991 resultados para trading volume


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This study contributes to the neglect effect literature by looking at the relative trading volume in terms of value. The results for the Swedish market show a significant positive relationship between the accuracy of estimation and the relative trading volume. Market capitalisation and analyst coverage have in prior studies been used as proxies for neglect. These measures however, do not take into account the effort analysts put in when estimating corporate pre-tax profits. I also find evidence that the industry of the firm influence the accuracy of estimation. In addition, supporting earlier findings, loss making firms are associated with larger forecasting errors. Further, I find that the average forecast error increased in the year 2000 – in Sweden.


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This article examines the behavior of equity trading volume and volatility for the individual firms composing the Standard & Poor's 100 composite index. Using multivariate spectral methods, we find that fractionally integrated processes best describe the long-run temporal dependencies in both series. Consistent with a stylized mixture-of-distributions hypothesis model in which the aggregate "news"-arrival process possesses long-memory characteristics, the long-run hyperbolic decay rates appear to be common across each volume-volatility pair.


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This thesis examines the impact of a corporate name change on stock price and trading volume of Canadian companies around the announcement date, the approval date, and the adoption date over the time period from 1997 to 2011. Name changes are classified into six categories: major and minor, structural and pure, diversified and focused, accompanied with a change in ticker symbol and without a change in ticker symbol, “Gold” name addition and deletion, and different reasons for name changes (e.g., merger and acquisition, change of structure, change of strategy, and better image). The thesis uses the standard event study methodology to perform abnormal return and trading volume analyses. In addition, regression analysis is employed to examine which type of a name change has the largest impact on cumulative abnormal returns. Sample stocks exhibit a significant positive abnormal return one-day prior to the approval day and one day after the adoption date. Around the approval date we observe significant abnormal returns for stocks with a structural name change. On the day after the adoption date we document abnormal returns for stocks with major, minor, structural, pure, focused, and ticker symbol name changes. If a merger or acquisition is the reason for a name change, companies tend to experience a significant positive abnormal return one-day before the approval date and on the adoption date. If a change of structure is the reason for a name change, companies exhibit a significant positive abnormal return on the approval date and a significant negative abnormal return on the adoption date. In case of a change of strategy as the reason for a name change, companies show a significant negative abnormal return around the approval date and a significant positive abnormal return around the adoption date.


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In an earlier paper, we adopted a bi-variate BEKK–GARCH framework and employed a systematic approach to examine structural breaks in the Hang Seng Index and Index Futures market volatility. Switching dummy variables were included and tested in the variance equations to check for any structural changes in the autoregressive volatility structure due to the events that have taken place in the Hong Kong market surrounding the Asian markets crisis. In this paper, we include measures of daily trading volume from both markets in the estimation. Likelihood ratio tests indicate the switching dummy variables become insignificant and the GARCH effects diminish but remain significant. There is some evidence that the Sequential Arrival of Information Model (SIM) provides a platform to explain these market induced effects when volume of trade is accounted for.


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This paper uses dynamic impulse response analysis to investigate the interrelationships among stock price volatility, trading volume, and the leverage effect. Dynamic impulse response analysis is a technique for analyzing the multi-step-ahead characteristics of a nonparametric estimate of the one-step conditional density of a strictly stationary process. The technique is the generalization to a nonlinear process of Sims-style impulse response analysis for linear models. In this paper, we refine the technique and apply it to a long panel of daily observations on the price and trading volume of four stocks actively traded on the NYSE: Boeing, Coca-Cola, IBM, and MMM.


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This paper considers how trading volume impacts upon the first three moments of REIT returns. Consistent with previous studies of the broader stock market, we find that volume is a significant factor with respect to both returns and volatility. We also find evidence supportive of the Hong & Stein’s (2003) Investor Heterogeneity Theory with respect to the finding that skewness in REIT index returns is significantly related to volume. Furthermore, we also report findings that show the influence of the variability of volume with skewness.


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In an earlier paper we adopted a BEKK-GARCH framework and employed a systematic approach to examine structural breaks in the HSIF and HSI volatility. Switching dummy variables were included and tested in the variance equations to check for any structural changes in the autoregressive volatility structure due to the events that have taken place in the Hong Kong market. A Bi-variate GARCH model with 3 switching points was found to be superior as it captured the potential structural changes in return volatilities. Abolishment of the uptick rule, increase of initial margins for the HSIF and electronic trading of HSIF were found to have significant impact on the volatility structure of HSIF and HSI. In this paper we include measures of daily trading volume from both markets in the estimation. Likelihood ratio tests indicate the switching dummy variables become insignificant and the GARCH effects diminish but remain significant.


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Insider trading activity is investigated prior to merger announcement in Indian capital market. An attempt is made to check it out whether trading takes place on the basis of asymmetric and private information. For examining the behaviour of stock prices a modified market model is used to estimate the parameters for the estimation window. These estimates are used to compute average return and cumulative average returns for the event window, which are measures of abnormal returns. Besides price run-ups, it is also common to see unusually high levels of share trading volume before public announcement of merger. Daily trading volume pattern of the target companies is also investigated. The analysis carried out in this study is based on a sample of 42 companies for which merger announcement date was announced during the period of 1996-1999. Based on the analysis for each company individually, we recommend investigation in six companies for existence of possible insider trading.


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This paper examines the stock price and volume effects surrounding the announcement of constituent changes to the S&P/ASX 200 and four supplementary indices. Between April 2000 and December 2002 additions to (deletions from) the ASX 200 were associated with a significant price rise (fall) over the 10 day period following the market announcement of the change. Deletions were also associated with a significant fall on the announcement date itself These findings were corroborated by significant increases in trading volume over the same intervals, suggesting heavy trading activity by index funds in response to changes to the ASX 200. Following the implementation of these changes, both additions and deletions experienced a significant price reversion, supporting the price pressure hypothesis. By contrast, none of the supplementary indices displayed evidence of stock price or volume effects, which precludes the information and liquidity hypotheses as viable explanations for the findings of this research.


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Trading activity has been considered as one of the possible factor that explains the cross-sectional variation in stock returns. In this study I use trading volume as a possible measure to proxy for liquidity as part of the trading activity. Monthly observations were used over a period 1995 to 2005 to examine the liquidity effect on stock expected returns. Based on findings it is appeared that level of liquidity does matter in explaining the expected stock returns in Malaysian capital market. While Fama-french factors also provide important explanation for stock returns. But none of the second moment variables proxying liquidity appeared to be statistically significant. However, momentum effect apprearently explain ing the cross-sectional variation in stock returns.