988 resultados para second position


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It has long been observed that many languages from all over the world require that certain grammatical categories (e.g., person, number, tense, modality) occur in the "second position" of a clause. Much of the research into second position has developed formal explanations for this recurring pattern, based on interactions between morphosyntax and phonology. In this article I explore how pragmatics of information packaging interacts with these other features in the development of such morphosyntactic architecture in three North-Central Australian languages: Warlpiri, Wambaya, and Garrwa.


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Principal Topic: In this study we investigate how strategic orientation moderates the impact of growth on profitability for a sample of Danish high growth (Gazelle) firms. ---------- Firm growth has been an essential part of both management research and entrepreneurship research for decades (e.g. Penrose 1959, Birch 1987, Storey 1994). From a societal point of view, firm growth has been perceived as economic generator and job creator. In entrepreneurship research, growth has been an important part of the field (Davidsson, Delmar and Wiklund 2006), and many have used growth as a measure of success. In strategic management, growth has been seen as an approach to achieve competitive advantages and a way of becoming increasing profitable (e.g. Russo and Fouts 1997, Cho and Pucic 2005). However, although firm growth used to be perceived as a natural pathway to profitability recently more skepticism has emerged due to both new theoretical development and new empirical insights. Empirically, studies show inconsistent and inconclusive empirical evidence regarding the impact of growth on profitability. Our review reveals that some studies find a substantial positive relationship, some find a weak positive relationship, some find no relationship and further some find a negative relationship. Overall, two dominant yet divergent theoretical positions can be identified. The first position, mainly focusing on the environmental fit, argues that firms are likely to become more profitable if they enter a market quickly and on a larger scale due to first mover advantages and economic of scale. The second position, mainly focusing the internal fit, argues that growth may lead to a range of internal challenges and difficulties, including rapid change in structure, reward systems, decision making, communication and management style. The inconsistent empirical results together with two divergent theoretical positions call for further investigations into the circumstances by which growth generate profitability and into the circumstances by which growth do not generate profitability. In this project, we investigate how strategic orientations influence the impact of growth on profitability by asking the following research question: How is the impact of growth on profitability moderated by strategic orientation? Based on a literature review of how growth impacts profitability in areas such as entrepreneurship, strategic management and strategic entrepreneurship we develop three hypotheses regarding the growth-profitability relationship and strategic orientation as a potential moderator. ---------- Methodology/Key Propositions: The three hypotheses are tested on data collected in 2008. All firms in Denmark, including all listed and non-listed (VAT-registered) firms who experienced a 100 % growth and had a positive sales or gross profit over a four years period (2004-2007) were surveyed. In total 2,475 fulfilled the requirements. Among those 1,107 firms returned usable questionnaires satisfactory giving us a response rate on 45 %. The financial data together with data on number of employees were obtained from D&B (previously Dun & Bradstreet). The remaining data were obtained through the survey. Hierarchical regression models with ROA (return on assets) as the dependent variable were used to test the hypotheses. In the first model control variables including region, industry, firm age, CEO age, CEO gender, CEO education and number of employees were entered. In the second model, growth measured as growth in employees was entered. Then strategic orientation (differentiation, cost leadership, focus differentiation and focus cost leadership) and then interaction effects of strategic orientation and growth were entered in the model. ---------- Results and Implications: The results show a positive impact of firm growth on profitability and further that this impact is moderated by strategic orientation. Specifically, it was found that growth has a larger impact on profitability when firms do not pursue a focus strategy including both focus differentiation and focus cost leadership. Our preliminary interpretation of the results suggests that the value of growth depends on the circumstances and more specifically 'how much is left to fight for'. It seems like those firms who target towards a narrow segment are less likely to gain value of growth. The remaining market shares to fight for to these firms are not large enough to compensate for the cost of growing. Based on our findings, it therefore seems like growth has a more positive relationship with profitability for those who approach a broad market segment. Furthermore we argue that firms pursuing af Focus strategy will have more specialized assets that decreases the possibilities of further profitable expansion. For firms, CEOs, board of directors etc., the study shows that high growth is not necessarily something worth aiming for. It is a trade-off between the cost of growing and the value of growing. For many firms, there might be better ways of generating profitability in the long run. It depends on the strategic orientation of the firm. For advisors and consultants, the conditional value of growth implies that in-depth knowledge on their clients' situation is necessary before any advice can be given. And finally, for policy makers, it means they have to be careful when initiating new policies to promote firm growth. They need to take into consideration firm strategy and industry conditions.


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Tetrapeptide sequences of the type Z-Pro-Y-X were obtained from the crystal structure data on 34 globular proteins, and used in an analysis of the positional preferences of the individual amino acid residues in the β-turn conformation. The effect of fixing proline as the second position residue in the tetrapeptide sequence was studied by comparing the data obtained on the positional preferences with the corresponding data obtained by Chou and Fasman using the Z-R-Y-X sequence, where no particular residue was fixed in any of the four positions. While, in general, several amino acid residues having relatively very high or very low preferences for specific positions were found to be common to both the Z-Pro-Y-X and Z-R-Y-X sequences, many significant differences were found between the two sets of data, which are to be attributed to specific interactions arising from the presence of the proline residue.


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Replication and transcription of the RNA genome of alphaviruses relies on a set of virus-encoded nonstructural proteins. They are synthesized as a long polyprotein precursor, P1234, which is cleaved at three processing sites to yield nonstructural proteins nsP1, nsP2, nsP3 and nsP4. All the four proteins function as constitutive components of the membrane-associated viral replicase. Proteolytic processing of P1234 polyprotein is precisely orchestrated and coordinates the replicase assembly and maturation. The specificity of the replicase is also controlled by proteolytic cleavages. The early replicase is composed of P123 polyprotein intermediate and nsP4. It copies the positive sense RNA genome to complementary minus-strand. Production of new plus-strands requires complete processing of the replicase. The papain-like protease residing in nsP2 is responsible for all three cleavages in P1234. This study addressed the mechanisms of proteolytic processing of the replicase polyprotein in two alphaviruses Semliki Forest virus (SFV) and Sindbis virus (SIN) representing different branches of the genus. The survey highlighted the functional relation of the alphavirus nsP2 protease to the papain-like enzymes. A new structural motif the Cys-His catalytic dyad accompanied with an aromatic residue following the catalytic His was described for nsP2 and a subset of other thiol proteases. Such an architecture of the catalytic center was named the glycine specificity motif since it was implicated in recognition of a specific Gly residue in the substrate. In particular, the presence of the motif in nsP2 makes the appearance of this amino acid at the second position upstream of the scissile bond a necessary condition for the cleavage. On top of that, there were four distinct mechanisms identified, which provide affinity for the protease and specifically direct the enzyme to different sites in the P1234 polyprotein. Three factors RNA, the central domain of nsP3 and the N-terminus of nsP2 were demonstrated to be external modulators of the nsP2 protease. Here I suggest that the basal nsP2 protease specificity is inherited from the ancestral papain-like enzyme and employs the recognition of the upstream amino acid signature in the immediate vicinity of the scissile bond. This mechanism is responsible for the efficient processing of the SFV nsP3/nsP4 junction. I propose that the same mechanism is involved in the cleavage of the nsP1/nsP2 junction of both viruses as well. However, in this case it rather serves to position the substrate, whereas the efficiency of the processing is ensured by the capability of nsP2 to cut its own N-terminus in cis. Both types of cleavages are demonstrated here to be inhibited by RNA, which is interpreted as impairing the basal papain-like recognition of the substrate. In contrast, processing of the SIN nsP3/nsP4 junction was found to be activated by RNA and additionally potentiated by the presence of the central region of nsP3 in the protease. The processing of the nsP2/nsP3 junction in both viruses occurred via another mechanism, requiring the exactly processed N-terminus of nsP2 in the protease and insensitive to RNA addition. Therefore, the three processing events in the replicase polyprotein maturation are performed via three distinct mechanisms in each of two studied alphaviruses. Distinct sets of conditions required for each cleavage ensure sequential maturation of P1234 polyprotein: nsP4 is released first, then the nsP1/nsP2 site is cut in cis, and liberation of the nsP2 N-terminus activates the cleavage of the nsP2/nsP3 junction at last. The first processing event occurs differently in SFV and SIN, whereas the subsequent cleavages are found to be similar in the two viruses and therefore, their mechanisms are suggested to be conserved in the genus. The RNA modulation of the alphavirus nonstructural protease activity, discovered here, implies bidirectional functional interplay between the alphavirus RNA metabolism and protease regulation. The nsP2 protease emerges as a signal transmitting moiety, which senses the replication stage and responds with proteolytic cleavages. A detailed hypothetical model of the alphavirus replicase core was inferred from the data obtained in the study. Similar principles in replicase organization and protease functioning are expected to be employed by other RNA viruses.


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Objetiva identificar as razões que conduziram à proeminência da CME, no que se refere à escolha para o cargo de presidente de comissões permanentes, tendo essa comissão alçado à 2ª posição no ranking de escolhas no ano de 2011. Inicialmente, tratou-se da sustentação teórica no sentido de se compreender o comportamento legislativo na CME, bem como a atuação centralizada dos líderes, vinculada ao poder de agenda do Executivo e ao presidencialismo de coalizão. Entre as atividades realizadas na CME, o expressivo número de audiências públicas realizadas, além do quantitativo significante de membros que permaneceram na comissão durante a legislatura anterior, indicam a predominância de caráter informacional no colegiado. Por fim, pesquisa midiática aponta para a relevância do campo temático da CME, cujos temas constaram inequivocamente dos principais jornais durante o período estudado. O caráter informacional e assuntos expressivos como o PAC e o Pré-Sal estão entre as razões que conduziram à maior relevância da comissão.


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From general images to individual features: managing lack of understanding and stereotypes in four low-status occupations Individuals shape an image of themselves and their surroundings in relation to how they assume that others regard them. In these situations occupation is essential. Categorizations, valuations and rewards associated with occupations are among the most fundamental instruments used for domination in the social world. Hence it is interesting to study how groups and individuals who experience low occupational status manage their social positions. This article, based upon interviews with workers in food industry, waitresses/waiters, storesmen and dustmen, analyzes how the interviewees handle low respect, here expressed as lack of understanding and stereotyping. Three different positions are distinguished, arguing that one of them implies a stronger identification with the occupation than do the other two, which to a greater extent agree with stereotyped images. In the first position, the workers disagree with stereotypes of low-status jobs as apathetic, heavy or simple, and assert that their occupation has specific values such as self-development, qualifications or advantage to society. In the second position, low recognition is avoided through little identification with the occupation. The interviewees separate themselves and who they are from their jobs, and find it ridiculous to speak about it in terms of self-development or qualifications when so many are able to do the job. In the third position, the interviewees emphasize that their own place of work is less heavy than the job in general. Through the third strategy their particular tasks are seen as exceptional and their identification with the occupation is local rather than embedded in a wider occupational identity.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Includes bibliography


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This article aims to understand how the participation and performance of the state of Bahia at the I Campeonato Brasileiro de Seleções (I Brazilian Soccer Championship), also known as the Torneio do Centenário (Centenary Championship) in 1922 represented an opportunity for the state to claim a centrality in the formation of a national identity associated with soccer. The tournament was conceived as a draft for the formation of a national soccer team that would participate in the VI Campeonato Sul Americano (VI South American Championship) in Brazil. In addition, the event also came to be regarded as a celebration of the fi rst centenary of the Independence, a date that has encouraged the country to refl ect upon its national identity, as well as to reconsider its insertion in modernity. Bahia did well in the tournament, ensuring the second position. As a result, the local press went on to claim the participation of their athletes in the national team and to criticize the disregard of the states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo towards the Northern region of the country. The local press would also challenge the policies of the Confederação Brasileira de Desportos (Brazilian Sports Confederation), the CBD, claiming that they favored the Southern states. Moreover, for the local elites the success of Bahia in the tournament represented the strength and greatness of the state, which gave them the right to claim a greater space and role in the destiny of the country. Finally, the performance of Bahia and its consequences have allowed us to question the limits and peculiarities of the formation of a national identity through the sport, at a moment when the country sought to rethink their identity historically marked by disputes and regional tensions.


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This study of ambulance workers for the emergency medical services of the City of Houston studied the factors related to shiftwork tolerance and intolerance. The EMS personnel work a 24-hour shift with rotating days of the week. Workers are assigned to A, B, C, D shift, each of which rotate 24-hours on, 24-hours off, 24-hours on and 4 days off. One-hundred and seventy-six male EMTs, paramedics and chauffeurs from stations of varying levels of activity were surveyed. The sample group ranged in age from 20 to 45. The average tenure on the job was 8.2 years. Over 68% of the workers held a second job, the majority of which worked over 20 hours a week at the second position.^ The survey instrument was a 20-page questionnaire modeled after the Folkard Standardized Shiftwork Index. In addition to demographic data, the survey tool provided measurements of general job satisfaction, sleep quality, general health complaints, morningness/eveningness, cognitive and somatic anxiety, depression, and circadian types. The survey questionnaire included an EMS-specific scaler of stress.^ A conceptual model of Shiftwork Tolerance was presented to identify the key factors examined in the study. An extensive list of 265 variables was reduced to 36 key variables that related to: (1) shift schedule and demographic/lifestyle factors, (2) individual differences related to traits and characteristics, and (3) tolerance/intolerance effects. Using the general job satisfaction scaler as the key measurement of shift tolerance/intolerance, it was shown that a significant relationship existed between this dependent variable and stress, number of years working a 24-hour shift, sleep quality, languidness/vigorousness. The usual amount of sleep received during the shift, general health complaints and flexibility/rigidity (R$\sp2$ =.5073).^ The sample consisted of a majority of morningness-types or extreme-morningness types, few evening-types and no extreme-evening types, duplicating the findings of Motohashi's previous study of ambulance workers. The level of activity by station was not significant on any of the dependent variables examined. However, the shift worked had a relationship with sleep quality, despite the fact that all shifts work the same hours and participate in the same rotation schedule. ^


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Recent research on wordhood and morphosyntactic boundness suggests that the domains word and clitic do not lend themselves to cross-linguistic categorization but must be defined language specifically. In most languages, it is necessary to define word on two separate levels, the phonological word (p-word) and the grammatical word (g-word), and to describe mismatches between the two. This paper defines those domains for Garifuna, an Arawak language spoken in Honduras, Central America. Garifuna has auxiliary and classifier constructions which make up two p-words, and only one g-word. P-words made up of more than one g-word involve second position enclitics, word scope clitics, and proclitic connectives and prepositions. Garifuna clitics are typically unstressed, able to attach to hosts of any word class and able to string together into clusters. Enclitics are used to express tense-aspect, modality, and adverbial meanings, among others. In other languages, clitic clusters tend to display a fixed order; Garifuna clitic order seems quite free, although certain orders are preferred. Also, contrary to cross-linguistic tendencies, proclitic connectives can act as hosts for enclitic clusters, contradicting the commonly used definition of clitics as phonologically weak elements that need to attach to a host to form a p-word; such clitic-only p-words are problematic for traditional definitions of clitics.


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The peptide-binding motif of HLA-A29, the predisposing allele for birdshot retinopathy, was determined after acid-elution of endogenous peptides from purified HLA-A29 molecules. Individual and pooled HPLC fractions were sequenced by Edman degradation. Major anchor residues could be defined as glutamate at the second position of the peptide and as tyrosine at the carboxyl terminus. In vitro binding of polyglycine synthetic peptides to purified HLA-A29 molecules also revealed the need for an auxiliary anchor residue at the third position, preferably phenylalanine. By using this motif, we synthesized six peptides from the retinal soluble antigen, a candidate autoantigen in autoimmune uveoretinitis. Their in vitro binding was tested on HLA-A29 and also on HLA-B44 and HLA-B61, two alleles sharing close peptide-binding motifs. Two peptides derived from the carboxyl-terminal sequence of the human retinal soluble antigen bound efficiently to HLA-A29. This study could contribute to the prediction of T-cell epitopes from retinal autoantigens implicated in birdshot retinopathy.


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A proteochemometrics approach was applied to a set of 2666 peptides binding to 12 HLA-DRB1 proteins. Sequences of both peptide and protein were described using three z-descriptors. Cross terms accounting for adjacent positions and for every second position in the peptides were included in the models, as well as cross terms for peptide/protein interactions. Models were derived based on combinations of different blocks of variables. These models had moderate goodness of fit, as expressed by r2, which ranged from 0.685 to 0.732; and good cross-validated predictive ability, as expressed by q2, which varied from 0.678 to 0.719. The external predictive ability was tested using a set of 356 HLA-DRB1 binders, which showed an r2(pred) in the range 0.364-0.530. Peptide and protein positions involved in the interactions were analyzed in terms of hydrophobicity, steric bulk and polarity.


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In line with the model of grammar competition (Kroch, 1989; 2001), according to which the change in the syntactic domains is a process that develops via competition between different grammars, we describe and analyze the superficial constructions V2 / V3 in matrices / roots sentences of brazilian personal letters of the 19th and 20th centuries. The corpus, composed by 154 personal letters of Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Norte, is divided into three century halves: (i) latter half of the 19th century; (ii) first half of the 20th century; and (iii) latter half of the 20th century. Our focus was the observation of the nature of preverbal constituents in superficial constructions V2 (verb in second position in the sentence) and V3 (verb in third position in the sentence), with a special attention on the position of the subject. Based on the various diachronical studies about the Portuguese ordination standards (Ambar (1992); Ribeiro (1995, 2001); Paixão de Sousa (2004); Paiva (2011), Coelho and Martins (2009, 2012)), our study sought to realize what are empirical ordination standards that involve superficial constructions V2 / V3 and how these patterns structure syntactically within a formal theoretical perspective (Chomsky, 1981; 1986), more specifically, in accordance with studies of Antonelli (2011), and Costa & Galves (2002). The survey results show that the data from the second half of the 19th century – unlike the first and second half of the 20th century data – have a greater balance in relation to the syntactic nature of preverbal constituent (contiguous or not), so that, in this period, the occurrence of orders with the subject in a preverbal position arrives at, at most, 52% (231/444 data); while in the 48% (213/444 data) remaining, the preverbal constituents are represented by a non-subject constituent, almost always an adverbial adjunct. Seen the results, we advocate that the brazilian personal letters of the 19th century have ordination patterns associated with a V2 system and an SV system, configuring, therefore, a possible competition process between different grammars that instantiate or a V2 system or an SV system. In other words, the brazilian letters of the 19th century instantiate a competition between the grammar of Classic Portuguese (a V2 system) and the grammars of Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese (an SV system). Therefore, that period is subject to the completion of two distinct parametric markings: (i) verb moved to the Fin core (grammar of Classic Portuguese) and (ii) verb moved to the T core (grammar of Brazilian Portuguese /European Portuguese). On the other hand, in the personal letters of the 20th century (first and second halves), there is a clear increase in ordenation patterns associated with the SV system, which shows more stable.


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Introdução: no Brasil, a violência contra a mulher foi reconhecida somente com a Convenção Belém do Pará, em 1995. A partir daí, inúmeras medidas para prevenção e combate foram instituídas, entre elas a criação das Delegacias Especializadas de Atendimento às Mulheres (DEAM) e a Lei Maria da Penha. No entanto, muitas mulheres ainda são vitimadas, na maioria das vezes dentro do próprio lar. Objetivos: delinear o perfil das mulheres vítimas de violência; identificar as formas de violência registradas na DEAM da cidade do Rio Grande/RS; identificar os motivos que levam à prática da violência e descrever os atos violentos perpetrados, por parceiro íntimo, às mulheres que registraram ocorrência na DEAM. Metodologia: estudo documental, quanti e qualitativo, de natureza exploratória, descritiva e delineamento transversal. Fizeram parte do estudo todas as ocorrências cujas vítimas eram mulheres com 18 anos ou mais. O espaço temporal adotado estendeu-se de agosto de 2009, quando foi implantada a delegacia, a dezembro de 2011. Os dados foram coletados entre outubro de 2011 e março de 2012. Para a coleta, foi elaborado e aprovado, após testagem, um instrumento contendo informações acerca do agressor, da vítima, bem como do tipo de violência praticada. Os dados foram digitados em planilhas do tipo Excel. A análise quantitativa foi efetuada por meio de estatística descritiva e do software estatístico SPSS versão 17.0. Para o estudo qualitativo utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo. Esse projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa na Área da Saúde, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande sob Parecer no 137/2011. Resultados: estão descritos em dois artigos. Analisaram-se 902 ocorrências policiais evidenciando-se que a maioria das vitimas eram mulheres brancas, jovens, com baixa escolaridade. Ainda foi possível identificar que o Centro da cidade ocupou a segunda posição como local de moradia das vítimas, desmitificando a idéia de que a violência predomina na periferia. A violência física prevaleceu nos registros notificados, seguida do descumprimento de ordem judicial. Além disso, encontrou-se a reincidência de denúncias, o que pode estar atrelado à morosidade judicial. Observou-se também, que existem diversos motivos desencadeadores da violência, no entanto todos eles apresentam como pano de fundo as questões associadas ao gênero. A simultaneidade da violência bem como a extensão aos filhos, família e sociedade retratam a gravidade do fenômeno e a necessidade de se rever a resolutividade das medidas protetivas e das penas atribuídas aos agressores. Conclusões: este estudo expôs, parcialmente, a situação da violência contra a mulher no município, pois se sabe que existem muitos casos velados que não chegam a ser notificados. Entretanto, evidenciou-se o predomínio da violência física cometida por parceiro íntimo repercutindo em graves consequências à vida das vítimas. Assim, julga-se ímpar a implementação de uma rede efetiva de apoio a essas mulheres bem como a atuação de equipe multidisciplinar capacitada, coesa e sensível ao problema, incluindo os profissionais da saúde, que precisam, ainda, estar ciente da obrigatoriedade da notificação compulsória, fundamental para a formulação de novas políticas públicas de combate e prevenção a esse fenômeno.