966 resultados para ANDRADE, RAÚL, 1905-1983


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A figura do índio, na Literatura Brasileira, durante anos foi marcada pelos relatos sob a perspectiva de não índios. As vozes dos povos indígenas foram silenciadas, ocultadas pelo discurso dominante, que disseminava ideias com base em seu ponto de vista, muitas vezes marcado pelo teor de superioridade diante desses povos. Principalmente presentes nos textos de viajantes e missionários da época da colonização, os reflexos dessa atitude ainda são marcantes nos dias atuais: preconceitos e ideias equivocadas sobre a cultura ameríndia. Tempos depois, passa-se do índio bárbaro e selvagem ao índio idealizado das obras românticas, mantendo o discurso parcial pautado na visão do outro. Em 1928, através da proposta antropofágica de Oswald de Andrade, inicia-se um novo período diante dessa realidade, muito embora ainda seja uma visão desenvolvida a partir do homem branco. Oswald contribuiu para trazer à tona a figura do índio sem a idealização romântica e com base na valorização dos nativos e de sua cultura. O modernista, com sua bandeira da assimilação crítica de conteúdos, propunha um resgate do primitivo como forma de integrar essa realidade aos novos tempos da industrialização, além de objetivar a ruptura com modelos pré-estabelecidos e eliminação do vetor dominante-dominado. Nos últimos anos, por outro lado, tem crescido o número de obras no âmbito artístico produzidas pelos próprios indígenas, trazendo as vozes que, na verdade, sempre existiram. Nesse contexto, encontra-se a obra de Eliane Potiguara. A mulher e indígena, voz marcante do livro Metade cara, metade máscara (2004), apresenta ao leitor o viver entre dois mundos, o adaptar-se ao universo contemporâneo sem perder as suas raízes e a sabedoria ancestral. Assim como Oswald, Potiguara resgata o primitivo, através do discurso construído a partir da mulher-terra, e assimila recursos do universo do não índio para gritar suas dores e sua esperança, o que possibilita um diálogo com a proposta da Antropofagia oswaldiana. Pretende-se, a partir da ideia desenvolvida por Benedito Nunes (2011) acerca do caráter diagnóstico, terapêutico e metafórico da Antropofagia, estabelecer relações entre os pensamentos de Oswald de Andrade e Eliane Potiguara por meio da arte literária, refletindo sobre a ruptura com padrões pré-estabelecidos através de novas perspectivas, a exemplo da literatura indígena


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The 1983 El Nino resulted in a decrease in the flux of diatoms and planktonic foraminiferans into the Santa Barbara basin. These may both be related to the decrease in productivity and therefore standing crops of these two groups.


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A two year, comprehensive, quantitative investigation was conducted to analyze and identify the spatial distribution of petrogenic and biogenic hydrocarbons in sediments, surface waters, fish and shellfish of Biscayne Bay, Florida. The goal for the first year of the project was to establish baseline information to support oil spill impact assessment and clean-up. One hundred fifty-five sediment and eleven biota samples were collected. The areas sampled included the Miami River, Intracoastal Waterway, tidal flats, access canals and environmentally sensitive shorelines. The second year of the study centered on areas exhibiting petroleum contamination. These areas included the Miami River, Little River, Goulds Canal, Black Creek and Military Canal. Surface and subsurface sediment, biota and surface water were collected. Sample collection, analyses, and data handling for the two year project were conducted so that all information was court-competent and scientifically accurate. Chain of custody was maintained for all samples. Total hydrocarbon content of surface sediments ranged from below detection limits to a high of 2663.44 pg/g. Several sample stations contained petroleum contamination. The majority of biota samples exhibited hydrocarbon concentrations and characteristics that indicated little, if any, petroleum contamination. Surface water samples ranged from 0.78 to 64.47 μg/L and several samples contained petroleum hydrocarbons. Our results indicate several areas of petroleum contamination. These areas are characterized by industrial complexes, port facilities, marinas, major boating routes and many of the major tributaries emptying into Biscayne Bay.


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Creel and trawl surveys of Biscayne Bay were carried out in 1982-1983 to assess commercial fish and macro-invertebrate habitats and fisheries. Dredged and/or barren bottom was dramatically less productive than seagrass, algae or hard bottom areas. Low fish abundance and diversity in north Biscayne Bay appeared to be correlated with high turbidity and low seagrass abundance. Substantive increases in fish and crustacean productivity in north Biscayne Bay will occur only if seagrass communities can be re-established. Deeper dredged areas in North Bay will not likely become recolonized with seagrass even if turbidity levels are reduced. Hard bottom areas in South Bay are associated with high diversity of fish fauna and serve as nursery areas for several highly desirable species (e.g. hogfish, yellowtail snapper, lane snapper). The area between Julia Tuttle and 79th Street Causeways, which had very dense seagrass abundance, was the richest area on either North or South Biscayne Bay for juvenile fish and shrimp. This basin can serve as a model for the potential of the remainder of North Bay.


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A brief account is given of hydrographic observations made during a cruise conducted off Bombay, India, on the 26 May 1983. Vertical distribution charts are included for temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen.


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El 10 de septiembre de 2014 se cumplieron cien años del nacimiento de Raúl A. Ringuelet, una de las figuras consulares de las Ciencias Naturales de la Argentina. A modo de homenaje y dentro de las modestas posibilidades de ProBiota, queremos recordar este acontecimiento reuniendo sus principales contribuciones biogeográficas, de las que ya realizaron un excelente análisis Lopretto y Menni durante el 2003. No obstante, entiendo que es oportuno recordar que en 1944, a la edad de 30 años, pública Sinopsis sistemática y zoogeográfica de los Hirudíneos de la Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay. Además, en su trayectoria docente en la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo de la UNLP, crea la Cátedra de Zoogeografía (1958), la de Ecología y Zoogeografía (1960) y posteriormente la de Biogeografía (1981). Como alumno de esta última materia, no puedo dejar de mencionar que las autoridades de ese momento le hacían dictar sus clases en un subsuelo de un edificio céntrico, con luz artificial, humedad y otros elementos que conspiraban contra su salud ya deteriorada. A más de treinta años del fallecimiento, mucho se ha dicho y escrito sobre Raúl A. Ringuelet, tanto por parte de colegas, discípulos, alumnos (ver López y Ponte Gómez, 2009) como de aquellos que no lo conocieron personalmente. Un ejemplo de esto último y que vale destacar, ha sido la exposición en el auditorio del Museo de La Plata de Fabián Grosman en mayo de 2012 (ver http://raulringuelet.blogspot.com.ar/), quién junto con Miguel Mancini acuñaron el término “Neo ringueletismo” (ver Mancini y Grosman, 2008: 140). Como reflexión final y parafraseando a Raúl Larra al recordar a Roberto Arlt, podemos afirmar Treinta y cuatro años después sigue (R.A.R.) estando entre nosotros. ¿Por qué está con nosotros?. Su intemporalidad reside en la intemporalidad de su obra.


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CLADP is an engineering software program developed at Cambridge University for the interactive computer aided design of feedback control systems. CLADP contains a wide range of tools for the analysis of complex systems, and the assessment of their performance when feedback control is applied, thus enabling control systems to be designed to meet difficult performance objectives. The range of tools within CLADP include the latest techniques in the field whose central theme is the extension of classical frequency domain concepts (well known and well proven for single loop systems) to multivariable or multiloop systems, and by making extensive use of graphical presentation information is provided in a readily understood form.


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Results of the first frame survey of the fishing centres on the Mozambican coast of Lake Niassa, held in June 1983, are presented. A total of 41 fishing centres were detected in the area and visited. Through direct enquiries in each centre, an estimated number of 3,380 fishermen and 1,230 fishing boats (of which 25 motorized) was established. The results also provided information on the types and quantities of fishing gear used. A first estimation of the approximate total annual catch in the area gave a figure in the order of 9,100 tons., of which approximately equals 90% is landed during the rainy season. The survey is a part of a research programme on the fishing resources of Lake Niassa and of a project for the collection and organization of fisheries statistics from the artisanal fisheries of the Mozambican side of Lake Niassa.


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Esta serie tiene como objetivo rescatar parte de las reflexiones, ideas, pensamientos, comentarios… de aquellos que transitaron el complejo y fascinante camino de las Ciencias Naturales. Por ello, a través de estas líneas, hago una fuerte convocatoria para que colegas de diferentes disciplinas se acerquen para colaborar con esta idea, ya sea desde este espacio o de cualquier otro. Se preguntaran ¿para qué? y ¿por qué? Yo creo que es una manera de reflejar diferentes contextos históricos y acercar nuestros referentes a las jóvenes generaciones. Esto último me parece muy importante, ya que existe una tendencia generalizada de obviar parte del pasado, lo que dificulta comprender el presente y proyectar el futuro.


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We describe the microincrements, checks and annuli in the lapilli of the schizothoracine Ptychobarbus dipogon, an endemic species of the Tibetan plateau. We collected samples in the Yarlung Tsangpo River and its tributaries on a monthly basis (from April 2004 to August 2006). We describe the shape features of the three pairs of otoliths and document the full trajectory of lapillus development. We found that five to seven checks were clearly visible in the opaque zone of the first annulus. The pattern of 21-23 daily growth increments within each check might be explained as a lunar-induced deposition. We counted between 137 and 154 increments within the first annulus. Annuli appeared as a sequence of gradually declining increment widths, whereas false rings were characterized by abrupt checks. Our oldest estimates were 23(+)years for males and 44(+) for females. The time of annulus completion was clearly between March and April each year using monthly marginal increments analysis. We consider the factors responsible for daily increment formation as an endogenous circadian rhythm. Environmental information, such as strong sunlight and cold water temperatures in the Tibetan Plateau, could reinforce the endogenous daily cycle. Our results provided important data addressing the ecology and population dynamics of P. dipogon.