996 resultados para 494
Los resultados del Crucero 9906 de Evaluación Hidroacústica de Recursos Pelágicos a bordo del BIC Humboldt y del BIC José Olaya Balandra en el área cubierta entre Paita (05°00 'S) y Bahía Independencia (14°15°S), del 13 al 28 de junio de 1999, indican que las redes de arrastre pelágicas 124/1800 y 494/800 tuvieron buena eficiencia y comportamiento en 100 lances de comprobación. La captura total de los dos buques fue de 11.243.3 kg, correspondiendo a la anchoveta 8.564,1 kg; sardina 35,49 kg; jurel 22,2 kg; caballa 131 kg; samasa 25,47 kg; vinciguerria 1.242,31 kg y otros recursos 1.213,64 kg. El índice de captura (CPUE) del BIC José Olaya Balandra fue de 748,98 kg/h y del BIC Humboldt 72,31 kg/h. El mayor porcentaje de mezcla de los 100 lances con recursos pelágicos correspondió a la anchoveta con otros recursos a 10 mn de distancia de la costa.
De un total de 80 muestras de red, se determinó un máximo de 133 especies en agosto y un mínimo de 60 durante noviembre, ambos en 1991. En todo el período de estudio los grupos que aportaron mayor número de especies fueron dinoflagelados y diatomeas; silicoflagelados, fitoflagelados y cocolitofóridos fueron muy escasos o estuvieron ausentes. Dentro de los dinoflagelados resaltaron diferentes especies del género Ceratium, entre las diatomeas lo hicieron aquellas considerados de agua cálidas y cosmopolitas, y entre los silicoflagelados lo hizo Distyocha fibula. Se analizaron 70 muestras de agua, en donde se determinó 111 diatomeas, 89 dinoflagelados, 8 cocolitofóridos, 4 silicoflagelados y 4 fitoflagelados, dando un total de 216 especies de fitoplancton. En superficie el fitoplancton total alcanzó su máximo valor en agosto con 494 963 cel/l y el mínimo en febrero con 11 400 cel/l, ambos durante 1991. A 10 m el máximo fue de 122 690 cel/l durante setiembre y el mínimo de 3 165 cel/l en octubre, ambos en 1991. Tanto en superficie como a 10 m el mayor aporte lo dieron el nanoplancton y diatomeas. Los organismos que alcanzaron mayores cantidades celulares fueron Emiliana huxleyi y monadas. Los análisis de red reportan organismos del microplancton, principalmente diatomeas y dinoflagelados, encontrándose raramente organismos del nanoplancton, mientras que en los análisis de agua, se determinan principalmente diatomeas y nanoplancton.
Com a finalidade de avaliar a tolerância de rhizobium loti em Leucaena leucocephala cv K8, submetida a níveis crescentes de salinidade, realizou-se um experimento em casa de vegetação, usando-se um Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo textura franco-arenosa, coletado em Serra Talhada (PE). O experimento obedeceu ao arranjo fatorial 5 x 4, no delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com 3 repetições. Foram usados 5 níveis de salinidade do solo (C.E. = 1,5; 6,6; 10,1; 12,8 e 14,4 dS m-1) e 2 tratamentos inoculados (NFB 494 e SEMIA 6069), fertilização nitrogenada com 200 mg kg-1 de N (NH4NO3), e o controle sem inoculação e sem adubação nitrogenada. O incremento dos níveis crescentes de salinidade reduziu a nodulação (número e massa de nódulos), o rendimento de matéria seca e a acumulação de N na parte aérea. O tratamento com fertilização nitrogenada inibiu totalmente a nodulação em leucena, em todos os níveis de salinidade; contudo, promoveu melhores rendimentos na acumulação de N e na produção de matéria seca. Observou-se resposta significativa das plantas inoculadas com a estirpe SEMIA 6069, em todas as características avaliadas, superando os resultados obtidos com o isolado NFB 494.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the sensitivity of ultrasonography in screening for foetal malformations in the pregnant women of the Swiss Canton of Vaud. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study over a period of five years. METHOD: We focused our study on 512 major or minor clinically relevant malformations detectable by ultrasonography. We analysed the global sensitivity of the screening and compared the performance of the tertiary centre with that of practitioners working in private practice or regional hospitals. RESULTS: Among the 512 malformations, 181 (35%) involved the renal and urinary tract system, 137 (27%) the heart, 71 (14%) the central nervous system, 50 (10%) the digestive system, 42 (8%) the face and 31 (6%) the limbs. Global sensitivity was 54.5%. The lowest detection rate was observed for cardiac anomalies, with only 23% correct diagnoses. The tertiary centre achieved a 75% detection rate in its outpatient clinic and 83% in referred patients. Outside the referral centre, the diagnostic rate attained 47%. CONCLUSIONS: Routine foetal examination by ultrasonography in a low-risk population can detect foetal structural abnormalities. Apart from the diagnosis of cardiac abnormalities, the results in the Canton of Vaud are satisfactory and justify routine screening for malformations in a low-risk population. A prerequisite is continuing improvement in the skills of ultrasonographers through medical education.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the prognostic factors and the ophthalmologic follow-up on cataract formation following total body irradiation (TBI) prior to bone marrow transplantation (BMT). METHODS AND MATERIALS: Between 1980 and 1992, 494 patients were referred to our department for TBI prior to BMT. The mean age was 32 +/- 11 (median: 32, range: 2-63) years and the male to female ratio was 1.6 (304:190). The majority of patients were treated for acute leukemia (lymphoblastic, n = 177, 36%; or nonlymphoblastic , n = 139, 28%); 80 (16%) for chronic myeloid leukemia, 60 (12%) for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, 23 (5%) for multiple myeloma, and 15 (3%) for other malignancies. Two hundred and fifty-four (51%) patients were grafted in the first complete remission (CR), 118 (24%) in second CR. Allogenic BMT was performed in 210 (43%) patients, and autologous BMT in 284 (57%). Methotrexate combined to steroids (n = 47, 22%) or to cyclosporine (n = 163, 78%) was administered for graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) prophylaxis. In 188 patients (38%), heparin was used in the prevention of veno-occlusive disease (VOD) of the liver. Furthermore, steroid administration was registered in 223 (45%). The conditioning chemotherapy consisted of cyclophosphamide (Cy) alone in 332 (67%) patients. Total-body irradiation was administered either in single dose (STBI; 10 Gy in 1 day, n = 291) or in six fractions (FTBI; 12 Gy over 3 consecutive days, n = 203) before BMT. The mean instantaneous dose rate was 0.0574 +/- 0.0289 Gy/min (0.024-0.1783). It was < 0.048 Gy/min in 157 patients (LOW group), > or = 0.048 Gy/min and <0.09 Gy/min in 301 patients (MEDIUM group), and > or = 0.09 Gy/min in 36 patients (HIGH group). RESULTS: When considering all patients, 42 (8.5%) patients developed cataracts after 13 to 72 months (median: 42 months) with a 5-year estimated cataract incidence (ECI) of 23%. Thirty-three (11.3%) out of 291 patients in the STBI group, and 9 (4.4%) out of 203 patients in the FTBI group developed cataracts with 5-year estimated incidences of 34 and 11%, respectively (p = 0.0004). Seven (19.4%) out of 36 patients in the HIGH group, 33 (10.9%) out of 301 in the MEDIUM group, and 2 (1.2%) out of 157 in the LOW group developed cataracts with respective 5-year cataract incidences of 54%, 30%, and 3.5% (HIGH vs. MEDIUM, p = 0.07; MEDIUM vs. LOW, p = 0.0001; HIGH vs. LOW, p < 0.0001). On the other hand, patients who received heparin as prophylactic treatment against VOD of the liver had less cataracts than those who did not receive (5-year ECI of 16% vs. 28%, respectively; p = 0.01). There was no statistically significant difference in terms of 5-year ECI according to age, sex, administration of steroids, GvHD prophylaxis, type of BMT, or previous cranial radiotherapy in children. Multivariate analysis revealed that the instantaneous dose rate (p = 0.001), and the administration of heparin against VOD (p = 0.05) were the two independent factors influencing the cataract incidence, while age, fractionation, and use of steroids were not. Among the 42 patients who developed cataracts, 38 had bilateral extracapsular cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation, and only 4 (10%) developed secondary cataracts in a median follow-up period of 39 months. CONCLUSION: Among the abovementioned TBI parameters, high instantaneous dose rate seems to be the main risk factor of cataract formation, and the administration of heparin appears to have a protective role in cataractogenesis. On the other hand, ionizing radiation seems to have a protective effect on posterior capsule opacification following extracapsular cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation.
The pharmacokinetics (PK) of efavirenz (EFV) is characterized by marked interpatient variability that correlates with its pharmacodynamics (PD). In vitro-in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) is a "bottom-up" approach that combines drug data with system information to predict PK and PD. The aim of this study was to simulate EFV PK and PD after dose reductions. At the standard dose, the simulated probability was 80% for viral suppression and 28% for central nervous system (CNS) toxicity. After a dose reduction to 400 mg, the probabilities of viral suppression were reduced to 69, 75, and 82%, and those of CNS toxicity were 21, 24, and 29% for the 516 GG, 516 GT, and 516 TT genotypes, respectively. With reduction of the dose to 200 mg, the probabilities of viral suppression decreased to 54, 62, and 72% and those of CNS toxicity decreased to 13, 18, and 20% for the 516 GG, 516 GT, and 516 TT genotypes, respectively. These findings indicate how dose reductions might be applied in patients with favorable genetic characteristics.
BACKGROUND: Notch signaling regulates multiple differentiation processes and cell fate decisions during both invertebrate and vertebrate development. Numb encodes an intracellular protein that was shown in Drosophila to antagonize Notch signaling at binary cell fate decisions of certain cell lineages. Although overexpression experiments suggested that Numb might also antagonize some Notch activity in vertebrates, the developmental processes in which Numb is involved remained elusive. RESULTS: We generated mice with a homozygous inactivation of Numb. These mice died before embryonic day E11.5, probably because of defects in angiogenic remodeling and placental dysfunction. Mutant embryos had an open anterior neural tube and impaired neuronal differentiation within the developing cranial central nervous system (CNS). In the developing spinal cord, the number of differentiated motoneurons was reduced. Within the peripheral nervous system (PNS), ganglia of cranial sensory neurons were formed. Trunk neural crest cells migrated and differentiated into sympathetic neurons. In contrast, a selective differentiation anomaly was observed in dorsal root ganglia, where neural crest--derived progenitor cells had migrated normally to form ganglionic structures, but failed to differentiate into sensory neurons. CONCLUSIONS: Mouse Numb is involved in multiple developmental processes and required for cell fate tuning in a variety of lineages. In the nervous system, Numb is required for the generation of a large subset of neuronal lineages. The restricted requirement of Numb during neural development in the mouse suggests that in some neuronal lineages, Notch signaling may be regulated independently of Numb.
MoS(x) lubricating thin films were deposited by nonreactive, reactive, and low energy ion-assisted radio-frequency (rf) magnetron sputtering from a MoS2 target. Depending on the total and reactive gas pressures, the film composition ranges between MoS0.7 and MoS2.8. A low working pressure was found to have effects similar to those of low-energy ion irradiation. Films deposited at high pressure have (002) planes preferentially perpendicular to the substrate, whereas films deposited at low pressure or under low-energy ion irradiation have (002) mainly parallel to it. Parallel films are sulfur deficient (MoS1.2-1.4). Their growth is explained in terms of an increased reactivity of the basal surfaces, itself a consequence of the creation of surface defects due to ion irradiation. The films exhibit a lubricating character for all compositions above MoS1.2. The longest lifetime in ball-on-disk wear test was found for MoS1.5.
BACKGROUND: Adverse events in utero may predispose to cardiovascular disease in adulthood. The underlying mechanisms are unknown. During preeclampsia, vasculotoxic factors are released into the maternal circulation by the diseased placenta. We speculated that these factors pass the placental barrier and leave a defect in the circulation of the offspring that predisposes to a pathological response later in life. The hypoxia associated with high-altitude exposure is expected to facilitate the detection of this problem. METHODS AND RESULTS: We assessed pulmonary artery pressure (by Doppler echocardiography) and flow-mediated dilation of the brachial artery in 48 offspring of women with preeclampsia and 90 offspring of women with normal pregnancies born and permanently living at the same high-altitude location (3600 m). Pulmonary artery pressure was roughly 30% higher (mean+/-SD, 32.1+/-5.6 versus 25.3+/-4.7 mm Hg; P<0.001) and flow-mediated dilation was 30% smaller (6.3+/-1.2% versus 8.3+/-1.4%; P<0.0001) in offspring of mothers with preeclampsia than in control subjects. A strong inverse relationship existed between flow-mediated dilation and pulmonary artery pressure (r=-0.61, P<0.001). The vascular dysfunction was related to preeclampsia itself because siblings of offspring of mothers with preeclampsia who were born after a normal pregnancy had normal vascular function. Augmented oxidative stress may represent an underlying mechanism because thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances plasma concentration was increased in offspring of mothers with preeclampsia. CONCLUSIONS: Preeclampsia leaves a persistent defect in the systemic and the pulmonary circulation of the offspring. This defect predisposes to exaggerated hypoxic pulmonary hypertension already during childhood and may contribute to premature cardiovascular disease in the systemic circulation later in life.
Parameters of intrarectal pressure (surface area under pressure curve and peak pressure) recorded with a microsystem device during the second phase of labor showed no significant correlations with baby's weight or mode of delivery. AIM OF THE STUDY: Was to assess the biomechanical pressures delivered against pelvic floor structures during the second phase of labor in nulliparae women, and to correlate them with obstetrics parameters, i.e. baby'sweight and mode of delivery. MATERIAL: Using a microsystem device placed into the rectum at the beginning of the second phase of labor, two parameters were assessed during the bearing efforts in 59 nulliparae women: the surface area under the pressure curve and the peak pressure. RESULTS: During 11.5±9 bearing efforts of 99.1±16s duration, the mean value of surface area under the pressure curve was 32677±26058cm/s and the mean value of the peak pressure was 60.7±24cmH(2)O, exceeding 100cmH(2)O in 10% of women. These two parameters were not correlated with baby's weight (R: 0.19, P: 0.15 and R: 0.05, P: 0.71). In the same way, these two parameters were not correlated with the mode of delivery (spontaneous or forceps/vacuum-assisted). Furthermore, the individual values of these two parameters showed great variation from one woman to another. CONCLUSION: This study has showed that parameters of biomechanical pressures recorded into the rectum during second phase of labor had no significant correlations with obstetricals parameters, explaining why these latter have poor predicitive value of further pelvic floor problems.
Weekly letting report.
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 494
PURPOSE: To report the sudden onset of reversible Charles Bonnet syndrome precipitated byacute severe anemia. METHODS: The charts of three patients (Usher syndrome, bilateral macular degeneration, and bilateral retinal vein occlusion) with acute Charles Bonnet syndrome in the setting of severe anemia were reviewed. RESULTS: Anemia resulted from bladder surgery, recto-colitis, and severe urinary tract infection. Hemoglobin ranged from 78 to 86 g/L. Decreased visual acuity and formed visual hallucinations (giants, flowers, animals) were present in all three patients. Rapid reversal of Charles Bonnet syndrome and visual acuity improvement followed blood transfusion. CONCLUSIONS: Acute severe anemia can precipitate Charles Bonnet syndrome, which may be reversible by blood transfusion.
OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated with intent to stay in hospital among five different categories of healthcare professionals using an adapted version of the conceptual model of intent to stay (CMIS). DESIGN: A cross-sectional survey targeting Lausanne University Hospital employees performed in the fall of 2011. Multigroup structural equation modeling was used to test the adapted CMIS model among professional groups. Measures Satisfaction, self-fulfillment, workload, working conditions, burnout, overall job satisfaction, institutional identification and intent to stay. PARTICIPANTS: Surveys of 3364 respondents: 494 physicians, 1228 nurses, 509 laboratory technicians, 935 administrative staff and 198 psycho-social workers. RESULTS: For all professional categories, self-fulfillment increased intent to stay (all β > 0.14, P < 0.05). Burnout decreased intent to stay by weakening job satisfaction (β < -0.23 and β > 0.22, P < 0.05). Some factors were associated with specific professional categories: workload was associated with nurses' intent to stay (β = -0.15), and physicians' institutional identification mitigated the effect of burnout on intent to stay (β = -0.15 and β = 0.19). CONCLUSION: Respondents' intent to stay in a position depended both on global and profession-specific factors. The identification of these factors may help in mapping interventions and retention plans at both a hospital level and professional groups' level.