even within a single sample more than one degree of preservation was observed. It was possible, however, to construct at least partial stratigraphies for each of the three sites. Because the abundance of radiolarians is high even in extremely poorly preserved assemblages, we conclude that the differences in biogenic silica preservation are the result of postdepositional processes and not productivity. In both Sites 999 and 1001, near the Paleocene/Eocene boundary (Bekoma bidartensis Zone [RP7]), there is a short interval in which the abundance and preservation state of the radiolarians improves relative to overlying and underlying assemblages. In each case the intervals corresponds to the level, identified by calcareous microfossils, as representing changes in paleoceanographic conditions associated with the late Paleocene thermal maximum.


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A study was made of the marine molluscan fauna from 12 borings in the Schwarzenbek area. In the fossil rich facies underlying the 'Braunkohlensande', the Neochatt and Vierland faunal sequences could be described and used to define the Oligocene/Miocene boundary. The Neochatt, defined by Pectinidae, seems to be more closely related to the Miocene than previously thought. Nevertheless, a sufficient number of additional molluscan species are present for placing the Neochatt/Vierland boundary. Overlying the Braunkohlensande, the sandy Reinbek fauna as well as Glimmerton faunas of the Reinbek and Langenfelde stages could be described.


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The continuously influence of human impacts on the seafloor and benthic habitats demands the knowledge of clearly defined habitats to assess recent conditions and to monitor future changes. In this study, a benthic habitat dominated by sorted bedforms was mapped in 2010 using biological, sedimentological and acoustic data. This approach reveals the first interdisciplinary analysis of macrofauna communities in sorted bedforms in the German Bight. The study area covered 4 km², and was located ca. 3.5 km west of island of Sylt. Sorted bedforms formed as sinuous depressions with an east west orientation. Inside these depressions coarse sand covers the seafloor, while outside predominantly fine to medium sand was found. Based on the hydroacoustic data, two seafloor classes were identified. Acoustic class 1 was linked to coarse sand (type A) found inside these sorted bedforms, whereas acoustic class 2 was related to mainly fine to medium sands (type B). The two acoustic classes and sediment types corresponded with the macrofauna communities 1 and 2. The Aoinides paucibranchiata-Goniadella bobretzkii community on coarse sand and the Spiophanes bombyx - Magelona johnstonii community on fine sand. A transitional community 3 (Scoloplos armiger - Ophelia community), with species found in communities 1 and 2, could not be detected by hydroacoustic methods. This study showed the limits of the used acoustic methods, which were unable to detect insignificant differences in the fauna composition of sandy areas.


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Two sites were drilled in the Celebes Sea as part of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 124; Site 767 and Site 770. Radiolarians are preserved in Paleogene pelagic claystones with minor occurrences in certain Neogene successions. The brown clays that immediately overlie basalt at both sites contain radiolarians of the late middle Eocene Podocyrtis chalara Zone. Late Eocene radiolarians are not found, due to dissolution and probable hiatus. The Oligocene is represented by the Theocyrtis tuberosa and Dorcadospyris ateuchus Zones. Oligocene sediments are strongly dominated by abundant and diverse radiolarians of the TristylospyrislDorcadospyris lineage. Preservation of Paleogene radiolarian assemblages ranges from good to very poor. Late Miocene radiolarians of the Didymocyrtis antepenultima Zone are found only in Site 770. Other Neogene sediments are barren of radiolarian remains, with the exception of latest Pleistocene and Holocene sediments.