989 resultados para 726
Heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) is a highly conserved molecular chaperone contributing to the folding, maintenance of structural integrity and proper regulation of a subset of cytosolic proteins. The full-length cDNA of Zhikong scallop Chlamysfarreri HSP90 (designated CfHSP90) was cloned by EST and rapid RACE techniques. It was of 2710 bp, including an open reading frame (ORF) of 2181 bp encoding a polypeptide of 726 amino acids with all the five HSP90 family signatures. BLAST analysis revealed that the CfHSP90 gene shared high similarity with other known HSP90 genes. Fluorescent real-time quantitative RT-PCR was used to examine the expression pattern of CfHSP90 mRNA in haemocytes of scallops exposed to Cd2+, Pb2+ and Cu2+ for 10 and 20 days, respectively. All the three heavy metals could induce CfHSP90 expression. There was a clear dose-dependent expression pattern of CfHSP90 after heavy metals exposure for 10 days or 20 days. Different concentrations of the same metal resulted in different effects on CfHSP90 expression. The results indicated that CfHSP90 responded to various heavy metal stresses with a dose-dependent expression pattern as well as exposure time effect, and could be used as a molecular biomarker in a heavy metal polluted environment. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
本课题组自1999年以来,将培养条件优化、生物活性跟踪及化学跟踪技术应用到胶州湾海洋放线菌的次级代谢产物研究中,发现了一批具有生物活性的化合物,包括新型骨架等新颖结构的化合物。 本研究从海州湾分离出海洋放线菌172株,对其中70株菌的次级代谢产物进行了生物活性筛选和化学筛选,获得了它们对八种病原微生物的抑制活性数据。发现海州湾海洋放线菌对至少一种受试微生物具有拮抗能力的比例约为30%。从海洲湾分离到的海洋放线菌中筛选得到三株L083、L078和L158用于次级代谢产物的研究,同时本人又从合作实验室获得另一株海洋放线菌B7651,从这四株海洋细菌的发酵粗提物中共分离纯化得到26 个化合物, 其中10 个为新颖结构化合物。具体是,3-Hydroxy-6-[(Z)-3´-hydroxy-2´,4´-dimethyl-hept-4´-enoylamino]-2,4-dimethyl-5-oxo-hexanoic acid (4),2-[5-(2-oxopropyl)tetrahydrofuran-2-yl]propanoic acid (5),2-oxatricyclo-octane (10),Huaiomycin (15), 5-(6-hydroxy-6-methylheptyl)dihydrofuran-2(3H)-one (17), 6-Hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyl-6H-pyran-3-one (18), 1,6-dihydroxy-hex-3-ene-2,5—dione (19) (1’R, 2R, 4R)-2-(1-hydroxy-8-methylnonyl)-4-hydroxymethyl-butanolide (20) , Bremeromycin A (22) ,Bremeromycin B (26)。生物活性实验结果表明Bremeromycin A (22)具有选择性的抗枯草杆菌(Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6051)活性和抗微藻Chlorella vulgaris活性。
本文以凝胶电泳方法,以等位基因酶和可溶性蛋白为探针研究了中国近海栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)5个不同自然分布群体的遗传结构及遗传变异与生长的关系。在所研究的23个位点中,只有Mdh-1在5个群体中为纯合状态,其余位点都不同程度地处于多态或杂合态。大多数位点的等位基因及基因型分布频率都处在不平衡状态。对各位点的D值检验表明,大多数位点都杂合子缺失。杂合子过剩或处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡的位点为19.64-22.32%。杂合度以海洋岛和长岛群体最高,都是0.304,荣成和大连群体次之,分别为0.290和0.287,青岛群体为0.219。位点有效等位基因数及密码子差数在群体间的变化与杂合度基本一致。用这三个参数构建的遗传变异综合评价指数在这5个群体从北至南依次为0.726,0.542,0.658,0.547和0.133。多态位点比例在P ≤ 0.99水平下,海洋、大连、长岛及荣成4个群体都在0.800以上,仅青岛群体为0.565。在Est7个位点从高纬度向低纬度在等位基因数目上存在梯度递减渐变性。在某些等位基因的分布频率或从高纬度或从低纬度向相对方向递变。除了单向渐变外,也存在双向渐变现象。栉孔扇贝这5个群体在遗传相似性方面基本上是群体间的差异(I > 0.900)。相比之下,大连、长岛两群体间的相似性最大。由于辽东沿岸流和黄海冷水团的作用,海洋岛群体与邻近群体的基因交流较差,使之在遗传上相对较为独立。从遗传变异不平、杂合子缺失特征及等位基因的渐变性也证明,该群体已具相当程度的分化,这主要是由于环境隔离所造成的“孤岛效应”的结果。通过对5个群体形态数量性状生与群体遗传变异的比较表明,遗传变异不平较高的群体,其生长速度也较快,二者基本呈平行关系,唯海洋岛与长岛的结果相悖,其原因可能与两海区间初级生产力水平有关。从个体杂合度与第一年生长壳高关系的研究可以发现,海洋、大连和青岛群体在杂合度与生长间基本呈正相关关系,而在长岛与荣成群体内存在杂合度与生长具不同相关性的子群体,并证明个体杂合度超过0.300以上,其与生长的关系基本上处于不定向状态。在环境和遗传双重压力下,青岛群体的变异水平较低。
对虾养殖业的可持续发展面临着种质退化、病害严重和养殖环境恶化等问题的严重挑战。养殖环境恶化造成的环境胁迫,不但影响对虾的生长性状,而且导致对虾的抵抗力下降,更容易引发病害的发生。养殖环境恶化已经严重影响了对虾养殖业的健康可持续发展。本论文针对环境恶化造成的环境胁迫对对虾影响的分子机理进行了研究。 克隆了中国明对虾对环境胁迫应答的重要伴侣蛋白基因,包括钙网蛋白(FcCRT)、葡萄糖调节蛋白78 (FcGrp78)、热休克蛋白70(FcHsp70)和热休克蛋白90(FcHsp90)的全长cDNA,研究了这些基因的组织表达特征,并对这些基因在不同胁迫条件下的转录表达特征进行了分析。 钙网蛋白是一种多功能的内质网钙结合蛋白,负责蛋白折叠和糖蛋白修饰。本论文首次在中国明对虾报道了钙网蛋白FcCRT基因的全长cDNA序列,编码406个氨基酸,具有保守的N-,P-和C-功能域,以及信号肽和保守的HDEL内质网回收标签。FcCRT基因与其它物种的钙网蛋白具有高度的相似性,系统进化分析表明,FcCRT在亲缘关系上更接近昆虫的钙网蛋白。Northern blot和原位杂交结果显示,FcCRT基因在中国明对虾各组织中均有表达,且在卵巢中发育早起的卵母细胞中表达量最高,说明FcCRT很可能参与了卵母细胞的成熟。FcCRT基因在不同胁迫条件下,其转录表达均呈现明显的变化。在WSSV感染实验中,中国明对虾肝胰脏和淋巴器官中FcCRT转录表达均明显上调;热休克、重金属处理均可引起FcCRT基因转录表达的变化,但不同重金属处理引起FcCRT转录表达变化的模式不同。铜离子处理6小时,会引起FcCRT基因的下调表达,但在12小时之后出现明显上调;镉离子处理12小时后引起FcCRT基因的下调表达,但在24小时又出现明显的上调表达。 葡萄糖调节蛋白78(GRP78)是内质网重要的伴侣蛋白。中国明对虾的Grp78基因(FcGrp78)的cDNA全长为2325bp,编码665个氨基酸。FcGrp78具有三个Hsp70蛋白家族标签,并含有KDEL内质网回收标签。FcGrp78基因与中国明对虾已有的Hsc70和Hsp70具有高度相似性。Northern blot杂交结果显示FcGrp78基因在中国明对虾各组织中均有表达。FcGrp78基因在WSSV感染的中国明对虾肝胰脏中呈上调表达,在血细胞中下调表达,说明FcGrp78可能与对虾的免疫应答有关。热休克处理会诱导FcGrp78基因转录的上调。不同重金属离子胁迫引起的FcGrp78转录表达有所不同:铜离子处理可以诱导FcGrp78基因在处理后24小时的上调表达;镉离子的处理导致FcGrp78基因处理后12小时的下调以及处理后24小时的上调表达变化。短期低氧胁迫则抑制对虾FcGrp78基因的转录表达。 本论文报道的中国明对虾FcHsp90基因 cDNA全长2552bp,编码726个氨基酸,具有保守的N端功能域、中间功能域和C端功能域,具有五个保守的Hsp90蛋白家族标签,序列上与其他物种Hsp90相似性高。Real-time RT-PCR结果显示FcHsp90基因在发育的卵巢中表达量较高,说明Hsp90可能参与了对虾卵母细胞成熟过程中的蛋白合成和卵黄蛋白原的分泌。WSSV感染引起中国明对虾肝胰脏的FcHsp90的转录表达明显上调,说明FcHsp90很可能与对虾的免疫相关。热休克处理诱导FcHsp90基因转录表达的迅速上调。铜离子处理也可诱导FcHsp90基因转录的上调表达,而镉离子处理首先引起FcHsp90基因的下调表达,24小时后开始上调。低氧胁迫也会抑制FcHsp90基因在对虾体内的转录表达。 诱导型FcHsp70基因cDNA全长2511bp,编码629个氨基酸,具有三个保守的Hsp70蛋白家族标签和C末端EEVD序列。与其他物种的Hsp70蛋白具有高度的相似性。FcHsp70基因转录表达对于热休克处理和铜离子的处理非常敏感:热休克处理2小时后FcHsp70基因的转录水平是对照组的80倍;铜离子处理12小时FcHsp70基因转录表达达到对照组的15倍。而镉离子处理后没有诱导FcHsp70显著的上调表达。 以上研究结果为阐明对虾对环境胁迫应答的机制奠定了重要基础,并可为抗逆对虾的培育提供依据。
本文全面地介绍了动态定位系统的发展过程。探讨了在我所研制的水下机器人HR01上实现动态定位功能的可能性。并提出了两种新的控制方案,且在微机IBM PC-XT上做了仿真工作,给出了仿真结果。第一种方案是基于单回路技术。先用前馈解耦网络去耦,再按单回路进行综合。而后加入螺旋浆的饱和及死区非线性。针对这两种非线性提出了两种新的解决方法。理论分析及仿真结果表明,该两种方法对克服这两种非线性极为有效,达到了理想的控制效果。第二种方案则是基于滑动控制理论思想。该方法具有解耦特性,抗参数时变特性及能够对非线性系统直接设计的优点。对水平机器人来说是一种比较好的方法。本人将该方法成功地应用在水下机器人的航向控制。并对不同参数的对象进行了仿真实验。结果表明该方法对参数变化有强鲁椿性,达到了相当满意的控制效果。
Through field outcrop dolomite observation, laboratory petrography (macroscopy, microscopy, cathodeluminescence and scan electronic microscopy), geochemistry (carbon-oxygen-strontium isotopes and trace elements) and fluid inclusion microthermometry study in Keping-Bachu area of Tarim Basin, it can be inferred that there are existing eight dolomite texture types within four evolution phases in Keping-Bachu area of Tarim Basin. The paragenesis of different dolomite texture types and associated minerals in Keping-Bachu area has been established. The carbon and oxygen isotopes of saddle dolomites and matrix dolomites overlap greatly. The Strontium isotopes results of Keping-Bachu outcrop area show that the strontium isotopes differentiation of the matrix and saddle dolomites is not obvious, the reason of which is that there is thousands of Cambrian-Ordovician dolomite strata below the stratum bearing the saddle dolomite. In the process of the heat flow upward migration, the isotopes of the heat interacts with the host rock, which leads to the similarity betwwen the strontium of the saddle dolomite and matrix dolomite. The strontium isotope of the saddle dolomite is not very radiogenic. the six types samples within four phases in the study area show Eu negatively. Comparing to the other types of samples, the δEu of saddle dolomite is relatively high falling into the range of 0.510-0.874, which shows that the saddle dolomite forms in the hydrothermal setting and is affected by the hydrothermal activity to some extend.The Lan/Ybn of saddle dolomite is high up to 15.726, which means that the HREE is very rich. It belongs to the typical hydrothermal genesis model. The δCe of saddle dolomite is positive anomaly, which is the result of high effect from the land source debris. The homogeneous temperature of the saddle dolomite falls into two ranges 110-120℃ and 125-160℃, after pressure correction, they are 141-152℃,157.5-196℃, the salinity of the saddle dolomite can reach to 20-25%. With the comparing with the burial history, the Th of the saddle dolomite is high than the ambient strata temperature, these data show that the saddle dolomite is of hydrothermal origin. The evolution trend of different dolomite and associated minerals is from matrix dolomite, dolomite cementation, saddle dolomite, quartz to calcite. Alonging with this evolution trend, the temperature of the diagenetic flow initiated from 80-100℃, after rising to 135-160℃, then gradually declined. Finally, a structurally-controlled dolomitization model is established in Keping-Bachu area of Tarim Basin.
English & Polish jokes based on linguistic ambiguity are constrasted. Linguistic ambiguity results from a multiplicity of semantic interpretations motivated by structural pattern. The meanings can be "translated" either by variations of the corresponding minimal strings or by specifying the type & extent of modification needed between the two interpretations. C. F. Hockett's (1972) translatability notion that a joke is linguistic if it cannot readily be translated into other languages without losing its humor is used to interpret some cross-linguistic jokes. It is claimed that additional intralinguistic criteria are needed to classify jokes. By using a syntactic representation, the humor can be explained & compared cross-linguistically. Since the mapping of semantic values onto lexical units is highly language specific, translatability is much less frequent with lexical ambiguity. Similarly, phonological jokes are not usually translatable. Pragmatic ambiguity can be translated on the basis of H. P. Grice's (1975) cooperative principle of conversation that calls for discourse interpretations. If the distinction between linguistic & nonlinguistic jokes is based on translatability, pragmatic jokes must be excluded from the classification. Because of their universality, pragmatic jokes should be included into the linguistic classification by going beyond the translatability criteria & using intralinguistic features to describe them.
Two classes of techniques have been developed to whiten the quantization noise in digital delta-sigma modulators (DDSMs): deterministic and stochastic. In this two-part paper, a design methodology for reduced-complexity DDSMs is presented. The design methodology is based on error masking. Rules for selecting the word lengths of the stages in multistage architectures are presented. We show that the hardware requirement can be reduced by up to 20% compared with a conventional design, without sacrificing performance. Simulation and experimental results confirm theoretical predictions. Part I addresses MultistAge noise SHaping (MASH) DDSMs; Part II focuses on single-quantizer DDSMs..
La calculadora graficadora como herramienta tecnológica ofrece la posibilidad de despertar el interés del estudiante y estimular su entendimiento, y en este trabajo se analiza la puesta en escena de una situación didáctica como nota de clase (Lluck, 2004). Conformada con una secuencia de actividades para ser trabajadas por los alumnos dentro y fuera del aula. Esta secuencia se diseña de tal forma que al ponerla en práctica es posible hacer matemáticas, considerando que dichos saberes matemáticos son necesarios para ser un ciudadano que se desempeñe con éxito en su labor y comprenda la importancia de la matemática en su vida actual y futura.
An unstructured cell-centred finite volume method for modelling viscoelastic flow is presented. The method is applied to the flow through a planar channel and the 4:1 planar contraction for creeping flow of an Oldroyd-B fluid. The results are presented for a range of Weissenberg numbers. In the case of the planar channel results are compared with analytical solutions. For the 4:1 planar contraction benchmark problem the convection terms in the constitutive equations are approximated using both first and second order differencing schemes to compare the techniques and the effect of mesh refinement on the solution is investigated. This is the first time that a fully unstructured, cell-centredfinitevolume technique has been used to model the Oldroyd-B fluid for the test cases presented in this paper.