983 resultados para task recognition
De plus en plus de recherches sur les Interactions Humain-Machine (IHM) tentent d’effectuer des analyses fines de l’interaction afin de faire ressortir ce qui influence les comportements des utilisateurs. Tant au niveau de l’évaluation de la performance que de l’expérience des utilisateurs, on note qu’une attention particulière est maintenant portée aux réactions émotionnelles et cognitives lors de l’interaction. Les approches qualitatives standards sont limitées, car elles se fondent sur l’observation et des entrevues après l’interaction, limitant ainsi la précision du diagnostic. L’expérience utilisateur et les réactions émotionnelles étant de nature hautement dynamique et contextualisée, les approches d’évaluation doivent l’être de même afin de permettre un diagnostic précis de l’interaction. Cette thèse présente une approche d’évaluation quantitative et dynamique qui permet de contextualiser les réactions des utilisateurs afin d’en identifier les antécédents dans l’interaction avec un système. Pour ce faire, ce travail s’articule autour de trois axes. 1) La reconnaissance automatique des buts et de la structure de tâches de l’utilisateur, à l’aide de mesures oculométriques et d’activité dans l’environnement par apprentissage machine. 2) L’inférence de construits psychologiques (activation, valence émotionnelle et charge cognitive) via l’analyse des signaux physiologiques. 3) Le diagnostic de l‘interaction reposant sur le couplage dynamique des deux précédentes opérations. Les idées et le développement de notre approche sont illustrés par leur application dans deux contextes expérimentaux : le commerce électronique et l’apprentissage par simulation. Nous présentons aussi l’outil informatique complet qui a été implémenté afin de permettre à des professionnels en évaluation (ex. : ergonomes, concepteurs de jeux, formateurs) d’utiliser l’approche proposée pour l’évaluation d’IHM. Celui-ci est conçu de manière à faciliter la triangulation des appareils de mesure impliqués dans ce travail et à s’intégrer aux méthodes classiques d’évaluation de l’interaction (ex. : questionnaires et codage des observations).
Coordinated eye and head movements simultaneously occur to scan the visual world for relevant targets. However, measuring both eye and head movements in experiments allowing natural head movements may be challenging. This paper provides an approach to study eye-head coordination: First, we demonstra- te the capabilities and limits of the eye-head tracking system used, and compare it to other technologies. Second, a beha- vioral task is introduced to invoke eye-head coordination. Third, a method is introduced to reconstruct signal loss in video- based oculography caused by cornea reflection artifacts in order to extend the tracking range. Finally, parameters of eye- head coordination are identified using EHCA (eye-head co- ordination analyzer), a MATLAB software which was developed to analyze eye-head shifts. To demonstrate the capabilities of the approach, a study with 11 healthy subjects was performed to investigate motion behavior. The approach presented here is discussed as an instrument to explore eye-head coordination, which may lead to further insights into attentional and motor symptoms of certain neurological or psychiatric diseases, e.g., schizophrenia.
Low self-referential thoughts are associated with better concentration, which leads to deeper encoding and increases learning and subsequent retrieval. There is evidence that being engaged in externally rather than internally focused tasks is related to low neural activity in the default mode network (DMN) promoting open mind and the deep elaboration of new information. Thus, reduced DMN activity should lead to enhanced concentration, comprehensive stimulus evaluation including emotional categorization, deeper stimulus processing, and better long-term retention over one whole week. In this fMRI study, we investigated brain activation preceding and during incidental encoding of emotional pictures and on subsequent recognition performance. During fMRI, 24 subjects were exposed to 80 pictures of different emotional valence and subsequently asked to complete an online recognition task one week later. Results indicate that neural activity within the medial temporal lobes during encoding predicts subsequent memory performance. Moreover, a low activity of the default mode network preceding incidental encoding leads to slightly better recognition performance independent of the emotional perception of a picture. The findings indicate that the suppression of internally-oriented thoughts leads to a more comprehensive and thorough evaluation of a stimulus and its emotional valence. Reduced activation of the DMN prior to stimulus onset is associated with deeper encoding and enhanced consolidation and retrieval performance even one week later. Even small prestimulus lapses of attention influence consolidation and subsequent recognition performance. Hum Brain Mapp, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
One of the current issues of debate in the study of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is deviations of oscillatory brain responses from normal brain states and its dynamics. This work aims to characterize the differences of power in brain oscillations during the execution of a recognition memory task in MCI subjects in comparison with elderly controls. Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) signals were recorded during a continuous recognition memory task performance. Oscillatory brain activity during the recognition phase of the task was analyzed by wavelet transform in the source space by means of minimum norm algorithm. Both groups obtained a 77% hit ratio. In comparison with healthy controls, MCI subjects showed increased theta (p < 0.001), lower beta reduction (p < 0.001) and decreased alpha and gamma power (p < 0.002 and p < 0.001 respectively) in frontal, temporal and parietal areas during early and late latencies. Our results point towards a dual pattern of activity (increase and decrease) which is indicative of MCI and specific to certain time windows, frequency bands and brain regions. These results could represent two neurophysiological sides of MCI. Characterizing these opposing processes may contribute to the understanding of the disorder.
Members of social insect colonies employ a large variety of chemical signals during their life. Of these, cuticular hydrocarbons are of primary importance for social insects since they allow for the recognition of conspecifics, nestmates and even members of different castes. The objectives of this study were (1) to characterize the variation of the chemical profiles among workers of the stingless bee Melipona marginata, and (2) to investigate the dependence of the chemical profiles on the age and on the behavior of the studied individuals. The results showed that cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of workers were composed of alkanes, alkenes and alkadienes that varied quantitatively and qualitatively according to function of workers in the colony. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Spectral peak resolution was investigated in normal hearing (NH), hearing impaired (HI), and cochlear implant (CI) listeners. The task involved discriminating between two rippled noise stimuli in which the frequency positions of the log-spaced peaks and valleys were interchanged. The ripple spacing was varied adaptively from 0.13 to 11.31 ripples/octave, and the minimum ripple spacing at which a reversal in peak and trough positions could be detected was determined as the spectral peak resolution threshold for each listener. Spectral peak resolution was best, on average, in NH listeners, poorest in CI listeners, and intermediate for HI listeners. There was a significant relationship between spectral peak resolution and both vowel and consonant recognition in quiet across the three listener groups. The results indicate that the degree of spectral peak resolution required for accurate vowel and consonant recognition in quiet backgrounds is around 4 ripples/octave, and that spectral peak resolution poorer than around 1–2 ripples/octave may result in highly degraded speech recognition. These results suggest that efforts to improve spectral peak resolution for HI and CI users may lead to improved speech recognition
In studies of mirror-self-recognition subjects are usually surreptitiously marked on their head, and then presented with a mirror. Scores of studies have established that by 18 to 24 months, children investigate their own head upon seeing the mark in the mirror. Scores of papers have debated what this means. Suggestions range from rich interpretations (e.g., the development of self-awareness) to lean accounts (e.g., the development of proprioceptivevisual matching), and include numerous more moderate proposals (e.g., the development of a concept of one's face). In Study 1, 18-24-monthold toddlers were given the standard test and a novel task in which they were marked on their legs rather than on their face. Toddlers performed equivalently on both tasks, suggesting that passing the test does not rely on information specific to facial features. In Study 2, toddlers were surreptitiously slipped into trouser legs that were prefixed to a highchair. Toddlers failed to retrieve the sticker now that their legs looked different from expectations. This finding, together with the findings from a third study which showed that self-recognition in live video feedback develops later than mirror selfrecognition, suggests that performance is not solely the result of proprioceptive-visual matching.
Previous work examining context effects in children has been limited to semantic context. The current research examined the effects of grammatical priming of word-naming in fourth-grade children. In Experiment 1, children named both inflected and uninflected noun and verb target words faster when they were preceded by grammatically constraining primes than when they were preceded by neutral primes. Experiment 1 used a long stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) interval of 750 msec. Experiment 2 replicated the grammatical priming effect at two SOA intervals (400 msec and 700 msec), suggesting that the grammatical priming effect does not reflect the operation of any gross strategic effects directly attributable to the long SOA interval employed in Experiment 1. Grammatical context appears to facilitate target word naming by constraining target word class. Further work is required to elucidate the loci of this effect.
Background Patients with early age-related maculopathy ( ARM) do not necessarily show obvious morphological signs or functional impairment. Many have good visual acuity, yet complain of decreased visual performance. The aim of this study was to investigate the aging effects on performance of parafoveal letter recognition at reduced contrast, and defects caused by early ARM and normal fellow eyes of patients with unilateral age-related macular degeneration (nfAMD). Methods Testing of the central visual field (8 radius) was performed by the Macular Mapping Test (MMT) using recognition of letters in 40 parafoveal target locations at four contrast levels (5, 10, 25 and 100%). Effects of aging were investigated in 64 healthy subjects aged 23 to 76 years (CTRL). In addition, 39 eyes (minimum visual acuity of 0.63; 20/30) from 39 patients with either no visible signs of ARM, while the fellow eye had advanced age-related macular degeneration (nfAMD; n=12), or early signs of ARM (eARM; n=27) were examined. Performance was expressed summarily as a ""field score"" (FS). Results Performance in the MMT begins to decline linearly with age in normal subjects from the age of 50 and 54 years on, at 5% and 10% contrast respectively. The differentiation between patients and CTRLs was enhanced if FS at 5% was analyzed along with FS at 10% contrast. In 8/12 patients from group nfAMD and in 18/27 from group eARM, the FS was statistically significantly lower than in the CTRL group in at least one of the lower contrast levels. Conclusion Using parafoveal test locations, a recognition task and diminished contrast increases the chance of early detection of functional defects due to eARM or nfAMD and can differentiate them from those due to aging alone.
Dental implant recognition in patients without available records is a time-consuming and not straightforward task. The traditional method is a complete user-dependent process, where the expert compares a 2D X-ray image of the dental implant with a generic database. Due to the high number of implants available and the similarity between them, automatic/semi-automatic frameworks to aide implant model detection are essential. In this study, a novel computer-aided framework for dental implant recognition is suggested. The proposed method relies on image processing concepts, namely: (i) a segmentation strategy for semi-automatic implant delineation; and (ii) a machine learning approach for implant model recognition. Although the segmentation technique is the main focus of the current study, preliminary details of the machine learning approach are also reported. Two different scenarios are used to validate the framework: (1) comparison of the semi-automatic contours against implant’s manual contours of 125 X-ray images; and (2) classification of 11 known implants using a large reference database of 601 implants. Regarding experiment 1, 0.97±0.01, 2.24±0.85 pixels and 11.12±6 pixels of dice metric, mean absolute distance and Hausdorff distance were obtained, respectively. In experiment 2, 91% of the implants were successfully recognized while reducing the reference database to 5% of its original size. Overall, the segmentation technique achieved accurate implant contours. Although the preliminary classification results prove the concept of the current work, more features and an extended database should be used in a future work.
Objective: It was the aim of this study to investigate facial emotion recognition (FER) in the elderly with cognitive impairment. Method: Twelve patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and 12 healthy control subjects were asked to name dynamic or static pictures of basic facial emotions using the Multimodal Emotion Recognition Test and to assess the degree of their difficulty in the recognition task, while their electrodermal conductance was registered as an unconscious processing measure. Results: AD patients had lower objective recognition performances for disgust and fear, but only disgust was accompanied by decreased subjective FER in AD patients. The electrodermal response was similar in all groups. No significant effect of dynamic versus static emotion presentation on FER was found. Conclusion: Selective impairment in recognizing facial expressions of disgust and fear may indicate a nonlinear decline in FER capacity with increasing cognitive impairment and result from progressive though specific damage to neural structures engaged in emotional processing and facial emotion identification. Although our results suggest unchanged unconscious FER processing with increasing cognitive impairment, further investigations on unconscious FER and self-awareness of FER capacity in neurodegenerative disorders are required.
Plan recognition is the problem of inferring the goals and plans of an agent from partial observations of her behavior. Recently, it has been shown that the problem can be formulated and solved usingplanners, reducing plan recognition to plan generation.In this work, we extend this model-basedapproach to plan recognition to the POMDP setting, where actions are stochastic and states are partially observable. The task is to infer a probability distribution over the possible goals of an agent whose behavior results from a POMDP model. The POMDP model is shared between agent and observer except for the true goal of the agent that is hidden to the observer. The observations are action sequences O that may contain gaps as some or even most of the actions done by the agent may not be observed. We show that the posterior goal distribution P(GjO) can be computed from the value function VG(b) over beliefs b generated by the POMDPplanner for each possible goal G. Some extensionsof the basic framework are discussed, and a numberof experiments are reported.
In this work we present a simulation of a recognition process with perimeter characterization of a simple plant leaves as a unique discriminating parameter. Data coding allowing for independence of leaves size and orientation may penalize performance recognition for some varieties. Border description sequences are then used, and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is applied in order to study which is the best number of components for the classification task, implemented by means of a Support Vector Machine (SVM) System. Obtained results are satisfactory, and compared with [4] our system improves the recognition success, diminishing the variance at the same time.
In this work we present a simulation of a recognition process with perimeter characterization of a simple plant leaves as a unique discriminating parameter. Data coding allowing for independence of leaves size and orientation may penalize performance recognition for some varieties. Border description sequences are then used to characterize the leaves. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is then applied in order to study which is the best number of components to be considered for the classification task, implemented by means of an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Obtained results with ICA as a pre-processing tool are satisfactory, and compared with some references our system improves the recognition success up to 80.8% depending on the number of considered independent components.