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Se exponen las impresiones del Comisario General de Protección Escolar y catedrático del Instituto Ramiro de Maeztu de Madrid, profesor Navarro Latorre, sobre la aprobación del Fondo Nacional de Igualdad de Oportunidades en 1960, en cuanto al órgano de aplicación, la campaña y el futuro de este Plan.
Distinguir dos moralidades: realismo moral y moral de reciprocidad. La teoría de Piaget está encaminada a explicar el modo en que se desarrolla el pensamiento moral práctico, pero los resultados (verbales) de sus estudios se refieren únicamente al pensamiento moral teórico del niño. Piaget cree, que en el niño, la reflexión moral consiste en una toma de conciencia progresiva de la actividad moral. El realismo moral responde a algo efectivo y espontáneo en el pensamiento infantil. Piaget está tanto en contra de los métodos autoritarios como de los métodos puramente individuales. El niño siente un gran placer por la investigación activa, ello unido a sus necesidades de cooperación. Es fundamental que la experimentación individual y la reflexión común se equilibren.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
In the second half of the twentieth century we saw the environmental debate escalate into one of the most challenging and complex issues that authorities at international, national, regional and municipal levels have to deal with. The inherent complexity of environmental problems, which brings out the interconnections between the economic, socio-cultural and ecological dimensions of the territory, is increased by the social, scientific and political focuses of the debate, and their interdependencies. In the framework of governance, scientific and technical assessments are a relevant but not “unique” source for legitimating environmental policymaking. The discussion is opened towards the consideration of different existing perspectives on the environment. The main objective of the present study is to systematize and explore in-depth the perspectives brought by feminism and gender to environmental governance. What is the specificity of a feminist and gender outlook? In what sense does it bring new light to environmental governance processes? Such questions are explored empirically and theoretically.
O trabalho de investigação agora apresentado, consiste num instrumento documental inovador na área específica dos Caminhos-de-ferro, em Portugal – a criação de uma biobibliografia, cumprindo as regras documentais exigidas para a criação de um produto documental, com esta tipologia. Dado que em 2006, se comemoraram os 150 anos do aparecimento em Portugal (1856) dos Caminhos-de-Ferro, revelou-se necessário e oportuno proceder ao levantamento documental sistemático da documentação produzida sobre o assunto, e a partir do mesmo organizar a documentação e informação recolhida, que resulta no trabalho agora apresentado – uma biobibliografia, com 1351 entradas, e índices complementares que permitem a recuperação da documentação constante da mesma, por várias formas de acesso. Para o efeito, procedeu-se a um levantamento exaustivo das Instituições detentoras destes documentos, bem como de Pessoas, que a nível individual se sabia possuírem documentação de interesse para este estudo. Considera-se que este Trabalho de Investigação, será uma fonte de informação de grande importância, para a realização de outros trabalhos de investigação, que venham a ser realizados, funcionando igualmente como um eficaz repositório de informação para os que têm interesses e/ou necessidades de informação específica, nesta área.
The goals of the present study are: to determine the prevalence of dizziness or imbalance in a population of patients with cervical-spine pathology as compared to that in the general population; to determine correlations between cervical spinal pathology and symptoms of dizziness or imbalance.
En esta entrevista, realizada en 1987, el autor dialoga con Alfredo Pareja Diezcanseco sobre sus concepciones respecto de la literatura y la Historia. Menciona detalles de su vocación literaria, de sus lecturas iniciales y de las que, posteriormente, lo marcaron más. Pareja describe su rutina diaria como escritor, la cual se relaciona con su idea de lo que es la literatura: «una dificultad adquirida», alude al rol de los esquemas en la construcción de sus novelas, y al de la crítica de sus amigos del Grupo de Guayaquil en este proceso, durante la década del 30. Respecto de ellos, recalca que éste era esencialmente un grupo de amigos, más que un conjunto de escritores que se juntaban para trabajar en sus textos. Finalmente habla de su admiración por el historiador Arnold Toynbee, y concluye la entrevista mencionando que, para él, «la Historia siempre se hace en el subterráneo de la vida, es decir la está haciendo la vida cotidiana».
The input to soils made by pollen and its subsequent mineralization has rarely been investigated from a soil microbiological point of view even though the small but significant quantities of C and N in pollen may make an important contribution to nutrient cycling. The relative resistance to decomposition of pollen exines (outer layers) has led to much of the focus of pollen in soil being on its preservation for archaeological and palaeo-ecological purposes. We have examined aspects of the chemical composition and decomposition of pollen from birch (Betula alba) and maize (Zea mays) in soil. The relatively large N contents, small C-to-N ratios and large water-soluble contents of pollen from both species indicated that they would be readily mineralized in soil. When added to soil and incubated at 16 degrees C an amount of C equivalent to 22-26% of the added pollen C was lost as CO2 within 22 days, with the Z. mays pollen decomposing faster. For B. alba pollen, the water-soluble fraction decomposed faster than the whole pollen and the insoluble fraction decomposed more slowly over 22 days. By contrast, there were no significant differences in the decomposition rates of the different fractions from Z. mays pollen. Solid-state C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) revealed no gross chemical differences between the pollen of these two species, with strong resonances in the alkyl- and methyl-C region (0-45 p.p.m.) indicative of aliphatic compounds, the O-alkyl-C (60-90 p.p.m.) and the acetal- and ketal-C region (90-110 p.p.m.) indicative of polysaccharides, and the carbonyl-C region indicative of peptides and carboxylic acids. In addition, both pollens gave a small but distinct resonance at 55 p.p.m. attributed to N-alkyl-C. The resonances attributed to polysaccharides were lost completely or substantially reduced after decomposition.
Different earthworm species have different tolerances of acid soil conditions, and the application of lime to upland grassland to improve the grazing quality may therefore alter the size and diversity of the earthworm community. Altering soil properties may also affect the chemical characteristics of organic C in earthworm casts. We surveyed the earthworm community of an upland grassland in southern Scotland at the outset of annual lime applications, and after 3 years, and used C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to assess the distribution of C between different functional groups in the organic matter. In addition, soil was incubated for 8 weeks with several earthworm species in the presence or absence of lime, and the earthworm casts were subsequently analysed by C-13 NMR spectroscopy. Liming did not significantly affect earthworm abundance or species diversity, but it did affect the chemical composition of the casts. Casts from earthworms incubated in unlimed soil had greater ratios of alkyl-C to O-alkyl-C, indicative of more decomposed, recalcitrant C, and spectra from litter-feeding species had the greatest intensities of O-alkyl-C signals. In limed soil, the largest O-alkyl-C signal intensities were not restricted to litter-feeding species, indicating an increase in the quality of organic matter ingested by geophagous species.
Temporal and spatial patterns of soil water content affect many soil processes including evaporation, infiltration, ground water recharge, erosion and vegetation distribution. This paper describes the analysis of a soil moisture dataset comprising a combination of continuous time series of measurements at a few depths and locations, and occasional roving measurements at a large number of depths and locations. The objectives of the paper are: (i) to develop a technique for combining continuous measurements of soil water contents at a limited number of depths within a soil profile with occasional measurements at a large number of depths, to enable accurate estimation of the soil moisture vertical pattern and the integrated profile water content; and (ii) to estimate time series of soil moisture content at locations where there are just occasional soil water measurements available and some continuous records from nearby locations. The vertical interpolation technique presented here can strongly reduce errors in the estimation of profile soil water and its changes with time. On the other hand, the temporal interpolation technique is tested for different sampling strategies in space and time, and the errors generated in each case are compared.
A deep-tier, bow-form burrow with a long apertural neck, and several different types of infill is described from Upper Jurassic shelfal carbonates of Saudi Arabia, Miocene pelagic packstones and wackestones of Malta, and Lower Cretaceous shoreface sands and mudrocks of southern England. The two most commonly observed types of infill are a coarse-grained infill, referred to as Glyphichnus-mode (formed by sediment entering the burrow following breakage of the apertural neck), and a laminated, muddy infill, referred to as Cylindrichnus-mode, which is considered to represent passive, drought filling through a complete burrow. The type of infill and aspects of preservation show that these burrows can be used to assess the style of sedimentation, particularly steady aggradation versus periodic erosion. At present the bow-form burrow is not assigned to a specific ichnotaxon.
A new model, RothPC-1, is described for the turnover of organic C in the top metre of soil. RothPC-1 is a version of RothC-26.3, an earlier model for the turnover of C in topsoils. In RothPC-1 two extra parameters are used to model turnover in the top metre of soil: one, p, which moves organic C down the profile by an advective process, and the other, s, which slows decomposition with depth. RothPC-1 is parameterized and tested using measurements (described in Part 1, this issue) of total organic C and radiocarbon on soil profiles from the Rothamsted long-term field experiments, collected over a period of more than 100 years. RothPC-1 gives fits to measurements of organic C and radiocarbon in the 0-23, 23-46, 46-69 and 69-92 cm layers of soil that are almost all within (or close to) measurement error in two areas of regenerating woodland (Geescroft and Broadbalk Wildernesses) and an area of cultivated land from the Broadbalk Continuous Wheat Experiment. The fits to old grassland (the Park Grass Experiment) are less close. Two other sites that provide the requisite pre- and post-bomb data are also fitted; a prairie Chernozem from Russia and an annual grassland from California. Roth-PC-1 gives a close fit to measurements of organic C and radiocarbon down the Chernozem profile, provided that allowance is made for soil age; with the annual grassland the fit is acceptable in the upper part of the profile, but not in the clay-rich Bt horizon below. Calculations suggest that treating the top metre of soil as a homogeneous unit will greatly overestimate the effects of global warming in accelerating the decomposition of soil C and hence on the enhanced release of CO2 from soil organic matter; more realistic estimates will be obtained from multi-layer models such as RothPC-1.
The input to soils made by pollen and its subsequent mineralization has rarely been investigated from a soil microbiological point of view even though the small but significant quantities of C and N in pollen may make an important contribution to nutrient cycling. The relative resistance to decomposition of pollen exines (outer layers) has led to much of the focus of pollen in soil being on its preservation for archaeological and palaeo-ecological purposes. We have examined aspects of the chemical composition and decomposition of pollen from birch (Betula alba) and maize (Zea mays) in soil. The relatively large N contents, small C-to-N ratios and large water-soluble contents of pollen from both species indicated that they would be readily mineralized in soil. When added to soil and incubated at 16 degrees C an amount of C equivalent to 22-26% of the added pollen C was lost as CO2 within 22 days, with the Z. mays pollen decomposing faster. For B. alba pollen, the water-soluble fraction decomposed faster than the whole pollen and the insoluble fraction decomposed more slowly over 22 days. By contrast, there were no significant differences in the decomposition rates of the different fractions from Z. mays pollen. Solid-state C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) revealed no gross chemical differences between the pollen of these two species, with strong resonances in the alkyl- and methyl-C region (0-45 p.p.m.) indicative of aliphatic compounds, the O-alkyl-C (60-90 p.p.m.) and the acetal- and ketal-C region (90-110 p.p.m.) indicative of polysaccharides, and the carbonyl-C region indicative of peptides and carboxylic acids. In addition, both pollens gave a small but distinct resonance at 55 p.p.m. attributed to N-alkyl-C. The resonances attributed to polysaccharides were lost completely or substantially reduced after decomposition.