521 resultados para 976


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长江源区位于青海省西南部, 北纬31°35′~ 36°30′,东经89°35′~ 97°55′。本地区共有种子植物62科、321属、1377种。区系特征表现为: 1. 温带成分占96. 81% , 以绝对优势确定了本区系明显的温带性质。2. 世界成分多为衍生, 更兼所含的中国特有属亦多为衍生, 表明本区系的年轻性和衍生的性质。3. 主要植被均属典型的高寒类型, 它们的建群种亦多为典型的高寒植被的特征种。所以, 本区系高寒植被典型, 特征种典型, 高寒区系特色明显。4. 生态环境对本区系特征的塑造表现为高寒生态因子的选择和高山特化的作用强烈, 而在一定程度上湿冷生性质和寒旱生性质的高山特化作用更为明显。长江源区的植物区系是唐古特地区高山区系的代表之一。在中国特有种的分析中, 本区系与横断山和甘肃南部区系的联系最为密切,三者间的共有种最为丰富, 有593种, 占本区中国特有种的 74. 69%。关于唐古特地区的南部界线, 作者认为, 李锡文等(1993) 的“川西北、甘西南、青东南小区”同唐古特地区关系最为密切, 若能在考虑这一因素的前提下来划分似乎更合适, 也更能体现唐古特地区作为一个独立区系的自然界线。


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In China and world, more than half the recent basin discovered reserves involve lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir reserves. The major target for further hydrocarbon basin exploration is the subtle reservoir. The Liaodong Bay prospect is much important in Bohai Sea, which includes Liaoxi low uplift, Liaodong uplift, Liaoxi sag and Liaozhong sag. After dozens years’ exploration in Liaodong Bay, few unexplored big-and-middle-sized favorable structural traps are remained and most of the stock structure targets are bad for fragmentary. Thus seeking for new prospect area and making a breakthrough, have become the unique way to relieve the severe exploration condition in Liaodong Bay. Technique Route Based on the petrophysical property of target area, the seismic forward inference of typical subtle trap model is expanded with analysis of logging, seismic and geologic data. According to petrophysical characteristics and forward inference and research on seismic response of actual seismic data in target area, the optimization of geophysical technique is used in subtle trap identification and the geophysical identification technique system of subtle reservoir is formed. The Key Research ① Petrophysical Model The petrophysical parameter is the basic parameter for seismic wave simulation. The seismic response difference of rocks bearing different fluids is required. With the crossplot of log data, the influence of petrophysical parameters on rock elastic properties of target area is analyzed, such as porosity, shale index, fluid property and saturation. Based on the current research on Biot-Gassmann and Kuster-Toksoz model, the petrophysical parameter calculator program which can be used for fluid substitution is established. ② S-wave evaluation based on conventional log data The shear velocity is needed during forward inference of AVO or other elastic wave field. But most of the recent conventional log data is lack of shear wave. Thus according to the research on petrophysical model, the rock S-wave parameter can be evaluated from conventional log data with probability inverse method. ③ AVO forward modeling based on well data For 6 wells in JZ31-6 block and 9 wells in LD22-1 block, the AVO forward modeling recording is made by log curve. The classification of AVO characteristics in objective interval is made by the lithologic information. ④ The 2D parameter model building and forward modeling of subtle hydrocarbon trap in target area. According to the formation interpretation of ESS03D seismic area, the 2D parameter model building and seismic wave field forward modeling are carried on the given and predicted subtle hydrocarbon trap with log curve. ⑤ The lithology and fluid identification of subtle trap in target area After study the seismic response characteristics of lithology and fluid in given target area, the optimization of geophysical technique is used for lithology identification and fluid forecast. ⑥The geophysical identification technique system of subtle reservoir The Innovative Points of this Paper ① Based on laboratory measurement and petrophysical model theory, the rock S-wave parameter can be evaluated from conventional log data with probability inverse method. Then the fluid substitution method based on B-G and K-T theory is provided. ② The method and workflow for simulating seismic wave field property of subtle hydrocarbon trap are established based on the petrophysical model building and forward modeling of wave equation. ③ The description of subtle trap structural feature is launched. According to the different reflection of frequency wave field structural attribute, the fluid property of subtle trap can be identified by wave field attenuation attribute and absorption analysis. ④ It’s the first time to identify subtle trap by geophysical technique and provide exploration drilling well location. ⑤ The technique system of subtle reservoir geophysical identification is formed to provide available workflow and research ideas for other region of interest.


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锂的两个同位素(6Li和7Li)之间相对大的质量差导致它们在自然界的分馏强烈,仅在表生环境就达到了35‰。因而,作为一种有效的示踪剂被广泛地应用于研究宇宙事件、洋壳蚀变及海底热液活动、板块活动、壳幔演化以及示踪卤水来源等地球化学过程。近年来则以大陆风化过程的锂同位素地球化学研究为热点,主要研究方向包括流域尺度大空间范围的总体研究、风化壳剖面的精细研究以及实验室的模拟研究,均涉及水/岩作用过程的锂同位素分馏机理研究。但是,现有的研究结果有的需要进一步论证,有的相互之间存在矛盾,还有部分结论不能自圆其说。 因此,本项论文工作以地表环境过程的锂同位素地球化学研究为切入点,选择长江水系干流和主要支流的地表水、悬浮物和沉积物为研究对象。在低含量样品锂同位素分析方法研究和完善的基础上,就河流体系锂的来源、流域体系的锂同位素组成变化特征及其主要受控因素等方面开展探索性研究。 通过以上研究,本论文得出以下几点认识: 1、采用单一的阳离子树脂柱分离、提纯样品锂,MC-ICP-MS测定其同位素组成。其分析结果的准确度和精确度可以达到现阶段报道的最高水平。海水的锂同位素组成为+31.3±1.0‰(2σ)与前人测定结果的平均值(+31.2‰)接近;样品分析误差约为0.5‰(2σ),与TIMS的分析结果相似。 2、长江水系河水以富含HCO3-、Ca2+为主要特征,两者分别占阴、阳离子总量的70%和50%;其中,以Na+、Cl-含量的变化最大。长江河水的主要离子组成主要受流域岩石风化作用影响,蒸发结晶作用只在少数点起次要作用,而大气沉降的输入十分微弱。岩石风化作用以碳酸盐岩风化的影响最为显著,蒸发盐岩和硅酸岩的影响较小,仅限于长江流域的局部地区。 3、长江水系悬浮物的锂含量及δ7Li值变化较小,分别为41 µg/g~92 µg/g和-4.7‰~+0.7‰。沉积物的锂含量在13.26 µg/g~46.32 µg/g之间,略低于悬浮物的锂含量,而δ7Li较高,在+0.9‰和+9.1‰之间变化。悬浮物和沉积物的锂含量与Al2O3/SiO2、Fe2O3/SiO2、MnO/SiO2及K2O/SiO2等比值之间存在明显的正相关关系,与δ7Li值存在一定的负相关关系,主要表现为粘土矿物对锂的吸附作用,尤其是6Li。 4、长江水系河水的锂含量在1.04 µg/L和31.72 µg/L之间,平均为8.87 µg/L,呈现出从上游至下游逐渐降低的趋势,最高值出现在长江上游的攀枝花段(CJ1)。其锂同位素组成变化也较大,δ7Li值在+7.6‰和+28.1‰之间,但是却呈现出与锂含量变化相反的特征,即从上游至下游逐渐增加,最小值出现在长江上游的攀枝花段(CJ1)。 5、长江干流水体的锂摩尔浓度的倒数(1/Li)和δ7Li值之间存在明显的正相关关系,可能是两个端员组分混合的结果。综合考虑雨水、人为输入和碳酸盐岩对长江干流河水的贡献后,我们认为长江干流河水的锂应该是来自于流域岩石风化的贡献,即蒸发盐岩的溶解和硅酸岩的风化,两者对长江河水锂的贡献在78%和99%之间。 6、悬浮物总是比相应水体富集6Li,导致两者之间的锂同位素分馏明显。悬浮物和河水之间的锂同位素分馏系数(α矿物-流体)在0.976和0.993之间比变化,落在不同粘土矿物吸附产生的分馏范围内。长江上游地区的α矿物-流体落在室温下水铝矿和蒙脱石对锂吸附产生的分馏范围内,下游地区的α矿物-流体则与蛭石和高岭石对水体锂的吸附分馏范围内。除此之外,α矿物-流体还与悬浮物的量密切相关,尤其是在河水进入三峡库区之前。这种相关性同样是粘土矿物对6Li的优先吸附引起的。


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香山基性—超基性杂岩体位于新疆哈密境内,地理坐标为东经94°30'-94°37',北纬42°15'-42°20'。本文研究了该岩体的岩石学、地球化学、矿物学特征。最后提出了关于香山岩体成因的假设。香山岩体的主体是辉长苏长岩,它占整个杂岩体出露地表面积的绝大部分,其它岩石类型有斜长方辉橄榄岩、(斜长角闪)二辉橄榄岩,(斜长角闪)单辉橄榄岩、(角闪)橄榄辉长(苏长)岩,辉长岩。岩体中各种岩石均为中粗粒结构,块状构造。显微结构最特征的是包含结构,还有辉长结构,反应边结构,金属矿物较多时具海绵陨铁结构。主要蚀变类型有蛇纹石化,还有绿泥石化,透闪石化,滑石化、绢石化、钠黝帘石化、碳酸盐化等。杂岩体中的超基性岩的m/f = 1.9-4.6,属于铁质超基性岩,为与铜镍矿床有关的岩石类型。各种岩石在久野(1966)的Na_2O + K_2O → SiO_2变异图中,大部分属于碱性玄武岩系。但由于在CIPW标准矿物组成和薄片不均未发现富碱矿物(霞石或白榴石),因此,认为岩体的母岩浆是一种过渡型的碱性橄榄玄武岩浆。岩石的微量元素含量,从方辉橄榄岩至辉长苏长岩,随着基性度减小,Ti、V、Zn、Sr、Ba逐渐增加。Cr、Ni、Co、Cu逐渐减小。所有岩石均呈轻稀土富集型,从方辉橄榄岩、二辉橄榄岩、单辉橄榄岩直至辉长苏长岩,稀土总量和轻重稀土比L/HREE逐渐增加。方辉橄榄岩有Eu轻微正异常 、二辉橄榄岩Eu轻微负异常。单辉橄榄岩是具较大的Eu正异常,辉长苏长岩有正的或负的Eu异常,所有的岩石均具Ce轻微负异常。岩体中各种造岩矿物橄榄石为贵橄榄石,单斜辉石为顽透石或普通辉石,斜长石为拉长石,角闪石则为钙角闪石。岩石中各种矿物的结晶温度(用不同方法计算的结果比较一致)分别为:橄榄石1455~1654 ℃,单斜辉石976~1150 ℃(与母岩类型有关),斜长石1100 ℃左右,角闪石812-1002 ℃(与母岩有有关。岩体的母岩浆是在1200 ℃,25.9Kb(约80 KM深处)条件下上地幔岩经8-9%的部分熔融产生的(用平衡部分熔融状型计算得出)。岩浆结晶过程可用F_o-D_i-An三元相图定性说明,依次结晶生成:纯橄榄岩(未见)→ 辉石橄榄岩(方辉橄榄岩、二辉橄榄岩、单辉橄榄岩) → 橄榄辉长苏长岩,由于实际情况复杂,还有其它岩石类型生成。


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O pôrometro de pós-colheita é um instrumento para medir transpiração, resistência difusiva e déficit de pressão de vapor por manometria a volume constante e por volumetria a pressão constante. É constituído de uma câmara de transpiração com fechamento hermético contendo um suporte de amostras sobre um ventilador e externamente um manômetro de coluna de água com pipeta graduada móvel. Sob temperatura constante, o déficit de pressão de vapor (.P), e o volume de vapor de água (.V) foram proporcionais aos volumes de água vaporizados. Com o uso de um excesso de água este aumento da pressão de vapor iguala-se, em módulo, ao déficit de pressão de vapor do ar na câmara de transpiração. Para amostras do ar atmosférico no laboratório, o déficit de pressão de vapor foi calculado a partir das temperaturas de bulbo seco e úmido em um psicrômetro ventilado e por manometria. A correlação entre estes dois métodos foi de 0,976. A acurácia das medidas de transpiração é tal que o produto do volume morto da câmara (V) pela declividade (.P/ .V) determinada pelo vapor de água liberado no processo iguala-se à pressão barométrica, com erro inferior a 1%. Um exemplo experimental do uso do porômetro de pós-colheita em cenoura é apresentado juntamente e os detalhes para obter a resistência difusiva e espessura da camada laminar. O porômetro de pós-colheita é um porômetro de difusão simples, robusto, que poderá ser usado em estudos de efeito de cêras, na seleção de cultivares e em variados outros estudos de fisiologia de pós-colheita.


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O pôrometro de pós-colheita é um instrumento para medir transpiração, resistência difusiva e déficit de pressão de vapor por manometria a volume constante e por volumetria a pressão constante. É constituído de uma câmara de transpiração com fechamento hermético contendo um suporte de amostras sobre um ventilador e externamente um manômetro de coluna de água com pipeta graduada móvel. Sob temperatura constante, o déficit de pressão de vapor (.P), e o volume de vapor de água (.V) foram proporcionais aos volumes de água vaporizados. Com o uso de um excesso de água este aumento da pressão de vapor iguala-se, em módulo, ao déficit de pressão de vapor do ar na câmara de transpiração. Para amostras do ar atmosférico no laboratório, o déficit de pressão de vapor foi calculado a partir das temperaturas de bulbo seco e úmido em um psicrômetro ventilado e por manometria. A correlação entre estes dois métodos foi de 0,976. A acurácia das medidas de transpiração é tal que o produto do volume morto da câmara (V) pela declividade (.P/ .V) determinada pelo vapor de água liberado no processo iguala-se à pressão barométrica, com erro inferior a 1%. Um exemplo experimental do uso do porômetro de pós-colheita em cenoura é apresentado juntamente e os detalhes para obter a resistência difusiva e espessura da camada laminar. O porômetro de pós-colheita é um porômetro de difusão simples, robusto, que poderá ser usado em estudos de efeito de cêras, na seleção de cultivares e em variados outros estudos de fisiologia de pós-colheita.


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Fuller-Love, Nerys, et al., 'Euro-Commentary : Scenario Analysis and Regional Economic Development: The Case of Mid Wales', European Urban and Regional Studies (2006) 13(2) pp.143-149 RAE2008


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31 hojas : ilustraciones, cuadros, diagramas, fotografías.


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The atom pencil we describe here is a versatile tool that writes arbitrary structures by atomic deposition in a serial lithographic process. This device consists of a transversely laser-cooled and collimated cesium atomic beam that passes through a 4-pole atom-flux concentrator and impinges on to micron- and sub-micron-sized apertures. The aperture translates above a fixed substrate and enables the writing of sharp features with sizes down to 280 nm. We have investigated the writing and clogging properties of an atom pencil tip fabricated from silicon oxide pyramids perforated at the tip apex with a sub-micron aperture.


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One of the fundamental findings in the congressional literature is that one or sometimes two dimensions can successfully describe roll-call voting. In this paper we investigate if we can reach the same conclusions about low dimensionality when we divide the roll-call agenda into subsets of relatively homogeneous subject matter. We are primarily interested in the degree to which the same ordering of representatives is yielded across these different groups of votes. To conduct our analysis we focus on all roll calls on the 13 annual appropriations bills across eight congresses. When we concentrate on these smaller issue areas, we find that voting is multidimensional and members do not vote in a consistent ideological fashion across all issue areas. Copyright © Southern Political Science Association 2010.


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BACKGROUND: The proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel is one of two indicators used to measure progress towards Millennium Development Goal 5, which aims for a 75% reduction in global maternal mortality ratios by 2015. Rwanda has one of the highest maternal mortality ratios in the world, estimated between 249-584 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. The objectives of this study were to quantify secular trends in health facility delivery and to identify factors that affect the uptake of intrapartum healthcare services among women living in rural villages in Bugesera District, Eastern Province, Rwanda. METHODS: Using census data and probability proportional to size cluster sampling methodology, 30 villages were selected for community-based, cross-sectional surveys of women aged 18-50 who had given birth in the previous three years. Complete obstetric histories and detailed demographic data were elicited from respondents using iPad technology. Geospatial coordinates were used to calculate the path distances between each village and its designated health center and district hospital. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regressions were used to identify factors associated with delivery in health facilities. RESULTS: Analysis of 3106 lifetime deliveries from 859 respondents shows a sharp increase in the percentage of health facility deliveries in recent years. Delivering a penultimate baby at a health facility (OR = 4.681 [3.204 - 6.839]), possessing health insurance (OR = 3.812 [1.795 - 8.097]), managing household finances (OR = 1.897 [1.046 - 3.439]), attending more antenatal care visits (OR = 1.567 [1.163 - 2.112]), delivering more recently (OR = 1.438 [1.120 - 1.847] annually), and living closer to a health center (OR = 0.909 [0.846 - 0.976] per km) were independently associated with facility delivery. CONCLUSIONS: The strongest correlates of facility-based delivery in Bugesera District include previous delivery at a health facility, possession of health insurance, greater financial autonomy, more recent interactions with the health system, and proximity to a health center. Recent structural interventions in Rwanda, including the rapid scale-up of community-financed health insurance, likely contributed to the dramatic improvement in the health facility delivery rate observed in our study.


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Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have characterized 13 loci associated with melanoma, which only account for a small part of melanoma risk. To identify new genes with too small an effect to be detected individually but which collectively influence melanoma risk and/or show interactive effects, we used a two-step analysis strategy including pathway analysis of genome-wide SNP data, in a first step, and epistasis analysis within significant pathways, in a second step. Pathway analysis, using the gene-set enrichment analysis (GSEA) approach and the gene ontology (GO) database, was applied to the outcomes of MELARISK (3,976 subjects) and MDACC (2,827 subjects) GWASs. Cross-gene SNP-SNP interaction analysis within melanoma-associated GOs was performed using the INTERSNP software. Five GO categories were significantly enriched in genes associated with melanoma (false discovery rate ≤ 5% in both studies): response to light stimulus, regulation of mitotic cell cycle, induction of programmed cell death, cytokine activity and oxidative phosphorylation. Epistasis analysis, within each of the five significant GOs, showed significant evidence for interaction for one SNP pair at TERF1 and AFAP1L2 loci (pmeta-int  = 2.0 × 10(-7) , which met both the pathway and overall multiple-testing corrected thresholds that are equal to 9.8 × 10(-7) and 2.0 × 10(-7) , respectively) and suggestive evidence for another pair involving correlated SNPs at the same loci (pmeta-int  = 3.6 × 10(-6) ). This interaction has important biological relevance given the key role of TERF1 in telomere biology and the reported physical interaction between TERF1 and AFAP1L2 proteins. This finding brings a novel piece of evidence for the emerging role of telomere dysfunction into melanoma development.


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This paper presents an empirical investigation of policy-based self-management techniques for parallel applications executing in loosely-coupled environments. The dynamic and heterogeneous nature of these environments is discussed and the special considerations for parallel applications are identified. An adaptive strategy for the run-time deployment of tasks of parallel applications is presented. The strategy is based on embedding numerous policies which are informed by contextual and environmental inputs. The policies govern various aspects of behaviour, enhancing flexibility so that the goals of efficiency and performance are achieved despite high levels of environmental variability. A prototype self-managing parallel application is used as a vehicle to explore the feasibility and benefits of the strategy. In particular, several aspects of stability are investigated. The implementation and behaviour of three policies are discussed and sample results examined.