944 resultados para validity studies


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The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI; Tedeschi & Calhoun, 1996) is the most commonly used measure of positive psychological change that can result from negotiating a traumatic experience. Whilst the PTGI has strong internal reliability, validity studies are still sparse. The presented research details trauma survivors’ understanding of items comprising the PTGI in order to qualitatively assess content validity. Participants were 14 trauma survivors who completed the PTGI and participated in a semi-structured interview. Thematic Analysis was conducted on participant’s transcribed interviews. One latent theme was identified reflecting that questions were consistently understood. A relationship was found between the constituent themes identified and the five factors of the PTGI. Participants answered the PTGI statements in a way that is consistent with the purpose of the instrument with only a small discrepancy found when some participants used the PTGI scale to indicate when a decrease in an element of the inventory had been experienced. Overall results supported the content validity of the PTGI.


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The absence of comparative validity studies has prevented researchers from reaching consensus regarding the application of intensity-related accelerometer cut points for children and adolescents. PURPOSE This study aimed to evaluate the classification accuracy of five sets of independently developed ActiGraph cut points using energy expenditure, measured by indirect calorimetry, as a criterion reference standard. METHODS A total of 206 participants between the ages of 5 and 15 yr completed 12 standardized activity trials. Trials consisted of sedentary activities (lying down, writing, computer game), lifestyle activities (sweeping, laundry, throw and catch, aerobics, basketball), and ambulatory activities (comfortable walk, brisk walk, brisk treadmill walk, running). During each trial, participants wore an ActiGraph GT1M, and VO 2 was measured breath-by-breath using the Oxycon Mobile portable metabolic system. Physical activity intensity was estimated using five independently developed cut points: Freedson/Trost (FT), Puyau (PU), Treuth (TR), Mattocks (MT), and Evenson (EV). Classification accuracy was evaluated via weighted κ statistics and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC-AUC). RESULTS Across all four intensity levels, the EV (κ = 0.68) and FT (κ = 0.66) cut points exhibited significantly better agreement than TR (κ = 0.62), MT (κ = 0.54), and PU (κ = 0.36). The EV and FT cut points exhibited significantly better classification accuracy for moderate-to vigorous-intensity physical activity (ROC-AUC = 0.90) than TR, PU, or MT cut points (ROC-AUC = 0.77-0.85). Only the EV cut points provided acceptable classification accuracy for all four levels of physical activity intensity and performed well among children of all ages. The widely applied sedentary cut point of 100 counts per minute exhibited excellent classification accuracy (ROC-AUC = 0.90). CONCLUSIONS On the basis of these findings, we recommend that researchers use the EV ActiGraph cut points to estimate time spent in sedentary, light-, moderate-, and vigorous-intensity activity in children and adolescents. Copyright © 2011 by the American College of Sports Medicine.


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La scoliose idiopathique (SI) est une déformation tridimensionnelle (3D) de la colonne vertébrale et de la cage thoracique à potentiel évolutif pendant la croissance. Cette déformation 3D entraîne des asymétries de la posture. La correction de la posture est un des objectifs du traitement en physiothérapie chez les jeunes atteints d’une SI afin d’éviter la progression de la scoliose, de réduire les déformations morphologiques et leurs impacts sur la qualité de vie. Les outils cliniques actuels ne permettent pas de quantifier globalement les changements de la posture attribuables à la progression de la scoliose ou à l’efficacité des interventions thérapeutiques. L’objectif de cette thèse consiste donc au développement et à la validation d’un nouvel outil clinique permettant l’analyse quantitative de la posture auprès de personnes atteintes d’une SI. Ce projet vise plus spécifiquement à déterminer la fidélité et la validité des indices de posture (IP) de ce nouvel outil clinique et à vérifier leur capacité à détecter des changements entre les positions debout et assise. Suite à une recension de la littérature, 34 IP représentant l’alignement frontal et sagittal des différents segments corporels ont été sélectionnés. L’outil quantitatif clinique d’évaluation de la posture (outil 2D) construit dans ce projet consiste en un logiciel qui permet de calculer les différents IP (mesures angulaires et linéaires). L’interface graphique de cet outil est conviviale et permet de sélectionner interactivement des marqueurs sur les photographies digitales. Afin de vérifier la fidélité et la validité des IP de cet outil, la posture debout de 70 participants âgés entre 10 et 20 ans atteints d'une SI (angle de Cobb: 15º à 60º) a été évaluée à deux occasions par deux physiothérapeutes. Des marqueurs placés sur plusieurs repères anatomiques, ainsi que des points de référence anatomique (yeux, lobes des oreilles, etc.), ont permis de mesurer les IP 2D en utilisant des photographies. Ces mêmes marqueurs et points de référence ont également servi au calcul d’IP 3D obtenus par des reconstructions du tronc avec un système de topographie de surface. Les angles de Cobb frontaux et sagittaux et le déjettement C7-S1 ont été mesurés sur des radiographies. La théorie de la généralisabilité a été utilisée pour déterminer la fidélité et l’erreur standard de la mesure (ESM) des IP de l’outil 2D. Des coefficients de Pearson ont servi à déterminer la validité concomitante des IP du tronc de l’outil 2D avec les IP 3D et les mesures radiographiques correspondantes. Cinquante participants ont été également évalués en position assise « membres inférieurs allongés » pour l’étude comparative de la posture debout et assise. Des tests de t pour échantillons appariés ont été utilisés pour détecter les différences entre les positions debout et assise. Nos résultats indiquent un bon niveau de fidélité pour la majorité des IP de l’outil 2D. La corrélation entre les IP 2D et 3D est bonne pour les épaules, les omoplates, le déjettement C7-S1, les angles de taille, la scoliose thoracique et le bassin. Elle est faible à modérée pour la cyphose thoracique, la lordose lombaire et la scoliose thoraco-lombaire ou lombaire. La corrélation entre les IP 2D et les mesures radiographiques est bonne pour le déjettement C7-S1, la scoliose et la cyphose thoracique. L’outil est suffisamment discriminant pour détecter des différences entre la posture debout et assise pour dix des treize IP. Certaines recommandations spécifiques résultents de ce projet : la hauteur de la caméra devrait être ajustée en fonction de la taille des personnes; la formation des juges est importante pour maximiser la précision de la pose des marqueurs; et des marqueurs montés sur des tiges devraient faciliter l’évaluation des courbures vertébrales sagittales. En conclusion, l’outil développé dans le cadre de cette thèse possède de bonnes propriétés psychométriques et permet une évaluation globale de la posture. Cet outil devrait contribuer à l’amélioration de la pratique clinique en facilitant l’analyse de la posture debout et assise. Cet outil s’avère une alternative clinique pour suivre l’évolution de la scoliose thoracique et diminuer la fréquence des radiographies au cours du suivi de jeunes atteints d’une SI thoracique. Cet outil pourrait aussi être utile pour vérifier l’efficacité des interventions thérapeutiques sur la posture.


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L’utilisation des mesures subjectives en épidémiologie s’est intensifiée récemment, notamment avec la volonté de plus en plus affirmée d’intégrer la perception qu’ont les sujets de leur santé dans l’étude des maladies et l’évaluation des interventions. La psychométrie regroupe les méthodes statistiques utilisées pour la construction des questionnaires et l’analyse des données qui en sont issues. Ce travail de thèse avait pour but d’explorer différents problèmes méthodologiques soulevés par l’utilisation des techniques psychométriques en épidémiologie. Trois études empiriques sont présentées et concernent 1/ la phase de validation de l’instrument : l’objectif était de développer, à l’aide de données simulées, un outil de calcul de la taille d’échantillon pour la validation d’échelle en psychiatrie ; 2/ les propriétés mathématiques de la mesure obtenue : l’objectif était de comparer les performances de la différence minimale cliniquement pertinente d’un questionnaire calculée sur des données de cohorte, soit dans le cadre de la théorie classique des tests (CTT), soit dans celui de la théorie de réponse à l’item (IRT) ; 3/ son utilisation dans un schéma longitudinal : l’objectif était de comparer, à l’aide de données simulées, les performances d’une méthode statistique d’analyse de l’évolution longitudinale d’un phénomène subjectif mesuré à l’aide de la CTT ou de l’IRT, en particulier lorsque certains items disponibles pour la mesure différaient à chaque temps. Enfin, l’utilisation de graphes orientés acycliques a permis de discuter, à l’aide des résultats de ces trois études, la notion de biais d’information lors de l’utilisation des mesures subjectives en épidémiologie.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a reprodutibilidade e a validade de indicadores do consumo de alimentos e bebidas obtidos por sistema de vigilância baseado em inquéritos telefônicos. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas análises de reprodutibilidade e validade em duas subamostras aleatórias (n=112 e n=109, respectivamente) da amostra total (N=2.024) de adultos (>18 anos) estudada pelo sistema em 2005 no município de São Paulo. Os indicadores avaliados incluíram fatores de proteção (consumo diário ou quase diário de frutas e hortaliças) e de risco (consumo diário ou quase diário de refrigerantes, consumo habitual de alimentos fontes de gorduras saturadas de origem animal, e consumo abusivo de bebidas alcoólicas) para doenças crônicas. Para a análise de reprodutibilidade compararam-se resultados obtidos a partir da entrevista telefônica original do sistema e de outra entrevista idêntica repetida após sete a 15 dias. Para a análise de validade compararam-se resultados obtidos a partir da entrevista telefônica original e de três recordatórios de 24 horas (padrão-ouro) realizados até 15 dias após a entrevista original. RESULTADOS: A freqüência dos indicadores estudados mostrou-se relativamente constante entre a primeira e a segunda entrevistas telefônicas e os coeficientes kappa se situaram entre 0,57 e 0,80, indicando boa reprodutibilidade de todos os indicadores. Relativamente ao padrão-ouro, evidenciou-se tendência de superestimação na freqüência do consumo de alimentos protetores, mas não na freqüência de alimentos associados a risco para doenças crônicas. Sensibilidade e especificidade foram elevadas para indicadores do consumo de alimentos associados a risco (próximas a 80%) e variáveis no caso de alimentos protetores (entre 42% e 80%). CONCLUSÕES: A avaliação indicou boa reprodutibilidade e adequada validade para a maioria dos indicadores empregados pelo sistema, o que indica que a manutenção da sua operação nos próximos anos oferecerá ao Brasil um útil instrumento para avaliação de políticas publicas de promoção da alimentação saudável e controle das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis relacionadas à alimentação.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a reprodutibilidade e a validade de indicadores de atividade física e sedentarismo, obtidos por sistema de vigilância baseado em inquéritos telefônicos. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas análises de reprodutibilidade e validade em duas subamostras aleatórias (n=110 e n=111, respectivamente) da amostra total (N=2.024) de adultos (>18 anos), estudada pelo sistema, no município de São Paulo, em 2005. Os indicadores avaliados incluíram a freqüência de "suficientemente ativos no lazer", "inativos em quatro domínios da atividade física (lazer, trabalho, transporte e atividades domésticas)" e "ver televisão por longos períodos". A reprodutibilidade foi estudada comparando-se resultados obtidos a partir da entrevista telefônica original do sistema e de outra entrevista idêntica repetida após sete a 15 dias e feita por entrevistador diferente do que fez a entrevista original. A validade foi estudada comparando-se resultados obtidos a partir da entrevista telefônica original e de três recordatórios de 24 horas (método de referência) realizados na semana seguinte à entrevista original. RESULTADOS: A freqüência dos três indicadores avaliados foi idêntica ou muito próxima entre a primeira e a segunda entrevistas telefônicas, e os coeficientes kappa se situaram entre 0,53 e 0,80, indicando boa reprodutibilidade de todos os indicadores. Relativamente ao método de referência, evidenciou-se especificidade de 80% ou mais para os três indicadores e sensibilidade de 69,7% para "ver televisão por longos períodos", 59,1% para "inativos em quatro domínios" e 50% para "suficientemente ativos no lazer". CONCLUSÕES: Os indicadores de atividade física e sedentarismo empregados pelo sistema aparentam ser reprodutíveis e suficientemente acurados. Se mantido em operação nos próximos anos, o sistema poderá oferecer ao Brasil um instrumento útil para avaliação de políticas públicas de promoção da atividade física e controle das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis relacionadas ao sedentarismo.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The study of the parental educative social skills is extremely important for promoting the development and learning of children within interactive situations. The objective of this study was to assess reliability and validity of the Parental Educative Social Skills Interview Script (RE-HSE-P). It was proceeded: a) the test-retest reliability assessment, with a sample of 41 participants assessed in two distinct moments, with an interval of two months and the Cronbach's alpha was calculated; b) 213 parents of preschoolers (n =114) and school age children (n = 98) evaluated their children,were assessed for the construct and discrimination validity studies, differentiated in groups: a) demand for psychological intervention x community children without problems and b) children with behavior problems x children without behavior problems. The results showed satisfactory values of internal consistency and validity; besides, the factorial analysis pointed a unifactorial structure called positive parent-child interaction


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OBJETIVO: Este estudo teve por objetivo a adaptação transcultural do Internet Addiction Test (IAT) para o idioma português. MÉTODOS: O trabalho consistiu em cinco etapas: (1) tradução; (2) retradução; (3) revisão técnica e avaliação da equivalência semântica por profissionais da área; (4) avaliação do instrumento por uma amostra de estudantes, avaliando-se o seu grau de compreensão; e (5) análise da consistência interna por meio do coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. RESULTADOS: O instrumento foi traduzido e adaptado para o idioma português, demonstrando ser facilmente compreendido e apresentando valor de consistência interna de 0,85. CONCLUSÃO: O instrumento encontra-se traduzido e adaptado para o português e apresenta consistência interna satisfatória. São necessárias análises de equivalência de mensuração e reprodutibilidade.


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Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus healthcare-associated infections (MRSA HAIs) are a major cause of morbidity in hospitalized patients. They pose great economic burden to hospitals caring for these patients. Intensified Interventions aim to control MRSA HAIs. Cost-effectiveness of Intensified Interventions is largely unclear. We performed a review of cost-effectiveness literature on Intensified Interventions , and provide a summary of study findings, the status of economic research in the area, and information that will help decision-makers at regional level and guide future research.^ We conducted literature search using electronic database PubMed, EBSCO, and The Cochrane Library. We limited our search to English articles published after 1999. We reviewed a total of 1,356 titles, and after applying our inclusion and exclusion criteria selected seven articles for our final review. We modified the Economic Evaluation Abstraction Form provided by CDC, and used this form to abstract data from studies.^ Of the seven selected articles two were cohort studies and the remaining five were modeling studies. They were done in various countries, in different study settings, and with different variations of the Intensified Intervention . Overall, six of the seven studies reported that Intensified Interventions were dominant or at least cost-effective in their study setting. This effect persisted on sensitivity testing.^ We identified many gaps in research in this field. The cost-effectiveness research in the field is mostly composed of modeling studies. The studies do not always clearly describe the intervention. The intervention and infection costs and the sources for these costs are not always explicit or are missing. In modeling studies, there is uncertainty associated with some key model inputs, but these inputs are not always identified. The models utilized in the modeling studies are not always tested for internal consistency or validity. Studies usually test the short term cost-effectiveness of Intensified Interventions but not the long results.^ Our study limitation was the inability to adjust for differences in study settings, intervention costs, disease costs, or effectiveness measures. Our study strength is the presentation of a focused literature review of Intensified Interventions in hospital settings. Through this study we provide information that will help decision makers at regional level, help guide future research, and might change clinical care and policies. ^


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Background: Reliability or validity studies are important for the evaluation of measurement error in dietary assessment methods. An approach to validation known as the method of triads uses triangulation techniques to calculate the validity coefficient of a food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Objective: To assess the validity of an FFQ estimates of carotenoid and vitamin E intake against serum biomarker measurements and weighed food records (WFRs), by applying the method of triads. Design: The study population was a sub-sample of adult participants in a randomised controlled trial of beta-carotene and sunscreen in the prevention of skin cancer. Dietary intake was assessed by a self-administered FFQ and a WFR. Nonfasting blood samples were collected and plasma analysed for five carotenoids (alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein, lycopene) and vitamin E. Correlation coefficients were calculated between each of the dietary methods and the validity coefficient was calculated using the method of triads. The 95% confidence intervals for the validity coefficients were estimated using bootstrap sampling. Results: The validity coefficients of the FFQ were highest for alpha-carotene (0.85) and lycopene (0.62), followed by beta- carotene (0.55) and total carotenoids (0.55), while the lowest validity coefficient was for lutein (0.19). The method of triads could not be used for b- cryptoxanthin and vitamin E, as one of the three underlying correlations was negative. Conclusions: Results were similar to other studies of validity using biomarkers and the method of triads. For many dietary factors, the upper limit of the validity coefficients was less than 0.5 and therefore only strong relationships between dietary exposure and disease will be detected.


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Honing and Ladinig (2008) make the assertion that while the internal validity of web-based studies may be reduced, this is offset by an increase in external validity possible when experimenters can sample a wider range of participants and experimental settings. In this paper, the issue of internal validity is more closely examined, and it is agued that there is no necessary reason why internal validity of a web-based study should be worse than that of a lab-based one. Errors of measurement or inconsistencies of manipulation will typically balance across conditions of the experiment, and thus need not necessarily threaten the validity of a study’s findings.


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To determine the accuracy of a history of cataract and cataract surgery (self-report and for a sibling), and to determine which demographic, cognitive, and medical factors are predictive of an accurate history.


All participants in the Salisbury Eye Evaluation (SEE) project and their locally resident siblings were questioned about a personal and family history of cataract or cataract surgery. Lens grading at the slit lamp, using standardized photographs and a grading system, was performed for both SEE participants (probands) and their siblings. Cognitive testing and a history of systemic comorbidities were also obtained for all probands.


Sensitivity of a history of cataract provided on behalf of a sibling was 32%, specificity 98%. The performance was better for a history of cataract surgery: sensitivity 90%, specificity 89%. For self-report of cataract, sensitivity was also low at 55%, with specificity at 77%. Self-report of cataract surgery gave a much better performance: sensitivity 94%, specificity 100%. Different cutoffs in the definition of cataract had little impact. Factors predicting a correct history of cataract included high school or greater education in the proband (odds ratio [OR] = 1.13, 95% confidence interval [CI]1.02-1.25) and younger sibling (but not proband) age (OR = 0.94 for each year of age, 95% CI 0.90-0.99). Gender, race and Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE) result were not predictive.


Whereas accurate self and family histories for cataract surgery may be obtainable, it is difficult to ascertain cataract status accurately from history alone.


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The present study is an analytical review of the methodology used in studies of efficacy of screening instruments to detect harmful use/ alcohol dependence according to the gender in population surveys. Systematic review of bibliography was done, using data from Web of Science, Pubmed and PsycInfo. Population studies were included without date range, in English, Spanish or Portuguese languages, with sample of adults, evaluating psychometric characteristics of any alcohol screening instrument, whereas studies in special population or under treatment as well as prevalence of alcohol consumption were excluded. Thirteen studies were selected to be included in the present review. According to the studies, the instruments that presented a better performance among men were AUDIT and its derivatives (6 studies) and CAGE (2 studies), whereas among women, AUDIT and its derivatives (7 studies), followed by CAGE (3 studies). The increase of consumption and problems related to alcohol use and its implications for public health indicate the need and urgency for adequacy of screening instruments to differences of gender in general population. The population surveys in the area are scarce. Furthermore, the found studies present heterogeneous methodology which makes accurate comparisons difficult.


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It has been widely accepted for some time that species-appropriate environmental enrichment is important for the welfare of research animals, but its impact on research data initially received little attention. This has now changed, as the use of enrichment as one element of routine husbandry has expanded. In addition to its use in the care of larger research animals, such as nonhuman primates, it is now being used to improve the environments of small research animals, such as rodents, which are used in significantly greater numbers and in a wide variety of studies. Concern has been expressed that enrichment negatively affects both experimental validity and reproducibility. However, when a concise definition of enrichment is used, with a sound understanding of the biology and behaviour of the animal as well as the research constraints, it becomes clear that the welfare of research animals can be enhanced through environmental enrichment without compromising their purpose. Indeed, it is shown that the converse is true: the provision of suitable enrichment enhances the well-being of the animal, thereby refining the animal model and improving the research data. Thus, the argument is made that both the validity and reproducibility of the research are enhanced when proper consideration is given to the research animal's living environment and the animal's opportunities to express species-typical behaviours.