929 resultados para AMR-WB
Stainless steels are among the most investigated materials on biofouling and microbially-influenced corrosion (MIC). Although, generally corrosion-resistant owing to tenacious and passive surface film due to chromium, stainless steels are susceptible to extensive biofouling in subsoil, fresh water and sea water and chemical process environments. Biofilms influence their corrosion behavior due to corrosion potential ennoblement and sub-surface pitting. Both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms catalyse microbial corrosion of stainless steels through biotic and abiotic mechanisms. MIC of stainless steels is common adjacent to welds at the heat-affected zone. Both austenite and delta ferrite phases may be susceptible. Even super stainless steels are found to be amenable to biofouling and MIC. Microbiological, electrochemical as well as physicochemical aspects of MIC pertaining to stainless steels in different environments are analyzed.
The main idea of the Load-Unload Response Ratio (LURR) is that when a system is stable, its response to loading corresponds to its response to unloading, whereas when the system is approaching an unstable state, the response to loading and unloading becomes quite different. High LURR values and observations of Accelerating Moment/Energy Release (AMR/AER) prior to large earthquakes have led different research groups to suggest intermediate-term earthquake prediction is possible and imply that the LURR and AMR/AER observations may have a similar physical origin. To study this possibility, we conducted a retrospective examination of several Australian and Chinese earthquakes with magnitudes ranging from 5.0 to 7.9, including Australia's deadly Newcastle earthquake and the devastating Tangshan earthquake. Both LURR values and best-fit power-law time-to-failure functions were computed using data within a range of distances from the epicenter. Like the best-fit power-law fits in AMR/AER, the LURR value was optimal using data within a certain epicentral distance implying a critical region for LURR. Furthermore, LURR critical region size scales with mainshock magnitude and is similar to the AMR/AER critical region size. These results suggest a common physical origin for both the AMR/AER and LURR observations. Further research may provide clues that yield an understanding of this mechanism and help lead to a solid foundation for intermediate-term earthquake prediction.
The Load-Unload Response Ratio (LURR) method is an intermediate-term earthquake prediction approach that has shown considerable promise. It involves calculating the ratio of a specified energy release measure during loading and unloading where loading and unloading periods are determined from the earth tide induced perturbations in the Coulomb Failure Stress on optimally oriented faults. In the lead-up to large earthquakes, high LURR values are frequently observed a few months or years prior to the event. These signals may have a similar origin to the observed accelerating seismic moment release (AMR) prior to many large earthquakes or may be due to critical sensitivity of the crust when a large earthquake is imminent. As a first step towards studying the underlying physical mechanism for the LURR observations, numerical studies are conducted using the particle based lattice solid model (LSM) to determine whether LURR observations can be reproduced. The model is initialized as a heterogeneous 2-D block made up of random-sized particles bonded by elastic-brittle links. The system is subjected to uniaxial compression from rigid driving plates on the upper and lower edges of the model. Experiments are conducted using both strain and stress control to load the plates. A sinusoidal stress perturbation is added to the gradual compressional loading to simulate loading and unloading cycles and LURR is calculated. The results reproduce signals similar to those observed in earthquake prediction practice with a high LURR value followed by a sudden drop prior to macroscopic failure of the sample. The results suggest that LURR provides a good predictor for catastrophic failure in elastic-brittle systems and motivate further research to study the underlying physical mechanisms and statistical properties of high LURR values. The results provide encouragement for earthquake prediction research and the use of advanced simulation models to probe the physics of earthquakes.
A new aerodynamic principle of flame stabilization and combustion intensification, the coflow jets with large velocity difference, is described. One or more small high-velocity jets of air or steam, injected off the axis and in the same direction as the low-velocity main fuel-air flow into the combustor, create a large recirculation zone of high turbulence intensity in which the combustibles and high temperature gases are effectively mixed, so that stable and intensive combustion can be maintained even for fuels with poor ignition. A pulverized coal combustor based on the principle mentioned above is shown to be characteristic of excellent combustoom and a simple structure. A number of precombustors of this type are in operation at some power stations and industrial boilers of China. Using such precombustor, successtul startups and part-load operation of the boilers have become available under conditions of unpreheated air and low-grade coal with volatiles as low as 15% and ash content as high as 30%. This principle shows good promise as an attractive new technology of combustion.
加卸载响应比理论的主要思路是 :系统在稳定状态时加载响应与卸载响应的比值与非稳定状态时加载响应与卸载响应的比值是完全不同的。大震前加卸载响应比升高和能量加速释放这两种现象可以用来对地震进行中期预报。同时 ,加卸载响应比理论和能量加速释放可能有相同的物理机制。为了验证这种地震预报方法的可行性 ,我们研究了几例发生在澳大利亚与中国 ,M 5 0~ 7 9之间的地震 ,其中包括破坏严重的澳大利亚纽卡斯尔地震和中国的唐山地震。我们利用以震源中心一定范围内的数据计算了震前的加卸载响应比和能量加速释放的幂律拟合。能量幂律加速释放存在一组最佳的拟合 ,一定范围内加卸载响应比达最大值表明加卸载响应比也有一个临界区尺度。进一步讲 ,加卸载响应比与能量加速释放的临界区尺度是相似的。这些结果表明加卸载响应比与能量加速释放有相同的物理机制。进一步的研究可能会对这种物理机制提供更好的解释 ,同时也能对地震的中期预报提供理论基础
A recoverable plate impact testing technology has been used for studying the growth mechanisms of mode II crack. The results show that interactions of microcracks ahead of a crack tip cause the crack growth unsteadily. Failure mode transitions of materials were observed. Based on the observations, a discontinuous crack growth model was established. Analysis shows that the shear crack grows unsteady as the growth speed is between the Rayleigh wave speed c(R) and the shear wave speed c(s); however, when the growth speed approaches root 2c(s), the crack grows steadily. The transient microcrack growth makes the main crack speed to jump from subsonic to intersonic and the steady growth of all the sub-cracks leads the main crack to grow stably at an intersonic speed.
Improvement in the nutritive value of soybean meal was investigated by Co-ensiling it with underutilized trash fish discards (gizzard shad)at different proportions. The following proportions of gizzard shad to soybean meal were used; (a) 100% gizzard shad + acid combination (b)80% gizzard shad +20% soybean meal & 10% WB (c) 60% gizzard shad + 40% soybean meal & 10% WB (d) 100% gizzard shad without acid combination. Co-ensiling was achieved by adding sufficient acid to produce a paste. Products were neutralized by addition of 2% (by weight) calcium hydroxide and drying was affected by freeze-drying.The dried silage products were stored at low temperatures. Products were analysed for proximate composition and amino acid composition.The amino acid composition and ration of essential amino acid. Non essential amino acid (EAA/NEAA) was used as index of nutritive quality. Also essential amino acid profile of the co-ensiled products were compared with essential amino acid requirement of some warmwater fish species to estimate their nutritive usefulness for these species
An analytical fluid model for vacuum heating during the oblique incidence by an ultrashort ultraintense p-polarized laser on a solid-density plasma is proposed. The steepening of an originally smooth electron density profile as the electrons are pushed inward by the laser is included self-consistently. It is shown that the electrons being pulled out and then returned to the plasma at the interface layer by the wave field can lead to a phenomenon like wave breaking since the front part of the returning electrons always move slower than the trailing part. This can lead to heating of the plasma at the expense of the wave energy. An estimate for the efficiency of laser energy absorption by the vacuum heating is given. It is also found that for the incident laser intensity parameter, a(L)> 0.5, the absorption rate peaks at an incident angle 45 degrees-52 degrees and it reaches a maximum of 30% at a(L)approximate to 1.5.
A new dye, 2,7-bis(4-methoxystyryl)-9,9-bis(2-ethylhexyl)-9H-fluorene, has been synthesized, which is a D-pi-D symmetrical-type fluorene derivative. The two-photon absorption (TPA) of this new dye has been experimentally studied by comparable two-photon-induced fluorescence method. This new dye has a TPA cross-section of 84 x 10(-50) cm(4) s/photon at 790 nm/13 fs. (c) 2004 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
23 p.
A obesidade é uma doença crônica, resultante do excesso de gordura no organismo. O aumento da obesidade no mundo, tem se revelado como um dos fenômenos clínicos e epidemiológicos da atualidade. Estudos populacionais e em modelos animais demonstram que a origem da epidemia da obesidade está relacionada a fatores genéticos, modificações de hábitos nutricionais, redução da atividade física, e alterações nutricionais durante a lactação, desempenhando um papel relevante no desenvolvimento da obesidade, DM2 e cardiomiopatias. As mitocôndrias são os coordenadores centrais do metabolismo energético, assim, alterações funcionais e estruturais dessa organela têm sido associadas à desordens metabólicas. Elas exercem um papel na sobrevivência e função dos cardiomiócitos devido à alta demanda energética do miocárdio. Desta forma, disfunções mitocondriais estão relacionadas com disfunções no miocárdio e conseqüente progressão de cardiomiopatias. Neste estudo, avaliamos a bioenergética e a ultraestrutura de cardiomiócitos de camundongos obesos e controle hiperalimentados durante a lactação. O consumo de oxigênio das fibras cardíacas foi avaliado por respirometria de alta-resolução, utilizando um oxígrafo-2K-Oroboros. A ultraestrutura dos cardiomiócitos foi analisada por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e o conteúdo das proteínas Carnitina palmitoil transferase 1 (CPT1), Proteína desacopladora 2 (UCP2) , Transportador de glicose 1 e 4 (GLUT1) e (GLUT4), Proteína Kinase ativada por AMP (AMPK) e Proteína kinase ativada por AMP fosforilada p(AMPK) por Western blotting (WB). Além disso, o peso dos animais, a gordura retroperitoneal, epididimal e a glicemia em jejum foram determinadas. Nossos resultados confirmaram que os animais do grupo hiperalimentados (GH), aos 90 dias de vida, apresentaram aumento da massa corporal, de gordura epididimária e retroperitoneal comparado ao grupo controle (GC). As taxas respiratórias foram semelhantes nos dois grupos quando foram utilizados os substratos dos complexos I e II. Entretanto, quando o ácido graxo palmitoil-L-carnitina foi utilizado, a taxa respiratória máxima do GH foi significativamente menor. A análise ultraestrutural dos cardiomiócitos do GH demonstrou intenso dano na matriz mitocondrial e maior presença de gotículas de lipídios, caracterizando deposição ectópica. Os resultados do WB mostraram aumento significativo do conteúdo de CPT1 e UCP2 no GH comparado ao GC. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas no conteúdo de GLUT1 entre os grupos, entretanto, observamos maior conteúdo do GLUT4 no GH. Além disso, encontramos maior conteúdo de AMPK no GH, ao passo que o conteúdo de pAMPK foi semelhante entre os grupos. Entretanto, a razão pAMPK/AMPK é significativamente menor no GH. Esses resultados sugerem que a hiperalimentação durante a lactação leva a obesidade na vida adulta com alterações na bioenergética e ultraestrutura dos cardiomiócitos.
A fibrose hepática é o resultado de uma resposta cicatrizante frente a repetidas lesões no fígado, e é caracterizada pelo acúmulo excessivo de proteínas da matriz extracelular (MEC) no parênquima hepático, incluindo colágeno, fibronectina, elastina, laminina e proteoglicanos, com a participação de diferentes populações celulares do fígado. As principais células responsáveis pela síntese de proteínas da MEC na fibrose hepática são as células estreladas hepáticas ativadas e os miofibroblastos, que surgem após estímulo inflamatório e são caracterizadas pela expressão de alfa-actina de músculo liso (α-SMA). Sabe-se que durante a progressão da fibrose hepática, ocorre a morte de hepatócitos e sua substituição por células fibrogênicas α-SMA+. A apoptose dessas células fibrogênicas é de grande relevância para a regressão da fibrose e regeneração hepática. Nos últimos anos, a terapia com células tronco de medula óssea tem sido utilizada para estimular a regeneração hepática em diferentes modelos experimentais e protocolos clínicos. A fração mononuclear da medula óssea adulta possui duas populações de células-tronco importantes no tratamento de diversas doenças hepáticas: células-tronco hematopoiéticas e células-tronco mesenquimais. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a expressão de α-SMA e o processo de apoptose de células hepáticas durante a fibrose hepática induzida por ligadura do ducto biliar (LDB) e após o transplante de células mononucleares de medula óssea (CMMO). Os fígados foram coletados de ratos dos seguintes grupos: normal, 14 dias de LDB, 21 dias de LDB e animais que receberam CMMO após 14 dias de LDB, e foram analisados após 7 dias (totalizando 21 dias de LDB). Para quantificar a expressão de α-SMA por células fibrogênicas nos grupos experimentais, foi realizada imunoperoxidase para α-SMA, seguida de morfometria no programa Image Pro Plus. Para analisar a apoptose nas células hepáticas, foi realizada imunoperoxidase e Western Blotting (WB) para caspase-3 (proteína apoptótica) e imunofluorescência com dupla-marcação para caspase-3 e α-SMA, seguida de observação em microscópio confocal. Os resultados da quantificação de α-SMA por morfometria mostraram que a expressão de α-SMA aumentou significativamente 14 e 21 dias após a LDB. Entretanto, essa expressão diminuiu significativamente no grupo tratado com CMMO, que apresentou parênquima hepático mais preservado em relação ao grupo com 21 dias de LDB. Os resultados de imunoperoxidase, WB e microscopia confocal para expressão de caspase-3 demonstraram que essa proteína diminuiu nos animais fibróticos com 14 e 21 dias de LDB com relação ao grupo normal, e estava significativamente elevada no grupo tratado com CMMO. A análise por microscopia confocal demonstrou que algumas células coexpressaram α-SMA e caspase-3 nos animais tratados com CMMO, sugerindo a morte de células fibrogênicas e remodelamento do parênquima hepático.
170 p.