Biomass of in- and epibenthic invertebrate macrofauna in the German Bight at site MZB-WB

Autoria(s): Schröder, Alexander; Rachor, Eike

LATITUDE: 55.000000 * LONGITUDE: 6.500000 * DATE/TIME START: 1981-04-10T09:03:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2000-04-10T12:10:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.075 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.075 m




text/tab-separated-values, 3860 data points








Rachor, Eike (1990): Changes in sublittoral zoobenthos in the German Bight with regard to eutrophication. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, 25(1-2), 209-214, doi:10.1016/0077-7579(90)90022-9

Schröder, Alexander (2005): Community dynamics and development of soft bottom macrozoobenthos in the German Bight (North Sea) 1969 - 2000 (Dynamik und Entwicklung makrozoobenthischer Weichbodengemeinschaften in der Deutschen Bucht (Nordsee) 1969 -2000). Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 494, 181 pp, doi:10.2312/BzPM_0494_2005


Access constraints: access rights needed

Palavras-Chave #Abludomelita obtusata, biomass, wet mass; Abra alba, biomass, wet mass; Abra nitida, biomass, wet mass; Abra spp., biomass, wet mass; Actiniaria, biomass, wet mass; Ampelisca brevicornis, biomass, wet mass; Ampelisca spp., biomass, wet mass; Ampelisca tenuicornis, biomass, wet mass; Ampeliscidae, biomass, wet mass; Ampharete finmarchica, biomass, wet mass; Ampharetidae, biomass, wet mass; Amphilochus neapolitanus, biomass, wet mass; Amphiura filiformis, biomass, wet mass; Amphiura spp., biomass, wet mass; Amphiuridae, biomass, wet mass; Anobothrus gracilis, biomass, wet mass; Anthozoa, biomass, wet mass; Aphrodita aculeata, biomass, wet mass; Arctica islandica, biomass, wet mass; Area; Astropecten irregularis, biomass, wet mass; Autonoe longipes, biomass, wet mass; Benthic biomass, wet weight; Benthos, other, biomass, wet mass; Bivalvia, biomass, wet mass; Bodotria scorpioides, biomass, wet mass; Bylgides sarsi, biomass, wet mass; Callianassa subterranea, biomass, wet mass; Capitella capitata, biomass, wet mass; Capitella minima, biomass, wet mass; Capitellidae, biomass, wet mass; Chaetoderma nitidulum, biomass, wet mass; Chaetopterus variopedatus, biomass, wet mass; Chaetozone cf. setosa, biomass, wet mass; Chamelea gallina, biomass, wet mass; Cheirocratus intermedius, biomass, wet mass; Chrysallida interstincta, biomass, wet mass; Corbula gibba, biomass, wet mass; Corophium spp., biomass, wet mass; Corystes cassivelaunus, biomass, wet mass; Crangon allmani, biomass, wet mass; Crustacea, biomass, wet mass; Cylichna cylindracea, biomass, wet mass; Cylichnina umbilicata, biomass, wet mass; DATE/TIME; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Diastylis bradyi, biomass, wet mass; Diastylis laevis, biomass, wet mass; Diastylis lucifera, biomass, wet mass; Diastylis rathkei, biomass, wet mass; Diastylis spp., biomass, wet mass; Diplocirrus glaucus, biomass, wet mass; Dyopedos monacanthus, biomass, wet mass; Ebalia cranchii, biomass, wet mass; Echinocardium cordatum, biomass, wet mass; Echinocardium flavescens, biomass, wet mass; Echinocardium spp., biomass, wet mass; Echinodermata, biomass, wet mass; Edwardsia spp., biomass, wet mass; Enipo kinbergi, biomass, wet mass; Eteone flava, biomass, wet mass; Eteone foliosa, biomass, wet mass; Eteone longa, biomass, wet mass; Eudorella emarginata, biomass, wet mass; Eudorella truncatula, biomass, wet mass; Eunereis longissima, biomass, wet mass; Eunoe nodosa, biomass, wet mass; Euspira pulchella, biomass, wet mass; Exogone hebes, biomass, wet mass; Gammarus spp., biomass, wet mass; Gastropoda, biomass, wet mass; Gattyana cirrosa, biomass, wet mass; Gear; German Bight, North Sea; Glycera alba, biomass, wet mass; Glycera lapidum, biomass, wet mass; Glycera rouxi, biomass, wet mass; Glycera spp., biomass, wet mass; Glycinde nordmanni, biomass, wet mass; Golfingia elongata, biomass, wet mass; Golfingia spp., biomass, wet mass; Goniada maculata, biomass, wet mass; Goniadella bobrezkii, biomass, wet mass; Harmothoe glabra, biomass, wet mass; Harmothoe impar, biomass, wet mass; Harmothoe spp., biomass, wet mass; Harpinia antennaria, biomass, wet mass; Harpinia crenulata, biomass, wet mass; Harpinia pectinata, biomass, wet mass; Harpinia spp., biomass, wet mass; Hesionidae, biomass, wet mass; Hirudinea, biomass, wet mass; Hyala vitrea, biomass, wet mass; Hydrozoa, biomass, wet mass; Hyperiidea, biomass, wet mass; Investigator; Iphinoe trispinosa, biomass, wet mass; Labidoplax buskii, biomass, wet mass; Lanice conchilega, biomass, wet mass; Leptosynapta inhaerens, biomass, wet mass; Levinsenia gracilis, biomass, wet mass; Long-term Ecological Research at AWI; Long-term time series North Sea; LTER; Lumbrineris latreilli, biomass, wet mass; Lumbrineris spp., biomass, wet mass; Lumbrineris tetraura, biomass, wet mass; Lysilla loveni, biomass, wet mass; Mactra stultorum, biomass, wet mass; Magelona alleni, biomass, wet mass; Magelona filiformis, biomass, wet mass; Magelona minuta, biomass, wet mass; Magelona mirabilis, biomass, wet mass; Malmgrenia andreapolis, biomass, wet mass; Malmgrenia castanea, biomass, wet mass; Malmgrenia lunulata, biomass, wet mass; Mediomastus fragilis, biomass, wet mass; Mollusca, biomass, wet mass; Montacuta ferruginosa, biomass, wet mass; Mya truncata, biomass, wet mass; Myriochele oculata, biomass, wet mass; Mysella bidentata, biomass, wet mass; MZB-WB; Nebalia bipes, biomass, wet mass; Nemertini, biomass, wet mass; Nephtys assimilis, biomass, wet mass; Nephtys caeca, biomass, wet mass; Nephtys cirrosa, biomass, wet mass; Nephtys hombergii, biomass, wet mass; Nephtys incisa, biomass, wet mass; Nephtys spp., biomass, wet mass; Nereis spp., biomass, wet mass; Notomastus latericeus, biomass, wet mass; Nucula nitidosa, biomass, wet mass; Nucula spp., biomass, wet mass; Nucula tenuis, biomass, wet mass; Odostomia spp., biomass, wet mass; Ondina divisa, biomass, wet mass; Ophelina acuminata, biomass, wet mass; Ophiodromus flexuosus, biomass, wet mass; Ophiura albida, biomass, wet mass; Ophiura ophiura, biomass, wet mass; Ophiura spp., biomass, wet mass; Ophiuridae, biomass, wet mass; Ophiuroidea, biomass, wet mass; Orbinia sertulata, biomass, wet mass; Orchomene nana, biomass, wet mass; Owenia fusiformis, biomass, wet mass; Pagurus bernhardus, biomass, wet mass; Paramphilochoides odontonyx, biomass, wet mass; Pariambus typicus, biomass, wet mass; Pectinaria auricoma, biomass, wet mass; Pectinaria koreni, biomass, wet mass; Perioculodes longimanus, biomass, wet mass; Phaxas pellucidus, biomass, wet mass; Philine scabra, biomass, wet mass; Pholoe baltica, biomass, wet mass; Phoronis spp., biomass, wet mass; Phyllodoce groenlandica, biomass, wet mass; Phyllodoce spp., biomass, wet mass; Phyllodocidae, biomass, wet mass; Platyhelminthes, biomass, wet mass; Pleurocrypta longibranchiata, biomass, wet mass; Pleurogonium rubicundum, biomass, wet mass; Podarkeopsis helgolandica, biomass, wet mass; Poecilochaetus serpens, biomass, wet mass; Polychaeta, biomass, wet mass; Polyphysia crassa, biomass, wet mass; Pontocrates arenarius, biomass, wet mass; Priapulus caudatus, biomass, wet mass; Processa nouveli holthuisi, biomass, wet mass; Pseudione borealis, biomass, wet mass; Pseudocuma longicornis, biomass, wet mass; Scalibregma inflatum, biomass, wet mass; Schistomysis kervillei, biomass, wet mass; Scoloplos armiger, biomass, wet mass; Sipunculida, biomass, wet mass; Spatangidae, biomass, wet mass; Spio filicornis, biomass, wet mass; Spionidae, biomass, wet mass; Spiophanes bombyx, biomass, wet mass; Spisula solida, biomass, wet mass; Spisula spp., biomass, wet mass; Stenothoe marina, biomass, wet mass; Sthenelais limicola, biomass, wet mass; Synchelidium haplocheles, biomass, wet mass; Synelmis klatti, biomass, wet mass; Tanaidacea, biomass, wet mass; Tellina fabula, biomass, wet mass; Thracia papyracea, biomass, wet mass; Thyasira flexuosa, biomass, wet mass; Thysanocardium procera, biomass, wet mass; Trachythyone elongata, biomass, wet mass; Turbellaria, biomass, wet mass; Turritella communis, biomass, wet mass; Upogebia deltaura, biomass, wet mass; Urothoe poseidonis, biomass, wet mass; Venus spp., biomass, wet mass; Vitreolina philippi, biomass, wet mass; WB
